I feel the need to post this given the re-release of nearly all LS rewards, I find that the prestige of items is not being respected within the game both by players and by the developers (mainly in response to small groups of players pressuring) and I would like to hear peoples thoughts.
What is item prestige
It is an unwritten statement that having a certain item gives, this can be something simple like “I was there” for most LS items to more specific statements such as “I have gotten to high level fractals” (backpiece and weapons) and “I’m rich” for legendaries and high value items.
Types of prestige
There are several types of prestige,
-“I was there prestige”: These are attendance rewards usually with some also having to be earned, they show you played back then or that you participated in a limited time event. Most living story skins used to fall into this category. Is destroyed by re-releasing the item by any means as the statement is no longer valid.
-“Skill prestige”: These would be items such as the tribulation mode weapons and Liadri they not only require you to play a certain activity but to do it to a high level of skill. Care has to be taken with these as power creep or an exploit can wipe out all their value in an instant.
- “Investment prestige”: These are items that take a large amount of resources be it time or money to complete and make a general statement about your playtime and choice of activity. Is wrecked by deflation/inflation or awarding of a previously high investment item for a low investment activity.
Why is prestige important?
Personally I believe prestige items to be important because they are the main thing I work towards in any MMO. They are the main source of enjoyment for me, attempting to collect as many of them as possible under the conditions imposed by the game. They act as badges of honor cataloging your deeds and accomplishments in a visual manner.
So how is it not being respected?
Lets start with the simplest one, the living story skins, these were a simple prestige that is easy to get right but have now been re-released not only re-released but made available for a direct gold conversion ( z boxes -> tokens) this devalues a year and a halves worth of attendance and achievement completion to under 100 gold, which is an infuriating thing.
For skill based skins, the issue arises with people (who haven’t completed the content) demanding access or asking for them to be trade-able. This takes away the items prestige and would again just convert it to monetary value. A small example of this would be run selling which allowed people access to skins without putting in the work in the correct content (Irrelevant now after the PvP merge).
Why is this happening?
I believe that this is occurring due to player entitlement and an excessively gold based economy. Player entitlement being that players who couldn’t/wouldn’t attend or complete the content (this includes limited time frame events) demanding access regardless while this entitlement is encountered in many games it appears to be amplified here due to people interpreting the design philosophy as “I can have anything I want”.
For example, if you were not at the molten alliance event, due to not owning the game, not playing , being out of the country etc or did not complete the meta, you miss out on the fused gauntlets that item becomes the reward given during that event and you move on your “ideal look” does not entitle you to access to that item.
On the gold based economy: In many MMO’s gold is a “beginner currency” of sorts or is only a partial requirement to gain prestige class items. (For examples: FFXIV all high level items/gear is bound on acquire so you must do the work yourself)
In GW2 most items can be bought with gold or real world cash which eliminates any prestige an item might otherwise carry (example being if legendaries were account bound on acquire they would hold more prestige even if only due to the map completion requirement). A single currency is also far more at risk to exploitation as it will permeate every area of the game.
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.