Is endgame being developed, or what?
well you know what they said about GW2. There is no end game.
There is an end game planned. Unfortunately some people missed the notice on what end game is.
To some people end game means dungeons, raids, challenging content. That’s what end game means for some people. Probably not most people but some.
The end game here is the story. Anet wants to move the story forward, sort of like a serial. If you don’t buy into that concept then you’ll probably think there’s no end game.
You know all the other MMOs out there. I’d yet to play one with what I considered an end game.
I’m not sure I get why you’re saying that OP. There has been plenty added. And playing on and off every few months isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
And if you’ve been playing since day one beta, then how can you say it won’t keep anyone interested for more than a few months?
There’s plenty of games with other kinds of endgame, this game has enough IMO.
@Vayne honestly if they want to move the story forward they will have to do a better job… not hating or anything but they are taking 2 weaks to make a small pack of around 5 quests that can easily be done in less than 50 minutes… :\
(and even tho I think this Season 2 is being better than Season 1, it feels a lot like the normal Living story… “A DRAGON IS GOING TO KILL US ALL! WE MUST UNITE EVERYONE!” just wait till that flower guy comes back and says he was the one that killed this dragon too )
What kind of End Game would you like for GW2?
What kind of End Game would you like for GW2?
Something that would keep someone interested and feel useful at the same time. Right now as it is everyone is easily replacable. For example, instead of having the new content based around runing around in a zerg they could make more dungeons ‘cause at least in dungeons you would feel needed for your party. As of it right now its just mindlessly running around with 0 heroic feel to it…
Essentialy give late game objectives, better dailies for example, right now the dailies consist of basically just playing the game. Why not have a more specific and challenging daily? Like let’s say: Kill dragon X… You know, just something that doesnt make this game feel so monotonous with all the sitting around and mindless grind…
I share a similar mentality to Godzzila, but I understand and consider what Vayne mentions as well.
From my own speculation, the majority of this game’s playerbase seems to comprise of people that play very casually/leisurely. For a person that doesn’t really get super-absorbed and have enough time to “no life” this game’s content, there’s actually quite a lot of things to do and get done.
It doesn’t seem like it’d be a wise business decision for them to make to be focusing on making content that the majority of the game wouldn’t be able to access. By this I mean end-game content/content that is only accessible by the veteran players.
As we can all plainly see, they’re struggling as it is to give what they’ve been giving us. It’s very important for them to continuously release new content that the majority if not all of their playerbase is able to participate in because these days MMORPGs aren’t really as “in” as they used to be. It’s definitely seemed like the MMORPG genre as a whole has been on a decline for the past few years, especially since MOBAs like League of Legends surfaced. Almost every MMORPG out there will struggle with maintaining a steady influx of new players and that’s always going to be a heavier focus than pleasing the veteran players like us that are so difficult to please.
That doesn’t mean that I like the way things are, but it’s nice and helpful to at least understand why they are the way that they are.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
@Vayne honestly if they want to move the story forward they will have to do a better job… not hating or anything but they are taking 2 weaks to make a small pack of around 5 quests that can easily be done in less than 50 minutes… :\
(and even tho I think this Season 2 is being better than Season 1, it feels a lot like the normal Living story… “A DRAGON IS GOING TO KILL US ALL! WE MUST UNITE EVERYONE!” just wait till that flower guy comes back and says he was the one that killed this dragon too)
The problem here is one of perspective. It’s not JUST about what’s in those instances. THere’s plenty of stuff that’s interesting and happening in the world, if your’e involved in that.
For days before that happened, when the waypoints started getting attacked, people were intrigued. There were theories. There was discussion. That’s part of it. Those instances don’t exist in a vacuum. Even the first LIving Story had plenty of that stuff that people just ignored, because they don’t really look around.
From the point of view of an old RPG player this is what interest me more than just an instance to do with a big boss to fight. There’s a thought process involved here, not just memorizing another bosses timer pattern. This is more interesting for me.
Equally interesting is the challenge of getting to Tier 5 in Dry Top. Getting the bonus on the right events. Doing events other people don’t do to help the whole zone get better rewards. This too is part of the end game.
You want to spend less time farming for stuff, get your server to Tier 5 more. It involves a lot of coordination and some degree of understanding the zone as a whole.
You can level really fast in this game which is why I think this becomes an even bigger issue… When the game was first released I got in with 3 other friends, we started playing at a steady (not speedruning or anything like that, just normal) pace and we got to lv 80 WAAY before 2 weeks of playtime, so we thought: “Cool! If we level that fast they sure must have a late game to play now!” Nope… Just sitting around…
In the end even before the first month of release all of my 3 friends just stoped playing it (so did I) but then I keep coming back ‘cause I know how much potential this game has, but 1 year in and I don’t see much progress towards solving this “issue”
You see, for me, anyway, adding Dungeons would not be end-game. What I mean is I don’t particularly do much Dungeon-running so that would not be something I would do at ‘end-game’. I guess end-game means anything after Level cap. I would rather have the new content that changes every two weeks, rather than something one would do over and over and over. I guess I get bored quickly. But, that’s just me. =)
Oooo! And as for the world changing outside of Instances, there are some mysterious Spectral Flames showing up all over different areas of Ascalon. What has Rytlock instigated/released?!
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
@Vayne I couldn’t agree more with you if that tier was something permanent… Like let’s say have 100 tiers and you have to level your zono to get more and more gear, maybe even get some cities growing mid way or some camps to feel like you are doing something useful and something that you in the future you could say: “I worked for this!” but as of it is right now, you go around trying to do your best to get to tier 5~6 and you finally do it: Reward: A slightly better shop with slightly better prices for an incredible limited amount of time…
@Vayne I couldn’t agree more with you if that tier was something permanent… Like let’s say have 100 tiers and you have to level your zono to get more and more gear, maybe even get some cities growing mid way or some camps to feel like you are doing something useful and something that you in the future you could say: “I worked for this!” but as of it is right now, you go around trying to do your best to get to tier 5~6 and you finally do it: Reward: A slightly better shop with slightly better prices for an incredible limited amount of time…
It’s not just a slightly better shop rewards. It’s more chances at rare stuff from chests. More chests in general. The rewards get better. So unless you can get everything you want the first time, you have to do it multiple times.
I like the insect weapons. I’ll end up with seven of them. But to get that you need a lot of recipes and a lot of geodes. More than that, I want a kite, though probably not all three. I already have all the head pieces you can get. I think they look pretty cool. It’s a skin to unlock.
In other games, you farm the same instance over and over until you get all the armor you need. In this game it’s optional.
Maybe you’d rather have enforced grinding?
In this game it’s optional because after Exotic you don’t need anything above that, you can work your butt off for some ascended but the upgrade you get from them is so small it is barely noticable. In fact as of right now I can change my entire gear to lv 80 masterwork gear and do everything I did before with my full upgraded ascended and exotic armor. The bonus is so small that it makes everything optional. It’s not like I need better gear for anything anyway! It’s just better gear to sit around with… When I swapped from my normal hammer to my Genesis I didn’t notice anything. Only cosmetic advantages.
As someone who likes RPG for their setting, world and roleplay aspect, story / fashion endgame is the best endgame I could wish for.
In this game it’s optional because after Exotic you don’t need anything above that, you can work your butt off for some ascended but the upgrade you get from them is so small it is barely noticable. In fact as of right now I can change my entire gear to lv 80 masterwork gear and do everything I did before with my full upgraded ascended and exotic armor. The bonus is so small that it makes everything optional. It’s not like I need better gear for anything anyway! It’s just better gear to sit around with… When I swapped from my normal hammer to my Genesis I didn’t notice anything. Only cosmetic advantages.
Yes that’s the point. That’s why this game exists. So we’re not forced to grind to stay current. We choose if and when we grind.
If you’re only interested in being more powerful and that’s all your care about, this is probably the wrong game for you.
This game as 0 sense of reward. Nothing you do feels rewardful. You have no point in doing anything after getting lvl 80, the journey to lvl 80 is awesome, but you get there REALLY quickly. After that everything is just for cosmetic purposes, it’s like playing Sims where creating your charecter takes a long time… Doesn’t matter the stats. You won’t need them for anything. There is no “higher tier gear zones” and lower tier. And this is NOT a game decision. This was NOT something they sit and thought: “Lets make it so that you don’t have to keep seeking for better gear” this is a game design flaw. People play games not because they like looking at stuff but because of the experience-reward balance. If you have a lot of great maps and no reward for that the game becomes boring and pointless. If you have a lot of rewards for a bad expirience you get a really frustrating game. So saying that this game is just seeking the Not Need To Work For Anything expirience, im sorry but that’s bs.
Short more honest answer. No
Official answer.. when it’s ready..
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
This game as 0 sense of reward. Nothing you do feels rewardful. You have no point in doing anything after getting lvl 80, the journey to lvl 80 is awesome, but you get there REALLY quickly. After that everything is just for cosmetic purposes, it’s like playing Sims where creating your charecter takes a long time… Doesn’t matter the stats. You won’t need them for anything. There is no “higher tier gear zones” and lower tier. And this is NOT a game decision. This was NOT something they sit and thought: “Lets make it so that you don’t have to keep seeking for better gear” this is a game design flaw. People play games not because they like looking at stuff but because of the experience-reward balance. If you have a lot of great maps and no reward for that the game becomes boring and pointless. If you have a lot of rewards for a bad expirience you get a really frustrating game. So saying that this game is just seeking the Not Need To Work For Anything expirience, im sorry but that’s bs.
I think maybe you were confused about the design decisions regarding this game. The Devs explicitly said they were designing it so players “don’t have to keep seeking better gear”. That is one of the game’s core design decisions.
I don’t know, maybe what you seek is something you won’t find in Guild Wars 2. I certainly don’t want to feel I have to forever strive to attain better and better gear. I just want things that look cool (to me), and I want to find/create them on my own schedule. So….this game works for me. =)
Everything that they pretty much added was gear. So you are not searching for upgraded gear, you are still searching for gear but sidegrades. Ambrite kitten and all its all sidegrade gear that you are GRINDING for, the backpiece is also a sidegrade you are GRINDING for… You are steal grinding for gear, just instead of grinding for upgrades you are grinding for sidegrades. And inb4 people start claiming for this game to be “grindig free” that’s not true. Not true at all. If anything this game is all grind based. All that bothers me is that there is nothing to do.
Right now this is how this game goes: Update released → great stuff, exploring and all, lasts around 2 hours the new content. After Update Release → you have done everything you could and now you have 3 choices: go back to do the same fractals over and over again OR go grind the new events over and over again to get some sidegrades of gear OR go away for 2 weeks and wait for the new 2 hour-of-content-patch
I guess you can grind if you feel the need, or you can not grind. I don’t. Some do. I enjoy it when I get nice drops. Occasionally, I will craft something. I’m just not the type of person that goes looking/farming/grinding for things. They come to me when they will. And, as such, are all the sweeter. =)
in mmo games characters need PROGRESS – thats most important thing ever
but in gw2 they total ignore this and stop at lvl 80
all other content they have or have addet since release in this game to play after lvl 80 would be called in other games “Filler Content”
and cause someone wrote it^^ – no, story is no content
best in gw2 is the lvling from 1-80 and to equip the character + all traits and after this there is nothing
thats why i have 31 characterslots iwth over 20 lvl 80 chars – playing a characte on lvl 80 in this game is just boring
and to bring some progress in this game they could add:
- more infusions like this + 1 agony infusions with + 1 power, + 1 condi, + 1 critchance … and so on and let player decide how much work they wanna put in (2x+ 1 infusion gives 1x + 2)
- the new back item is something alot people has fun to work for so bring with this new armor or weapon skins and add this to content like Liadri
Better mobs and encounters. Foundation of a good game.
power creep = garbage. They already slapped everyone in the face with ascended.
And no, they should not resort to gimmicks like they always do.
(edited by Bread.7516)
in mmo games characters need PROGRESS – thats most important thing ever
but in gw2 they total ignore this and stop at lvl 80all other content they have or have addet since release in this game to play after lvl 80 would be called in other games “Filler Content”
and cause someone wrote it^^ – no, story is no content
best in gw2 is the lvling from 1-80 and to equip the character + all traits and after this there is nothing
thats why i have 31 characterslots iwth over 20 lvl 80 chars – playing a characte on lvl 80 in this game is just boring
and to bring some progress in this game they could add:
- more infusions like this + 1 agony infusions with + 1 power, + 1 condi, + 1 critchance … and so on and let player decide how much work they wanna put in (2x+ 1 infusion gives 1x + 2)
- the new back item is something alot people has fun to work for so bring with this new armor or weapon skins and add this to content like Liadri
Story IS content. It’s what made Bioware such a successful company. Because they focused on story on their games. People who play those games often go back and play different characters to see different stories. Skyrim was very popular and the progression in it was relatively minimal and pretty transparent. It was mostly about the stories. That’s why many people play RPGs.
Saying stories aren’t content is like saying gear isn’t content. In those other games, the gear grind content didn’t interest me. But I wouldn’t say it’s not content. It’s just content that doesn’t appeal to me.
noone said geargrind and character progress is a lot more than jsut geargrind
even the wxp system in wvw is progress and wvw would be dead months ago when people could not have this lil bit progress
or ranksystem in spvp is progress too
and skyrim had only some hours story everyone did it in first 10-20 hours and than was the game all about exploring and character progress + new characters for different builds
For games I get invested in such as this one, what I look for is a end game in addition to a post game.
Let me go over what I mean by this:
An end game to me is what there is to do one you finish the straightforward goals of the game, in this case the personal story. This game has a good amount of it, primarily being in the form of ascended gear, world exploration, skins, achievements, and dungeons.
The post game is how enjoyable the game is once you’ve completed those end game goals. Unfortunately the game is very much lacking in that with PvP, dungeons, and guild activities being the bulk of it. Since release little has been added to strengthening the post game and if season 2 continues this way, don’t expect anything new.
Having completed much of the end game I’ve grown bored due to the lacking post game. Since I don’t enjoy the poorly designed PvP they’ve created from a game mechanics standpoint, world bosses which either use poor forms of difficulty or offer no challenge due to being horribly designed for open world content, I’m pretty much left with dungeons while waiting for new living story segments.
I’m sure a lot of other people are in the same boat I’m in, with only 1-2 activities they truly enjoy in the post game, and end up quitting because of it.
noone said geargrind and character progress is a lot more than jsut geargrind
even the wxp system in wvw is progress and wvw would be dead months ago when people could not have this lil bit progress
or ranksystem in spvp is progress tooand skyrim had only some hours story everyone did it in first 10-20 hours and than was the game all about exploring and character progress + new characters for different builds
I’m sure there are a lot of people who find progression and builds important. I’m equally sure that there are as many people and possible more people who don’t.
The Guild Wars 2 devs spoke of the number of people who never even visited the trait’s page at all. It was ridiculously high.
I’m pretty sure those who think about builds, care about builds, focus on builds are not the majority of the game’s population.
Skyrim isn’t popular because of all the builds you can make, that much I’m sure of. Nor is it popular because of challenging content. It’s popular because you can run around and do what you want and have fun in it with relatively little thought process.
They could implement end game challenging content where you have to work with your guild for a chance of some rare skins and available only through said activity. Just like guild missions. Guaranteed rewards a few pieces every week, not that RNG crap.
You give people who ask for end game content something to do. And more important, cooperate with their guildies. Maybe even allow them cool skins to be sold on TP for casuals and people who don’t have access to that content but can farm their gold. Nobody wants gear progression in this game. It’s nonsense.
Could be that simple.
However, they won’t do that because it will put a dent on the their bunny slippers sells and the every 2 weeks gem armor. Why would Anet give people the chance to work for a nice skin when they can sell it themselves.
So there’s your answer op. You can’t have nice things.
This game focuses too much on story that ends in like 2h playing every ep.Story is great so far (LS season2) but game needs more hardcore elements to make proper end game.I know some games that like flowing with end game that much that you cant’ possible finish everything you can in character progression for playing entire day….This game needs to add some hardcore core elements to keep this game alive and even beet most of new MMO’s.
First of all dungeons in GW2 sux.They are easy and all of them are based on same concept….
This game have lots of potential for open world but does not use it.For example they can do what they done with sPvP with reword system.It would be great if they would add daily missions that for each day sends you to some random zone where you need to do 4-5 events to finish it.This way they would give reason for players to do existing events over and over again and not just til they get 80.Also people would not need to just sit around afk entire day.
They could add daily missions to our story guilds (order of whispers,priory,vigil) that we would do each day to craft new skins or something.
They could add duels to expend PVP in this game as well as Guild vs Guild
Guild housing could expend end game as well if they add farming and daily questing to increase reputation of guild and with that bring more costimisation options.
They could add secondary jobs like fishing etc…which would give players more things to do in game.
Open new map that will be available for PVP on a PVE world map,so that people dont go zerg around all the time in WvW,make some new map that will look like queensdale for example PVP/PVE area to eliminate zerging and bring real PVP in to the game.
Nothing of this is too hard to make….it would take much less effort then what any expansion could bring but would solve most of the problems this game have.
(edited by saalle.4623)
To answer the titular question: not the kinda you want.
to make it simple
a game need to be PLAYED not WATCHED like a movie – 20 years ago the genre “interactive movie” failed and it feels bad that arenanet reduce gw2 all on this
(edited by Romek.4201)
to make it simple
a game need to be PLAYED not WATCHED like a movie
to make it simple
a game need to be PLAYED not WATCHED like a movie
I’m playing the game.
Eh, the cinematic style of the game has been there since day 1, to be strictly fair. Not to say I support it, but expecting it to change radically is probably unwise.
The game was advertised as having no gear progress, ascended was already a stretch. If you want to grind for better gear levels, this is the wrong game for you, literally every other game does this already.
to make it simple
a game need to be PLAYED not WATCHED like a movie
I would be quite happy if they focused on adding a variety of new dynamic events, fixed a lot of them , revamped the dungeons and added new gameplay features instead of soloable instances and cutscenes.
to make it simple
a game need to be PLAYED not WATCHED like a movie
I would be quite happy if they focused on adding a variety of new dynamic events, fixed a lot of them , revamped the dungeons and added new gameplay features instead of soloable instances and cutscenes.
There seem to be a variety of new dynamic events in Dry Top. And Toxic spore events were added during the Nightmare Tower chain. The Skritt Burglar was added at some point.
It’s not all solo instances and cut scenes.
And before that we had the Pavillion which had a sort of new meta event, the wurm is a new meta event, we had a lot of temporary events as well, which added events to the world while they were there…new bosses in Kessex.
The fact is, new stuff has been added, but they’ll never add enough. You do a new event chain a couple of times and you’re done with it.
That’s what happened when they added 30 events to the game that no one noticed at all, at the same time the Secret Garden JP was added.
in mmo games characters need PROGRESS – thats most important thing ever
but in gw2 they total ignore this and stop at lvl 80all other content they have or have addet since release in this game to play after lvl 80 would be called in other games “Filler Content”
and cause someone wrote it^^ – no, story is no content
best in gw2 is the lvling from 1-80 and to equip the character + all traits and after this there is nothing
thats why i have 31 characterslots iwth over 20 lvl 80 chars – playing a characte on lvl 80 in this game is just boring
and to bring some progress in this game they could add:
- more infusions like this + 1 agony infusions with + 1 power, + 1 condi, + 1 critchance … and so on and let player decide how much work they wanna put in (2x+ 1 infusion gives 1x + 2)
- the new back item is something alot people has fun to work for so bring with this new armor or weapon skins and add this to content like Liadri
This is exactly the word I was looking for: Progression.
After you reach lvl 80 you have NO PROGRESSION WHATSOEVER. But I don’t think that’s the main problem, if you Didn’t had Progression but had atleast Challenging Replayable Content you could at least balance things out, you weren’t progressing but at least would have been getting a challenge of some kind.
Instead what we have is incredibly boring Dungeons that (even tho the first time you do them they are pretty awesome) are just the same thing over and over and over again. You don’t have let’s say a Housing system that would add something for you to keep searching for (furniture) for example. You don’t have Variety in enemy mechanics they are all pretty much the same: “DODGE NAW OR INSTA DIE!”. And every strategy for everything is always the same strategy for everything else: Either A) ZERG AROUND LIKE IDIOTS or B )STACK AROUND LIKE IDIOTS AND SPAM.
And you require NO SKILL for anything.
in mmo games characters need PROGRESS – thats most important thing ever
but in gw2 they total ignore this and stop at lvl 80all other content they have or have addet since release in this game to play after lvl 80 would be called in other games “Filler Content”
and cause someone wrote it^^ – no, story is no content
best in gw2 is the lvling from 1-80 and to equip the character + all traits and after this there is nothing
thats why i have 31 characterslots iwth over 20 lvl 80 chars – playing a characte on lvl 80 in this game is just boring
and to bring some progress in this game they could add:
- more infusions like this + 1 agony infusions with + 1 power, + 1 condi, + 1 critchance … and so on and let player decide how much work they wanna put in (2x+ 1 infusion gives 1x + 2)
- the new back item is something alot people has fun to work for so bring with this new armor or weapon skins and add this to content like Liadri
This is exactly the word I was looking for: Progression.
After you reach lvl 80 you have NO PROGRESSION WHATSOEVER. But I don’t think that’s the main problem, if you Didn’t had Progression but had atleast Challenging Replayable Content you could at least balance things out, you weren’t progressing but at least would have been getting a challenge of some kind.
Instead what we have is incredibly boring Dungeons that (even tho the first time you do them they are pretty awesome) are just the same thing over and over and over again. You don’t have let’s say a Housing system that would add something for you to keep searching for (furniture) for example. You don’t have Variety in enemy mechanics they are all pretty much the same: “DODGE NAW OR INSTA DIE!”. And every strategy for everything is always the same strategy for everything else: Either A) ZERG AROUND LIKE IDIOTS or B )STACK AROUND LIKE IDIOTS AND SPAM.
And you require NO SKILL for anything.
Don’t take me like a cruel kitten… but… you should leave the game now before it’s too late :P you know (deep inside your mind) that those things will never change.. but what keeps you ingame is hopes of a new and lucky future that will (probably) never come!
As you said in many of your replies, this game keep ppl interested for few month, then you leave to search something else to play with / to do.. do like us, stop believing and play something else!:)
And if you want, you can just read the forum and log in some times to check the situation
I started reading most of the posts then skimmed, and only caught one person trying to suggest end game, and it was just guild missions for rare skins.
People are still stuck in WoW’s mindset of endgame=raids and gear progression. I’m glad I’m away from that mindset where I felt I had to schedule my work around my guilds raid times, or get left behind in gear.
Gw2 gets so much flack for this because all the other mmos are doing it, which is stagnet to the genre. I’m glad they did something different. And I can’t wait for Landmark Next to take it a step further with NO stats on gear.
Maybe because the WoW system actually works? It keeps people interested and comming back, gives a sense of progression and reward, makes you feel useful in a group and overall just gives you something to do…
It worked for years, it still works, and maybe there is a reason for that…
Hello dead horse topic!
I’ve spent 4500 hours on this game. Clearly, the lack of an endgame has driven me away to other things!
Quite honestly the game begins at level 80 in my opinion. You have access to the entirety of your profession’s skills, traits, and access to the full range of sigils, runes and other upgrades.
Add to that the bi-monthly updates and frequent retweaks of skills and traits, and I’m never lacking for finding ways to build a character.
But hey, to each his own I guess. I do believe this game isn’t for everyone, and it’s perfectly okay with me.
For the toast!
This is not the gear-grinder you are looking for .. please move on instead of trying
to turn it into one.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
This is not the gear-grinder you are looking for .. please move on instead of trying
to turn it into one.
Yes it is. This game is all about grind.
Fractals are grind.
Champion run is grind.
Zerging around in new content is grind.
Only diffrence is that you are grinding for no progress
There is an end game planned. Unfortunately some people missed the notice on what end game is.
To some people end game means dungeons, raids, challenging content. That’s what end game means for some people. Probably not most people but some.
The end game here is the story. Anet wants to move the story forward, sort of like a serial. If you don’t buy into that concept then you’ll probably think there’s no end game.
You know all the other MMOs out there. I’d yet to play one with what I considered an end game.
Again, I have to wonder about all of the supposed “insider” knowledge you post re Anet plans, management, intentions and whatever else.
Simply put, you don’t have more knowledge of Anets inner workings than anyone else. All you have is guesses, opinions and your personal interpretations. Which, is fine.
No need to imply more to make whatever point you are trying to make.
This is not the gear-grinder you are looking for .. please move on instead of trying
to turn it into one.Yes it is. This game is all about grind.
Fractals are grind.
Champion run is grind.
Zerging around in new content is grind.Only diffrence is that you are grinding for no progress
No one’s forcing you to do any of that.
You only work for what you want to work for. You call out for some sense of progression, and then complain it’s too much of a ‘grind’. Seems a bit contradictory to me.
For the toast!
This is not the gear-grinder you are looking for .. please move on instead of trying
to turn it into one.Yes it is. This game is all about grind.
Fractals are grind.
Champion run is grind.
Zerging around in new content is grind.Only diffrence is that you are grinding for no progress
I said GEAR-grinder .. with that i meant the endless spiral of better gear and
that never makes you really better because as soon as you have it you go to
the next higher raid where you do the same damage to the mobs like in the
dungeon before, because the mobs have higher armor and they hit harder so
you also get the same damage .. so in the end your progress is no progress at
all ..
You can do the same here .. do one dungeon 100-200 time .. then buy a new set
from tokens .. and delete all your old stuff .. now take another dungeon .. do it
200 times .. buy set from tokens .. delete all old stuff … move on to next
That is in the end what you do in all those gear-grinders.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
This is not the gear-grinder you are looking for .. please move on instead of trying
to turn it into one.Yes it is. This game is all about grind.
Fractals are grind.
Champion run is grind.
Zerging around in new content is grind.Only diffrence is that you are grinding for no progress
I said GEAR-grinder .. with that i meant the endless spiral of better gear and
that never makes you really better because as soon as you have it you go to
the next higher raid where you do the same damage to the mobs like in the
dungeon before, because the mobs have higher armor and they hit harder so
you also get the same damage .. so in the end your progress is no progress at
all ..You can do the same here .. do one dungeon 100-200 time .. then buy a new set
from tokens .. and delete all your old stuff .. now take another dungeon .. do it
200 times .. buy set from tokens .. delete all old stuff … move on to nextThat is in the end what you do in all those gear-grinders.
What the hell are you even talking about? This game is all about grind, gear-grind too, except only for cosmetic porposes. While in other games you grind to have better gear to do a certain thing better, here you are grinding for NOTHING only than looking slightly better. You don’t grind because weapon X will deal more damage, you grind because weapon X looks better. Nevertheless you are grinding.
Maybe because the WoW system actually works? It keeps people interested and comming back, gives a sense of progression and reward, makes you feel useful in a group and overall just gives you something to do…
It worked for years, it still works, and maybe there is a reason for that…
There are many other factors that contributed to WoWs success, not to mention their model was just a copy of previous mmo models. Before there was Warcrack, there was Evercrack. Not to mention, with wow’s model being copied, those MMOs didn’t fair so well. That’s why its called a bandwagon. And let’s face it, that wagon’s wheels are getting really wobbily since their numbers only go up during when an expansion is released, then fall once more. And while we will never know gw2 activity numbers, at least with me a megaserver (though WoW started the trend with their semi combining servers, and yes, gw2 needs to tweak theirs more), its letting me feel the world is populated.
Oh, and let’s not forget their statement on removing tagging from mobs! That was a good slap to the players.
This is not the gear-grinder you are looking for .. please move on instead of trying
to turn it into one.Yes it is. This game is all about grind.
Fractals are grind.
Champion run is grind.
Zerging around in new content is grind.Only diffrence is that you are grinding for no progress
I said GEAR-grinder .. with that i meant the endless spiral of better gear and
that never makes you really better because as soon as you have it you go to
the next higher raid where you do the same damage to the mobs like in the
dungeon before, because the mobs have higher armor and they hit harder so
you also get the same damage .. so in the end your progress is no progress at
all ..You can do the same here .. do one dungeon 100-200 time .. then buy a new set
from tokens .. and delete all your old stuff .. now take another dungeon .. do it
200 times .. buy set from tokens .. delete all old stuff … move on to nextThat is in the end what you do in all those gear-grinders.
What the hell are you even talking about? This game is all about grind, gear-grind too, except only for cosmetic porposes. While in other games you grind to have better gear to do a certain thing better, here you are grinding for NOTHING only than looking slightly better. You don’t grind because weapon X will deal more damage, you grind because weapon X looks better. Nevertheless you are grinding.
Every MMO is about grind .. Endgame is just another word for grind.
However here i can grind whererver and whatever i want, while in other games i’m
doomed to grind stuff that i hate (aka raids) else i get nothing than crap.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.