Jug of karma
It’s not as if there are a lot of attractive options to spend all that karma on any way…
450 would be stupid, that’s only a little more than a single event which can be done in 2 minutes. I sincerely hope not.
Wow I hope not but I also wouldn’t be surprised (Weaponsmith selling for karma). 4500 did seam like a lot to me but it is really nice especially when you start adding it up. I just figured it was ANET trying to make the game so that you didn’t have to mindlessly farm events and just start playing the game again.
I am gonna down the jugs I was saving just in case. I was saving it for a karma boost.
I doubt it’s a mistake. Something being wrong by an order of magnitude should have been hot-fixed asap. Besides, dungeon runs give you a good amount of karma as well (~1.8k) and can take even less time than doing dailies.
An ANet poster has said they are as intended, including the fact that +karma boons work on them, at least for the time being.
What do you even do with karma if you are not interested in legendaries anyways?
Almost 600,000 karma so far here and nothing to spend it on.
can get recipes and get cool weapon skins from cultural vendors?
I play asura ele sadly, so that would be a nay on cool looking armors and weapons. They all look pretty awful in most part.
Btw, cultural armor cost gold. Lots and lots of gold that I don’t have.
So yea, no place to spend karma on still. W/e. I will use those jugs on alts I guess.
I’m sure more content will be added to make these karma more useful. Save up!