Legendary Armor
So far, that seems to be the case.
We don’t know as of yet if there is an alternative method of acquiring Legendary Armour, but it is possible it could be crafted through a mastery line in the future (if it isn’t already).
Literally the only information we have on it is the announcement at PAX. If they didn’t talk about it then, no one knows.
Hence why I’m asking the question that needs to be answered.
When they announced Hot they clearly said that there will be no level cap increase, and one reason for this was that they didn’t want to diminish our efforts by introducing new armor that is better than ascended. I especially remember that they said something like “In HoT your current best armor will still be the best armor available”
And now they do exactly that. Players that want the very best will start chasing legendary armor and scrapping the ascendeds. After spending a looot of gold making ascended armor for their characters. Good job Anet. One fail after another.
Legendary armour is just a little more convenient than ascendend armour. It isn’t actually more powerful. You don’t have to transmute anything to change stats but you still have to fiddle with replacing runes.
You’re hugely overreacting.
They locked the other, larger thread on this subject because we don’t have enough information to go on, and I don’t see why they won’t do the same here until we do.
Literally the only information we have on it is the announcement at PAX. If they didn’t talk about it then, no one knows.
Anet most likely knows.
They locked the other, larger thread on this subject because we don’t have enough information to go on, and I don’t see why they won’t do the same here until we do.
Haha, that’s golden. Maybe they could, dunno, actually give us more information instead?
Let’s hope so. At least for some time
I think without knowing how we get them INSIDE the raids, discussing how to get them outside of a raid is meaningless.
Somebody already postet : “you don’t need it if you don’t raid” .. and so it begins,
the whole BS while i was always against raids .. thats exactly what i always said
that raiders just want their special loot that others NOT can get, just to show off.
The whole thread was full of that.
And that others don’t need a special skin if they don’t raid .. that really brings
absurdity to a new level.
Oh and i say already hello to my stalker NT.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
It’s 10 man raids. Chances are we will be more than capable of using LFG to do them. Sure, initially raids will be challenging, but I doubt we can’t PuG through them after a little while.
Seafarer’s Rest
When they announced Hot they clearly said that there will be no level cap increase, and one reason for this was that they didn’t want to diminish our efforts by introducing new armor that is better than ascended. I especially remember that they said something like “In HoT your current best armor will still be the best armor available”
And now they do exactly that. Players that want the very best will start chasing legendary armor and scrapping the ascendeds. After spending a looot of gold making ascended armor for their characters. Good job Anet. One fail after another.
Legendary armor will be like legendary weapons – same stats as ascended and a fancier skin. Not a new tier.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
When they announced Hot they clearly said that there will be no level cap increase, and one reason for this was that they didn’t want to diminish our efforts by introducing new armor that is better than ascended. I especially remember that they said something like “In HoT your current best armor will still be the best armor available”
And now they do exactly that. Players that want the very best will start chasing legendary armor and scrapping the ascendeds. After spending a looot of gold making ascended armor for their characters. Good job Anet. One fail after another.
Legendary armor will be like legendary weapons – same stats as ascended and a fancier skin. Not a new tier.
With the incredibly handy bonus of being able to swap stats outside of combat at will. That is one of the powerful perks to a Legendary. Besides nice looking skins. But yes, there is absolutely no stats difference between the values of something Ascended and something Legendary, that is correct. So in that sense, complaints like the quoted user is a bit overly exaggerated.
Seafarer’s Rest
It may be a reach, but it would be nice if the armor was also omni-class (i.e. Heavy/Medium/Light). So, in addition to it being account bound, or could truly be usable across all characters on an account.
I suppose, at worst, it would only need to be acquired three times. Only……
Edit: I am aware that the presentation indicated sets of armor. But there’s always hope
(edited by Mourningcry.9428)
Heh, I may end up getting it five times… Unlike weapons, I actually do swap between my armors a fair bit. The sheer cost of making multiple Ascended armor sets has dissuaded me from that, but Legendary armor… That might actually be worth it!
It’s 10 man raids. Chances are we will be more than capable of using LFG to do them. Sure, initially raids will be challenging, but I doubt we can’t PuG through them after a little while.
Sure, just like you can PUG dungeons… if you are full zerker, already done it before, and are willing to exploit.
It’s 10 man raids. Chances are we will be more than capable of using LFG to do them. Sure, initially raids will be challenging, but I doubt we can’t PuG through them after a little while.
Sure, just like you can PUG dungeons… if you are full zerker, already done it before, and are willing to exploit.
Or just like you can PuG dungeons, without being full Berserker, without having done them before, and without being willing to use cheese exploit tactics. What kind of groups you join is up to you. I never aim to join any cheese runs when I do dungeons/Fractals. I make a conscious choice to join those that are described as casual, for fun, no skips and so on forth—or if none are to be found, I’ll start my own. I have more fun in those, even though I’m more than capable of partaking in the elitists runs, again, I simply don’t see the fun in it. Game, fun, yup, I want those two things to correlate.
As long as it’s possible, I’ll for sure be using LFG to throw myself at these raids when my established friends are not available, be that due to being at work, or other real life obligations. I have a lot of spare time, I sure hope I won’t need to wait for fun, only for it to be had during a timed window where people are available for raiding. I also want to meet new, dedicated and skilled players through these raid attempts. I don’t mind wiping, and I want to get to know more actual “hardcore” players like that, beyond the ones I already know. It’ll be helpful as more raids release in the future, to have a wider selection of friends to do these raids with, no matter what hour it is in the day. A casual player can be just as skilled, and exert far more patience than your average supposed “hardcore” player in this game. One wipe due to whatever reason it may be, can throw some people off balance and make them rage quit in an instant, no words said. Raids are certainly going to test these kinds of players if they are actually challenging, and I sure don’t want to associate myself with “their kind”.
Seafarer’s Rest