Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CardsLafter.3698


So I just hit 80 and I got all excited…

For no reason. I tried going to higher level zones only to find that no one was in them. See, I liked the game thus far because wherever I went, there were a few people and usually one or two of them were open to the idea of running together for more security and enjoyment. But /map got me no responses after several tries.

I then decided to inquire about fractals…

Well, that was a bust. Everyone kept telling me that as a fresh 80, I should not bother until I’ve stacked up rares and exotics, which would be best acquired through… The empty high level zones.


Then I decided to peek my head into WvWvW, as I heard that if you go there before 80, you’re dog meat.

I got a few responses here. Mostly snide, sardonic diatribe, but whatever. I’m big enough to not care. What frustrated me was tracking down a group, dying, and getting left behind. But even when I could keep up, this was not at all the fun PvE experience I’d had thus far. This was a bunch of long boring hikes along a bunch of long boring roads until we hit our head on some building and then proceeded to die, gaining no gold, Skill Point XP, Karma, or satisfaction. And none, and I do mean none, of the group was helpful in answering any questions… Though, I’m told I have to go get TeamSpeak if I want to get anywhere in WvWvW…

So I instead decided I would take my ever-hopeful butt on over to LFG and try some dungeons.

… It took forever to find a group to begin with, but not only that, the first two groups didn’t want a ‘noob’… Awesome. Whatever. Third group got me into the dungeon with Kudu; I can’t remember the name of it. Well, this was fun until our first death, whereupon a couple of the players became caustic in their attitude. A couple of additions to the ignore-list later and all was well… … … And then after our next wipe, I got voted out. I can assume it was due to lack of communication, but that’s a risk we all take when we ignore such players.

Overall, I have to say that the community has just soured my taste for GW2. From level 79 to level 80, the turn around in player-attitude was so dramatic that it gave me whiplash. I’m not at all upset with ArenaNet, I feel I’ve already obtained my money’s worth out of the game thusfar… … But I am super sad to find that level 80 has been nothing but frustrating experience after frustrating experience for me.

Maybe I just got unlucky a bunch of times… But I doubt that. The general attitude amongst level 80 players seemed disparagingly consistent.

There’s just nothing out there to really guide new players. Thus far, friendly players in whatever zone I’m in generally gave me all the help I’ve ever needed but… I’m not getting a lot of that anymore. Thoughts/Suggestions? Not everyone can be expected to go hunt down their answers on the forums like I did (though in all honesty, that just led to even more questions)…

Is there something to help out fresh 80s?

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyMouser.1235


Find a friendly guild. All of the high-level content is geared towards groups, and you’re going to have a much easier time grouping up with guildies.

Servants of Fortuna
Yak’s Bend

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HoboLyra.4908


Agreed with the guild attitude. I do everything with them, and love it.

-Tarnished Coast-
Obsidian Spire OS / EXS

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


This is where you find a guild of like-minded players. There are plenty of us out here, and you never have to be alone again…or at least not often.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


I feel you. Straits of Devastation were fun when the mediumcores were hitting 70 after launch. Going back there now, they’re a (figurative as well as literal) ghost town. And this is on Tarnished Coast, one of the most popular servers.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Markadis.9012


A guild is your best bet, which you might find on your server’s website. Also, you can use gw2lfg.com for dungeons.

I haven’t been to Orr in many many months, but I can’t imagine it being that dead.

Server- Blackgate
Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


What a mean hearted bunch of jerks on your server. Have you thought about a server change? And yeah, a decent guild would make the world of difference.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poziix.7285


What a mean hearted bunch of jerks on your server. Have you thought about a server change? And yeah, a decent guild would make the world of difference.


Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Markadis.9012


What a mean hearted bunch of jerks on your server. Have you thought about a server change? And yeah, a decent guild would make the world of difference.


FYI, there’s a +1 you can click on to the right of the comment

Server- Blackgate
Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Yeah, if you don’t have a friendly guild then this is definitely the time to get one. Guildies are usually a lot calmer and more helpful when you are learning stuff. If you die, they are more likely to come back and rez you. Trying to learn while grouped with random strangers is a good way for people to give you attitude.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poziix.7285


What a mean hearted bunch of jerks on your server. Have you thought about a server change? And yeah, a decent guild would make the world of difference.


FYI, there’s a +1 you can click on to the right of the comment

I did that too. I just felt like typing a +1 as well

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


I haven’t been to Orr in many many months, but I can’t imagine it being that dead.

Dead eh? Yes Orr is dead, the undead ;-p

But actually only Cursed Shore seems to have many players, at least on my server. A shame too as I think Malchor’s Leap is the most interesting area of Orr.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

You are going to find that in pugs, pvp of any sort, in any game.

Frostgorge generally has more players, events get done, and the 80s end drops as well as any other 80 zone. Cove and Orr are just abandoned content generally.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Just furm CoF1 for I dont know.. 3 days for full exo gear:-)

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You are going to find that in pugs, pvp of any sort, in any game.

Frostgorge generally has more players, events get done, and the 80s end drops as well as any other 80 zone. Cove and Orr are just abandoned content generally.

Orr is pretty busy on Tarnished Coast…at least there’s usually people running around. Hell, I even see people in Sunset Cove on my server.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Guest to the server entitled “Jade Quarry”

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Im on JQ. I have the exact opposite problem. I like to travel alone. I only group up with family members when they play. Instead I have people constantly spamming me party invites and asking me if I want to play with them. Please leave me alone :p Im a grumpy old man and I just want to farm my heavy moldy bags and have an early night!

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Im on JQ. I have the exact opposite problem. I like to travel alone. I only group up with family members when they play. Instead I have people constantly spamming me party invites and asking me if I want to play with them. Please leave me alone :p Im a grumpy old man and I just want to farm my heavy moldy bags and have an early night!

You and the OP should trade servers. lol

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


First off, farm dragons for gear, and do your dailies. Use the laurels to buy tier 6 mats or unidentified dyes, and sell them. Do not look at the dyes… the odds of getting a black are slim, and people will buy the unidentified ones for crafting. Use the karma you earn from all of this to buy cheap exotics in Orr.


After you rack up some gold, start buying yellow gear, and green trinkets, anything with magic find, and keep farming those dragons. In a few days you should have had more than enough of dragon farming, so hop into WvW.

Grab an arrow cart, or run with a zerg, and start farming those tokens.

Whether you want to buy your exotics with karma, tokens and gold, or just gold is up to you, but you can get a lot of gear stat combos in WvW now, so it’s a very viable option.

Once you have a decent amount of exotics start doing dungeons. Twilight Arbor and Citadel of Flame are the best ones to start out in.

Some people are just jerks, but if you tell me you haven’t done a dungeon, I’ll happily tell you the quirks of a fight. If you want your endgame to focus on dungeons, roll a guardian or warrior. It’s sad, but if you’re running an engineer, necro or ranger, you are going to have a much harder time getting groups for dungeons/fractals.

and that’s about all the advice to new 80s that I have to offer

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan.3472


Thr fotm elitism is worse than cof p1 :p
Find a good guild to run with do laurels and guilds commendations, run fotm 10 and get fully ascended in 2months max.

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quickhit.3620


Why do we always judge from ones perspective???
Anyways, if you are not a bad player you can read the tactics for the dungeons and find groups.(gw2lfg.com)

Just hit 80... And everyone disappeared!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


As everyone above said, join a friendly active guild. I find mine to be full of people willing to do all sorts of things (fractals, dungeons, guild bounties, world bosses, etc).

As a side note, I find this thread funny (ironic) considering I’ve read so many other threads in the past denouncing the game for having no sub-80 players in the world. That everyone is in Orr and dungeons and there’s nobody to play with in lower level zones.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)