Stylus Sunstrider - 80 Charr Warrior[alt]
Bombista - 80 Human Engineer[alt]
(edited by timartinho.8043)
Hello guys,
I’ve read a lot of guides about it, and I started doing it.
“Key farming is the process of completing the level 10 personal story in order to obtain the final reward, a Black Lion Chest Key. These keys open Black Lion Chests, which in turn drop rewards such as Black Lion Claim Tickets.”
But I’ve done the personal story on 3 of my characters today, and just one rewarded me a BLK at the end of story.
Isn’t it supposed to drop always?
(edited by timartinho.8043)
It is supposed to, and in my experience does, drop after you complete the lvl 10 story. It only drops after completing the 10th level story arc.
(edited by Invictus.1503)
hmmm another stealth nerf?
Are you doing the whole arc? The part one arc is like 5(?) instances, check the wiki for specifics. But yes, the last instance for the arc rewards the key.
hmmm another stealth nerf?
This wouldn’t be all that hard to test. I’m at work at the moment, but I suppose I can finish the first arc on my baby Asura this evening. I just finished “Readings on the Rise” with her, so I just have 2 more story steps before arc 1 is done.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
It drops at only at the end of the level 10, 40 and 60 chapters, I believe.
Are you doing the human commoner method? You should get it right after you finish ‘The commander’. I did it the other day a couple of times and got the key each time, this was deleting and recreating the character each time.
It drops at only at the end of the level 10, 40 and 60 chapters, I believe.
“Story rewards[edit]
Personal story rewards
Completion of the level 10 racial story.
Setting the Stage (level 40)
The Battle of Claw Island (level 60)"
You’re not understanding, I’ve leveled 3 characters to level 10, done the full story until the end, and it don’t dropped. Just in the first character. The second haven’t dropped, just the bags, same for the 3rd.
One was asura (and gave me), other 2 was sylvarys I got (with that level 20 boost) and choosen the Theraene to go, done that Fire Guy thing, and nothing
Now they show the level 20 story progress, and 0 keys.
(edited by timartinho.8043)
Possible bug? File a support ticket.
If key farming had been silently nixed, we’d have a lot more rage on here I do believe.
You’re not understanding, I’ve leveled 3 characters to level 10, done the full story until the end, and it don’t dropped. Just in the first character. The second haven’t dropped, just the bags, same for the 3rd.
I don’t understand why it wouldn’t.
Right now, I would assume that fellow posters (like me) are more willing to accept a mistake/miscalculation on your end than a bug. I did a quick check on the bugs forum and can’t see anybody else suffering from the same issue, and knowing how valuable BL keys are to people (and how many people farm them), I’m sure that there would be posts on the matter if there was a common bug.
If you do it again, make sure to take a screenshot of the rewards dialogue and box.
I’ve simple done the story as normal… And nothing.
The first time I did the same, with an Asura and it awarded.
Probably it can be a Sylvary specific bug.
I did the farm 4 times (human commoner) and got key as I should every time.
I had no problems either – completed the human commoner story five times or so (no, I don’t usually do stuff like that) and got five keys (let’s better not talk about the content of the chests though
Might be a bug with the Sylvari story…
Were there 4 award icon/boxes? The end of the L10 PS arc should award 4 different items in varying amounts? Were there only 3, or 2, or 1?
Did you happen to take screenshots?
I just finished 2 key runs yesterday, and was awarded keys from each. I don’t honestly remember if either were Sylvari, as I do so many.
If you continue to have difficulties, you can contact the CS Team for assistance using the ‘Support’ link above/below.
Good luck.
For science!
I’ve had done personal story after reading this thread, chose the Shield of the Moon background and got the key as normally should at the end of arc The Heart of Nightmare at level 10.
If you are really sure didn’t got any key upon completing it, get in contact with CS team, as mentioned before. I can be wrong but if you have the approximate date and hour, should make things easier to track down.
It doesn’t “drop” — it’s a reward for completing the story.
OP: if you do it again, please take a screenshot before you accept the reward. I’d be very surprised if you didn’t see the BL key among the icons displayed.
BTW. May I suggest you stop key farming anyway…. probably the quickest way to make you start hating the game and quit playing altogether. Reminds me of grinding chests for the ever elusive max lucky/unlucky title in gw1.
BTW. May I suggest you stop key farming anyway…. probably the quickest way to make you start hating the game and quit playing altogether. Reminds me of grinding chests for the ever elusive max lucky/unlucky title in gw1.
And some people enjoy it. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean that others won’t like it either.
BTW. May I suggest you stop key farming anyway…. probably the quickest way to make you start hating the game and quit playing altogether. Reminds me of grinding chests for the ever elusive max lucky/unlucky title in gw1.
I enjoy key-farming. Maybe the OP does, as well.
I don’t, however, remember grinding many chests for Lucky/Unlucky titles. I just left my character (afk) on the Nine-Rings. Lol.
BTW. May I suggest you stop key farming anyway…. probably the quickest way to make you start hating the game and quit playing altogether. Reminds me of grinding chests for the ever elusive max lucky/unlucky title in gw1.
That’s a matter of opinion. I have over 6k hours and have done numerous key farms. It’s a mindless, relaxing way to spend a few minutes and get something interesting as well as potentially useful or profitable at the end.
Maybe they changed the personal story rewards? I just finished The Battle of Claw Island (level 60) on my charr ranger and I received 1 Small Bag of Spirit Shards, 5 Bags of Loot, 1 Trackless Boots, 1 Claw Island Keepsake and 1 Letter of Commendation. :/
ETA: Nevermind, I just realised that the part of the chapter that I played was never supposed to drop a key. Oops!
(edited by Shukriyya.7629)
I just did it today and I got a key, same as always. Not sure what happened to the OP, but there was no nerf.
BTW. May I suggest you stop key farming anyway…. probably the quickest way to make you start hating the game and quit playing altogether. Reminds me of grinding chests for the ever elusive max lucky/unlucky title in gw1.
I use it to use up my Tomes and Writs. Can’t think of any other use for these besides destroying them.
Maybe they changed the personal story rewards? I just finished The Battle of Claw Island (level 60) on my charr ranger and I received 1 Small Bag of Spirit Shards, 5 Bags of Loot, 1 Trackless Boots, 1 Claw Island Keepsake and 1 Letter of Commendation. :/
They have changed when you get some items I know. For example, the choice of 3 dyes you could get at low level has been moved higher than level 10.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.