Lawless Zones for open PvP
I would LOVE an open pvp zone. Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
I just want a complete free for all arena. It doesn’t mater if you’re in the same party or anything, anyone inside the ring is fair game.
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
That is already there, it is called WvW
There’s a portal to one in LA. It’s labeled “Eternal Battlegrounds”.
no, it only invites spawn / gate trolls – besides, that’s what wvw is.
I know what you are saying though, and normally I would have wanted that, but this game has too many people all too ready to grief others as their main fun time.
That is already there, it is called WvW
It’s not.
no, it only invites spawn / gate trolls – besides, that’s what wvw is.
I know what you are saying though, and normally I would have wanted that, but this game has too many people all too ready to grief others as their main fun time.
It’s not what WvW is and people who can’t take the heat would be free to never enter the oven.
That is already there, it is called WvW
It’s not.
If you imagine “your party” being 20 people instead of 5 people, that’s exactly what it is.
it is, but it sort of sounds like you want unfair pvp.
You might want to check out Aion, it’s all about ganking there.
that sounds like wvw. playing the game normally, doing events and risks of being attacked by other players, so what is it you want, random attacks while playing the game? I am confused?
we could choose PVP/PVE/RP server in SWTOR
so either you could persuade anet start a new PVP server even though there are already low population server, or a big No
Don’t make it required for PVE and I’m cool with it.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
now had you said, you want a town thats a free for all ….that might be different. can’t say that i remember if any of the gw’s had a free for all mode. a last man standing mode might be interesting to watch. it might even come to mean something if someone can get enough ‘last man standing’ titles under his belt.
(edited by Ricky.4706)
we could choose PVP/PVE/RP server in SWTOR
so either you could persuade anet start a new PVP server even though there are already low population server, or a big No
Not what I am talking about. On Tatooine there is a free for all area where everyone not in your group is attackable. I want something similar added to a few areas.
So you like want a map that’s PVP only? That’s fine as long as it’s not required for anything PVE and all the toxic gankers can stay there.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
that sounds like wvw. playing the game normally, doing events and risks of being attacked by other players, so what is it you want, random attacks while playing the game? I am confused?
Yeah, I think that’s basically what he’s after; open world, consensual PvP, without the structured, goal driven context of WvW. Think Eve Online 0.0 space; by entering you consent to open PvP. In WoW, couldn’t you simply flag yourself as open to this in certain areas. I can’t remember now.
Anyway, while it would certainly bring an edge (for some people) to what is a pretty cosy game, it’s never gonna happen.
So you like want a map that’s PVP only? That’s fine as long as it’s not required for anything PVE and all the toxic gankers can stay there.
There could be NPCs there, the instancing is kind of a problem since SWTOR isn’t instanced. I would prefer it to be certain sections of maps, not map wide.
Maybe add a big boss too, so you get pvp + pve, guilds would actually have something to fight over etc.
I like this.
Make it a high loot stuff inside. Only the strong will get the best loot with limited amount of loot available.
You can party up with 5 people (or a whole guild), then will spawn from 5 different gate and get to the center of the map.
Upon exiting gate, you will be claoked for 3 minutes and revealed after exiting a proximity range. Then there’s some sort of jumping puzzle to get to the center and everybody have to fight for it or push them off a cliff
no more hugging sw chest train.
no more taxi
you want that chest? you have to fight for it. It’s like Survival of the Fittest except wvw wide scale.
nah, no partying …will only create gangs – pure friendly fire if you plan to work together – funnier that way.
I’m thinking you have to consider how any suggestion you make will be exploited for the worst. this could be fun, but it can be seriously exploited if implemented without proper consideration.
Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
This is the reason why it’ll never happen.
Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
This is the reason why it’ll never happen.
People who PvE could just not go in it.
Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
This is the reason why it’ll never happen.
People who PvE could just not go in it.
It’s not the ganking part I’m referring to, it’s the motives behind why people want it. Labelling people ‘PvE-ers’ as if they hold people who play a certain way with contempt, and then wanting to laugh to themselves as they stomp them or whatever, as if PvE-ers are lesser gamers than they are.
Most of the game, especially the PvE part, is an open-world co-operative game. It should stay that way.
Well, this is about as likely to happen as it is for us to get access to Cantha or Elona this year… so good luck with that.
GW2 has always been a game with thick lines between its different game types. Open world PvP of any kind goes completely against this. There is also no narrative reasons to have open world PvP in this game the entire setting of the whole world is basically prohibitive of any kind of PvP in the open world.
If any part of open world was PvE, and I would be have to enter it to perform any PvE activities, I’d quit the game on the spot and so would many others.
You want PvP, you have 2 entire game modes for it.
there are games that reward intelligence, skill and ingeniuty. Then there are games that reward only time spent. GW2 is of the latter kind. And its players prefer it that way. That is basically your answer I think :P
we could choose PVP/PVE/RP server in SWTOR
so either you could persuade anet start a new PVP server even though there are already low population server, or a big NoNot what I am talking about. On Tatooine there is a free for all area where everyone not in your group is attackable. I want something similar added to a few areas.
Except very, very few players use that openworld arena in SWTOR.. there are a few of them on various maps and none of them get utilised except to run round and grab the respawn chests there and the black market terminals.
Openworld PvP is nothing but a waste of time and will likely do more harm than good to PvE.. you wanna play fight go PvP or WvW or EotM.. maybe even the Obbi Sanctum.. if not then it will likely never be an option in GW2
we could choose PVP/PVE/RP server in SWTOR
so either you could persuade anet start a new PVP server even though there are already low population server, or a big NoNot what I am talking about. On Tatooine there is a free for all area where everyone not in your group is attackable. I want something similar added to a few areas.
Except very, very few players use that openworld arena in SWTOR.. there are a few of them on various maps and none of them get utilised except to run round and grab the respawn chests there and the black market terminals.
Openworld PvP is nothing but a waste of time and will likely do more harm than good to PvE.. you wanna play fight go PvP or WvW or EotM.. maybe even the Obbi Sanctum.. if not then it will likely never be an option in GW2
I want a greater number of experiences then repeatedly zerging in WvW, the standard map 5v5 rotation on arena or running the same dungeon for the 100th time. Lawless- PvP zones will provide the greatest boost in content per dev time invested then any other area since the players will be generating the interactions themselves.
Eh.. I wouldn’t mind an area like that so long as I was never required (no map completion points, no hero points, no personal story, no living story) to set foot in it and participation was optional. I know some people love PVP and others love griefing people to ruin their enjoyment of a game (if you’re the latter, you need therapy – not more PVP) so I have no problem with an optional high risk area.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
This will never happen, because it is the total opposite of one of the design pillars of the game. Since the original GW1, they have said absolutely no non-consensual pvp. If you don’t like that, and want open pvp of some form, you are in the wrong game. That’s really what you are talking about after all, an area where you can jump on people who have no interest in fighting you just because they want to experience the content.
Then again, they broke that design philosophy and spit all over pve players by requiring wvw areas for map completion, so maybe you’ll get your wish.
My experiences with open world ‘pvp’ from WoW:
1. Level 85 player one shots my non 85 and there’s no possible way for me to do anything.
2. Same level as me player tries to attack me and spends the next half hour being corpse camped because the only people that gank are scrubs that can’t handle actual pvp.
The closest thing to open PvP, or whatever you want to call it, would probably be ganking people in the Obsidian Sanctum JP. Then again no-one goes there, for the jumping puzzle anyways.
Make another version of Divinities Reach where everyone is red. Turn off nameplates so people can hide behind walls and let people kills how they like.
ANet may give it to you.
oh but its here already southsun survival is your thing
The closest thing to open PvP, or whatever you want to call it, would probably be ganking people in the Obsidian Sanctum JP. Then again no-one goes there, for the jumping puzzle anyways.
I went there for the JP many many times finally gave up because I got tired of being ganked. Once I was almost done when a player came after me I asked to please just let me finish, I won’t even put up a fight, but no he had to kill me knowing I’d either have to lose my place and start all over to fight or die and then he took great pleasure in dancing on me. I will never PvP to many of the players there are twisted toxic just plain gross.
The area in SWTOR that was free for all, DID NOT have high loot.
It had loot that you could get anywhere else.
If you introduce a free for all “area” it can not include exclusive loot. You could add nodes if you want something to do in there while waiting but anything else forces the “must have” gang in there and it becomes lions vs puppies.
Make it total loss area so a community can punish players that seem to require it.
Ah Aion… Nothing was more enjoyable and relaxing after work than wasting the entire evening trying to avoid being ganked by twinked out players and realising you hadn’t gotten any further in the game by the end of it, or even got to do what you wanted to do in the first place
Invite like-minded players to your new Guild Hall Arena and have fun! There you go. =)
A guild hall style arena in LA perhaps, with a random teleport entrance or perhaps a couple seconds of stealth to prevent camping the entrance, would be something couple get behind. But even then, guild halls….
An entire zone? Might as well WvW in all honesty
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N
I wouldn’t be opposed to a every-person-for-themsleves type of PvP arena where nobody is on a team and everybody fights everybody, ending with the winner being the last to survive. I’m not a PvP player but that’s not a bad idea actually.
Edit: But I wouldn’t want it in PvE. Any kind of player battles should remain restricted to specific arenas.
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
Something I would really like added are lawless zones in a few maps. In these zones anyone would be attackable(except for party members). SWTOR had this and it was pretty fun.
You could also add some extra loot or something in these areas.
These areas would be completely optional but would make a much richer experience for creating variety in PvP and more meaning. These areas would also let people duel if they wanted to(though they could be KOed by another person hiding in stealth :O).
As it stands now it feels like the game is PvE with PvP tacked onto the side, being very controlled.
Nonononono and no.I hated ganking in WoW i will hate it here.If you want to gank people go play some other MMO.
Oh imagine, gathering a party of ppl just to come and slaughter everybody that does Teq, priceless.
Sign me in.
Waste of time and resources, nobody will actually go into this map. Better use that effort making content that more than a tiny, miniscule, fraction of the playerbase would like.
lol this sounds just so wierd.
This would be so much waste of dev time and map space. First of all, a map for greifers and trolls, why? Another suggestions say that this place should have no impact on the game and will have no requirement to enter. But also suggestions say that loot shall be awarded to the once surviving or something, now how is this different to WvW I may ask? Also a map designed for OP and second post would be pointless as people would only go in there to gank and PvP, PvEers would not enter that map without a carrot and if Anet decided to have a carrot in there PvEers would rage. Also I am pretty sure that I don’t need evidence and clean facts that this kind of gameplay is wanted by a very minority part of the playerbase.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Oh, hey, it’s this again.
Make it absolutely lootless and not required for any progression at all, and I’ll give it a thumbs up.
Oh imagine, gathering a party of ppl just to come and slaughter everybody that does Teq, priceless.
Sign me in.
Ye, if you did that now I would report everyone of you. That is called Greifing and should not be supported by any game what so ever since it only supports bad community alot of aggresivness in my opinion.
Oh, hey, it’s this again.
Make it absolutely lootless and not required for any progression at all, and I’ll give it a thumbs up.
I wouldn’t, I would rather that they put dev time on something else.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Oh, hey, it’s this again.
Make it absolutely lootless and not required for any progression at all, and I’ll give it a thumbs up.
I wouldn’t, I would rather that they put dev time on something else.
So would I but since I keep seeing this come up, I might as well just shut up and nod agreement. There’s no point discussing anything on this topic – the people who want it don’t want a discussion. They want to kill people in the manner they are accustomed to in other games, and won’t stop bringing this up until they get it.
Maybe if they get it and realize it sucks not having people to pick on, they’ll go away.
World Vs World Vs World
open world pvp solved.
moving on
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
I would LOVE an open pvp zone. Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
This is the attitude why the the PvE crowd won’t ever touch PvP. kthxbai