Isn't it obvious? Karma is being removed.
Wait, karma is hard to get? I’m a very casual player with limited time and karma is the one thing I always have more than enough of.
I keep 1,000,000 of it ‘just in case’ but every few weeks I realise I have a few hundred thousand over that and go looking for something to spend it on. Usually either Orrian jewellery boxes or karma gear to throw in the forge to make something tradable/craftable.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Colin said in PAX there’ll be new karma merchants in HoT, so…
It’s not, Anet is just making it harder and harder to get little bit here and there while karma still will be used in H.O.T to buy new things with.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
Anet themselves at pax confirmed new karma merchants you will have access through with a mastery and that they will be moving around.
I’m holding onto mine to see what the new merchants have to offer and just in case new legendaries require them.
I doubt it.
Pack Commander Masteries
“Supply-Line Management is a Mastery that will give players access to special vendors across the world. These vendors appear on the map but travel frequently. Some of the items these vendors will trade for karma include both currently unavailable recipes and brand-new recipes. One of the new recipes will allow you to craft a Melandru-inspired backpack.”
Game Release Notes
“Karma Boosters are now available exclusively from in-game rewards”
It’s unlikely they will put karma boosters in as ingame rewards and more karma sinks in the game and remove acquisition of karma.
ANet may give it to you.
Anet admitted some time ago that they messed up with karma rewards. Karma gains were too high and not enough karma sinks. The result was a glut of karma in the playerbase. Their only remedy from what I remember were the orrian boxes added to Karma vendors in Orr to encourage people to gamble their karma away. Although, what I think happened is people learned what was in the loot table pretty quickly and felt it wasn’t profitable/interesting and ended up waiting until Anet released some other karma sink that was. That day hasn’t come yet, and it may not. To be fair, Anet has been laying groundwork for all sorts of systems and reward mechanisms for the last couple of years. I’m not counting karma down and out just yet.
~looks at hoard of over 2 million karma~
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Colin said in PAX there’ll be new karma merchants in HoT, so…
Enough said.
- karma boosts removed from gemstore
- all the maps will get updated reward system
- karma as currency is a fail, nobody is buying leveling gear with them because they are scattered throughout many NPCs on different maps.
- Old karma deposits (RIP jugs of karma with 95% karma boost) were used almost exclusively just to buy obsidian shards, temple boxes, and exotic armors for mystic forge. Now, when karma is harder to get, in my opinion, majority of people is saving it for some time laterMy conclusion – karma won’t be possible to gain after HoT is released (or relevant reward update)
I buy leveling gear with karma…. and Tequatl gives ~15k a day.
got over 5m currently and tbh people will have a hell of a lot more than me! Really isnt hard to get, dread to think how much the EotM bordom farmers have
some people trade karma gear for linen via mystic forge. I have about 8 million karma just waiting to see what HoT adds.
When i started turning karma into linen, i had 8 mil. Now i have 11… Karma is being removed? Hardly.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
When i started turning karma into linen, i had 8 mil. Now i have 11… Karma is being removed? Hardly.
bruh running events is not the most efficient way to convert karma into linen. You gotta spend that kitten
Lol they’re bringing in a new merchant that will sell “now unobtainable recipes and items” for karma, so I’m pretty sure they’re just restricting how much players get karma in order to give this merchant a bit more life.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Anet admitted some time ago that they messed up with karma rewards. Karma gains were too high and not enough karma sinks. The result was a glut of karma in the playerbase. Their only remedy from what I remember were the orrian boxes added to Karma vendors in Orr to encourage people to gamble their karma away. Although, what I think happened is people learned what was in the loot table pretty quickly and felt it wasn’t profitable/interesting and ended up waiting until Anet released some other karma sink that was. That day hasn’t come yet, and it may not. To be fair, Anet has been laying groundwork for all sorts of systems and reward mechanisms for the last couple of years. I’m not counting karma down and out just yet.
I dumped all of my karma two times on orrian boxes (about 2 million each time). Then I looked at my 15 risen priests of Balthazar and realized that I was getting raked over the coals. Since then I have amassed another 3 million karma.
I always found it funny that the currency named “Karma” was the one that got hoarded most.
I feel like it should’ve been more like PvP rewards tracks are now.
You don’t buy things with it, but you get rewarded regularly for earning it.
Also, I’d be more inclined to check out karma/heart vendors when leveling if after completing a heart I didn’t have to
1. Actually knew which heart I just completed. Make “last completed” a different color or shiny or something.
And/Or If didn’t have to go back to the vendor. Though I’d prefer not to have a shopping window pop up.
Post leveling they had a good idea with the “Beaded” weapons I’d like to see more of that.
The exotic armor sets were cool. But exotics are ‘old news’
When all else fails, karmic converter
Nah, they’ll just add a massively attractive karma sink just before HoT to drain hoarders, and then have appropriately balanced karma merchants with actually neat stuff in HoT so it has a proper gain/sink economy.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest