Is it Botting, or exploiting?
I’m feeling a bit dense and not understanding how you are auto-attacking without being at the keyboard?
I know what auto-attack is. When you enable it on a skill (1 by default on weapons), that skill will repeat so long as you have a target, but once the target goes away, you don’t just keep standing there swinging, no? Don’t you stop?
And if a creature comes by and attacks you, you don’t automatically start attacking it back, unless you either target it first then hit your auto-attack skill, or if you have auto-targetting on, use the auto-attack skill so it becomes your target, at which point you continue to attack until you (or they) are dead.
So how do you put on auto-attack and then just alt-tab out and do something else? Or are literally finding another mob, engaging it, then alt-tabbing out for a few seconds, the alt-tabbing back, finding the next target, etc?
The main one that got into trouble was a ranger with the heal on auto and a pet set to attack. A second place one was an engie with a turret skill on auto.
ANet may give it to you.
I’m feeling a bit dense and not understanding how you are auto-attacking without being at the keyboard?
I know what auto-attack is. When you enable it on a skill (1 by default on weapons), that skill will repeat so long as you have a target, but once the target goes away, you don’t just keep standing there swinging, no? Don’t you stop?
And if a creature comes by and attacks you, you don’t automatically start attacking it back, unless you either target it first then hit your auto-attack skill, or if you have auto-targetting on, use the auto-attack skill so it becomes your target, at which point you continue to attack until you (or they) are dead.
So how do you put on auto-attack and then just alt-tab out and do something else? Or are literally finding another mob, engaging it, then alt-tabbing out for a few seconds, the alt-tabbing back, finding the next target, etc?
A commander in my server said, some keyboard you can set macro key to auto. So if key is number 1 skill, the macro will set that key skill to auto. The keyboard come with a program to set macro key. Commander also said, you can use macro keyboard with any game that enable it and so result: it is not exploit or botting. Also said, it is up to game company to enable macro keyboard in their game, so in other word- if arena net enable marcro keyboard function in Guild Wars 2, the person who use it should not be punished.
Last commander said, many player use macro keyboard with auto function epecially with d/d melee spam class.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Uhmmm for those of you who are confused, you just CTRL + Mouse number 2 on the skill you want to autoattack
EDIT: because I typed autoclick instead of autoattack
(edited by NaotsuguLH.8915)
DarkSyze is correct. There are programmable keyboards and other devices. Once an attack connects, your character will auto-target. The mob will continue attacking.
This is an incredibly boring way to not play the game. Expecting to be rewarded instead of criticized is asking, perhaps, a bit too much.
Also, continuously attacking (and killing whatever wanders into your attack zone) while you are not playing the game bypasses the player inactivity timer, which may be regarded as another exploit in violation of the Ts & Cs. Not many real players would be happy with you leaving your computer on 24/7 and collecting daily log-in rewards for not actually doing anything, either.
Uhmmm for those of you who are confused, you just CTRL + Mouse number 2 on the skill you want to autoclick.
If that is all you are doing, then do you also actively hit an attack key with your finger to get the auto-attack started? This seems like an acceptable waste of your time. Feel free to wait until you hear your character taking damage from some spawning mob before manually starting your auto-attack.
I do not know how your client works but my characters do not attack unless they are targeting and they do not target a mob or auto attack without my interaction. Only pets will automatically respond to aggro with no user interaction. Perhaps that is what you meant.
no say with the torch they can just stand there dropping a fire ring for hours on end ( to farm ambient or events) on a ranger at least.
Uhmmm for those of you who are confused, you just CTRL + Mouse number 2 on the skill you want to autoclick.
If that is all you are doing, then do you also actively hit an attack key with your finger to get the auto-attack started? This seems like an acceptable waste of your time. Feel free to wait until you hear your character taking damage from some spawning mob before manually starting your auto-attack.
I do not know how your client works but my characters do not attack unless they are targeting and they do not target a mob or auto attack without my interaction. Only pets will automatically respond to aggro with no user interaction. Perhaps that is what you meant.
No I did not mean autoclick, I meant auto attack. Try what I just said on an aoe move, like Ranger’s torch 5 as the person above me suggests.