Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]
This is a terrible idea.
Bad change, very bad. Sorry you guys need to revert this or give us a button that lets us input the amount we want.
The old system worked absolutely fine and needed no change whatsoever.
It needed just one change :
If you wanted to buy gems, you enter the amount of gems you want, and you see the price
That would have been much better than randomly trying to change the gold numbers
until you finally get the number of gems you want.
THAT was the really confusing part.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Gaile Gray.6029:
Hey there,
Here are a few tidbits from the team:You may be surprised to know this (I know I was) but very few people bought gems at smaller denominations than the first one offered in the new system. That’s not to say they never did, nor that there wouldn’t be the desire to do so. But overall, the current options were selected based on player purchases in the past.
I always bought gems in small denominations and only what I needed…not anymore though, after this change. As the saying goes; “the needs of the many…”
Gaile Gray.6029:And yet in the history of this forum there has never been a post saying “the gem exchange interface is confusing me as a new player” or anything similar.
Really? You’re 100% certain there’s never been such a post? Good for you, then!
You’re the Communications Team Lead and this is how you address your customer/player base? That kind of sarcasm and snark does not reflect well on you or your company and is totally uncalled for. You owe fellyn.5083 an apology.
Considering this change has upset so many people (myself included) perhaps it would be wise to refrain from using any sort of emotes in your replies. It may not seem like it to everyone but in my case when I read your posts the addition of
etc. comes across as condescending and makes it appear that you’re humouring people and not taking their concerns seriously. And that may very well be the case I fear.
I appreciate your concern but she doesn’t need to apologize to me. I’m a big boy and I can handle a little sarcasm thrown my way. I realize I did exaggerate in the post she replied to so the sarcasm isn’t exactly unwarranted even if it’s not very professional.
I also posted a rebuttal to her and that’s all the more that needs to be said, for me at least.
My conspiracy theorist side is tingling. gather around folks and lets put on our tinfoil hat.
Now ..
What if all this nonsense is just to jack up the gold to gem price (since it’s almost the end of the year and maybe they have this ‘goal’ that gold to gem conversion should reach 20g/100gems by the end of 2014) and they have to do it without any evidence that they did it. so.. erase all the trace, put this absurd and kittenudz crupz and .. voila job well done.
Looks like an obvious cash grab. Makes buying gems with gold so inconvenient you have to buy them with real money… and even if you do, you lose some value because of the new “gems to gold” menu. Can’t be because of confused new users or anything like that. The impact on the overall gem store economy is too obvious.
Makes one wonder if ANet doesn’t value their reputation at all anymore.
I regret to say that this new system really rustled my jimmies.
I like the items in the Gemstore and when I see something funny or useful I will try to save up gold for gem conversions bit by bit.
Saving up large amounts of gold is pretty impossible for me because when I look at a shiny in the game and poof goes my gold back to a few silvers and copper.
I liked to grab small amounts of gems whenever I was done dungeoning for the day and I felt good about it when I changed around 10-15 gold to a handful of Gems. Because over time that number would be big enough to purchase the Top Hat I was saving up for, or yet another Character Slot. (I`m an alt-addict)
I am at 413 Gems at the moment for a new Character Slot, hitting that half way 400 mark felt as a reward to myself, I could see I was halfway there!
But as of today? please save up 80+ Gold to be able to purchase a 400 Gem ticket.
80 Gold, I play casual (extremely casual when it comes to saving up Gold), the most I’ve ever had at once in 2 years of playing was 30 Gold I think?
Whenever I had some gems in the Wallet, they would stay there, right above the icon of the item I wanted as a constant reminder. safe and sound.
The Gold on my wallet is a roller coaster without any aim because I don`t like to fuzz about it when I roam Tyria. I cannot put several Gold into my bank as a deposit to keep me from spending it so it will ultimately vanish again in some way or another that isn’t Gems…
Seeing that Gem count go up slow bits by bit was actually really rewarding in my head, and it is now shattered…
- sad player with rustled jimmies
TLDR version
- Casual player that liked to convert small amount of Gems as a personal project, no longer possible
- Player that doesn’t want to save up a lot of Gold that is also used for daily stuff, seeing tiny special gem steps towards desired Gem Item felt more rewarding
- Player has no self set reward project anymore.
- Give smaller options like 50 or 100 Gems, amounts that casual players/players with low gold can buy to build up a larger amount and get the reward at the end of their personal project.
- Give a cookie jar function where players can deposit small amounts of Gold and/or Silver in whenever they want as a saving for Gems, knowing it is safe in there. When they have enough to buy an X amount gem option they can choose to convert it or keep on saving for a larger amount.
this new UI will show us the professionalism of the programer
if u find a little sarcasm, you can take it
One of the most tragic side of this story is that it doesn’t bode well for the future of the game: while we are promised new interesting things for LS2, it seems like everything will (again) revolve around gemstore and nobody in ANet seems to have the slightest idea of what to do to make the game supplants every other game around.
No communication + hindering bad decisions + excess of self-confidence = worst game ever.
Not that GW2 is a bad game, or at least it wasn’t a bad game, but slowly it is turning into a joke. What will the next step be, 383 gems (because you can’t change the remaining 17) to unlock Wintersday, then a monthly subscription fee? It has been hours since I read that terrible change you made, and I’m still sad and angry at you all. You really don’t think further than your wallet, you really don’t think about players, you summon so called metrics that I’m sure don’t even exist and you shove down our throats changes that make everyone’s gaming experience far worse.
Do as you please with your game and your soooo precious new players, but as long as I am being treated as a ret¨ard and a cash cow, I’m not even logging in this pastiche of what Guild Wars is supposed to be the ancestor.
If-U-see-kay the GW2 you forced us to play.
Son of Elonia.
You didn’t have to change it. You could have added to it. “New People” choice for an excuse is Kitten. I was “New People” too once and now your calling me Stupid.
I am a GW2 game vet and buy gems from you. But Im getting tired of the money grabbing Kitten this game is turning into.
Hey Arena Net, did you know that “But the new players are confused by <x>!” has become a running gag in most guilds I’m in?
This patch was for new players, you say. Here’s the actual situation though:
New players don’t have enough gold to actually get gems.
New players aren’t too dumb to fill in a custom number on their own.
New players won’t care for this until they hit the level cap, at which point they are no longer new players to begin with.
Your whole reasoning for implementing this update is moot.
Yes, it’s nice that we now no longer have to sit there, adjusting half silver values to get that one gem more or less. But it’d require at least a 50, 100 or 200 gem count to be fair.
With that said, can you please get back to working on things that actually need fixing? Like loot charts on your endgame content, such as Fractals? Or re-enabling POI’s, Vistas, utility skills and weapon skill unlocks for lower level characters, so new players don’t fall asleep and ditch the game before reaching level 20? Food for thought, dears. Food for thought.
Newer players got confused by simple number conversion?How bad are these “players”?Can i get a show of hands who was confused for more than 5 seconds when they first looked at gem conversion.
All the thread needs now is Anet to come in and ask for a brief summary of the points.
So much of this aggravation could have been avoided by real, meaningful communication before the release of this feature. I was angry last night. Now I just feel crushing disappointment that one of my favourite games has fast become something I cannot bring myself to support anymore.
The kind of people who will set an orphanage on fire after locking themselves inside it.
There’s noway this go trough, so if you want to buy a lion key that cost 125 gem you have to buy 400gems however you pay in game money or in real money…
This is too silly.
I’m frustrated also cause i have 2 gem left and those 2 gem won’t ever be used anywhere … cause i can’t round them by buying 3 or 8 gems.
And yet in the history of this forum there has never been a post saying “the gem exchange interface is confusing me as a new player” or anything similar.
Really? You’re 100% certain there’s never been such a post? Good for you, then!
Wow Gaile..you used to be the kitten in GW1 but that’s just not how you should treat a customer.
First: bring back the graph
There was no reason to take it away It was beneficial for those that wanted to get the “best deal”.
Second: Add a custom amount feature.
In order to convert gems to gold I would want it to be a specific gem amount ie 800, 1600 etc or whatever amount I was gifted. So with your current system, I don’t see me being able to ever convert gems to gold as it would never “match” the amount gifted.
Terrible idea, I want to buy hood for 200 gems and I must buy 400 Gems lol? Everything was ok but after long time they change gems exchange system * sigh *
bravo ArenaNet
(edited by Oneenine.3860)
I believe I understand the devs desire to try and ease people into their system to make it more ~user friendly~, and I agree, there was a possible bit of confusion as to what you were clicking on when you desired to exchange gold for gems/gems for gold.
The problem is that they went with the “microsoft points” direction, which limited the usability, and over simplified. A better approach would have been managing the UI flow to allow people to understand what options they were selecting.
Any one veteran could tell you what you were clicking on when you said “buy gems with gold” .. it’s simple. But I guess some people made poor decisions in what they clicked and ended up expending gold for gems instead, which is their fault.
If you had to improve the UI for gold/gem exchange, creating set, non-customizable “tiers” of payment feels like an over simplification in response to a problem that needed a better solution.
I don’t -HATE- ANet for this. But I am irritated that this feels like a restriction rather than a improvement. I don’t know what the meeting was like when they discussed this measure, but I would hope that some of the voices in it were asking if the UI flow was so damaged that ~new players~ were becoming confused, and that they might look at different interface designs to better understand this.
Of course, this might have also been a discussion about in-game economy, which in that case, I have no answer for, either.
Upgrade everyone who has gems left to 2000 gems. Problem solved.
Just having an extra line providing us the ability to input a custom amount of gems or gold? (see attachments)
We would still have the QoL of just pressing 1 button to buy bulk amounts and an improvement over the old system (which was convoluted, as I had to input gold to see its conversion to gem, then if that wasn’t the amount I was shooting for I had to tweak my numbers)
Dont you see it? Anet force you to BUY gems with “real money” Not with gold. that all about.
New players are FORCED to buy gems with cash no with gold.
- Add a custom buttom for the desired quantity
- Bring back the graphic
Problem solved!
I agree. With this new system, I won’t be able to buy gems unless I use real life money, which is something I don’t have. I have always used gold to slowly accumulate gems. As a casual gamer it will be impossible for me to accumulate enough gold to purchase at least 400 gems, in a very short period of time. So either bring in buttons for fixed lower amounts or bring in something that allows us to put in a custom amount.
I would like to see the conversion rate back as well. This was really helpful as I was using my ‘hard earned’ gold to buy gems. I want to be able to snatch up gems when they’re cheap. It’s like the stocks!
this new UI will show us the professionalism of the programer
if u find a little sarcasm, you can take it
They usually don’t design the system, they only build it, especially in bigger companies. While I think they should be more involved in the design progress to get better products in general thats not how it usually works.
Anet had a UI designer but she recently left so don’t know is she did still work on this or not but even then it’s possible she does not decide about the options (fixed set of intervals vs the ability to manually select what you want). It’s likely that the monetize person was devolved in this. Then still she might have had a good idea from a monetizing perspective but only did not foresee the backlash or she did and the hole idea is to then throw a bone to the costumers by adding the option too buy 200 gems and then simply wait for the topic about this dies out (not that that means people accept it) and they did then draw a new line for how far they take the cash-shop focus.
It’s already much further as they said it would be, back when the game was released. And some people do accept that while at the same time it is harming the game.
I like the UI, but I’d like it better if you put at the bottom or top a section to Fill in Your Own values. Best of both worlds, you know?
I was formerly a defender of Anet for their weird, irrational decisions as of late. But this one screams of nothing but greed.
Anet is doing the same thing so many F2P companies end up doing: paying more attention to how to squeeze money out of us than how to provide us with good content. I thought Anet was better than this. I already pay well over $15/mo on this game, but only because I thought I could trust Anet.
Anet is no longer trustworthy.
I was formerly a defender of Anet for their weird, irrational decisions as of late. But this one screams of nothing but greed.
Anet is doing the same thing so many F2P companies end up doing: paying more attention to how to squeeze money out of us than how to provide us with good content. I thought Anet was better than this. I already pay well over $15/mo on this game, but only because I thought I could trust Anet.
Anet is no longer trustworthy.
This is what happens with every cash-shop focused game and I have been warning about it since about a half year after release when it became clear to me they would not go with there B2P but with the cash-shop approach.
Hey there,
Here are a few tidbits from the team:
- A lot of newer players had trouble with the interface. That doesn’t apply to you, you’re veterans who have been around the conversion block a time or two. But newer players will benefit from the updated system.
- The goal was to make the Gem Store more like other shopping experiences, and if you think about it, there is more of that feel to it now.
- You may be surprised to know this (I know I was) but very few people bought gems at smaller denominations than the first one offered in the new system. That’s not to say they never did, nor that there wouldn’t be the desire to do so. But overall, the current options were selected based on player purchases in the past.
- The team is going to listen to your feedback and, if and when it’s practical and desirable, they can look towards adjusting the new system to better meet your needs.
So please keep your thoughts coming on the new system. Feel free to make suggestions but please, keeping them constructive would be very much appreciated.
Truth is there aren’t nearly as many new players as there are veterans, it’s the case in 90% of MMOs (This is just my opinion based on what I see in-game, I don’t have any insight to data of new characters created).
Even if there were that many new players that a change like this would highly affect their experience, new players will never ever ever make enough gold to convert it to 400 gems. I mean, I needed like 3-4 months as a casual player to even get going well with the build etc., at the time I wasn’t even thinking about farming 60 gold to buy Devil’s horns.
All the disappointment aside, let’s look on the bright side;
The new UI will make gem store items more rare and special. As much as I tell myself that this new change is really stupid, a thought keeps coming to my mind … it’s actually not stupid at all. It’s going to be a planned progression towards attaining gem items, not just a cash and carry store.
Also, a lot of people who feel disappointed by this new change should look at this from different perspective, take a step or two back; Not many MMOs or other games with special currency even offer you the option to buy their special currency by using in-game money. Usually it’s either cash or nada – which is understandable from an eye of a game producer who is ultimately after $$$.
I was formerly a defender of Anet for their weird, irrational decisions as of late. But this one screams of nothing but greed.
Did they somehow remove the ability to buy gems with gold?
I have the best solution for this whole “issue”! Lets simply remove gold to gems altogether then we would never have this discussion. Keep in mind that people are already shouting that ArenaNet is greedy and only does this to force people to buy gems with real money. So why not actually do exactly what people claim and outright remove the ability to get gems via gold?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Usually, when you have these bulk-of-complaints threats, there will be a point where somebody jumps in and says: “Wait a minute, let us all take a step back from the topic, take a deep breath and look at it objectively…”
The fact that this hasn’t happened yet for almost a thousand posts should be a clear indication that something very bad has been implemented into the game.
Seriously, revert this crap. And send the next paycheck of whoever came up with this idea to children in need.
Hey Arena Net, did you know that “But the new players are confused by <x>!” has become a running gag in most guilds I’m in?
This patch was for new players, you say. Here’s the actual situation though:
New players don’t have enough gold to actually get gems.
New players aren’t too dumb to fill in a custom number on their own.
New players won’t care for this until they hit the level cap, at which point they are no longer new players to begin with.Your whole reasoning for implementing this update is moot.
Yes, it’s nice that we now no longer have to sit there, adjusting half silver values to get that one gem more or less. But it’d require at least a 50, 100 or 200 gem count to be fair.With that said, can you please get back to working on things that actually need fixing? Like loot charts on your endgame content, such as Fractals? Or re-enabling POI’s, Vistas, utility skills and weapon skill unlocks for lower level characters, so new players don’t fall asleep and ditch the game before reaching level 20? Food for thought, dears. Food for thought.
This, I agree with.
New players wont have the gold to convert. It’s at about 120 gold for 400 gems, that took me AGES to get when I came to GW2, and I had a lot of other things to buy before I even considered converting gold to gems. Even with all the new changes that makes it easier to get gold today, it’ll still require people to go through things that wouldn’t make them new anymore.
By that time, these new players aren’t “new”, they aren’t veterans either, but they certainly aren’t new. You could call them normal players, inexperienced, though I doubt they are ignorant and dumb to how GW2 works by now.
Please, stop using the new players as scapegoats. A lot of things you did would’ve been good if it didn’t affect the veterans in such big negative ways. Find a middle ground instead of going to the extreme.
Or, just tell us that you want more people to buy gems with money and we understand.
(edited by Tyragon.2496)
I’m an outsider looking in; I haven’t played for well over a year now precisely because of tactics like this. Whilst I’m positively gleeful over how badly ArenaNet have screwed the pooch on this one, I do actually have a serious suggestion, and it has precedent in Microsoft’s Xbox Live.
In addition to reverting back to allowing players to buy custom amounts of gems or gold, they need to go further and remove gems altogether.
Game currencies are only ever implemented to create a degree of separation between real-world money and in-game items. Even one layer of separation has been proven to cloud people’s judgement as to the real-world value of digital items they purchase. In other words, gem or point systems have been proven to be dishonest. Real-world courts have even determined as much, hence Xbox Live moving from points to actual currency.
ArenaNet need to attach real world prices to all gemstore items so that players can more accurately judge the value of these items and make more informed decisions.
Of course, this also means that gold would be converted to real-world currencies as opposed to gems. This is not actually a problem, as long as ArenaNet make sure to emphasise that players are buying gemstore credit and cannot withdraw real world money.
I feel this would completely nullify this bad decision and serve to foster trust between the community and ArenaNet.
But this is highly unlikely to happen, as ArenaNet aren’t interested in trust or honesty. They just want to bleed their customers dry.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
(edited by Mungrul.9358)
Upgrade everyone who has gems left to 2000 gems. Problem solved.
I have 2310 gems. But I guess I might as well have 2000 when they make the next round of simplifications.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
I leave the gw2 for a few days and come back and see this.
Somehow I’m not surprised.
Where’s that VIP system?
this is worse than skyhammer
**also will no longer buy gems to convert to gold. Fixing things that aren’t broken.
(edited by Cyrrin.1230)
Adding my voice to this. As mentioned above in a post. This is a restriction and not an improvement and you are generating a lot of bad feeling over this change. Suggest its reversed!
If good content is added then people will play the game and spend money in the gem store (the old version that people liked!).
Bad form Anet. Bad form!
I’m perfectly fine spending real money on the gemstore when there’s a cute new outfit or something i need. it was all optional and i loved it.
Now i feel like i’m forced buying gems, leftover gems were usually exchanged to gold.
but i feel like i’m being robbed in the exchange because i can’t track the highs/lows.
I feel like i’m being forced options i don’t want/need and with the leftovers i get screwed over again if i decide to exchange them back to gold.
This only feels like a heavy tax on the players, a plain moneygrab if you will.
If you want more money from us, bring rehashed outfits, silly toys, gemstore anything, stuff like the flying carpet, new outfits, make a full expansion which 90% of the players will happily pay $50 for.
Give us the feeling like we’re a part of the Guild Wars community.
Because the majority feels like we’re not.
Start talking to us about what’s to come, let us know that you do listen to us.
not just by saying, we take you serious.
Show it!
You’re losing a lot of peoples interest in the game with these schemes.
I’ve spent a good amount on gems, but i won’t spend a single dollar like this.
And i’ve already heard a lot of people saying the same thing.
I was formerly a defender of Anet for their weird, irrational decisions as of late. But this one screams of nothing but greed.
Did they somehow remove the ability to buy gems with gold?
I have the best solution for this whole “issue”! Lets simply remove gold to gems altogether then we would never have this discussion. Keep in mind that people are already shouting that ArenaNet is greedy and only does this to force people to buy gems with real money. So why not actually do exactly what people claim and outright remove the ability to get gems via gold?
They wouldn’t do that because of greed. Gold-to-Gem conversion rates aren’t 1:1. They make a lot of money from people spending real money to buy gold. Now, they are just creating a larger barrier for the buyers while still keeping it easy for the sellers.
They are showing very clearly that people who buy gems are worth more to them than the people who provide the gold to the gem-buyers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they started just letting you buy gold from nothing rather than from actual players.
Wow, it’s your worst idea.
Just a little button to access to the old UI and this change wouldn’t be a problem.
I had 146gems and I expected my AP chest to get 400 gems and convert gold to 254gems to buy new character slot.
And now, I must buy 400 gems …
Problem solve, I don’t buy gems just buy an other game (I played to GW2 since beta)
Another example of the current sole purpose of guild wars 2: earn money.
Now, if you want to buy a single item that costs less than 400 gems, we have to pay more ..
Between no change and bads change of the game, I prefer no change, so remove this ridiculous and greedy system.
note to readers; as much as we’re crying and complaining, I have never seen one gem store purchase as much as the noble count outfit. I log in and everyone is rocking it, I dont even want it anymore lol
Usually, when you have these bulk-of-complaints threats, there will be a point where somebody jumps in and says: “Wait a minute, let us all take a step back from the topic, take a deep breath and look at it objectively…”
The fact that this hasn’t happened yet for almost a thousand posts should be a clear indication that something very bad has been implemented into the game.
Seriously, revert this crap. And send the next paycheck of whoever came up with this idea to children in need.
There was a person earlier in the thread that was sure it was bugged. Not sure if that counts or not.
I think the new conversion is fine IF and ONLY we are not required to get a minimum of 400 Gems. Bring back the option to get 10 gems if need be. When that is done everything will be fine and dandy.
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
There was a person earlier in the thread that was sure it was bugged. Not sure if that counts or not.
I was that person and I never said I was sure it was bugged. I simply suggested that it might not be working fully as intended. I never claimed that it was the case, just suggesting that it MIGHT be the case.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Such a bullkitten change. I usually would spend leftovers to get a few gold. Greedy as hell move, company has lost all my respect. “For the stupid players” is such a dumb excuse. Could have just added this option instead of taking away. Greedy kittens.
Remove this new system. I was going to pick up a few gems to buy a lower cost bling, but not now. The new system does not improve on the old one other than showing complete disrespect for the players as well as greed. I am sure they knew that this would not go over well.
Add a ‘custom amount’ option to the interface.
And BTW sure is funny that no DEV has added a comment, I guess they knew that this would not go over well.
You are aware that the devs are working with developing the game rather than commenting on forums right?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
This was a horrible idea. I buy gems every now and then, but I also convert my gold to gems when I am strapped for cash. This new system with preset increments was a good concept for faster conversions, but DO NOT force the players to buy these specific amounts when they don’t want that much. Just simply add a custom conversion option to satisfy the veteran players.
And BTW sure is funny that no DEV has added a comment, I guess they knew that this would not go over well.
You are aware that the devs are working with developing the game rather than commenting on forums right?
Developing things like hugely restrictive gem conversion interfaces that nobody wants. I think we would all be happy if they took a break from doing that to read the forums and perhaps invest development resources into frequently requested features instead of things like this.
The whole thing reeks of too much tunnel vision developing a game they don’t play and not enough listening to the needs of those who play it. I don’t want them spending time working on the game instead of reading the forums if this is the result!
(edited by Chalky.8540)
You are aware that the devs are working with developing the game rather than commenting on forums right?
That’s assuming they’ve even started. This whole debacle started last night. They still have to actually get into work and then decide what to do.
That doesn’t mean we should stop yelling, though. Make sure they understand how bad this is.
- The team is going to listen to your feedback and, if and when it’s practical and desirable, they can look towards adjusting the new system to better meet your needs.
So please keep your thoughts coming on the new system. Feel free to make suggestions but please, keeping them constructive would be very much appreciated.
Dear Gaile,
I’m sorry to say that I believe that you forcing me to purchase more than I want is bunk. If I need 20 gems and have enough for 20 gems I should be able to convert enough gold to equal 20 gems. If I need 1 I should be able to convert enough for 1 gem.
The really offensive part of this is your comment that if and when it’s practical and desirable the developers can look towards adjusting the new system.
We have been promised and have been lead down the proverbial primrose path by the Development Team regarding changes that are supposedly coming: weapons, crafting, rewards… you name it we have been anticipating so much.
That’s my opinion, here it is the Constructive part. Anet needs to fix the gerrymandering of the economic system so the player can see factual information regarding spending gold/gems/REAL WORLD MONEY. Deception and Inconsistency - Anet needs T-shirts with that on the back.
One thing is to say the old system was confusing, perhaps the fact you couldn’t just enter the number of gems you wanted, would have to do math or play with numbers until you find out how much need to pay; and another thing is simplifying the UI with only options to buy gem packs that will result in left overs once you use them.
It is quite obvious were this is heading and, as a costumer, I can only say it is an abuse. The system offers only numbers of gems to buy which there is no product available that costs the same amount. If one stop for a moment and do a simple math, can see that whatever you want to buy from gemstore, using the new gems packs, is broken. You can’t round a number to buy without left overs.
I like to have control on what I am doing, I like the old system, just need a simpler way to enter the amount of gems you want to buy instead of amount of gold you need for gems, and with the current system, I have 0 control over my actions (gems wise).
Wouldn’t feel so abusive if you decided to sell exclusive packs which costs exactly the amount of gems you need to buy items from store. Example: 35, 50, 80, 200, 500, 600, 700, 1000 gems. Because those are the prices of some of the items being sold in the store.
The current gems for sale: 400, 800, 1200, 2000 will always make players short on gems or with left overs. It is clear the system was designed for that and as a costumer, I don’t want to be stuck in a loop hole where I can never get out of it, I will spend my money over and over and won’t be able to round up my left over gems to make use of them.
Personally, I would like the old system back with a minor change as I have stated already. However if it is ‘impossible’ to revert back, then change the gem packs for ones that cost the exact same amount as the items being sold.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle