So I just hit 80 and I got all excited…
For no reason. I tried going to higher level zones only to find that no one was in them. See, I liked the game thus far because wherever I went, there were a few people and usually one or two of them were open to the idea of running together for more security and enjoyment. But /map got me no responses after several tries.
I then decided to inquire about fractals…
Well, that was a bust. Everyone kept telling me that as a fresh 80, I should not bother until I’ve stacked up rares and exotics, which would be best acquired through… The empty high level zones.
Then I decided to peek my head into WvWvW, as I heard that if you go there before 80, you’re dog meat.
I got a few responses here. Mostly snide, sardonic diatribe, but whatever. I’m big enough to not care. What frustrated me was tracking down a group, dying, and getting left behind. But even when I could keep up, this was not at all the fun PvE experience I’d had thus far. This was a bunch of long boring hikes along a bunch of long boring roads until we hit our head on some building and then proceeded to die, gaining no gold, Skill Point XP, Karma, or satisfaction. And none, and I do mean none, of the group was helpful in answering any questions… Though, I’m told I have to go get TeamSpeak if I want to get anywhere in WvWvW…
So I instead decided I would take my ever-hopeful butt on over to LFG and try some dungeons.
… It took forever to find a group to begin with, but not only that, the first two groups didn’t want a ‘noob’… Awesome. Whatever. Third group got me into the dungeon with Kudu; I can’t remember the name of it. Well, this was fun until our first death, whereupon a couple of the players became caustic in their attitude. A couple of additions to the ignore-list later and all was well… … … And then after our next wipe, I got voted out. I can assume it was due to lack of communication, but that’s a risk we all take when we ignore such players.
Overall, I have to say that the community has just soured my taste for GW2. From level 79 to level 80, the turn around in player-attitude was so dramatic that it gave me whiplash. I’m not at all upset with ArenaNet, I feel I’ve already obtained my money’s worth out of the game thusfar… … But I am super sad to find that level 80 has been nothing but frustrating experience after frustrating experience for me.
Maybe I just got unlucky a bunch of times… But I doubt that. The general attitude amongst level 80 players seemed disparagingly consistent.
There’s just nothing out there to really guide new players. Thus far, friendly players in whatever zone I’m in generally gave me all the help I’ve ever needed but… I’m not getting a lot of that anymore. Thoughts/Suggestions? Not everyone can be expected to go hunt down their answers on the forums like I did (though in all honesty, that just led to even more questions)…
Is there something to help out fresh 80s?