This is a small, vocal minority causing a scene with their entitlement, acting as though they deserve everything for nothing.
I agree, which is why they definitely should expand the Legendary armor to the majority of players, rather than allowing this small minority to hoard them.
(a)Do you think most people in the game care I’d they can’t get legendary armors? Sure, maybe most pepole would like to have it, but most reasonable people wouldn’t just want it made easily obtainable because they know it would be meaningless then.
(b)Also, as far as believing not many people raid due to the stats you are seeing, just wait until we actually see the armor, and then wait until raiders start showing it off in game. Suddenly the people who don’t want to commit the time without seeing the product will start.
How do you reconcile point (a) with point (b)? They are pretty much the opposite. You claim that the majority don’t care, but that they will jump into raiding once they know Legendary armor is available. If those players don’t want to raid now, then they won’t want to raid any more later, so if they do start raiding, it’ll only be because they feel pressured into it by the rewards, which will lead to the same toxic situation PvP’s been dealing with for the past six months, where most of the people involved don’t want to be there, aren’t having any fun, and are very vocal about it. That environment benefits no one.
Raids should be for raiders.
Nobody who is not a raider should ever have any reason whatsoever to set foot inside a raid.
I would love nothing more to see thousands and more people start raiding. Honestly for those who haven’t found a group to grow with or become good friends with They just don’t know what they are missing.
No, most know exactly what they’re missing, they just know that it is something they would prefer to miss. The raiding style of gameplay just doesn’t appeal to everyone, and never will. Trust me, if you love raiding now, and if they ever made raiding so that I would love it as much as you do, then you would HATE raiding.
I have an idea. How about at character creation you simply get to choose your level, Stat distribution, and armor/weapon skins from the full skin pool. That way everything is available to everyone no matter how hard they do or do not want to work and no matter what content they feel like playing.
I don’t think that’s a good idea, it’s important to have goals to work toward in the game. More importantly though, you should have FUN working towards those goals, and since every player enjoys different things, it’s important to offer as many paths as possible towards those goals. If players love to raid, then raiding should be a path to reach the Experimental and Envoy armors, but if a given player doesn’t enjoy raiding, then forcing him to raid to get those armors benefits no one, and it would be better for everyone involved if he had some alternate path.
Seriously, it’s a legendary. It’s supposed to be hard, deal with it. I’ll prolly never raid, so I won’t get it, too bad.
I hope only people who work hard for a piece of legendary armour/weapons get them. They aren’t supposed to be handed to you on a silver platter. You should go out and actively work for them.
Yeah, and again nobody is asking for an easier option. It should still take time and effort (but if so I’d like to get started on that time and effort now rather than months down the road), just time and effort spent OUTSIDE of raids.
“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”