Is it time for test servers?
Before this thread gets very large, someone will probably point out that there is a test server.
At which point you can change your question and start asking why its existence and those participating on it are not amounting to the expected result. Maybe the participants are failing to do an adequate job, maybe the developers are not listening to the feedback.. who knows.
they have a test server in Everquest for the last 13 years.. and still many bugs go live…. it’s no guarentee that it will make things perfect.
Before this thread gets very large, someone will probably point out that there is a test server.
At which point you can change your question and start asking why its existence and those participating on it are not amounting to the expected result. Maybe the participants are failing to do an adequate job, maybe the developers are not listening to the feedback.. who knows.
If that’s the case then it must simply be down to the test server not being populated enough.
I agree with what you’ve said. The lost shore was lost to me. I encountered way to many bugs that led me to forgo the event altogether. A public test tell would be a good idea. ANet could tell us when it’s up and it could be a free transfer to that realm. And back to your original server. On a first come basis. That way they would get more feed back. I know Blizzard have done this for years with WoW. Though you get a premade or a clone of your toon on there public test realm. Just an idea.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Yeah a test server would be nice. When I played DAoC I actually played on Pendragon a lot of the time because it was quiet. That was the test server. The other nice thing is you could copy your account over there for testing and it wouldn’t affect your normal server at all. This would be a good idea for GW2
Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.
If you have a test server for the Lost Shores event, where is the excitement for the revealing? It’ll all go away.
I’m sure Arenanet has their own test servers and ‘public’ computers to test the game on in their headquarters.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Before they start a test server, they should start reading and listening on the forums. Take a look at the profession specific forums. You can go back 5 pages for each profession and won’t find a topic with an answer from a dev younger than several weeks.
Gwens Avengers