Killing Logan is our Slogan
I don’t like Logan Thackeray. I hate him. He leave Destiny’s Edge because his little Queen Jenna needs help. Killing an Elder Dragon vs. your puniy little Queen. It’s all about priority saving the world or a life.
Express all your hate against Logan in the comments!
This was years ago, we all have moved on, even Rytlock.
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I don’t like Logan Thackeray. I hate him. He leave Destiny’s Edge because his little Queen Jenna needs help. Killing an Elder Dragon vs. your puniy little Queen. It’s all about priority saving the world or a life.
Express all your hate against Logan in the comments!
This was years ago, we all have moved on, even Rytlock.
Sorry Some of us can’t.
I don’t like Logan Thackeray. I hate him. He leave Destiny’s Edge because his little Queen Jenna needs help. Killing an Elder Dragon vs. your puniy little Queen. It’s all about priority saving the world or a life.
Express all your hate against Logan in the comments!
This was years ago, we all have moved on, even Rytlock.
Sorry Some of us can’t.
You’re one of those people who thinks the soaps are real, aren’t you…….
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I don’t hate Logan, but I absolutely despise that Gwen-thief Kieran.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
You need a wuss like ol’ Thackery in your group to make the others look more kitten by comparison. So if Thackery wants to wet his pants let him it just makes everyone else look better. Even in Gw1 I knew that Thackery was no good for Gwen heck Gwen was practically the only family you had if you made a Prophecies character. Turns out I was right look at that genetic line turned out in Gw2…. shame…..
I like Logan the most.
He and Rytlock are both very real characters, written well.
Rytlock is ok. Logan….man I wanted to like him but he’s just sort of blah. And it was a pretty lame plot device for him to suddenly run off to save Jenna. It doesn’t make him seem very heroic.
Wish they would kill off some of the other characters though….
Wrong approach. You all will have to like him to get him killed off.
We’ve all forgiven him at this point. You need to move on!
His fighting skills on the other hand….that’s unforgivable.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Logan AND Rytlock needs to die. Why ryt too? Have you seen how much of complete douch, horrible kittenbag or whatever you want to call him? and to top it off he’s a CHARR those horrible monster that tries to kill humans all the time. I haven’t forgiven nor forgotten the searing. All charr must die, and Logan.
I like Logan, seems like a nice guy.
Fighting a dragon or saving the one you love, I know which choice most people would make.
I like watching Logan be a kitten. Let me enjoy watching Logan be a kitten while yelling “MUH QUEEN!”
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
Wrong approach. You all will have to like him to get him killed off.
Everyone hated Trahearne and look how it turned out for him
I never liked Logan. I kinda tried to like him but gave up soon after. I like Trahearne more actually, if they killed Logan I have to admit I’d have to take a few screenshots just to keep for the moments I require a laugh in my life.
Yes I decided to go after Zojja first, and went afk when the time came to save Logan
Logan sucks, he’s so bad in every aspect compared to Braham (I’m saying this because they are both Guardians), and saying Rytlock is bad is an insult, he was the most involved NPC in HoT and brought us the Revenant class (and possibly a new elite spec for warrior with offhand Pistol).
No charism, knight in love leaving his friend. As a fellow charr i would to eviscerate him on place right now. I can bear this guy! And his queen too, kingdoom bank is so empty she walk barefoot. And she’s a queen?!
I don’t like Logan Thackeray. I hate him. He leave Destiny’s Edge because his little Queen Jenna needs help. Killing an Elder Dragon vs. your puniy little Queen. It’s all about priority saving the world or a life.
Express all your hate against Logan in the comments!
That’s a bit unfair towards LT (who, to be sure, is a stupid git). Let’s face it: the whole bunch of Destiny’s Edge was a bit short on brain cells. Devising a plan that requires each and every member of a small group to succeed his/her task when they could have simply asked for some outside help is a bit moronic.
“Oh, Logan, you should have helped holding back the attacking forces with Caithe to buy Snaff the precious time needed to kill the Dragon!” – “Why didn’t you simply ask for 10 soldiers or so from Ebonhawke?” – “Because,… reasons….”
Someone’s jealous that Logan has a girlfriend…
Someone’s jealous that Logan has a girlfriend…
Are they officially boyfriend/girlfriend? I thought she friendzoned him but he still tries too hard to get the P but never does.
Someone’s jealous that Logan has a girlfriend…
Are they officially boyfriend/girlfriend? I thought she friendzoned him but he still tries too hard to get the P but never does.
That’s just the appearance the queen needs to have out there. When the night falls and no one’s looking she’s… shall we say… getting a little Captain in her. Not all of it is rum.
Someone’s jealous that Logan has a girlfriend…
Are they officially boyfriend/girlfriend? I thought she friendzoned him but he still tries too hard to get the P but never does.
That’s just the appearance the queen needs to have out there. When the night falls and no one’s looking she’s… shall we say… getting a little Captain in her. Not all of it is rum.
I think it’s safe to say that she is getting the little Logan.
Oh you thought…
No no… you silly person
That’s just the appearance the queen needs to have out there. When the night falls and no one’s looking she’s… shall we say… getting a little Captain in her. Not all of it is rum.
The Queen doesn’t swing that way, hence why she appointed Countess Anise as the leader of her personal guard. Logan is just a creeper who should have died in Arah.
LOL I have a Guardian I made that looks as much like Logan as possible, with a mini Logan Thackeray at his side. His name?
Sir Logan Slackeray.
Every time we do the Zhaitan fight, my husband types in “We will let you live if you take Thackeray!” Even Zhaitan doesn’t want him. That’s saying something.
LOL I have a Guardian I made that looks as much like Logan as possible, with a mini Logan Thackeray at his side. His name?
Sir Logan Slackeray.
Every time we do the Zhaitan fight, my husband types in “We will let you live if you take Thackeray!” Even Zhaitan doesn’t want him. That’s saying something.
LOL I think I’ve seen you around then. Or someone with a similar name.
But Mordremoth apparently wanted him. Even cloned him several times. That’s how much he wanted him
I was expecting Logan to be a “pretty boy” so to speak, targeted at women and most specially young girl players. This is why I hated him before Guild Wars 2 even launched. Turns out he was different from a “pretty boy”, turned out to be more like that buffoon team mate who afks in the middle of a dungeon boss fight because reasons.
Logan AND Rytlock needs to die. Why ryt too? Have you seen how much of complete douch, horrible kittenbag or whatever you want to call him? and to top it off he’s a CHARR those horrible monster that tries to kill humans all the time. I haven’t forgiven nor forgotten the searing. All charr must die, and Logan.
Lol the searing eh? I see we have a GW1 vet here. I can understand why you may harbor dislike for the charr but tell me have you ever looked at it from their side? The charr didn’t just start killing humans, they were invaded by humans, being pushed from their home. Directly after being pushed back their leader, the Khan-Ur, was also assassinated. Humans finally got the bad end after the charr got organized and started to reclaim their home lol and even then many of their worst demises were by their own hand. Vizier Khilbron sunk Orr and all it’s people into the sea to deny the charr victory in The Cataclysm, Saul and the White Mantle brought in the Mursaat who eventually turned on them, and the mad old King Adelbern unleashed the Foefire, effectively killing everything in his kingdom though leaving the humans souls eternally trapped as ghosts, a fate worse than death.
As for Logan meh, no real complaints about him, there’s others I dislike more. Looking at you Braham, keeping me from knowing Scarlet’s true purpose. >>
I was expecting Logan to be a “pretty boy” so to speak, targeted at women and most specially young girl players. This is why I hated him before Guild Wars 2 even launched. Turns out he was different from a “pretty boy”, turned out to be more like that buffoon team mate who afks in the middle of a dungeon boss fight because reasons.
Leeroy Logan?
It was a very tough choice he had to make but I think he made the right call in the very long term. Though poor Zojja lost her Snaffie :( Logan as the leader has the judgment to make such decisions that may seem terrible in the short term. Take chess for example, a queen sacrifice may seem totally boneheaded to the viewer or even the opponent, but the open lines and force around the king that can’t be stopped make things clear later on.
The queen is a very nice lady so I can’t blame him for wanting to save her.
At this rate neither Logan nor Braham are going to die. Stop saying you hate them.
ANet will think you started liking them hopefully and kill them! Please? I want Braham dead. :[
So queen
Much leave
Rytlock is the fan favorite, but I hope he doesn’t get overdone. He’s almost becoming a caricature of his own bad-kittenry.
I like all the members of DE, they all have major character flaws. Logan and Caithe are the most interesting I think.
Urosh: You probably have, I do World Bosses and stuff with Slackeray sometimes. I have a ranger I like better though and just got her to 80 so will probably play him less until I go to the HoT maps after Halloween is over.
And yes, all the members of DE have character flaws. Which is refreshing. None of them are perfect and uber and the best. LOL they could never have killed that dragon without ME, let me tell you You wanna know who I really hate??
Trahearne. Useless mofo, always tagging behind in my story and making me wait, then stands there on top of the high point in Claw Island and does NOTHING the whole battle. That sword should be MINE.
I don’t like Logan Thackeray. I hate him. He leave Destiny’s Edge because his little Queen Jenna needs help. Killing an Elder Dragon vs. your puniy little Queen. It’s all about priority saving the world or a life.
Express all your hate against Logan in the comments!
i’ve gotten over this.
now my hatred is Trahaerne.
Up with the Trahearne hate!!
Really he’s horrible. He’s a firstborn that spent HOW LONG studying Orr and couldn’t do anything useful when we got there? -I- did everything!! So much for leading the pact!! You know why everyone answers to ME in the new story?? Because Trahearne sucks and no one wants to listen to him anyway
LOL I kind of want to make a Sylvari making fun of Trahearne now like I did with Thackeray LOL my next project!!
Urosh: You probably have, I do World Bosses and stuff with Slackeray sometimes. I have a ranger I like better though and just got her to 80 so will probably play him less until I go to the HoT maps after Halloween is over.
And yes, all the members of DE have character flaws. Which is refreshing. None of them are perfect and uber and the best. LOL they could never have killed that dragon without ME, let me tell you
You wanna know who I really hate??
Trahearne. Useless mofo, always tagging behind in my story and making me wait, then stands there on top of the high point in Claw Island and does NOTHING the whole battle. That sword should be MINE.
What about Zojja and Eir? They don’t seem to really have any character flaws. Caithe arguably does, don’t want to spoil too much but Caithe killed her sister just before chapter 8's boss because the sister asked her to.
I don’t like Logan either. Kill Logan and bring back Spioler if you haven't done your personal story...Magister Sieran in some way. I'm sure the Pale Tree should be able to do that in some way. In my opinion, she was one of the best acted and portrayed NPCs in the game.
(edited by Leamas.5803)
I admire Logan, but it’s because of that brainwashing Krytan kitten Queen he can’t do his duty the way it should be!
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]
I heard George RR Martin was going to take over the writing of the there is always hope! LOL!
I don’t like Logan Thackeray. I hate him. He leave Destiny’s Edge because his little Queen Jenna needs help. Killing an Elder Dragon vs. your puniy little Queen. It’s all about priority saving the world or a life.
Express all your hate against Logan in the comments!
Logan is literally the embodiment of the friend-zoned white knight beta male.
Zojja is always running off at the mouth and has a horrible temper. That’s her flaw. Eir is always trying to play peacemaker and wants everyone to get along all the time and can’t grasp that sometimes, people are just -mad- and need to work through it.