Kite Prices
But …they’re wiggly! =o
That seems about right compared to the other items in the gem store, not seeing what is unreasonable about it.
When has any cosmetic item been less than that?
I want to spend money in the Gem Store and not just to support Anet. I’d like to buy several things from the store, but why in the world would I spend 6 euros or something on a novelty item?
I can buy several apps for my iPhone with that money.
Many of the “toys” are less than that. Kite’s are not “toys” I suppose but they feel like it. What would you compare them to? Town clothes for example are sometimes more and sometimes less.
Most of those are bad references though as the kite is a bit of a different item.
I got my kite for free and I am grateful for that. But I wouldn’t have bought it. I think 500 gems is too much for such a toy.
The Sonic Tunneling Tool came at half that – 250 gems. I bought that one and I’m having fun using it to this day. It was a lot better value for money…
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I don’t know- I have been wanting a kite since the betas- there is just something about rolling green fields that call for a kite
So for me, I might have bought it.
At least I would have really weighed what I needed vs the kite.
Since I got it for free I am more than happy.
I do actually think of it as a toy- I play with it
The price is fine.
Before they released it on the gem store I was totally willing to spend up to 1000 gems on it.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I think it’s a bit steep – and this is coming from someone who does actually spend good money in the gem store fairly frequently. Still, it’s not something anyone needs to have, so that it’s there at all is nice.