25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
I didn’t buy GW2 to play a generic Facebook quality game
I dont’ think Anet owns you anything. If you bought the game for 30-60$. You got your money worth.
If you spend a whole lot of real money on the cashshop, and you regret doing it, it is your own fault.
Going from GW1 to GW2 was already a huge ‘dumbing down’ of the gaming title, now as a casual (but hardcore GuildWars) player I could somewhat live with that, there were also a lot of new and exciting things and challenges in the game. Unfortunately, as the game progressed those too seem to be dumbed down, especially if one isn’t an altoholic and mostly plays on a lvl80. The scaling down at one point worked as a way to make all content end-game content, now it’s just like any other generic bland MMO when you go to a lower level zone.
And I did not buy the game for $30-60 and got my money’s worth, I bought all GW1 chapters when they released (even if I knew I wouldn’t be touching them for the foreseeable future), I played GW1 when ever I could. Bought several costumes, because content was free and I thought that attitude (for as long as it was quality content) was worth it to be rewarded. In the later stages of GW1 I got fairly active in the community (like many others, so not saying I’m something special here), and I think that ‘that’ community got GW to a point where GW2 was considered to even be a viable undertaking (instead of letting the game die). I bought the art book and all the reading books, because I am a fan and because I knew it would help fund the development of GW2. In retrospect I put a lot of my free time into this game for the last 8years (including GW1 beta weekends). To me GW is far more then $30 bucks and getting your money’s worth, it’s a 8y long relationship and time investment.
And while ANet may not be owing me anything, I do think that I have all the right to say that I think that GW2 is going more and more towards the bland generic MMO that I can pick up anywhere for $30-60 or even just for free, and ‘get my money’s worth’. That is not why I spend the last 8y of my free time playing and paying GW, I did so because ANet took their own route, they favoured gaming challenge and engaging interesting content, flavoured with interesting deep lore (sure some of the plots were a bit so/so but behind that were a lot of fairly fresh and unique concepts) over generic bland quests and game design that all the competition seemed to offer.
Now though, GW2 seems to more and more become everything that GW1 was not. And seeing that to me it’s still the same studio doing so, I have more then enough to point out that ANet is not living up to making ‘the best game they possibly can’. And that from my point of view GW2 seems to more and more look like a bland generic facebook game. Because ‘you know’, if being nice and giving feedback and suggestions isn’t going to work, then perhaps appealing to their studio pride might get them to wake up.
Because I’m old and smart enough to see that after the release they put the first year mostly into fixing loose ends and making LS1 … the last year, they put a lot of resources into prepping the game for Asia, and fixing the start of the game based upon player feedback in year 1 and put all available resources in LS2 together with making LS2 be re-playable. Though by doing so, they might have made big strides, but they also have little to show for themselves after being around for 2 years, as far as permanent content goes, which is what we as players see as ‘being around’.
So now is the time to step up to the plate and start swinging again, and as a fan I sure hope they will hit a home run… but having been ‘out’ of it for a while, maybe some manly encouragement can help them get motivated.
(edited by Arghore.8340)
Megaservers have wrecked server identity. The trait system as caused current players to double think whether or not to buy a new slot. The changes for new players (becoming in line with China’s current system) has truly made me not recommend the game to others. Nerfs in farming, zerg mentality, nothing new to do… MMORPG has a great article today on the changes coming in September http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/473/feature/8879/New-Players-Will-Have-It-Rough.html/page/1 The whole new player changes are discouraging, will be doing experiments with a couple of my nephews (7 &
levelling now and after the patch (my grandson is only 2). Seriously Anet says rallying is too confusing for new player, and horizonal progression with traits encourages players to succeed and understand their chosen class. pfft. If I, a senior cititzen and neophyte to MMO’s (only played Spyro & Crash Bandikoot before) could figure it out and level 15 toons to 80, I’m sure that ANYONE could do so.
So, I’m wondering….do you think the Devs are being disingenuous when they explain why they chose this route instead of, say, adding a downed-mechanic tutorial to the intial starter instance? I mean, why would they say they tested several different ways of introducing the players to this mechanic, and found the results so surprising? What would they gain by flat-out lying about such a thing? Irritating the existing playerbase? Would that be their goal?
Yes I am happy.
Sure there are people happy with the state of the game currently but I am personally not one.
I am actually surprised that Anet has let the lethargy of slow creeping content that is lackluster last this long.
I really like GW2, but currently there are other games that are fresh and new. I hope that GW2 has an expansion, AI update and the elite areas that will make people play the game. Not hit the shatterers toes in under 15 minutes to get a rare….
GW2 just isnt fun anymore after 2 years
There are still plenty of people happy, some of which (very little actually) have been happy for 2 years straight. They will probably be happy as long as these forums exist. Arenanet talks, they are happy. Arenanet is silent, they are happy. Arenanet goes one direction, they are happy. Arenanet go the opposite way, they are happy. Some of them even go around saying that unhappy people are secretly Blizzard employees.
So to answer OP: Yes there are and there will always be happy players. Not that I’m implying that all happy posters are unreasonable, just warning you that there is a very vocal unreasonable minority
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
No. Majority of the members of my 5 guilds are all unhappy. We still play because it is a way to bond with each other but the game itself is heading down.
First they will implement the smart loot where light armors will have clear advantage on farming. 2nd, the nerfs and buffs are useless. They did not listen to the players about the things needed to get nerfed / buffed and decided what to change by themselves. Third silver fed salvage o matic only shows how anet is becoming greedy and doesnt think of the players anymore.
No. Majority of the members of my 5 guilds are all unhappy. We still play because it is a way to bond with each other but the game itself is heading down.
First they will implement the smart loot where light armors will have clear advantage on farming. 2nd, the nerfs and buffs are useless. They did not listen to the players about the things needed to get nerfed / buffed and decided what to change by themselves. Third silver fed salvage o matic only shows how anet is becoming greedy and doesnt think of the players anymore.
That’s funny the majority of the members of my five guilds are happy. See how that works?
The silver fed salvomatic doesn’t affect anyone’s game play at all. There have always been annoying things in the cash shop. The buffs and nerfs aren’t useless and some of them were asked for. In fact, many of the changes made were suggested by players. What you’re really saying is they didn’t listen to you.
We haven’t seen this “clear advantage” thing in action, so we don’t know if that’s true. For example, I’m pretty sure I farm far more efficiently on a warrior or a guardian than on a mesmer. So if the mesmer gets some better drops but not nearly as many of them, it’s hard to say you’d be better off.
And not everyone has a ledger book out and keeps copious notes on exactly how much they get per hour. In fact, I suspect most people don’t.
Plus as you’re leveling getting better gear as you go without buying it helps you kill faster which earns you more money.
At least before you judge an update, you should play the update.
And we have more announcements coming we haven’t heard. I’m not joking when I say most of the 150 people in my guild are still having fun, enjoying the game and most of them either don’t care about the upgrades or are looking forward to them.
The fact that people are complaining about the silver fed salvage o matic confuses me. It a completely junk item. It cost 500 AND cost more than a master salvage kit. Hell a mystic salvage kit make the price event worse.
If anet really wanted this to be a good gold sink, they should have just given them away. They cost almost double a master kit on use and almost 10 times a mystic, and honestly how often do you waste mystic charges on the junk you get in the world.
I feel sorry for the people who fail at math and bought that junk item.
Compare to a copper fed. It actually cost less than the basic kit. And most of the time you use basic kits for the random junk.
Im happy and Sad
In regards to Sept patch mostly.
It seems like you can’t go on forums or reddit these days to be flooded with so many unhappy posts. I get it too, a lot of these changes are disappointing. Still, it’s not often I see positive, thankful posts. Is this an accurate “thermometer” check of the community or is it just that negative players are more vocal?
After two whole years it’s still pretty much the same games with a few major changes. Sure there has been loads of revamps and nerfs, but 2 new PVE maps and LS chapters, and a handful of other additions haven’t done much to expand the game. Sure it does a little, but after two years, wouldn’t there be more stuff by now in the average mainstream MMO?
Anet cannot be blind/deaf to these gripes, so it makes me wonder if they are truly that out of touch. I have to wonder how much the NA community is shrinking and how much money they are losing from the NA players.
TL;DR: So are you happy with the state of changes in GW2 for the past two years? Sure there has been some good, but it seems most people are just unhappy overall.
In response to your title, I was wondering the same thing and made a post about it, which was promptly slammed and deleted, no explanation give either. I can only assume while I was asleep, it got derailed badly.
But on topic, I think they’re too many unhappy chappies these days and people are becoming harder and harder to please. I’d hate to be the one trying to appease them all.
I’m pretty sure the bored outnumber all the happy and sad put together… and have simply moved on.
The balance team is positively glacial. I haven’t been excited about builds -> testing -> tackling the content with a new set-up in something close to a year now.
GW2 is still is one of the best themeparks,highly recommended for new players
and has the best free of subscription model than any other “F2P/B2P” game.
But it needs and expansion..like yesterday.
I’m pretty sure the bored outnumber all the happy and sad put together… and have simply moved on.
The balance team is positively glacial. I haven’t been excited about builds -> testing -> tackling the content with a new set-up in something close to a year now.
I’m not sure I agree, but it’s certainly a possibility. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was bored, not just with this game, but at all.
I’m pretty sure the bored outnumber all the happy and sad put together… and have simply moved on.
The balance team is positively glacial. I haven’t been excited about builds -> testing -> tackling the content with a new set-up in something close to a year now.
This. A lot of people are simply moving on. The decline of population since last year is very noticeable. Sure sometimes they return but after a week again or so they leave. A lot of reasons why but mostly on how anet manages to bring changes which are supposed to be positive but actually brings the game down even further.
Some patches made the game worse. And this upcoming september patch will once again bring it down further.
The game is still fun overall imo but patches are making it worse instead of improving it. So not sure until when til this game run out of fun.
I hope anet learns from their mistake on silver fed. It made people realize they became greedy. Unlike before where everything in gemstore is fun and worth it.
I think it’s a good game and I got my money’s worth, but it doesn’t really meet its potential, and I’m not sure it will…
its not rely the game but the age of the players
am 30 + and see mmorpg in a orther few
then players that are very young 12 to 20 years of age
most are very inpatient and want everything fast and get bored very fast to
and mostly blame the game
when there is rely nothing wrong with the game
ok there maby some bugs ore unbalance things but not that i worry about
even if it takes a few month’s to get 1 character to lvl 80
i enjoy to game not rush it
(((((((( overall ))))))) gw2 player stadistics
living story = very happy —-—90%
new players = happy —-———-75%
pvp = unhappy—————————96%
wvw = unhappy————————-91%
pve/dungeons = unhappy——98.5%
roleplayer = unhappy—————60%
openworld = unhappy————-97%
veterans = dead————————-99.89%
based on my friends list (300) and the 5 guilds im part of
(((((((( overall ))))))) gw2 player stadistics
living story = very happy —-—90%
new players = happy —-———-75%pvp = unhappy—————————96%
wvw = unhappy————————-91%
pve/dungeons = unhappy——98.5%
roleplayer = unhappy—————60%
openworld = unhappy————-97%
veterans = dead————————-99.89%based on my friends list (300) and the 5 guilds im part of
Seems odd to me that all these unhappy people are playing a game that makes them unhappy. Really odd.
Not odd at all. People care about things they love. If you like a game, then you are unhappy when the game feels neglected, or isn’t heading in the direction you’d like to see it go.
If 96% of the people in most categories were unhappy most of them would have found a different game. I have a guild of 150 people and a couple of them are unhappy about a couple of things. Over all however, the bulk of the guild is happy with the game.
I don’t love everything about this game. I could do quite happily without ascended gear for example but over all I’m happy.
People play games to have fun and be happy. It is odd that 96% of a guild of people would be unhappy and stay.
That doesn’t sound odd to me either. My guild for example, is made from a lot of veteran GW1 players, and many of them stay because they like hanging out with the guild, but that doesn’t mean they are all happy players. In fact, a few weeks ago we went back to GW1 for a nostalgia trip in the Fissure of Woe (ah, good times).
Nobody can really say whether (or in what way) the forum represents the overall player base, so while it is generally true that those with complaints will always tend to be more vocal, it is also generally true that those who still play the game will tend to be a happier subset of the overall player base. It would be erroneous to assume that the large majority of GW2 players are happy with the game. Just as happy players may post less on the forums, players who have been so unhappy as to completely leave the game are unlikely to post here either.
This is purely anecdotal of course, but from my personal experience in various guilds, a very small minority of hardcore players from beta or launch remain in the game. The level of attrition has been truly saddening, as I’ve watched every single guild I’ve been in die due to general dissatisfaction with the lack of investment in the game’s core aspects/mechanics. The majority of players who are still “active” are those who have not been playing on a consistent basis since launch, mostly new players or people who come back for a few weeks just to disappear for months again. I’m hoping for a turnaround but I’m not holding my breath.
If you don’t believe that GW2 has suffered major attrition, you only need to take a look at the Achievements leaderboard at leaderboards.guildwars2.com. While the top of the leaderboard does continue to progress upward at a seemingly healthy raste, the top 10 percentile has barely budged over the last year. A year ago, I think the cutoff for the top 10 percentile was ~3100 or so, and now it’s ~3500.
The top 10% of all NA accounts have between ~3500 and ~24000 AP.
The next 10% of all NA accounts have between ~1870 and ~3500 AP.
50% of all NA accounts have less than ~700 AP (maybe ~600 AP, but the leaderboard is returning an Internal Server Error so I can’t be more specific right now).
The 80th percentile and 50th percentile marks have also barely moved since a year ago. It’s pretty clear that the players who are still pretty active are a subset of the 90th percentile, not even the entire 90th percentile as those at the fringe have barely progressed in a year.
(edited by Serenity.6149)
I just polled the first page of this thread. About 2/3s of the respondants are happy with the game, just on that page. It doesn’t say anything. The forum is after all, not necessarily a microcosm of the player base.
But it certainly doesn’t show 90% of the people are unhappy.
(((((((( overall ))))))) gw2 player stadistics
living story = very happy —-—90%
new players = happy —-———-75%pvp = unhappy—————————96%
wvw = unhappy————————-91%
pve/dungeons = unhappy——98.5%
roleplayer = unhappy—————60%
openworld = unhappy————-97%
veterans = dead————————-99.89%based on my friends list (300) and the 5 guilds im part of
Veterans are still playing. But not much.
I’m happy to let this game sit idle and poke at it on days I have off ankitten ot doing something else, such as playing MTG with my friends or catching up on my Wil Wheaton Project viewing. Or on days when Red vs Blue didn’t update.
Much like every other game on my computer, or 3DS, PSP, iPad . . . I play it when I feel like it, and am content to let it be a fun diversion rather than work. (This is why I stopped playing Civilization 5.)
It happens on all games forums. People who are happy spend most of their time playing, people who aren’t happy come to the forum to complain.
There were similar complaints before the last feature pack, and in between when we only got Living Story releases there were complaints that Anet had abandoned or forgotten about PvP and WvW and there were never any updates for either.
As for me personally I’m very happy with the game. I still play pretty much every day. If that wasn’t the case I wouldn’t be here because I would have moved on to something new.
Wait a minute. If you’re happy with the game, why are you on the forums? By your own words, the only people coming to the forums are people who want to complain. People thrilled with the game like yourself are too busy playing the game. Furthermore, if players don’t like the game, as you say, they leave. Why would they come here to complain?
That’s the fallacy with the age-old argument of “Only complainers go to forums”. If it were true, then ALL you’d see would be complaints. In fact, there’s plenty of comments made by players defending Arenanet, both here and on Reddit. Yes, there’s more negative comments around right now, which points towards the community being annoyed at the most recent update.
Look at the forums when changes come out that the community likes. There’s heaps more positive comments. The forums may only represent a fraction of the community, but much like a political poll, they’re a good gauge of how the community is thinking. Because I have to say, conversations I’ve been having with people in-game are reflecting the mood on the forum: a lot of people are annoyed and disappointed.
most “unhappy bout game” people just quit cause there is no reason to play something whats “bad,boring,waste of time”
its only some % from unhappy people who post on forums
just look in game – gw2 is NOT growing – it lose players everywhere and they even have to hide the server merges with calling the overflows a megaserver + delete the mainservers^^
just look in wvw on all servers – even the t1 servers – no Q anymore and no players
just look in the mists from spvp – its a megaserver so all EU players – just lol it looks at primetime now like the mists from normal server months ago
this game is not growing and there are reasons why people leave this game and closing the eyes dont change the fact
most “unhappy bout game” people just quit cause there is no reason to play something whats “bad,boring,waste of time”
its only some % from unhappy people who post on forums
just look in game – gw2 is NOT growing – it lose players everywhere and they even have to hide the server merges with calling the overflows a megaserver + delete the mainservers^^
just look in wvw on all servers – even the t1 servers – no Q anymore and no players
just look in the mists from spvp – its a megaserver so all EU players – just lol it looks at primetime now like the mists from normal server months ago
this game is not growing and there are reasons why people leave this game and closing the eyes dont change the fact
Well I’m pretty sure WvW isn’t growing. Not sure about PvP.
But PvE seems to be doing okay. I’m not sure how anyone can say positively though.
TL;DR: So are you happy with the state of changes in GW2 for the past two years?
Am I unhappy? Yes.
My views of Anet and Guild Wars 2 have forever changed after the SAB Riots.
Before the riots, I was just another GW2 fan patiently waiting for more content. I’m a RL animator, and I do know it takes time to make content for game. Hours after the Guild Mag interview was released, I got a message in my guild’s chat that said, “There’s a riot in Rata Sum!” Curious, I dropped what I was doing in Dry Top to check out the said riot. That’s when I heard the stories from the players about the Infinite Coin.
Here’s a little something to think about: What kind of a company purposely sells kids a $10 item KNOWING that they won’t be bringing back the event that’s attached to the trinket? No other game company has ever pulled a fast one like that. Just so you know, I never played SAB or bought the $10 Infinite coin. I was shocked at what some of these kids were telling me during the riot in Rata Sum.
Worse, Anet (esp. the company CEO) won’t apologize for their cruel actions. They knew SAB was one of the most requested events, and people were patiently waiting for the event’s return since last Christmas. I know NC Soft can’t apologize on their behalf because they are a South Korean company whose culture doesn’t allow that action. NcSoft never apologized for the mess-ups on Tabula Rasa or City of Heroes btw. Anet, on the other hand, is an American company, and they know better.
Blizzard apologized to their players when they messed up on the Catacylsm expansion and lost the trust of their customers. SquareEnix apologized for their actions regarding FF14, listened to their worldwide customers, and are still working to get their customers’ trust back. So you can’t say that MMO companies never apologize. The responsible companies do apologize and back up those apologies with action.
On top of this mess, alot of folks on my friends list have left the game over the SAB issue as well as the post level 80 progression issue. What those two devs said to GuildMag did more damage to this game than Scarlet, Abaddon, the White Mantle, & all the Elder Dragons combined. I had people on my friends list who maxed out everything and got every legendary in the game. The WvW team I was on for last two tournaments has slowly fallen apart because the players are bored with the lack of challenge in the game (esp in WvW). There are no challenges after level 80.
I’m seeing less and less people on the maps everyday. Map chat, say chat, and guild chat aren’t busy. Lately I gone a few hours in-game without seeing any chatting going on. That’s not a good sign….
(To be continued in the next post)
(edited by kta.6502)
in regards to the game yeah i am happy with it and eagerly await content updates
in regards to the upcoming feature pack its not a matter of not being happy with it as the changes mostly seem positive its a matter of not being excited for it. when something is hyped up it should be exciting.
also just saw the post above mine once mine was posted but seriously /facepalm guy i really dont understand how people haven’t gotten the message yet, anet does not really talk about things that are not close to being put into the game. SAB will not be back in the near future is not the same as saying it will not be back ever.
(edited by Goatjugsoup.8637)
(Continued from the last post)
Then there are the issues with rewards. In LS Season 1, I got a little bit of everything and received 1 exotic a day. Dungeons used to give between 2 to 5 gold in addition to greens, blues, yellows, and exotics. I had to stop and salvage everything after a run. Nowadays, my bags are rarely full after a run. I don’t rarely get rewards from PvE except experience and karma. To this day, I’ve never gotten Teq’s horde or a precursor either.
Then there is the fact that the Pale Tree got massively injured at the end of Living Story 2: Episode 4. Based on what I’ve seen in PS & LS1, the writing team is going to bump off Mama Tree, destroy the Grove, cause all of Dreamer Sylvari to commit suicide against the players’ will, and obliterate the player community associated with the Sylvari. How do I know this? The dying mother trope is one of the biggest cliches in animation history (http://www.cartoonbrew.com/feature-film/know-your-feature-animation-cliches-the-dead-mother-101158.html). Plus, it was stated in LS2: Episode 3 that the Pale Tree is the only defense the Dreamers have from Mordie’s influences. Yes, this game’s writing is more predictable and cliched than Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series.
Let me explain: There is death all over the Sylvari PS from beginning to end. Nightmare Tower was like D&D’s Tomb of Horrors. Marionette was alot like Cthulu despite the fact that it had good game mechanics. The moment our Players meet and get attached to an NPC, that NPC dies like a Star Trek ensign.
Finally the game’s mistakes are similar to what was seen in Tabula Rasa. You can read more about that right here:
(1) https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Completely-Pointless-Revamps/page/4#post4354359
(2) https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Completely-Pointless-Revamps/page/4#post4354752
TL;DR: Yes, I’m unhappy because…
There are a few things about the game I’d change, but its given me literally 100’s of hours of escapism and entertainment for next to nothing over the past ~2 years, and no other game has done that for me, so yes I’m happy with the game generally :-)
I would imagine that like me, most of the people who complain actually love the game and just want more of it.
The deception for me only come from the lack of new WvW maps, GvG maps, new skills and new end-game dungeons (that deception is surely greater for those who have player GW1, where there were much more skills, expansions and GvG).
There is also the class balance issues, but none the less this GW2 still has the best MMO combat engine.
Well after two years, perhaps it isn’t compelling anymore. Maybe not enough new features are forthcoming in WvW, or desired fixes are ever bearing fruit.
Again; new and shiny competition to try out. No subscription. Open world PvP, sandbox, sea-battles, has Trinity classes though (but you needn’t dungeon if you don’t wish to.)
In the light of these, maybe some gamers will have their interests piqued and you know, download 21+Gb and apportion their playtimes.
Seems odd to me that all these unhappy people are playing a game that makes them unhappy. Really odd.
It doesn’t work like this.
I’m one of the unhappy players too, yet I keep playing Gw2. The ONLY actual reason are my friends. That’s it. I don’t log in in game unless if someone asks me to do some specific content with them. It’s not the game that brings people game. It’s the people that do that. And with more and more people unhappy they WILL start leaving and once they do, you’ll see a pretty bad chain reaction.
Generally happy people will just play the game,
You see more unhappy people on the forum because unhappy people will want to voice their concern about how X effects the game, someone who enjoys X will just play it
its not rely the game but the age of the players
am 30 + and see mmorpg in a orther few
then players that are very young 12 to 20 years of agemost are very inpatient and want everything fast and get bored very fast to
and mostly blame the gamewhen there is rely nothing wrong with the game
ok there maby some bugs ore unbalance things but not that i worry abouteven if it takes a few month’s to get 1 character to lvl 80
i enjoy to game not rush it
I’m 27 – almost 28 yo. I think GW2 has a really small percentage of kids playing this game.
I’m not unhappy as much as I am disappointed. A MMORPG should focus on different aspect of the game which would make its players happy. If the game was able to make the players happy for a long time and then suddenly stops, the only thing that this means is that the game is failing with the content/features delivery, either because the things they changed the game philosophy or because there are not enough updates rolling in. In 2 years the game should have brought the players more permanent content and features as it actually did. No matter how you look at it GW2 failed on doing that. There are other smaller and bigger and more and less populated mmorpgs that have more updates and features rolling in as GW2 does.
Generally happy people will just play the game,
You see more unhappy people on the forum because unhappy people will want to voice their concern about how X effects the game, someone who enjoys X will just play it
Then why are you here?
I’m pretty happy for the most part. I think my biggest hangup currently is, you know gw2 has made a ton of money, but they haven’t put features in the game yet that people are clamoring for. If this is such a tough game to design content for, they should probably hire some more people or something…. and you’ve got people like Kate Welch leaving, who with the poi broadcasts was actually entertaining to listen to, and did a great job of getting the devs involved in something that appeared outside of their comfort zone while filming. That stuff paired with their unwillingness to discuss what they’re working on has people freaking out.
You’ve gotta figure that a game as popular as gw2 will eventually get its content…. its just that people are ready for it now. Lack of a sub fee gives the devs a little more leverage against its player base because they can afford to stall. In a way it sucks, but the lack of a sub is why people play the game in the first place, so its a case of eating your cake and wanting it too.
(edited by Tagus Eleuthera.7305)
No, not happy. Extremely disappointed by post-release development. I stopped playing for now and play some other popular MMO and offline (console)games. Now, I hope of course there will be an expansion or expansion-like content some time… I will come back then.
I think it’s quite easy to tell from this post that there are happy people and unhappy people.
The unhappy people think ZOMG something is horribly wrong. The happy people are like, what is all this noise about.
The problem is is that to make certain people happy in an MMO, you have to make other people unhappy.
Take a look at the thread where someone asked what top 3 things do you think this game needs or do you want in the game. There were so many diverse answers, some of which made some sense and some of which made no sense at all to me.
Some of which would have been okay if they released the stuff and some of which would have been detrimental to my enjoyment of the game.
All MMOs have flaws and bugs and missteps. There are no exceptions to this. But the reactions on forums is almost always an over-reaction because the focus is on individual points instead of the big picture.
As long as you want to focus on minutia, you can always find something to complain about. The problem is, you can forget what you’re focused on isn’t the whole game.
This is one update in a game with dozens and dozens of updates. Some updates have been disappointing and some have been really good.
People compare the disappointing ones to the really good ones. Instead of saying, not a great patch…but there are improvements, they say, this pack isn’t as good as the last pack, or this pack doesn’t meet my expectations.
The pack isn’t amazing ZOMG I love this. But some of the stuff coming out is needed. Accountbound commander tags, and work on performance at big events, and the crafting UI update. Better rewards for the personal story, and better rewards for leveling. These are good chances, not bad changes.
People always want their world rocked. When it doesn’t happen, some will be unhappy.
Plenty of people still happy with the game.
please dont talk for other people Vayne. you dont know how many are happy
Oh yea, I’m happy. Just not with GW2.
Seems odd to me that all these unhappy people are playing a game that makes them unhappy. Really odd.
It doesn’t work like this.
I’m one of the unhappy players too, yet I keep playing Gw2. The ONLY actual reason are my friends. That’s it. I don’t log in in game unless if someone asks me to do some specific content with them. It’s not the game that brings people game. It’s the people that do that. And with more and more people unhappy they WILL start leaving and once they do, you’ll see a pretty bad chain reaction.
Wise words written there~
Oh yea, I’m happy. Just not with GW2.
Seems odd to me that all these unhappy people are playing a game that makes them unhappy. Really odd.
It doesn’t work like this.
I’m one of the unhappy players too, yet I keep playing Gw2. The ONLY actual reason are my friends. That’s it. I don’t log in in game unless if someone asks me to do some specific content with them. It’s not the game that brings people game. It’s the people that do that. And with more and more people unhappy they WILL start leaving and once they do, you’ll see a pretty bad chain reaction.Wise words written there~
Truth. same here
Me and my Friends are exactly the same. and we are all Vets ( 2 years played)
please dont talk for other people Vayne. you dont know how many are happy
Well, you’re right on the point of him not having an exact number, or even a poll.
I think his sentiment is notable – there’s a not-insignificant amount of people who are still happy to play the game. That’s not to say they actively agree with all the choices, but they just don’t mess up their enjoyment of the game enough to really push them to “unhappy”.
I also think topics like this one or ones basically cultivating the unhappiness are probably worse than the problems which are being cited making people unhappy. It’s one thing to be unhappy, but it’s quite another to have someone prodding you into it by shoving it in your face repeatedly.
Extremely unhappy :-(
The only thing that keeps me here are the memories of GW1
which i still play very often.
I just come in to do Tequatl, Karka Queen and the Platinum trick
to get my last 250 Tier 6 material for the legendary weapon.
As GW1 veteran it is hard to believe that A-Net completely abandoned everything that made GW1 such an awesome game.
When being on the guild is mostly talking about good old times in GW1 like creating a build or having epic times carrying explosives around in a lava environment under Eye of the North to defeat a worm……
Most people even have the same easy solutions for GW2 to make it an epic game.
Bringing back death penalty, bring back opponent Necros who turn dead body’s into zombies and most important a list of skills to choose from to actually “create” a build instead just pushing #2 buttons……….
With that said… yes extremely unhappy but still around for some routine stuff.
please dont talk for other people Vayne. you dont know how many are happy
Well, you’re right on the point of him not having an exact number, or even a poll.
I think his sentiment is notable – there’s a not-insignificant amount of people who are still happy to play the game. That’s not to say they actively agree with all the choices, but they just don’t mess up their enjoyment of the game enough to really push them to “unhappy”.
I also think topics like this one or ones basically cultivating the unhappiness are probably worse than the problems which are being cited making people unhappy. It’s one thing to be unhappy, but it’s quite another to have someone prodding you into it by shoving it in your face repeatedly.
i think those are more personal traits to the person reading, when you take it at face value, the OP is just reaching out to other players that feel the same.
like i have mentioned i feel the same, i wouldnt be playing at all anymore if it wasnt for my friends that want to play now and then. and we are all 2 year Vets.
its actually became a running joke now, when we all say we are bored, we say we are Gw2. its actually quite funny amongst us
Seems odd to me that all these unhappy people are playing a game that makes them unhappy. Really odd.
It doesn’t work like this.
I’m one of the unhappy players too, yet I keep playing Gw2. The ONLY actual reason are my friends. That’s it. I don’t log in in game unless if someone asks me to do some specific content with them. It’s not the game that brings people game. It’s the people that do that. And with more and more people unhappy they WILL start leaving and once they do, you’ll see a pretty bad chain reaction.
Sure but if 90% of the people were unhappy they’d all leave together. Usually you’re playing the game because someone is liking it. Like I said, this thread is well over 50% likes by the post count, closer to 2/3s like.
It’s not as dark as some people are making it out to be. That’s my point. People are making it so dark that someone has to make a thread titled Is Anyone Happy Anymore?
I don’t think, and this thread doesn’t show, that the unhappy people are a majority. But they sure are loud.
I think it’s quite easy to tell from this post that there are happy people and unhappy people.
The unhappy people think ZOMG something is horribly wrong. The happy people are like, what is all this noise about.
The problem is is that to make certain people happy in an MMO, you have to make other people unhappy.
Take a look at the thread where someone asked what top 3 things do you think this game needs or do you want in the game. There were so many diverse answers, some of which made some sense and some of which made no sense at all to me.
Some of which would have been okay if they released the stuff and some of which would have been detrimental to my enjoyment of the game.
All MMOs have flaws and bugs and missteps. There are no exceptions to this. But the reactions on forums is almost always an over-reaction because the focus is on individual points instead of the big picture.
As long as you want to focus on minutia, you can always find something to complain about. The problem is, you can forget what you’re focused on isn’t the whole game.
This is one update in a game with dozens and dozens of updates. Some updates have been disappointing and some have been really good.
People compare the disappointing ones to the really good ones. Instead of saying, not a great patch…but there are improvements, they say, this pack isn’t as good as the last pack, or this pack doesn’t meet my expectations.
The pack isn’t amazing ZOMG I love this. But some of the stuff coming out is needed. Accountbound commander tags, and work on performance at big events, and the crafting UI update. Better rewards for the personal story, and better rewards for leveling. These are good chances, not bad changes.
People always want their world rocked. When it doesn’t happen, some will be unhappy.
Plenty of people still happy with the game.
please dont talk for other people Vayne. you dont know how many are happy
I’m not talking for other people….I’m counting. Reading each post and seeing who’s happy and who’s not is not talking for other people. You should try it instead of assuming you have some kind of majority. Because that’s not what this thread is showing.
You’ve used no evidence to support any claim. You say things that are not even possible to back up.
I merely claim that by the numbers of the first page of this thread, there are more happy people than unhappy people.
How, precisely is that talking for other people?
Seems odd to me that all these unhappy people are playing a game that makes them unhappy. Really odd.
It doesn’t work like this.
I’m one of the unhappy players too, yet I keep playing Gw2. The ONLY actual reason are my friends. That’s it. I don’t log in in game unless if someone asks me to do some specific content with them. It’s not the game that brings people game. It’s the people that do that. And with more and more people unhappy they WILL start leaving and once they do, you’ll see a pretty bad chain reaction.
Yep that’s the thing. Been playing for 2 years now with a couple of my friends. We got ‘bored’ for like, 4-5 months ago. But then there was still hope things would be set right. We would get replayable, challenging content. Up untill today it’s a big dissapointment. Sure, we got something, but its a frigging dissapointment. But we kept playing, because as a friendsgroup you can have fun anyways.
Till the day one friend left and tried out another MMO. FFXIV: ARR to be precisely.
Now, 1 month later, Gw2 has lost 5 customers. Not because the other game is better, no, but because gw2 is killing itself.
I have the feeling this is what happens to alot of players now. They got bored a couple of months ago but still had the belief Anet wont kitten things up. Now it’s the last drip that lets the bucket flow over(sorry, a dutch saying, basically means its now to late)
I wonder if there really is this explosion of angry and leaving players right now. My friends group stopped, at least 50 persons have been kicked from the guild for inactivity(that was a month ago, since that was the last time I checked), and no, that isn’t the normal amount of players we had to kick for inactivity.
One need not be 100% happy to enjoy playing. One certainly need not be happy with new features and the like to enjoy playing.
I doubt there are many people who are 100% happy with everything about GW2.
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