Legendary Favorites
Eternity is my favorite.
1. Flameseeker Prophecies
2. Eternity
3. Bolt
4. Howler
5. Frostfang
6. Juggernaut
Least favorite:
1. Quip
2. The Moot
3. The Dreamer
4. Kudzu
5. Incinerator
Kudzu is very annoying for me as I would love to make a legendary longbow, but this skin is sooooo not my style. Ended up making Azureflame instead.
Totaly fits to my sylvari salad ranger
Just the WvW
I dont really like any of them, but…
Bolt because I love the lightning effect
Incin because the flame looks awesome, but the grip is just so out of place.
Sunrise is beautiful, I never liked it until recently, its still too… fat.. for my taste. I like skinnier more realistic 2h swords not these monster fat things.
Predator is cool but the pre is better.
The legendary shield is amazing too but this game doesnt support shields so it doesnt really matter. the rest are horrid
1. Kamohoali’i Kotaki
I made this one on a whim and love it. The shark effect still makes me smile every time.
2. Kudzu
Most recent. Love the 3D footfall effect.
3. Sunrise
This used to be my favorite but I’ve had it for awhile and it’s kind of gotten old. Only using it on 2/4 gs classes now.
1. Kraitkin
I made this one after the spear, and it is hard to put into words just how underwhelming it is. No cool skill effects as far as I can tell, nice skin, but it’s so dark/plain you don’t really notice it in typically dark underwater environments.
Top of my list: Dreamer. I <3 that bow! (And The Lover isn’t bad, either.
Sorry Gaile, I had to!
My own legendaries, top to bottom:
Sunrise <— my first legendary and still favourite
I also like the following, no specific order:
Kamohoali’i Kotaki
Imho overrated:
The Minstrel
‘would of been’ —> wrong
My favourite is The Dreamer. Yes it’s ridiculous but that’s why I love it. It’s so completely over-the-top absurd it’s brilliant.
I also like The Bifrost and Kudzu for looking very pretty and Rodgort because of Trogdor.
Strangely enough the ones I don’t really like are the great swords. They look amazing if you look at them at exactly the right angle. But the way I normally play – with the camera zoomed all the way out, behind and slightly above my character Sunrise just looks like a flat orange blob and Twilight is just plain black with a bit of red around the edges. It took a very long time for me to see why so many people liked them.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Well I have Kudzu and The Howler.
I also really like Eternity and the underwater weapons.
My main issue with Kudzu and The Howler are the lack of skill effects. Kudzu tags people with flowers, so that’s good. However, barrage fires normal arrows. I want to see golden Kudzu arrows raining down.
I wanted The Howler because it’s subtle, but it turned out way too subtle. The mist effects are really hard to see in the daylight and night isn’t usually dark enough either. The wolf effect that pops up when blowing the horn is very brief and hard to see behind the normal skill effects. When calling birds down on a target, why are they not ghostly birds? Better yet, why not have a bunch of baby ghost wolves jumping all over targeted foes?
I like The Howler but I have to tell people that I have it for them to notice. Fractal weapons and BL Ticket weapons tend to stand out more than this.
The ones I like most are Frostfang with Howler on my ranger. They look very good together.
Rest in the order (like):
The Juggernaut
The Predator
The Flameseeker Prophecies
The Bifrost
The Dreamer
Kudzu (shameeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I’m a ranger and the legendary bows were made for 10 years old girls…)
The rest of them I neither like nor dislike.
The Flameseeker Prophecies
It has lore, it has looks and even though it was the first legendary I’ve created quite a while ago, I still marvel at it today.
< a long gap>
< like, a really long gap >
The Juggernaut: Not so much the weapon itself, but rather the neat effects it puts on the wielders armor
The Predator: Generally like the looks and the firing sound
Flameseeker Prophecies
The Dreamer – c’mon, a bow shooting kitten unicorns… … seriously?
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Dragon Emblem Shirt … if only it was turned into an armor skin instead of tonic… :’(
The Minstrel
Kamohoali’i Kotaki
The Dreamer
The Predator
I like my weapons on any character to look like a set (all Dreamthistle skin or all Tempest skin etc) and hence decided that Legendaries with their varied effects would not be for me.
That said, my favorite of the lot is the Kudzu. If I found the precursor (instead of Zap), I could actually be tempted to make my first Legendary.
To Date:
Flameseeker Prophecies has (8) eight No. 1 favorites
Bifrost, Dreamer have (7) seven No. 1 favorites
Kudzu has (5) five No. 1 favorites
Eternity has (4) four No. 1 favorites
Kamohoali’i Kotaki, Predator have (3) three No. 1 favorites
Bolt, Frostfang, Juggernaut, Kraitskin, Meteorlogicus, Quip, Sunrise, Twilight have (2) two No. 1 favorites
Frenzy, Moot have one (1) No. 1 favorite
i really like
bolt – but sometimes I wished the sword had more of a antique metal color to it
Incinerator – I like the flame but not the handle
Flameseeker Prophecies- to bad shields are not used more
The Predator
sunrise and twilight r cool but I wish there was a day/night opposite version for all the weapons
not just the great swords
(edited by caveman.5840)
I don’t have a legendary, nor am I actively trying to obtain one. However, IF I ever receive a precursor as a drop, I’d definitely go about making it into a legendary.
The Dreamer
The Bitfrost
The Moot
The Juggernaut
Flameseeker Prophecies
To Date:
Flameseeker Prophecies, Dreamer have (8) eight No. 1 favorites
Bifrost has (7) seven No. 1 favorites
Kudzu has (5) five No. 1 favorites
Eternity have (4) five No. 1 favorites
Kamohoali’i Kotaki, Predator, Bolt have (3) three No. 1 favorites
Frostfang, Juggernaut, Kraitskin, Meteorlogicus, Quip, Sunrise, Twilight have (2) two No. 1 favorites
Frenzy, Moot have (1) one No. 1 favorite
May be my last tally. The Dreamer seemed to be universally loved or hated with at least 5 dislikes. Sifting through the posts it became somewhat apparent that the Quip was the most disliked with at least 9 unfavorable votes. I strive for accuracy but if you find a mistake, please let me know.
Top of my list: Dreamer. I <3 that bow! (And The Lover isn’t bad, either.
Well hey, at least we agree on something.