Legendary...for the non-crafters..
Leveling a crafting discipline is one of the smallest parts of building a legendary. If you can’t do that, how could you amass the huge amount of T6 materials (2000 total) required?
Why would you expect to create a legendary without having crafted part of it? That makes no sense. Also, you say you’re in the “shadows” as if it’s unobtainable for non-crafters when in fact you could just gold farm and buy one from the TP.
I don’t like walking through the map, or being attacked by ugly things. Can I have a Legendary only by crafting, please?
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
The definition of Legendary in GW2 is to take part in nearly all aspects of game in some manner. No need to nerf more of those they already damaged it enough.
All what I can say, you should start leveling up your crafting professions. People who do not craft aren’t forbidden to craft, they just don’t want to. However, Legendary must be harder to get than anything else and if there’s will, it shouldn’t be any problem to sacrifice something for a legendary you desire.
uughh, kids nowadays, always want to get things cheaply….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Leveling crafting 0 to 400 takes about 1hr30mins if you’re slow, its not that much of a commitment when considering how much time a Legendary takes.
Some people just don’t deserve legendaries, its that simple
try to learn crafting on a new character. You gain level at the same time. I gained 11 level from huntsman getting it from 1-435. Which took 13 minutes.
With a lvl booster and new year firework you get +60% exp.
Nek minnit: anet can i plz get free legundarry fro loging into game? 2 mch effrt.
Find a fast leveling guide. I got Armor crafting 0-400 in 20 minutes (though I did already have the mats saved), and weaponcrafting in an hour.
And you can save up or buy gold with gems and just outright buy one of the base game legendary weapons from the trading post. We don’t know how legendary armor will be, but the new legendary weapons that are released in HoT will be account bound.
It’s not exactly exciting to get crafting to 400 but it’s not hard, especially with the guides. Just do it and get it over with and you won’t have to be making posts asking ANet to revamp the legendary system for you.
ANet may give it to you.
Leveling up a crafting discipline takes MAYBE 30 minutes, an online guide, and some gold.
If you can’t accomplish that, how in the world do you plan on getting the rest? The hundreds of (probably expensive) lodestones, the 2000 tier 6 mats, the 250 ectos, the 77 clovers, and, of course, the precursor.
Maxing your crafting like 0.01% of getting a legendary.
Hell if you have everything but the precursor you’re probably only 30-40% of the way there.
I kind of have to agree with this.
A Legendary in GW2 is not a Legendary at all. There is nothing Legendary about grinding/farming/crafting a weapon. It should have some sort of story behind it or a huge quest line or something. Not just require you to play the RNG game and grind for it. There is nothing Legendary about them.
I would like to see an actual Legendary weapon in GW2. One that has a history and takes you on a journey throughout the game, find the pieces and facing challenging foes as you delve into the depths of some forgotten tomb to piece together a long forgotten Legendary relic of the past. Then have to face some epic boss to siphon their essence into the blade of old to awaken it’s true potential.
Not “hey let’s go gamble in the forge and then craft some pieces to make this epic weapon!”. There is nothing Legendary about that.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)
With the introduction of Legendary weapons and armor, the players that don’t craft still find themselves in the shadows, waiting and hoping for something they will never be able to acquire.So i ask you ant, please provide some form so that the non-crafter can still earn a legendary weapon/armor set.
So you mean to say that we max our crafting discipline, spend time amd gold so we can make leggies and then you want an easy way out of crafting? Wow! Why dont you just ask Anet to give you Legendaries straight away instead? Nice huh?
Buy it with gold, people who don’t like crafting are exactly the people catered to by ANET by allowing them to be sold by players.
Did you just say “non-crafters” in reference to GW2?
Dude. The entire economy and top gear tier are built to require crafting. What you’re asking is like asking to never fight mobs.
Crafting isn’t optional in GW2, and never really was unless you just wanted to make the game harder for yourself.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Crafting should be optional, just like PvE is optional, and Spvp is optional and WvW is optional.
I play this game for WvW, and we don’t have the option for a viable means of attaining legendaries from WvW. The cost could even be something insane, like 10,00 badges of honor, 2000 of each of those 450 crafting mats. I don’t care. just as long as i don’t have to grind out crafting. Just let me EARN the legendary by playing the game in COMBAT, not by standing by a sewing kit and crafting all day.
Legendary is optional too you know.
stat enhancements are not optional.
skins are optional.
Crafting should be optional, just like PvE is optional, and Spvp is optional and WvW is optional.
I play this game for WvW, and we don’t have the option for a viable means of attaining legendaries from WvW. The cost could even be something insane, like 10,00 badges of honor, 2000 of each of those 450 crafting mats. I don’t care. just as long as i don’t have to grind out crafting. Just let me EARN the legendary by playing the game in COMBAT, not by standing by a sewing kit and crafting all day.
PvE isn’t optional. You need to world complete. SPvP isn’t needed and would be in the same boat as you. This is a ridiculous complaint.
stat enhancements are not optional.
skins are optional.
And? Legendary isn’t stat enchancements.
Crafting should be optional, just like PvE is optional, and Spvp is optional and WvW is optional.
I play this game for WvW, and we don’t have the option for a viable means of attaining legendaries from WvW. The cost could even be something insane, like 10,00 badges of honor, 2000 of each of those 450 crafting mats. I don’t care. just as long as i don’t have to grind out crafting. Just let me EARN the legendary by playing the game in COMBAT, not by standing by a sewing kit and crafting all day.
PvE isn’t optional for a legendary, wvw isn’t optional for a legendary, open world farming isn’t optional for a legendary and neither is crafting. Unless you use your credit card and buy one. That’s your only option.
stat enhancements are not optional.
skins are optional.
ascended gear is the same stats as legendaries, and those can be gained from WvW.
I kind of have to agree with this.
A Legendary in GW2 is not a Legendary at all. There is nothing Legendary about grinding/farming/crafting a weapon. It should have some sort of story behind it or a huge quest line or something. Not just require you to play the RNG game and grind for it. There is nothing Legendary about them.
I would like to see an actual Legendary weapon in GW2. One that has a history and takes you on a journey throughout the game, find the pieces and facing challenging foes as you delve into the depths of some forgotten tomb to piece together a long forgotten Legendary relic of the past. Then have to face some epic boss to siphon their essence into the blade of old to awaken it’s true potential.
Not “hey let’s go gamble in the forge and then craft some pieces to make this epic weapon!”. There is nothing Legendary about that.
You may get your wish in Heart of Thorns.
I kind of have to agree with this.
A Legendary in GW2 is not a Legendary at all. There is nothing Legendary about grinding/farming/crafting a weapon. It should have some sort of story behind it or a huge quest line or something. Not just require you to play the RNG game and grind for it. There is nothing Legendary about them.
I would like to see an actual Legendary weapon in GW2. One that has a history and takes you on a journey throughout the game, find the pieces and facing challenging foes as you delve into the depths of some forgotten tomb to piece together a long forgotten Legendary relic of the past. Then have to face some epic boss to siphon their essence into the blade of old to awaken it’s true potential.
Not “hey let’s go gamble in the forge and then craft some pieces to make this epic weapon!”. There is nothing Legendary about that.
Which is part of the reason they are changing they way you get precursors in HoT. So the process of making a legendary has a story attached.
You do certain types of things to get the first part of the pre, then as you quest/explore/fight/etc. yout pre gets stronger, until eventually, it has become a legend, forged by the blood of your enemies and tested in the crucible of adventure!
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
You can buy Legendary weapons on the TP. No need to craft, or do PVE. You can continue to play the game as you wish in WvW and that is perfectly fine.
Crafting should be optional, just like PvE is optional, and Spvp is optional and WvW is optional.
I play this game for WvW, and we don’t have the option for a viable means of attaining legendaries from WvW. The cost could even be something insane, like 10,00 badges of honor, 2000 of each of those 450 crafting mats. I don’t care. just as long as i don’t have to grind out crafting. Just let me EARN the legendary by playing the game in COMBAT, not by standing by a sewing kit and crafting all day.
Your options are equally as viable as any other player. You get money and T6 mats in WvW. What difference do you believe there is? It’s a gold requirement for the most part, which isn’t limited to PvE.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
stat enhancements are not optional.
skins are optional.
Lucky for you, legendary weapons ARE skins basically, they have the exact same stats as ascended which can be gained from WvW, Crafting or PvE or even PvP (i think, not sure) so choose your favorite.
stat enhancements are not optional.
skins are optional.
Lucky for you, legendary weapons ARE skins basically, they have the exact same stats as ascended which can be gained from WvW, Crafting or PvE or even PvP (i think, not sure) so choose your favorite.
Yes you can get ascended from PvP.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I kind of have to agree with this.
A Legendary in GW2 is not a Legendary at all. There is nothing Legendary about grinding/farming/crafting a weapon. It should have some sort of story behind it or a huge quest line or something. Not just require you to play the RNG game and grind for it. There is nothing Legendary about them.
I would like to see an actual Legendary weapon in GW2. One that has a history and takes you on a journey throughout the game, find the pieces and facing challenging foes as you delve into the depths of some forgotten tomb to piece together a long forgotten Legendary relic of the past. Then have to face some epic boss to siphon their essence into the blade of old to awaken it’s true potential.
Not “hey let’s go gamble in the forge and then craft some pieces to make this epic weapon!”. There is nothing Legendary about that.
Actually, there are stories behind legendaries. I have some fond memories grinding the jumping puzzles and zerging in WvW, in the last dungeon run we carried a level 55 warrior which tested our skill, all that mining, time spent on the TP, mystic forge grinding, and so much else.
“ow yer and ofcouse the part of just being able to buy the very best gear (legendaries) with RL cash is just laugheble as a game design, and shows a complete lack of respect and understanding towards the gamers and their time investment in the game -.-”
I disagree because it’s just one more set of options the player has, options are always good. Besides if you want to spend real life money then a legendary will set you back $300, which could be set aside for when the Pascal cards come out.
With the introduction of Legendary weapons and armor, the players that don’t craft still find themselves in the shadows, waiting and hoping for something they will never be able to acquire.So i ask you ant, please provide some form so that the non-crafter can still earn a legendary weapon/armor set.
As a non-crafter, you have not invested the huge quantity of time and gold to max all crafting levels like I have. I gather and make most of everything I have, or had before salvaging or forging.
Please do not trivialize crafting. If you do not like doing it, then you save an enormous expense and can make gold many times faster than I. Not crafting gives you a giant advantage in being able to afford a legendary off the BLTC.
This is one of the reasons I’ve stopped playing. I have well over 50% of my T6 mats, all but two of my gifts…but I need to level both an amorsmith and an attifacer on an alt to get them. All I need is a guide and some gold? I’ve never had more than 200 gold, ever. And I STILL need to buy a precursor (last I checked about 3-400 gold, not huge demand). As a primary WvW player, and mostly a support ele at that, I don’t have any income. The impossibility of getting my Legendary even after thousands of hours of gameplay, plus the wasting death of WvW to terminal neglect has driven me from the game. And I decided this week I won’t be buying HoT either. I’m not interested in yet another grind.
This is one of the reasons I’ve stopped playing. I have well over 50% of my T6 mats, all but two of my gifts…but I need to level both an amorsmith and an attifacer on an alt to get them. All I need is a guide and some gold? I’ve never had more than 200 gold, ever. And I STILL need to buy a precursor (last I checked about 3-400 gold, not huge demand). As a primary WvW player, and mostly a support ele at that, I don’t have any income. The impossibility of getting my Legendary even after thousands of hours of gameplay, plus the wasting death of WvW to terminal neglect has driven me from the game. And I decided this week I won’t be buying HoT either. I’m not interested in yet another grind.
WvWers have no income? So the hundreds of top tier bags you get each day don’t count as income? The non-stop loot for ranking up? The badges you can turn into siege to sell? None of this is income to you? It isn’t anets fault that you spend all of your gold on other stuff and don’t want to invest it into the legendary.
lets see….. so there’s
world bosses
5 maps dedicated to lvl 75 or higher content
temple events
guild challenges
high lvl crafting
a whole host of achievements in the achievement panel
and you still cant find anything to do at a high lvl…. hmmm me thinks you are a bit hard to please, as in never gonna be.
as for playstyle being dictated by a meta, thats your issue, as you can choose to make things a bit harder for yourself by choosing to play those other playstyles… it seems “there” is the hard content you all seem to crave as well. If you cant choose to play a different way because it wont give you your reward fast enough, then thats your issue.
Even if they let you get the gifts without leveling up crafting, you wouldn’t be able to make the legendary because you then need to put everything in the mystic forge and your phobia of selecting items and clicking a button to combine them would kick in again.
The sheer amount of investment necessary to max all crafting levels, get a precursor, then Forge it into a legendary is difficult for new players to comprehend.
In 3 years of playing, I cannot once recall a single stack of anything I have sold on the trading post – not one time! I have consumed almost every drop and purchased stacks of mats when I needed to. Right now, I am building T7 inventory for another set of ascended armor and am sitting on over 5 stacks of mystic coins and 1000 spirit shards for use in November. That kind of inventory takes a lot of effort to build.
Fortunately, Gw2 has variety in what kind of grind you choose.
I keep seeing people say all crafting has to be maxed here. I remember only needing two for when i made my Kudzu….am i missing something or are we being additionally snarky to people who don’t want to in any effort?
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
I keep seeing people say all crafting has to be maxed here. I remember only needing two for when i made my Kudzu….am i missing something or are we being additionally snarky to people who don’t want to in any effort?
No, you still only need 2. And unless they recently changed it, you don’t need them maxed. Only to 400.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I keep seeing people say all crafting has to be maxed here. I remember only needing two for when i made my Kudzu….am i missing something or are we being additionally snarky to people who don’t want to in any effort?
No, you still only need 2. And unless they recently changed it, you don’t need them maxed. Only to 400.
Ah… alright then.
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
Leveling crafting 0 to 400 takes about 1hr30mins if you’re slow, its not that much of a commitment when considering how much time a Legendary takes.
I leveled artificer, jeweler, and chef to 400 (in order to craft mawdrey) in the span of one day. Total cost: about 20g.
With the introduction of Legendary weapons and armor, the players that don’t craft still find themselves in the shadows, waiting and hoping for something they will never be able to acquire.So i ask you ant, please provide some form so that the non-crafter can still earn a legendary weapon/armor set.
You can get legendries from the TP. How easy do you want it?
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Sure, if I can have legendary armour without having to raid. Or that legendary back piece without doing fractals. Etc, etc.
This is one of the reasons I’ve stopped playing. I have well over 50% of my T6 mats, all but two of my gifts…but I need to level both an amorsmith and an attifacer on an alt to get them. All I need is a guide and some gold? I’ve never had more than 200 gold, ever. And I STILL need to buy a precursor (last I checked about 3-400 gold, not huge demand). As a primary WvW player, and mostly a support ele at that, I don’t have any income. The impossibility of getting my Legendary even after thousands of hours of gameplay, plus the wasting death of WvW to terminal neglect has driven me from the game. And I decided this week I won’t be buying HoT either. I’m not interested in yet another grind.
WvWers have no income? So the hundreds of top tier bags you get each day don’t count as income? The non-stop loot for ranking up? The badges you can turn into siege to sell? None of this is income to you? It isn’t anets fault that you spend all of your gold on other stuff and don’t want to invest it into the legendary.
I guess you didn’t read my post, so all I can do is just type it again with different words. I don’t have any WvW income. I don’t get bags dropping waters for my commander. I don’t SELL my seige, I DEPLOY IT. I don’t spend my gold on anything except bank slots. I don’t have any income to spend
I don’t craft, never have. I find it too tedious. But that is my choice. Some people have put MANY hours into crafting and getting materials in order to build a legendary item. That should be rewarded.
I do NOT think that you should be able to get the same legendary items that crafters build any other way. It is not like it is impossible fo us non-crafters to get it, we just have to start crafting and put the hours in.
This is one of the reasons I’ve stopped playing. I have well over 50% of my T6 mats, all but two of my gifts…but I need to level both an amorsmith and an attifacer on an alt to get them. All I need is a guide and some gold? I’ve never had more than 200 gold, ever. And I STILL need to buy a precursor (last I checked about 3-400 gold, not huge demand). As a primary WvW player, and mostly a support ele at that, I don’t have any income. The impossibility of getting my Legendary even after thousands of hours of gameplay, plus the wasting death of WvW to terminal neglect has driven me from the game. And I decided this week I won’t be buying HoT either. I’m not interested in yet another grind.
WvWers have no income? So the hundreds of top tier bags you get each day don’t count as income? The non-stop loot for ranking up? The badges you can turn into siege to sell? None of this is income to you? It isn’t anets fault that you spend all of your gold on other stuff and don’t want to invest it into the legendary.
I guess you didn’t read my post, so all I can do is just type it again with different words. I don’t have any WvW income. I don’t get bags dropping waters for my commander. I don’t SELL my seige, I DEPLOY IT. I don’t spend my gold on anything except bank slots. I don’t have any income to spend
The issue isn’t crafting then, its being poor.
This is what I’m hoping for.
I don’t want to craft, but have spent more than enough time and money on the game; just on other things.
This is one of the reasons I’ve stopped playing. I have well over 50% of my T6 mats, all but two of my gifts…but I need to level both an amorsmith and an attifacer on an alt to get them. All I need is a guide and some gold? I’ve never had more than 200 gold, ever. And I STILL need to buy a precursor (last I checked about 3-400 gold, not huge demand). As a primary WvW player, and mostly a support ele at that, I don’t have any income. The impossibility of getting my Legendary even after thousands of hours of gameplay, plus the wasting death of WvW to terminal neglect has driven me from the game. And I decided this week I won’t be buying HoT either. I’m not interested in yet another grind.
WvWers have no income? So the hundreds of top tier bags you get each day don’t count as income? The non-stop loot for ranking up? The badges you can turn into siege to sell? None of this is income to you? It isn’t anets fault that you spend all of your gold on other stuff and don’t want to invest it into the legendary.
It’s really not much, per hour, compared with dungeon running.
Yes, you get a few gold every day, but not the 10s of gold you get from dungeons.
Not sure why it is that way? But still.
The point is, it would be nice to have equal choices.
Do the content you prefer for x amount of time, for x amount of reward.
Some people would choose to do all one thing, others would choose to do a few different things, or a little of everything; but it would all provide roughly the same rewards.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)