Lawless Zones for open PvP
I would LOVE an open pvp zone. Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
This is the attitude why the the PvE crowd won’t ever touch PvP. kthxbai
These are the people I get told do not exist by the people who favor open world PvP, for the record.
I get told they don’t exist either.. then one always comes along and posts. It’s like clockwork!
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I get told they don’t exist either.. then one always comes along and posts. It’s like clockwork!
Or a conspiracy. Hmmm. Maybe they’re not actually open-world PvPers but PvErs pretending to be so vile and disgusting to discredit the whole thing!
But nobody would ever do that, it would require them to be . . . trolling. And we know that doesn’t happen!
Next time they’ll propose open-world PvP with actual loot dropped from the inventory and wallet without safe zones. Wouldn’t it be fun? /sarcasm
The day they add open world PvP to the PvE maps, is the day I quit GW2.
I would LOVE an open pvp zone. Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
But as a pve-er I’d stay away from said zone, so you guys can all try ganking each other.
Honestly, if the only attraction is: open pvp. I don’t see why people would want to go there. Might just as well wait for Guild Halls, so at least I wouldn’t have to worry about gankers… (yes I do so very much dislike gankers, a passion I acquired leveling in WoW).
it is, but it sort of sounds like you want unfair pvp.
Like in WoW when a group of 80s descend upon your poor lonely level 40 while innocently leveling.
we could choose PVP/PVE/RP server in SWTOR
so either you could persuade anet start a new PVP server even though there are already low population server, or a big No
Which would break the entire dynamic event system
So you like want a map that’s PVP only? That’s fine as long as it’s not required for anything PVE and all the toxic gankers can stay there.
And therein lies the problem. You see gankers need someone to gank (preferably people who are unprepared, outnumbered and a lower-level). So having a zone with only gankers would not work.
Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
This is the reason why it’ll never happen.
People who PvE could just not go in it.
If there is no incentive to go into the zone then you’d have a unsatisfying experience as a ganker. So if ANet were to implement it they’d have to put something in there to draw people (like loot) which could be seen as blocking content behind gameplay that some players (rightfully so) might not like.
there are games that reward intelligence, skill and ingeniuty. Then there are games that reward only time spent. GW2 is of the latter kind. And its players prefer it that way. That is basically your answer I think :P
So ganking requires intelligence, skill and ingenuity?
Oh the gankers would think that (because cognitive dissonance), but the rest of us just see people roving in gangs looking to catch people off-guard.
My experiences with open world ‘pvp’ from WoW:
1. Level 85 player one shots my non 85 and there’s no possible way for me to do anything.
2. Same level as me player tries to attack me and spends the next half hour being corpse camped because the only people that gank are scrubs that can’t handle actual pvp.
Seems we’ve had rather similar experiences.
Oh, hey, it’s this again.
Make it absolutely lootless and not required for any progression at all, and I’ll give it a thumbs up.
I wouldn’t, I would rather that they put dev time on something else.
So would I but since I keep seeing this come up, I might as well just shut up and nod agreement. There’s no point discussing anything on this topic – the people who want it don’t want a discussion. They want to kill people in the manner they are accustomed to in other games, and won’t stop bringing this up until they get it.
Maybe if they get it and realize it sucks not having people to pick on, they’ll go away.
Maybe ANet has a random map lying around that they never implemented that they can just throw into the world. How about the area north of Divinity’s Reach?
I would LOVE an open pvp zone. Ganking pve’ers would make me soooooo happy.
EotM is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I just want a complete free for all arena. It doesn’t mater if you’re in the same party or anything, anyone inside the ring is fair game.
There will be a “free for all” team in the battle arena in new guildhalls. The game doesn’t need anything more. Certainly not in open world.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
As it stands now it feels like the game is PvE with PvP tacked onto the side, being very controlled.
That was the actual intent. So it should feel that way.
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