Is it me or GW2 feel like a chore [merged]
Thank you, Rage, for the information. If I thought I could last even a millisecond, I might try it some time. =)
I guess the difficulty, or lack thereof, of any Daily or Monthly is solely in the eyes of the beholder.
The gist of the problem is that completing choices BEYOND the 5 required for your daily lootbag gives you 1 Anet Point per choice. Since their are 10 PvE choices and 6 PvE choices, that means there are 16 possible points every day. For Most people it’s just “which 5 things should I do? Well, I’m already doing A, I do B every day, I can do C easily and switch to my alt in Queensdale for D…”
For those with a problem, it’s “I have to do these 16 things EVERY DAY or I fall behind, and if I lose those points I can never get them back and it takes hours and hours to do everything and if I have to work late I can’t do everything unless I skip dinner…”
It seems that someone forgot to tell them that games are supposed to be played for fun…
I actually do most of the dailies every day…it’s part of my game now. But I’ve done mostly everything else I wanted to do, except the new stuff.
Today I did all but 3 of the PVe dailies and I did the PvP daily. I ran the new dungeon twice with the guild and did a bunch of jumping puzzles, 5 I think, to set up my monthly.
Oh and I bought the bow and quiver, because they’re awesome. I also bought the tunneling tool, because it reminds me of mandragor from Guild Wars 1. lol
I do more than the 5 required each day. Usually 7, sometimes 8 if I am lucky with which choices are available. I feel no need to do anything I don’t enjoy, which is why I never get 16!
Again, that is just me. It’s a game, and I play for fun. If I felt it was a ‘job’, I guess I would quit said ‘job’, as it doesn’t pay well enough. =P
Dailies by their very nature are going to be things you have to go out of your way to complete.
Sure there are some lucky combinations of dailies that happen to finish themselves without thinking about it, but overall the dailies have a 24hr window to complete to get the rewards. This is how it works in EVERY game with a daily. If you have a set time to complete something, you will be compelled (or “forced” for OP and those that agree with him) to do it.
The good thing about Guild Wars 2 dailies is that you can actually do a large majority without planning it. When I finish playing my hour and a half or so, I take a look at what my daily progress is. Most of the time I just need 15-20% of 1 or 2 categories to finish it up. Why the heck would anyone complain about this! That’s SOOOOO easy.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
IMO, dailies are both good and bad. In one way they are good, because it provides a means for a casual player to gradually aqcuire ascended gear (all be at at a rather slower than acceptable pace imo), but they are bad because they can often force you to play in certain areas or perform certain acts in order to complete them in the often limited time a casual player can spare. A daily should not make you do something you don’t want to do. I still feel that a daily should be achieved by doing ANY activity. Allowing people to play THEIR way and still gain small rewards. It’s not like you can repeat them on the same day, so you will gain the rewards at the same pace as every one else, so why not just let them play the way they want?
I get that Anet wants to try to encourage people into certain areas and such, but do not feel this is a very friendly way of doing so. It may be effective, but it doesn’t fit the ‘play your way’ philosophy and not everyone enjoys playing Anet’s way.
I feel a far better solution to encourage players into empty zones is to put something in that zone that players will want to experience. Such as rare events or mini games that pop up when a zone is nearly empty (broadcasting them to everyone when they kick off).
To be fair though, it is not an easy thing to fix, and to give credit where it is due, Anet is at least trying to fix things even if they do not always succeed. Which is more than some companies do. But Anet does need to know that a lot of players are not enjoying this content and I hope they find a solution that pleases most players, as they will never please them all.
I didn’t know you were required to log in or else you would lose your house and the ability to feed yourself.
Not sure how dailies are grindy at all. I usually get at least 4/5 things just playing normally for a couple hours…maybe I have to refine 10 ores or something to get the crafting one but that’s not a grind.
Also I don’t stress if I miss a day or two because the rewards are almost useless honestly…I just like the chance for a BL kit and 10 random dyes every 5 days.
Dailies are bad because people with a short period of time to play (say a half an hour) have to choose between having fun and getting a reward.
Further, having fixed rewards that you get for doing dailies (i.e.ascended gear) allows the GW2 team to have terrible drop rates.
I would think that fun would be a reward in and of its self. Do you go to the movies because you get a reward for doing it or do you go because you’d enjoy watching the movie?
I would think that fun would be a reward in and of its self.
I am not capable of writing with sufficient precision to please everyone.
I would think that fun would be a reward in and of its self.
I am not capable of writing with sufficient precision to please everyone.
You’ve gotten sucked in to the concept that a MMO requires a definite reward or payoff for every single action done by players?
I would think that fun would be a reward in and of its self.
I am not capable of writing with sufficient precision to please everyone.
You’ve gotten sucked in to the concept that a MMO requires a definite reward or payoff for every single action done by players?
Nope. My point is that dailies require people with a short period of time to choose between doing things that are intrinsically rewarding (fun) or extrinsically rewarding (gear). In other words, either you play for fun or you play for the reward.
I think that is a bad system.
The reason that I think it’s a bad system is that people with a short period of time to play may choose the extrinsically rewarding path, do that for a while, realize the game is no longer intrinsically rewarding and quit. (As some of my friends have done – queue non-statistical evidence).
If instead, the game encourage participation in intrinsically rewarding activities, I think my friends may still be playing (queue comment about how people love gathering ore from nodes).
For me, the game is much more fun when I don’t worry about (or get) dalies. Because clarity is important here, I want to note that I don’t think the game was more fun when I didn’t get dalies. I think it was more fun when I don’t try.
But sooner or later I get sucked back into the negative spiral of logging on doing my dalies and then being out of time. It usually happens when normal play makes me almost get the daily. I think “hmm, all I have to do a run here and do that and I’ll get a laurel, that’s easy”
The next day I’m back to finishing dalies before doing fun things.
I agree with this to some extent. Some folks only get to play on the weekends, and ‘maybe’ an hour or two at night, if they are lucky. Things like the daily, where you are only able to get it once per day, to be able to get a fairly key piece of currency, would seem a bit of a chore for someone who has limited time to play.
One solution might be to shift it to more of a weekly achievement, so folks who only get to play on the weekends, or maybe a night or two each week for only an hour or two, could still progress at collecting laurels at a reasonable pace.
Even then, they still might find themselves hard pressed to get ‘both’ the monthly and weeklies done, and still have time to just smell the roses, so to speak, whether that be doing WvW or dungeons with friends or what have you.
Counter Point: Often times, just “smelling the roses” will net you those rewards with a ‘little’ bit of fore-thought and planning, without it seeming like too much of a job, if all you do is focus entirely on trying to get those done. I’ll often look at the daily and get an overview of where I might go loiter that will get most of it done, and just go loiter there. As an example, doing the Fire Elemental will often get you the 13 types, some Veterans (which might apply towards a daily or towards the monthly this month…I happen to plan a month around ‘20 days’, and then try to get just what I need done per day to work towards that, leaving me 10 cushion days. That makes something like the Veteran monthly only needing 5 per day).
So I can see both sides.
Now, what would ‘really’ be cool is rather than a weekly, they just keep the dailies, and give a bonus 3 laurels if you can complete 4 in a week. Let you reset your own dailies so you can do multiple in a day. No more than 7 can be done in a week, and for people who can do a ‘true’ 7, give us some ‘gold’ for those extra 3 instead of laurels. I’m always starved for gold. Or…sneak one of those nice guaranteed Fine items in the chest, with a chance at an exotic or pre-cursor?
If you’re that causal, that you don’t play that often, what’s the difference if it takes you 1 month to get an ascended amulet, or 3 months? Or six months?
You’re not locked out of content either way. You can do all the same stuff. So what’s the difference if you NEVER get ascended jewelry.
It won’t stop you from enjoying the game, unless you choose to let it.
Personally I don’t do any dailies, as soon as I read the word dailies I had a flashback to wow, that’s why I quit playing/paying. I have a full time job, they pay me to be there.
I don’t like pvp or wvw, so that’s never going to happen.
I liked GW1 a lot more. Truthfully the game to me is becoming boring, so I’ve been playing less and less.
But hey that’s me, if you’re having fun then keep doing what you’re doing.
To each their own.
(edited by Singh.8206)
I feel a bit the same. On weekdays I usually get home by 8 and after dinner and such, I can play starting @ maybe 11. So I only have 1 or 2 hours to play each day.
Sometimes I want to play a dungeon, sometimes I want to join a public guild mission, sometimes I want to kill some world boss, or fotm, etc……
I understand why they implemented dailies, to get people to try out new things/everything. But as a player to have such little time. If I choose to play dungeon that day, I may not have time to complete the dailies. Ofc sometimes you complete dodges/vet/kill by just playing dungeon but often it isn’t that lucky.
It wouldn’t be the same if I have more time. It was much much easier when I didn’t have a job. I miss those days lol.
Really, there’s too big of a deal over these things. If one were somehow content gated because you didn’t get today’s laurels, I would care, but when people are complaining about leaderboards, I start laughing at them because then I start thinking that their teacher probably shouldn’t have given them gold stars for everything they did back then. This aint first grade anymore.
I just get the feeling that the complaints are about getting laurels… for the sake of getting them. So let’s just say Anet came down and said: Hey you know what? You get a laurel for just logging in! And then people would complain about being restricted by time. And then that boils down to the true problem with laurels.
Point is putting the goal ahead of the journey for these things is just not a reasonable way to look at these things. Most of the laurel rewards, save for that amulet aren’t that great to begin with. It’s true. I think ascended earring costs are stupid, but then again I decided to stop aiming for them because I could care less about +10 Power +5 Precision and 1% crit damage. That is what people are whining about. L.O.L
I’ve posted many complaints about achievements and ascended gear. Ascended gear was flawed by design due to the non-straightforward way of acquiring them and trivializing crafting in the areas they impact, while Anet seems to keep pushing the unfun dailies (sup aquatic) every day.
However, at no point am I going to go “this is a job i already have one”. I mean thanks to RL and timezone differences, I will never have the time for guild commendations. Sucks, but what am I gonna do? Because I don’t really have that of a strong sense of entitlement. And I’m sorry, but those leaderboard complaints, are nothing but that. OP’s issue is still more legitimate, though, I would say.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Currently there’s this issue where you guys want ascended stuff for laurels, but are whining about the fact that spending an hour to get dailies done is not something you are prepared to do?
On the subject of “Dailies are not forced on people – is not an argument” – Yes, yes it is a perfectly good argument – Here’s a side-by-side comparison:
Do you want to get CoF Gear? – Then do CoF runs and get tokens.
Do you want ascended gear bought with laurels? – Then do dailies and monthlies.Neither point is forced upon you by devs, neither one is required for you to fully enjoy the game. You chose to take it upon yourself to obtain the best possible gear, thus setting yourself this goal, and the main pre-requisite for it is doing dailies. Hence you are forcing yourself to do them. Not the devs, not the game, but you – because it’s your choice.
How much easier do you need dailies to become? Instead of whining like children about how you cannot spare an extra 30min to an hour to do the dailies (since you want the laurels) why not just whine about how unfair it is Anet is not just giving you free laurels every day for logging in? Easy enough for you? Hell why not just make wurms in Queensdale drop exotics exclusively. See how long GW stays interesting after that.
You are given an OPTIONAL goal to strive for. Whether you do or don’t is up to you.
All of the arguments I’ve read so far are the equivalent of you deciding to go to the store to buy a gallon of milk, then, on your way, deciding that it’s unfair that you have to lift your fat behind and actually walk there and you don’t just get that brought to your door for no extra charge because your bought milk once before in your life.
I find it ironic that a guy named RageQuit is posting a rational argument.
+1 for you.
That you feel that you have to do all of an optional piece of content is your problem, not A-Nets. You meaning anyone that sees this as necessary, not RageQuit. Dailies are an option. Because you want to stay on top of the leaderboard, that is your option. If #1 is doing something optional to stay on top, then of course you have to do those same things to stay even, but, and this is the key point, you have opted to try to compete. No one, especially not A-Net, is holding a gun to your head forcing you to do so. It’s like, I want to win the Superbowl, but because that other team is scoring points, that means I have to score points to win, and that’s not fair. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
Monthlies give 10 laurels. I finished about 25% of my monthlies last night, just playing the game. 75% of my monthly veterans are done, just from doing the new molten dungeon once. Stop whining. It’s like the guy, I forget who it was that said on the dungeon forum: “I want dungeon master, but I don’t want to work for it. Is it ok if I buy dungeon runs to get it?” Seriously.
The only reason you need ascended gear is for the agony resistance, and a good dodger can do everything but jade maw without any.
(edited by Hoyvin.3241)
Something can be optional and still be bad for the game.
Also, unless you are in this position:
Perhaps the time commitment issue doesn’t matter for some of the younger crowd or those with a very flexible schedule. However, I already have a boss and a domestic partner taking my time away from my free time. I really don’t need my (favorite?) gaming company to micromanage my life, either.
Then I don’t think you have a basis for comment. If you have enough time that you can run around for a couple of hours (or 6) a day and have dailies happen to you then you are not like the OP.
Also regarding RageQuits comment. The different between ascended gear and COF gear is that COF gear is cosmetic while ascended gear has better stats.
Therefore (just to spell it out) not having ascended gear is more punishing than not having COF gear.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
The PvP daily achievement requirements has been excessively increased (and way out of the way to complete outside of light, normal play). If anything, the PvE daily should’ve been lessened or more streamlined/generalized (say, 30 daily instead of 40 kills in Kryta and Ascalon and a bunch of ambient kills).
I’m very concerned that the development team is implementing ways to make this game more of a grind or adding more time commitment components with every major patch, contrary to the original philosophy of this company prior to the game’s massive success.
Perhaps the time commitment issue doesn’t matter for some of the younger crowd or those with a very flexible schedule. However, I already have a boss and a domestic partner taking my time away from my free time. I really don’t need my (favorite?) gaming company to micromanage my life, either.
There’s so much to do in this game and I like to play both PvE and PvP, despite my busy life. Why not allow me to play what I want, when I want to?
This should stay a fun game, not become stressful, boring grind!
I am married, work full time and only play about 10-12 hours a week. I finish my daily in about 45m or less and always finish my monthly, sure it may take the whole month sometimes. I just don’t see where the hate is coming from.
Are you frustrated that you can’t finish these sooner?
Aside from legendaries and and certain skins. There really isn’t much grind to this game. The montly/daily seem to be very casual friendly to me.
I am married, work full time and only play about 10-12 hours a week. I finish my daily in about 45m or less and always finish my monthly, sure it may take the whole month sometimes. I just don’t see where the hate is coming from.
Are you frustrated that you can’t finish these sooner?
Aside from legendaries and and certain skins. There really isn’t much grind to this game. The montly/daily seem to be very casual friendly to me.
I think the main question (for me anyway) is do you enjoy doing them?
I’m also interested in how long someone plays before they “just happen.” A hour, two, four? A lot of people have much more time than I do.
I usually do my daily in about the same amount of time, it’s not difficult, but it’s not fun.
What? 0.o i still manage to do my daily randomly at times.. and when i look at the list i can finish it in 20mins tops..
Just teleport where you need to and do what you are supposed to do… -.-
And there is the whole problem right there.
The dailies where supposed to be something that you would do simply by playing the game the way you wanted to play it. They where just a little incentive to log on and play. Nothing more. They have now turned in to the main focus of a lot of players game time.
If your starting as a new human player, is it right to make you go to the norn or charr areas to finish their dailies? If that is required, and yes, I said REQUIRED, then how are they able to play the way they want? The laurels where a good idea, implemented badly by tying them in to the dailies. They dailies are no longer just something you would do by normally playing, they are now a completely separate entity on their own just like dungeons or fractals. Poor decisions by the devs all the way around.
And BTW, I have no problem doing the dailies each day, but it IS a separate job now, so I have to choose do I do the dailies, or play with my friends.
Wait a minute, who said that you had to do a daily every day?! This is your desire but it doesn’t mean the company needs to bend backwards to make it ‘less time consuming’.
The funny thing here is that a lot of you think that dailies just have to be done. I barely do my dailies, does this make me less of a player? No. Do I not get items? Sure, but I can just do it another day. Stop wanting to be spoon fed. You all have years to play this game, why is it that missing one day destroys your mood? It’s a kitten daily.
(edited by Lazmira.5408)
Add my voice to someone that dislikes all the grind content.
Dailies are an imposition. Oh I should keep playing just for some x/5 number to hit 5? I’d prefer my time be respected more and daily accomplishments carry over if you didn’t finish. Since that doesn’t happen I just stop caring altogether, because yes I value real life more than a game putting a treadmill there.
Legendary… never been interested. It’s clearly grind.
Getting a really high level in Fractals… what’s the point really.
The WvW leveling system. You mean grind system.
So, yes I’m waiting for this year’s fun updates. Super Adventure Box certainly counts as one. There weren’t really any others, but maybe it’s just some growing pains.
Edit: and also what happened to this game being about DYNAMIC / crazy / event chains and game rules? F&F events wouldn’t even be good as a heart, why is it so basic?
(edited by TurtleofPower.5641)
If you think the dailies are an imposition and the rewards useless, ignore the darn counters and just play. Some days you may get it, other days not, depending on your preferred style of play.
It’s only a grind if you let it.
RIP City of Heroes
I’ve been playing the game since beta and I don’t really care about completing the dailies. For me it’s just something that happens if I play a lot a certain day. As for the grinding; it’s completely unnecessary. The promise they made during development was no “required” grind. There is no gating in this game except for your level, and even then they scale players up for limited time content.
GW2 removed the need to grind to see new content; they didn’t remove grind to achieve prestige, it was the same way in GW1.
Some people want their devotion to the game, in the form of sheer time spent playing, to matter for something. In other games, devotion is usually rewarded with better gear in PvP, better gear in PvE, as well as achievements, prestige stuff (like a dragon mount), etc. GW2 leader-boards are aimed at those people.
It seems to me that people don’t realize that not every aspect of a game is going to be aimed at their individual preferences. Maybe the leader-boards were aimed at a demographic other than yours.
I am married, work full time and only play about 10-12 hours a week. I finish my daily in about 45m or less and always finish my monthly, sure it may take the whole month sometimes. I just don’t see where the hate is coming from.
Are you frustrated that you can’t finish these sooner?
Aside from legendaries and and certain skins. There really isn’t much grind to this game. The montly/daily seem to be very casual friendly to me.
I think the main question (for me anyway) is do you enjoy doing them?
I’m also interested in how long someone plays before they “just happen.” A hour, two, four? A lot of people have much more time than I do.
I usually do my daily in about the same amount of time, it’s not difficult, but it’s not fun.
No, they are not always fun, but sometimes they will just happen just playing the game, depending on which tasks are up for that day. Sometimes not, you will have to seek them out.
I see it as “Well, I want these new Ascended pieces, its worth 30-45m of my playtime to finish them move on so sometime else I enjoy more”
But I will say I am really grateful for them. As someone who is in a very small guild(haven’t done one guild mission yet) and doesn’t do fractals this is an easy way to get those items I want.
I don’t have much problem with monthly as it just come by itself. Dailies however, (you can see my feeling of it a few post before) I think they can improve by this.
They can put ALL possible subachievements up. But to prevent people only do the easy ones, they can be separated into different categories and only a one of each categories will count towards dailies. For example, dodge and interrupt in the same category. If dodge is achieved, interrupt will not count as another 1/5 and player will have to go to another category containing maybe vet and champ kills. Another will be fotm/exp/story dungeon, etc, etc….
I think this would give more freedom yet wouldn’t make daily too easy to achieve.
Nope. My point is that dailies require people with a short period of time to choose between doing things that are intrinsically rewarding (fun) or extrinsically rewarding (gear). In other words, either you play for fun or you play for the reward.
But I believe to the average player, the choices for the daily reward are primarily things he is doing anyway – harvest, craft, kill enemies, salvage, dynamic events – and secondarily requires only a minor change from his normal play – like going to Ashford Plains for a while to finish one of the dailies. So to the average player it’s not a chore or an inconvenience, but rather a small reward for doing what he’s doing anyway.
Since most players don’t care about limited-use items like Ascended gear, or at least don’t NEED to obtain it for every alt, and don’t feel compelled to dominate the leader boards (because the average player is never getting near the top 1000 anyway), it’s not a daily requirement but rather a nice bonus when it happens, and not disappointing when it doesn’t.
My wife is like that, she just logs in when she feels like it and explores the game a little, sometimes she notices she has 3 or 4 daily choices done and picks something to complete it, but most of the time she doesn’t even pay attention to it. I like the extra bit of gold from selling unidentified dyes, but don’t worry about it if I don’t get it every day.
The thing you need to remember is, the average player doesn’t come here. My wife is the average player and she’s never read a single post here. She doesn’t care about these forums, or about anything the people here argue about. You don’t speak for them. You don’t understand them. And you don’t have very much in common with them.
Also regarding RageQuits comment. The different between ascended gear and COF gear is that COF gear is cosmetic while ascended gear has better stats.
Therefore (just to spell it out) not having ascended gear is more punishing than not having COF gear.
The only people who care about that either:
A: Are interested in running high level fractal dungeons and have a legitimate use for gear with Agony Resistance.
B: Want bigger numbers.
Because I am in neither group, Ascended gear is irrelevant, as it is to the majority of Anet’s players. It added to the game to keep the progression folks busy, and as such if they just hand it to you then you’ll demand more. It takes a long time to get because Anet WANTS you to take a long time to get it.
Complain about what you have to do to get it and Anet devs just sit back and say, yep, it’s working. They’re complaining about dailies instead of demanding ascended helms and greatswords. We have another six months to develop new content instead of one.
Also, you are viewing it as a hole that needs to be filled (inferior stats) when I view it as a cherry on the sundae (bonus to level 80 gear). The glass is half full, man, you just can’t see it under half a glass of empty air.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
The whole game is a material grind….you can buy legendaries off the dam auction house kitten #8230; there’s no quest or anything set to doing this grind or any grind…there is no attempt to even mask the grind in this game…
They could have at least put some effort into that.
This is nothing like what they hyped it up to be in all their post release videos especially the manifesto….saying the didn’t want us to have to grind because nobody likes grinding…
The thing you need to remember is, the average player doesn’t come here. My wife is the average player and she’s never read a single post here. She doesn’t care about these forums, or about anything the people here argue about. You don’t speak for them. You don’t understand them. And you don’t have very much in common with them.
I only claim to speak for myself and possible other’s like me. I would categorize myself as hardcore without time.
Also, you are viewing it as a hole that needs to be filled (inferior stats) when I view it as a cherry on the sundae (bonus to level 80 gear). The glass is half full, man, you just can’t see it under half a glass of empty air.
Actually the ascended gear has nothing to do with anything except that someone tried to compare obtaining ascended gear with obtaining COF gear and I pointed out that there are not the same because of the stat difference.
My point (and really my only point) is that I have a problem with the game providing incentives people to do stuff that is not fun. I think it’s problematic for the health of the game. I know my (RL – yes I have two) friends have quit because it it.
I think it’s something to consider and a reasonable topic to discuss. I find topics about game design, user engagement, and incentives to be very interesting.
The whole game is a material grind….you can buy legendaries off the dam auction house kitten .. there’s no quest or anything set to doing this grind or any grind…there is no attempt to even mask the grind in this game…
They could have at least put some effort into that.
This is nothing like what they hyped it up to be in all their post release videos especially the manifesto….saying the didn’t want us to have to grind because nobody likes grinding…
You still don’t HAVE to grind… Legendary weapons offer no advantage over other players. They offer no stat advantage over exotic weapons. So having one is simply a choice to have a shinny thing. Nothing more.
The thing you need to remember is, the average player doesn’t come here. My wife is the average player and she’s never read a single post here. She doesn’t care about these forums, or about anything the people here argue about. You don’t speak for them. You don’t understand them. And you don’t have very much in common with them.
I only claim to speak for myself and possible other’s like me. I would categorize myself as hardcore without time.
I call myself “Causalcore”. I am casual with the amount of time I have to play but hardcore when I do play. I think I made that word up lol.
The whole game is a material grind….you can buy legendaries off the dam auction house kitten .. there’s no quest or anything set to doing this grind or any grind…there is no attempt to even mask the grind in this game…
They could have at least put some effort into that.
This is nothing like what they hyped it up to be in all their post release videos especially the manifesto….saying the didn’t want us to have to grind because nobody likes grinding…
Yah screw grind give me free legendarys k thx bye.
My point (and really my only point) is that I have a problem with the game providing incentives people to do stuff that is not fun. I think it’s problematic for the health of the game. I know my (RL – yes I have two) friends have quit because it it.
The problem, though, is that some of the dailies ARE fun to some players, and for many players, it just takes a bit of their minutes while doing something they enjoy (even if that’s not the case with you.) Believe it or not, there have been threads about people thinking that dailies/monthlies are now “too easy”, and believe me, they used to be more time consuming when they were first implemented. The version we have now is very convenient. In short, while I admit that you may not have fun with many of the daily/monthly activities, I can’t also deny that, even though two of your friends claimed that they left this game “just because” of the dailies (they just probably wanted to move on, which is fine), the system now in place works wonder for those that can log on for a few minutes per day, as opposed to hours. “Fun” can be subjective value, as there are people who find stuff we wouldn’t even touch very entertaining.
The monthly used to be quite a chore many months back, and I only did it once. I only started doing them after them getting a bit more laidback in their requirements (you HAD to have 50 WvW kills, which although easy on the WvWer, a pain for those who rarely go there at all.)
(In fact, I see the daily “Laurel vendor visitor” as a tongue-in-cheek change for those who used to complain about the difficulty of the dailies. As if the developers said: “you wanted easy, there you go!”)
I am going to make a list of the dailies I particularly like, and achieve without even trying hard.
-4 events on X area
-4 events while underleveled
-One Daily Champion
-5 daily veterans
-daily gatherer
-daily dodger
-daily laurel vendor visitor
-daily puzzle jumper (just because Urmaug’s at LA is so easy, and at least there’s a chest with blues at the end. :P I don’t like the one where I have to FIND 3 puzzles, though, and I don’t really love jump puzzles overall)
-ten daily salvages
-5 mystic uses, because I need to gamble low level jewels for Silver Doubloons anyway.
-50 Daily kills (do not like when they are 40 restricted to an area, though-I also do not enjoy that much 13 different types, but this is so easily done playing normally in something not Orr.)
I don’t love the cooking, but I do it in seconds with my Cook, since it’s so easy to make Omnomberry desserts-ditto for daily crafter.
As you can see, it’s even possible to complete most of the above in Queensdale, every bit of it. Sometimes I let the dailies “dictate” in which area of the map I am going to enjoy myself, if I have very limited time, which is mostly the case as of late.
Not trying to discount that you are not having fun doing dailies, but just stating how I do have fun and achieve this stuff while both enjoying myself and not trying hard.
I think it’s something to consider and a reasonable topic to discuss. I find topics about game design, user engagement, and incentives to be very interesting.
I find them interesting too, but they rarely occur. More often it’s someone with a thinly veiled criticism complaining because the game doesn’t work exactly the way they want it to.
Being by design an open-ended game that is supposed to draw in and occupy a large number of individuals, An MMO must have to be things for players to do to keep them there. In a sub-based game it’s more about hooking as many players as possible into staying as long as possible to maximize sub revenue. Thus the gear treadmill and other systems designed to provide some rewards while keeping something always just out of reach. They invest time in developing their characters, and having invested the time, they are reluctant to leave the game and start over, especially because the next tier of gear will be available next month…
In a free to play game, it’s about hooking a few players with deep pockets with cash shop items designed to make them feel superior to non-spending players. XP and stat bonuses, content unlocks, etc. give them a reason to invest in the game, and having invested money in it, they become reluctant to leave the game and end up spending more money.
GW2 is a hybrid game where it’s relatively easy to gear your character and the cash shop is mostly about convenience and social status. There are some gear grinds for people who want it (Ascended and Legendary gear), and reasons to spend money (RNG prize boxes), but for the most part it’s a game that is designed to be picked up and put down at will.
Naturally, anyone who doesn’t like one style of play or another will find something to complain about. The thrifty sort complain about the RNG boxes for sale in the cash shop, the casuals are jealous of people who spend weeks or months gearing their toons, grinders complain that shortly after you reach max level the only things worth grinding for are social status items…
So, take every MMO forum out there and mash all the complaints together and you have the GW2 forums.
I honestly don’t see how this is becoming tedious for anyone. I mean it takes like an 1-2 hours max to get them done even less sometimes. Even the monthly is easy also I got the world invader kills within and hour today>_>;. And its not like there’s someone with a gun behind you saying do your daily or else. Heck I skip out on dailies when I don’t feel like playing GW2 all the time do I feel any shame for it? Nope and I could care less.
I don’t see why people have this sick worry of If I don’t do it I’ll get left behind mentality, Its not like there’s anything in PvE to really brag about. (Hurr I can kill Mobs who can be killed by just auto attack faster than you can)
I honestly don’t see how this is becoming tedious for anyone. I mean it takes like an 1-2 hours max to get them done even less sometimes. Even the monthly is easy also I got the world invader kills within and hour today>_>;. And its not like there’s someone with a gun behind you saying do your daily or else. Heck I skip out on dailies when I don’t feel like playing GW2 all the time do I feel any shame for it? Nope and I could care less.
It can take less than twenty minutes, and I am not exaggerating. Of course, some people have very little time to play, but what I usually do then is arrange my ventures so that I can finish my daily while I do stuff I usually like to do anyway. And as you mentioned, if I can’t get a daily, I can’t, and that’s OK. Life is beautiful too, and worthy to be enjoyed-laurels are not as important as my real-life duties. It’s totally valid not to enjoy this stuff, but one couldn’t honestly say that they take an inordinate amount of time to finish.
I do mean no offense to the OP, but I hope the point stated is clear.
I generally refuse to spend more than 45 min on dailies. If it takes longer then that I just avoid doing them. Usually some days that require more than one zone are more prone to being skipped. An extra laurel or two doesn’t really matter anyways. In fact I’m going to get another ascended amulet + mf infusion (currently using one with agony resist) since I think that helps me more overall. Rings? Earrings? Not even planned in the new future. In fact I just recently bought 2 exotic earrings and 1 exotic ring for my guardian because I know I’ll be using those for a long time. Yes, I’ll be sad when a boss takes 154 hits to die instead of 150 but such is life.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
The most casual MMO out there feels like a chore to you? As for what happend to those other games they are still around, play them.
The most casual MMO out there feels like a chore to you? As for what happend to those other games they are still around, play them.
You sure its casual? Casual means I am given everything and still be able to do all the events even if I missed, but instead u have to grind laurel, ecto, gold, tokens every day to get ascend stuff.
I usually complete my dailies while just playing. I mean, if playing a game feels like a chore to you, maybe gaming is not a good escape for you?
I level an alt, do some WvW, or run a dungeon with a character and the dailies just get done.
If you log on to “work on the dailies” then, maybe that could feel like a chore. I guess it is all about perspective. I rarely log in JUST to do dailies (though I have once or twice) so to me, they never feel like a chore or a burden; they just get done.
Xylani – 80 Ranger | Osoroshii – 80 Warrior
Not to mention all the temporary content.
The most casual MMO out there feels like a chore to you? As for what happend to those other games they are still around, play them.
You sure its casual? Casual means I am given everything and still be able to do all the events even if I missed, but instead u have to grind laurel, ecto, gold, tokens every day to get ascend stuff.
Asended gear is only needed for fractals, and in many cases using it elsewhere ruins builds Because of the unique tag.
You Don’t need it, you just want it.
It’s you..
Sorry, but you asked..
You sure its casual?
Casual means I am given everything and still be able to do all the events even if I missed
Wrong. Casual means you’re not punished for playing lightly or not at all.
but instead u have to grind laurel, ecto, gold, tokens every day to get ascend stuff.
“Have to”?