Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palm Tiger.8275

Palm Tiger.8275

Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ubi.4136


The first leak of the new expansion was 100% correct on everything it “leaked”.
That leak also told us the customizable home instances were already done but pushed back.
expansion 1 – gliding
expansion 2 – mounts
expansion 3 – likely to be housing if it is indeed already done

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AncientYs.8613


Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

get that kitten out of here man, this isn’t Sims.. -_- … guildhall and personal home instance isn’t enough?

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: caveman.5840


lets not and say we did

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feothyr.6072


Please no. Housing is just another pointless money sink. :s

Goroth – Necro | Valea – Mesmer
Naneth – Guardian | Brannoc Oakbark – Ranger
Is all that we see or seem just a dream within a dream?

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SmirkDog.3160


Well to be fair, I don’t know about anyone else, but the home instance doesn’t feel very homey. It would be cool to have a house or apartment that I can put stuff in. I mean, guild halls are great and all, but not everyone can get those. So what are we supposed to do with the cool decorations we get? Maybe put them in a house/apartment?

FFXIV has houses and they can be pricey, but it’s significantly cheaper to get an apartment if you’re just one player that wants their own space. And I know I would hang out with my partner in my apartment if we were chatting between dungeons or something.

I think it would be fun, as long as it’s accessible for everyone.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


Barring that (although I do like the idea of a small place I can hang with just a few friends with some basic storage stuff and maybe a node of our choice from our large “home” instance, I think smaller more accessible guild halls for smaller guilds that for whatever reasons cannot muster the people to get or outfit the larger halls would be nice.

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosbuster.4379


Please no. Housing is just another pointless money sink. :s

Like mounts, at least according to some people.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


I still don’t get housing. Anet will make it instanced, so who would ever see your little pink house?

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EriskRedLemur.7153


It’d be cool IF optional clearly a money sink like any housing in any MMO. But instanced housing tbh is boring after a while; it’d be cool to be able to have open world housing on maps made for it. OR instanced guild housing; can organize a city. That will NEVER happen Im thinking of the days of SWG or ArchAge .

If it’s instanced I am meh it’s basically then like home instances where you can customize more; like guild halls – meh. Cool w/ guild hall because your whole guild shares. But that’s me.

King Slacker, GM LXS (NA) League of Xtraordinary Slackers

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


I still don’t get housing. Anet will make it instanced, so who would ever see your little pink house?

technically guild halls are instanced, as are current home instance, but you can bring people into those. Soooo…

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


Housing would be more like your Home instance, where only those few you invite can enter. A GH is freely entered by any guild member.

I’m not opposed to personal housing, it just seems pointless.


If I had a yard that I could arrange all my nodes & such in, that’d be great!

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


Well to be fair, I don’t know about anyone else, but the home instance doesn’t feel very homey. It would be cool to have a house or apartment that I can put stuff in. I mean, guild halls are great and all, but not everyone can get those.

I’m in agreement with you, the home instance doesn’t feel homey to me either. I rarely bother even going to mine, even though I’ve got various chests/nodes etc, it just isn’t the same as housing. I’ve been in guilds with each of the guild halls, and neither guild hall location can really be classed as housing, they’re too big, and again not exactly homey.

I’d quite like something like the guild building in LA, that sort of size. Or the tavern in the northern section of DR. It would be much nicer to have proper player housing where you could have your own collectibles, weapons etc on display. As well as your nodes etc. Even if only you or your party members will ever see it, that would be fine.

Personally I’d have much rather have had proper player housing than mounts.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

When did Arenanet actually promise this thing you speak of? I’ve no recollection beyond “we’ll think about it”.

Hate is Fuel.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuzion.4193


Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

When did Arenanet actually promise this thing you speak of? I’ve no recollection beyond “we’ll think about it”.

It was a promised feature for after release, and came from Anet about three months prior to release. I tried to dig the quote up and can’t find it on the internet, but I remember it being the selling point in my decision to leave SWTOR for GW2. I came from SWG and missed housing badly! At that time, SWTOR didn’t have housing either, and I was excited to hear it would be implemented after release.

Alas, release came and went. The dev comments on housing changed to “we’ll get around to it”, to “it’s on the horizon, but being pushed back behind other things,” and finally to, “Sorry, there will be no housing.” I remember at that time feeling quite dupped, jipped and just let down when they said our instanced homes is all we’ll have. But then guild housing was released and people garnered hope again, since it’s all basically the same thing. In a way.

Just because some people find housing pointless, doesn’t mean everyone does. Housing is a much-requested feature across the MMO-scape, and most MMOs include, or have added housing to their feature set. WoW did, ESO did, SWTOR did. Rift, EQ2, BDO and a few MMOs have instances that are a major part of the playerbase’s “endgame”.

Look at it that way: Some people PvP endgame, some people raid, some people RP, some people craft, and some people enjoy decorating and hosting events and RP out of their home instances. It would be another feature lots of players would enjoy. I personally hope to see it in GW2 sometime.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


I legit dont remember player housing being a promised feature ever, and ive lurked on these forums since beta, i do however remember them saying they would think about it. But frankly and this is just my opinion, id rather have more stuff added to our home instances, or more maps to explore. Not saying that it wouldnt be neat of course.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jinn Galen.2468

Jinn Galen.2468

Why not redesign home instance into your own personal house?

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

When did Arenanet actually promise this thing you speak of? I’ve no recollection beyond “we’ll think about it”.

It was a promised feature for after release, and came from Anet about three months prior to release. I tried to dig the quote up and can’t find it on the internet, but I remember it being the selling point in my decision to leave SWTOR for GW2. I came from SWG and missed housing badly! At that time, SWTOR didn’t have housing either, and I was excited to hear it would be implemented after release.

Alas, release came and went. The dev comments on housing changed to “we’ll get around to it”, to “it’s on the horizon, but being pushed back behind other things,” and finally to, “Sorry, there will be no housing.” I remember at that time feeling quite dupped, jipped and just let down when they said our instanced homes is all we’ll have. But then guild housing was released and people garnered hope again, since it’s all basically the same thing. In a way.

Just because some people find housing pointless, doesn’t mean everyone does. Housing is a much-requested feature across the MMO-scape, and most MMOs include, or have added housing to their feature set. WoW did, ESO did, SWTOR did. Rift, EQ2, BDO and a few MMOs have instances that are a major part of the playerbase’s “endgame”.

Yeah, I’m going to need an actual link, bro. I’ve been active in this game since launch and I’ve actively followed info released by Anet, especially prior to launch, and I never heard one peep about player housing being even possibly being a feature, only that “we’ll think about it”. I’m sorry, but I can’t take your word for it.

Also, no one can accurately say how many people want this housing thing. It may be a majority of the player base, it may be a minority, it may even be an insignificant number, no one knows. Maybe this is worth putting in the game, maybe it isn’t, I don’t have strong feelings about it either way. But just because someone or even several someones want a feature doesn’t mean it has to be put in. No game can have everything everyone wants.

Hate is Fuel.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion



Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

When did Arenanet actually promise this thing you speak of? I’ve no recollection beyond “we’ll think about it”.

It was a promised feature for after release, and came from Anet about three months prior to release. I tried to dig the quote up and can’t find it on the internet, but I remember it being the selling point in my decision to leave SWTOR for GW2. I came from SWG and missed housing badly! At that time, SWTOR didn’t have housing either, and I was excited to hear it would be implemented after release.

Alas, release came and went. The dev comments on housing changed to “we’ll get around to it”, to “it’s on the horizon, but being pushed back behind other things,” and finally to, “Sorry, there will be no housing.” I remember at that time feeling quite dupped, jipped and just let down when they said our instanced homes is all we’ll have. But then guild housing was released and people garnered hope again, since it’s all basically the same thing. In a way.

Just because some people find housing pointless, doesn’t mean everyone does. Housing is a much-requested feature across the MMO-scape, and most MMOs include, or have added housing to their feature set. WoW did, ESO did, SWTOR did. Rift, EQ2, BDO and a few MMOs have instances that are a major part of the playerbase’s “endgame”.

Yeah, I’m going to need an actual link, bro. I’ve been active in this game since launch and I’ve actively followed info released by Anet, especially prior to launch, and I never heard one peep about player housing being even possibly being a feature, only that “we’ll think about it”. I’m sorry, but I can’t take your word for it.

Also, no one can accurately say how many people want this housing thing. It may be a majority of the player base, it may be a minority, it may even be an insignificant number, no one knows. Maybe this is worth putting in the game, maybe it isn’t, I don’t have strong feelings about it either way. But just because someone or even several someones want a feature doesn’t mean it has to be put in. No game can have everything everyone wants.

idk about that one . games like wow and evercrack and few of the other ones do have it all .and seams like they might be even eating their cakes too LOL

no new system upgrades coming

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’d rather see time devoted to improving guild functions, missions, and halls rather than to player house. Guilds serve groups, but housing mostly serves individuals (and those who leech off their nodes).

I’m sure they are fun in some games and fun for some people; that doesn’t mean that they belong in GW2, also.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumion.7580


Why not redesign home instance into your own personal house?

That would be lovely… if it was possible. Currently, you can’t put your nodes and such where you want them and you cannot decorate. If they changed this so that the home instance could be personalized, I think people would be happier about it.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

I’ve found the home instance gets more homely the more nodes and cats I’ve collected, so I’m happy if the least they do is creating more stuff to put in the home instance.

Even better would be if we could move the positions of some of the nodes.

And I don’t “leech” off my nodes. I maintain their well-being by selective daily pruning.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keyang.3729


but you’re already inside a house

When a thief tells you to L2P they mean …

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: suicidalspectre.8106


but you’re already inside a house

Not in the Char home instance.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Etien.4601


Dude we can’t even sit on chairs…

Drop Acid Not Bombs (Richie Hawtin)

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emprer.7256


Why not redesign home instance into your own personal house?

I support this idea.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

When did Arenanet actually promise this thing you speak of? I’ve no recollection beyond “we’ll think about it”.

It was a promised feature for after release, and came from Anet about three months prior to release. I tried to dig the quote up and can’t find it on the internet, but I remember it being the selling point in my decision to leave SWTOR for GW2. I came from SWG and missed housing badly! At that time, SWTOR didn’t have housing either, and I was excited to hear it would be implemented after release.

Alas, release came and went. The dev comments on housing changed to “we’ll get around to it”, to “it’s on the horizon, but being pushed back behind other things,” and finally to, “Sorry, there will be no housing.” I remember at that time feeling quite dupped, jipped and just let down when they said our instanced homes is all we’ll have. But then guild housing was released and people garnered hope again, since it’s all basically the same thing. In a way.

Just because some people find housing pointless, doesn’t mean everyone does. Housing is a much-requested feature across the MMO-scape, and most MMOs include, or have added housing to their feature set. WoW did, ESO did, SWTOR did. Rift, EQ2, BDO and a few MMOs have instances that are a major part of the playerbase’s “endgame”.

Yeah, I’m going to need an actual link, bro. I’ve been active in this game since launch and I’ve actively followed info released by Anet, especially prior to launch, and I never heard one peep about player housing being even possibly being a feature, only that “we’ll think about it”. I’m sorry, but I can’t take your word for it.

Also, no one can accurately say how many people want this housing thing. It may be a majority of the player base, it may be a minority, it may even be an insignificant number, no one knows. Maybe this is worth putting in the game, maybe it isn’t, I don’t have strong feelings about it either way. But just because someone or even several someones want a feature doesn’t mean it has to be put in. No game can have everything everyone wants.

idk about that one . games like wow and evercrack and few of the other ones do have it all .and seams like they might be even eating their cakes too LOL

So, Wow and everquest have every single possible feature that anyone and everyone that plays them could want? Every single person? If not than my point does still stand, that its impossible for every single requested feature be implemented. As I already said, I’ve no real opinion about player housing, but one has to be pragmatic about something like this, would it be worth the effort and time that may go to something else. Everything added in game is the result of a balancing act.

Hate is Fuel.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xbon.9086


I legit dont remember player housing being a promised feature ever, and ive lurked on these forums since beta, i do however remember them saying they would think about it. But frankly and this is just my opinion, id rather have more stuff added to our home instances, or more maps to explore. Not saying that it wouldnt be neat of course.

same. this is the first I heard of it too. I’d love for housing akin to FFXIV, but that’s a sub mmo and has a hell of a lot more capital to make those full housing instances with the insanely customizable houses

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tekey.7946


Also, no one can accurately say how many people want this housing thing. It may be a majority of the player base, it may be a minority, it may even be an insignificant number, no one knows. Maybe this is worth putting in the game, maybe it isn’t, I don’t have strong feelings about it either way. But just because someone or even several someones want a feature doesn’t mean it has to be put in. No game can have everything everyone wants.

So, Wow and everquest have every single possible feature that anyone and everyone that plays them could want? Every single person? If not than my point does still stand, that its impossible for every single requested feature be implemented. As I already said, I’ve no real opinion about player housing, but one has to be pragmatic about something like this, would it be worth the effort and time that may go to something else. Everything added in game is the result of a balancing act.

Well, in your words: no one could accurately say how many people want this mount thing. Many people were even completely against it. But Path of Fire will introduce mounts to GW2 – many people thought Anet would never do that.

Everything that could result in money is worth the effort for Arenanet. Mount skins will be sold in the gem store just like glider skins. The required target groups are already there, mounts have been requested for a long time, just as housing.

Housing items, decorations are even more versatile than mounts and gliders. They could sell tons of different items in the gem store. As long as there is nothing else that could result in even more money, they will probably go with housing.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

Also, no one can accurately say how many people want this housing thing. It may be a majority of the player base, it may be a minority, it may even be an insignificant number, no one knows. Maybe this is worth putting in the game, maybe it isn’t, I don’t have strong feelings about it either way. But just because someone or even several someones want a feature doesn’t mean it has to be put in. No game can have everything everyone wants.

So, Wow and everquest have every single possible feature that anyone and everyone that plays them could want? Every single person? If not than my point does still stand, that its impossible for every single requested feature be implemented. As I already said, I’ve no real opinion about player housing, but one has to be pragmatic about something like this, would it be worth the effort and time that may go to something else. Everything added in game is the result of a balancing act.

Well, in your words: no one could accurately say how many people want this mount thing. Many people were even completely against it. But Path of Fire will introduce mounts to GW2 – many people thought Anet would never do that.

Everything that could result in money is worth the effort for Arenanet. Mount skins will be sold in the gem store just like glider skins. The required target groups are already there, mounts have been requested for a long time, just as housing.

Housing items, decorations are even more versatile than mounts and gliders. They could sell tons of different items in the gem store. As long as there is nothing else that could result in even more money, they will probably go with housing.

You’re misunderstanding my point, if not almost Strawmaning it. When people bring up possible changes or additions to the game, its not uncommon for folks to try to argue from a position of popularity, particularly in cases of features that other games have. I was pointing out that this isn’t something that can be used in an honest debate, not here
anyways. This wasn’t pointed out as an argument against player housing, for the third time I’m completely ambivalent to the idea.
However, and I guess I should have put in this caveat earlier, Arenanet may have a better ability to gauge what may be more popular amongst the playerbase, with varying degrees of accuracy. I was referring to us, the players, when I was saying “we can’t know”. I will admit I wasn’t clear here.
I have to disagree with your claim that “Everything that could result in money is worth the effort for Arenanet”, as there are a lot of things that could and probably would earn them money in at least the short term that would be abhorrent. First one that comes to mind is a Premium User model like ones that several sub-free MMOs use. There is also the simple fact that just because something has been made available for money doesn’t mean the players are going to want it and spend money on it. And if that happens, than the effort, time, and money Anet put in is wasted. Even they cannot know for certain what will and will not work, and as a business they have to put careful thought into what they actually do, not repeatedly throwing everything they see in the forums at the wall to see what sticks.
Maybe the mounts will turn out to be worth it, maybe not. I’ll make no comment on which is more plausible. And maybe player housing would be worth it, maybe not.
On a side note in regards to housing items from the gemstore I will say this, it’d best that housing items NOT come only from the gemstore, but also include many items that are earned in game. We don’t need yet another issue similar to the outfits vs armors on top of whatever else is going on.

Hate is Fuel.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ardasica.4531


I still don’t get housing. Anet will make it instanced, so who would ever see your little pink house?

I don’t care who would see it. I would like to have it and display things like the airship that sits in my inventory and gives a cut scene when clicked on.

That has more value to me than the messenger animations for Trading Posts and email or the mounts.

Even the ability to put my nodes where they make sense and not where ANet thinks they should go would be nice. Being able to not have extra NPCs hanging out in my home instance would be nice too. It’s not an unusual aspect for MMOs to have so if we are going to bring on healer classes and mounts then why not homes we can decorate?

Tailor could craft things like curtains. Leatherworker could make chests for storage. Huntsman could craft furniture and so on.


Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Don’t need another MMO with housing.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hugo.4705


For players without guild, housing is a solution and yep home instance don’t feel really like homes… But I will agree with the “gold sink” point, don’t want another thing to lost money for “aesthetic”. But not a real important feature for me.

Join Inquest or Aetherblades that’s a terrible choice!
Please Anet, more underground, more asuran cities!
[TP] Bring back Moto’s boom box!

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Dear Anet,

What happened to the housing promised just after launch?

Got a link for the promise?

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drecien.4508


If they introduce a “home” it’ll likely be yours alone that no one can come farm at. Leave the home instance the way it is so others may enjoy the bounty.

14 level 80s All races/professions
Server-Blackgate, are there others?
Some must fight, so that all may be free. —Amora Soulkeeper.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mea.5491


get that kitten out of here man, this isn’t Sims.. -_- … guildhall and personal home instance isn’t enough?

I don’t have permission to decorate guild hall. No furniture and other fun stuff for home instance. Housing would be optional for people who are interested. I hope we will get it in the future.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halan.7931


I’d rather see time devoted to improving guild functions, missions, and halls rather than to player house. Guilds serve groups, but housing mostly serves individuals (and those who leech off their nodes).

I spent quite a lot of gold and materials into guild hall upgrades at the start of HoT, then I had to take a leave from game for a few months, then I return and see that I’m removed from a guild. Never again. It looks like Guild Hall is a housing for megalomaniac guild leaders.. others are just peons.

Would love to have a personal housing or upgrade to home instance.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bobsort.4097


But but, I don’t want a home!

seriously, we have a home instance, and it is already customized per player (also per toon). you can already add cats and gross dead animals to your backyard. why don’t ANET put an scribing table in home instance and let scribes do the rest and customize their own home instance?

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samnang.1879


Expansion 3: In game marriage.

After all these years of saving Tyria, my hero is ready to settle down.

Please nerf bag types instead of class skills!

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


It may be just me but I don’t find any houses in GW2 ‘homey’. To do that, one would need to furnish their own home. And make their own custom furniture a la EQ2 – and some of the stuff there is more than a little inspired. GW2 doesn’t have – at least not now – that kind of flexibility.

As far as allowing other people to see what you’ve built, just allow access to all, update to none.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Housing is implemented: The HOME INSTANCE….

Problem: Never was any effort made to show what house or building is yours…
In some cases you are living on the streets, at the game start…. So no house I guess…

I must say my home instance has gotten some love, and I eventually capped a “Personal Guildhall”. (I can invite a decent amount of people and I use it to enjoy a personal instance with way more RP options and decorating and customisation options.)

Both the home instance and the Guild hall are extreme gold sinks….

But we have options. both can provide nodes, the guild hall being more expensive has PvP options and decorating options, the home instance has well…: nodes and cats…

I do not have interest in a 3rd personal housing… It feels unneccesary and awkward ppl cannot find a place in tyria at all… I have places in maps I like. and If you know some nooks and crannies there are great places to hang out and have fun.

Home instances feel more like RP material, and the normal home instance allows for it, and else a guild hall will provide a lot more options for RP. As for housing cause I need to feel improtant; home istances should be enough and a guildhall is already oiver the top.

So please drop the subject and explore your present options. A guidl hall is only 100 gold and some effort.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Housing was never promised. Not once. Not ever. It was mentioned. Once. In an answer on guild wars 2 guru by Martin Kerstein who only said it wouldnt’ be in the game at launch and that it would probably be added to the game with the first expansion with guild halls.

That really doesn’t qualify as a promise.

I really wish people would stop using hyperbole to try to make points because it weakens any argument they might have.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I still don’t get housing. Anet will make it instanced, so who would ever see your little pink house?

I personally don’t care if anyone ever sees it, I will, it’s for me. I mostly just want a “home instance” that is like a combination of the hall of monuments and a library.

Something that shows the progress of the character (and account), trophy rooms, souvenirs, book shelves, a librarian golem that records and plays back collected dialog, a holo projector for cut scenes and so on.

And if we’re going really crazy here, more npcs from your chosen order (a research area for priory, barracks for vigil troops and control room for the whispers) and my ultimate not needed but I’d love it request; the ability to see your other characters in the relevant home instances, so you could go to the Black Citadel and into the bar there and seeing your charr characters standing around the pub chatting to one another.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DakotaCoty.5721


Oh, yeah, personal housing will be great when ArenaNet can’t even balance decoration prices.

Want some tiles? 500g per 1, 20 needed to fill your house! /s

[CG {EU} – Leader] Leading farm guild~193 cRanger~

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hybarf Tics.2048

Hybarf Tics.2048

Anet’s list of forbidden topic:
Underwater combat
Skimpy Armors
Housing, did I forget anything?
All these 3 topics have been shelved and archived for the past 5 years, why do players still think things are gonna change? Anet does not get involved in theses topics, like… forever.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Anet’s list of forbidden topic:
Underwater combat
Skimpy Armors
Housing, did I forget anything?
All these 3 topics have been shelved and archived for the past 5 years, why do players still think things are gonna change? Anet does not get involved in theses topics, like… forever.

Yet this is what people said about mounts. Hmmmm.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hybarf Tics.2048

Hybarf Tics.2048

Oh, yeah, personal housing will be great when ArenaNet can’t even balance decoration prices.

Want some tiles? 500g per 1, 20 needed to fill your house! /s

Nah you’re wrong furniture would only sell for gems. There’s no profit in selling for virtual gold. Based on Ferengi’s 39th rule of acquisition based on the Great Material Continuum.

Don’t forget this game is Anet’s Great Material Continuum.

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hybarf Tics.2048

Hybarf Tics.2048

Anet’s list of forbidden topic:
Underwater combat
Skimpy Armors
Housing, did I forget anything?
All these 3 topics have been shelved and archived for the past 5 years, why do players still think things are gonna change? Anet does not get involved in theses topics, like… forever.

Yet this is what people said about mounts. Hmmmm.

Lol, you’re absolutely right about that one. I guess to every rule there is one exception.

(edited by Hybarf Tics.2048)

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Housing in DAOC was a village in itself. It felt great to own a house there at first and it gave some convenience too, but it was pretty pointless too as nobody could enter your house without your permission.

So I am not opposed to housing, but I am not exactly waiting for it either. The biggest damage to the game has alreeady been done with HoT, I am now ready to accept my next punishment in the form of PoF for some weird reason i don´t fully understand myself.^^

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sparrow.8423


Housing, although not for everyone, adds a lot of playable content for those who do enjoy it.

One would presumably have to invest time in farming the currency to purchase it, then more time to acquire various types of decor and furniture to furnish it with. Playing with furniture arrangements and changing them as the mood takes you absorbs more time still.

House furnishings might be typical drops, limited special event rewards, kill trophies, or the product of various crafting professions who now have new resources and recipes to gather and make use of.

The Halloween and Christmas events could come with extra side games or challenges to acquire seasonal decor for your home like a Christmas tree and lights, or a jack o lantern and cobwebs, etc.

Perhaps you could even hunt down holiday, dungeon and favoured map music that plays on some sort of gramophone.

Ultimately this type of content does not appeal to the entire player base but I think it’s worth it for the developers to invest a little time in it, given how much those who do like it tend to get out of it.

Even if it’s not your cup of tea, surely you still want your fellow players and the game as a whole to thrive, no?