Let's look at the other side of the coin.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


I think it’s safe by now to say that this game didn’t become a WoW killer.
But if you ask me, that’s better. WoW ultimately devolved into a drama infested place where everything fun and challenging got nerfed due to all the kids crying about how hard it is. I for one like the casual community and the fact that this game focuses skills and builds over gear. Yeah, raid to get gear then raid to get more gear. Un-fun-fun! Same thing with PvP, it’s just a gear race.

To quote Yahtzee Croshaw… “You don’t honestly care if your new crystal nethersword is going to clash with your elite boss clogs. It’s about the numbers. You want the items with the best numbers so you can use your numbers to decrease the enemy numbers until your numbers are the best in the land and all the other guilds flock to regard your numbers with jealous awe.”

If a bigwig game eventually becomes that sort of gear race then I’m glad that we’re not the majority because if we were that’s what it would become. Embrace this underdog of a game, it may have flaws but what game doesn’t, we’re slowly getting there.

And ofc there’s many more games where I can apply the same wisdom, the bottom line is, to heck with the majority.

(edited by Oxstar.7643)

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


The game was never going to become a WoW killer anyway. Not straight out of launch, at least.

What the people who were screaming ‘WoW-killer’ and the people saying ‘WoW has 9mil subs’ seemed to forget was that WoW didn’t start out with them numbers. They built up to them.

That being said, this game doesn’t need to be a WoW-killer to be a huge success.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


The game was never going to become a WoW killer anyway. Not straight out of launch, at least.

What the people who were screaming ‘WoW-killer’ and the people saying ‘WoW has 9mil subs’ seemed to forget was that WoW didn’t start out with them numbers. They built up to them.

That being said, this game doesn’t need to be a WoW-killer to be a huge success.

In my eyes it stands out from the crowd in a good way.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


Ah, Yahtzee. You, sir, may have my like.
- I also just wrote a thread “about whining on the forum”…
Basically I’m tired of people complaining about the game not being a perfect first attempt… as if any game ever were, and as if any game ever achieved perfection.

GW2 has definitely raised the bar that we may set as a standard for future MMO’s and that is a big deal. It’s no WoW killer, to be sure, but it definitely makes fighting dragons seem… well, epic. The Shatterer and all these dragons that you fight, I found it to be some epic battles. And sure, there is stuff to improve on, but I’m confident that it will appear as they get a better grip on how best to make it work with their new game designs and concepts.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Ah, Yahtzee. You, sir, may have my like.
- I also just wrote a thread “about whining on the forum”…
Basically I’m tired of people complaining about the game not being a perfect first attempt… as if any game ever were, and as if any game ever achieved perfection.

GW2 has definitely raised the bar that we may set as a standard for future MMO’s and that is a big deal. It’s no WoW killer, to be sure, but it definitely makes fighting dragons seem… well, epic. The Shatterer and all these dragons that you fight, I found it to be some epic battles. And sure, there is stuff to improve on, but I’m confident that it will appear as they get a better grip on how best to make it work with their new game designs and concepts.

Wp to dragon, auto attack, alt + tab to aviod lag, pick up loot. Epic fight!

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildman.9641


Ah, Yahtzee. You, sir, may have my like.
- I also just wrote a thread “about whining on the forum”…
Basically I’m tired of people complaining about the game not being a perfect first attempt… as if any game ever were, and as if any game ever achieved perfection.

GW2 has definitely raised the bar that we may set as a standard for future MMO’s and that is a big deal. It’s no WoW killer, to be sure, but it definitely makes fighting dragons seem… well, epic. The Shatterer and all these dragons that you fight, I found it to be some epic battles. And sure, there is stuff to improve on, but I’m confident that it will appear as they get a better grip on how best to make it work with their new game designs and concepts.

Wp to dragon, auto attack, alt + tab to aviod lag, pick up loot. Epic fight!

Hey! That is tough to pull off without a macro.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Wp to dragon, auto attack, alt + tab to aviod lag, pick up loot. Epic fight!

That’s more an issue with event scaling, rather than the event itself.

Doing the fight with 12 people was a hard-fought win.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


A game doesn’t even need to be a success to be considered successful: Diablo 3.

Anyway, even though GW2 will never be a “WoW killer” the game did bring a lot of fresh ideas to the MMO table. Credit where credit’s due…

It’s unfortunate that they alienated so many of their loyal following early on, firstly, by not sticking to their initial design philosophy and, secondly, by not seeming sure of the direction they actually want to take.

I suspect that it will take a company with more resources and experience (like Blizzard, for example) to take these ideas from GW2 and other recent titles and incorporate it into something that will become the “next WoW”.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


A game doesn’t even need to be a success to be considered successful: Diablo 3.

Anyway, even though GW2 will never be a “WoW killer” the game did bring a lot of fresh ideas to the MMO table. Credit where credit’s due…

It’s unfortunate that they alienated so many of their loyal following early on, firstly, by not sticking to their initial design philosophy and, secondly, by not seeming sure of the direction they actually want to take.

I suspect that it will take a company with more resources and experience (like Blizzard, for example) to take these ideas from GW2 and other recent titles and incorporate it into something that will become the “next WoW”.

Not Blizzard please, I don’t trust them anymore. There’s other people out there with money, like Activision, or NCsoft, or Valve.

Actually, let’s just give GW2 to Valve and let them remake it, ANet still get copyright money and Valve is awesome at making games, slow, but that’s because they take time to perfect it.

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


And it’s heads!!! I also agree with what O kitten aying if what he is saying is he doesn’t want gw2 to become a wow killer cause that means all the drama kittens and kids will swamp on gw2 and destroy our “overall” good community.

(edited by Lafiel.9372)

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


A game doesn’t even need to be a success to be considered successful: Diablo 3.

Anyway, even though GW2 will never be a “WoW killer” the game did bring a lot of fresh ideas to the MMO table. Credit where credit’s due…

It’s unfortunate that they alienated so many of their loyal following early on, firstly, by not sticking to their initial design philosophy and, secondly, by not seeming sure of the direction they actually want to take.

I suspect that it will take a company with more resources and experience (like Blizzard, for example) to take these ideas from GW2 and other recent titles and incorporate it into something that will become the “next WoW”.

Very good post Sir! +1

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


And it’s heads!!! I also agree with what O kitten aying if what he is saying is he doesn’t want gw2 to become a wow killer cause that means all the drama kittens and kids will swamp on gw2 and destroy our “overall” good community.

That, and they’d screw things over with their constant cries for nerfs since GW2 actually tries hard to kick you in the balls and rub it in your face that you failed – Unlike WoW where everything is coated in bubblewrap.

Danananananananana BATMAN!

Let's look at the other side of the coin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


And it’s heads!!! I also agree with what O kitten aying if what he is saying is he doesn’t want gw2 to become a wow killer cause that means all the drama kittens and kids will swamp on gw2 and destroy our “overall” good community.

That, and they’d screw things over with their constant cries for nerfs since GW2 actually tries hard to kick you in the balls and rub it in your face that you failed – Unlike WoW where everything is coated in bubblewrap.

Danananananananana BATMAN!

Weird my paragraph is missing words even though when I click edit it’s all there..

oh okay i get it, it’s because OP used with is saying makes a certain word which gets censored. Silly. lol