List one thing you love about GW2
map dynamic events, and the meta events too. being able to go jump right into the action with world bosses.
the amount of character customization, even though I’d love to see it improved even more.
the graphics and the music, is simply awesome. I still can’t get over how beautiful is fear not this night. I wish HoT had such a music for its ending.
how good it runs in my not so good pc.
ah and i almost forgot! the community. it’s not easy to find a good community in an MMO. even paid ones. but people in here are usually really nice
Interesting to note that the only thing listed from HoT is gliding. Everything else was from before that.
At least one person shortly above you said HoT maps as his thing, so gliding isn’t the only thing.
running around the map and explorering it (while there is always something happening (event or an area that is difficult to go throw (but rewarding))) so basicly the first 2 years of gw2
Dynamic events (like in central tyria)
battle full of action
From HoT I like the map complexity, gliding, the saurian, the chak, the npcs, the events, my new shiny fix-r-upper, and another bunch of things.
But to say just one: My Reaper. I love him.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
1. The way combat works. The movement based skills. The ability to cast skills while running around is something that alot of other MMO’s don’t have.
2. The art style. I’m was very impressed by how the eviroment is full of life, and the areas is all different from each other.
(edited by Timelord.8190)
I love that for over 2 weeks this thread is still going strong.
Interesting to note that the only thing listed from HoT is gliding. Everything else was from before that.
At least one person shortly above you said HoT maps as his thing, so gliding isn’t the only thing.
I would also like to add when I stated “fashion wars” HoT fed into that quite nicely as well. Not just gliding for all my flying characters, but elite specs and the head/weapon skins they unlocked opened up a lot of new possibilities for me. Also the new ranger pets, the mushroom masteries, revenant… So yeah for me fashion wars includes a good chunk of HoT as well.
I like the current login music.
haveing fun while just following ur nose while not skiping a mining node or a monster xP …unluckily in lower areas it is boring bcs the droprate is bad and the monster r weak
The option to use ‘alt f4’ without a waiting time to it.
the new map tangled depths <3 with some "old style – central tyria – non meta " events it would be much cooler
unique places filled with monster for a small solo advanture
or with friends
Just one simple thing for now…
The Armor Dye system.
I love the story
It’s, sadly, yet-to-be-realized potential.
Sylvari. I love everything about them.
Since dyes started out character bound and they did a massive rework to make them account wide (and gave out one unidentified dye for each duplicate dye you had across your alts), I wouldn’t worry about that one, dubstax. I had stacks and stacks of unid’d dyes after that change. Ditto on mastery points, they designed them to be a long effort to acquire enough to unlock all the tiers because you only have to do that once on an account. Achieves have been soulbound from day one.
So that’s another thing I adore about the game — it’s sooooo alt friendly. I can make lots of RP alts and get them all decently geared and not have to build them up from scratch to look good. I can also hop onto whichever alt is best suited for the content I’m about to do with a super fast relog.
- The different races, along with a decent character creation system with many options for unique characters.
- Asura and sylvari are the best however. Mwahahaha.
- Being able to level by doing whatever you want, basically.
- The account wallet/wardrobe/dye system. One of the great improvements made to this game ever since it came out.
- Everyone getting their own loot and credit for killing something as long as they took part.
- For the most part, very alt friendly.
- No race/profession restrictions
- Kasjory. And Canach. And Carys. And…okay, I’ll think of others later.
- The Super Adventure Box, the best April Fools gift ever.
I’m sure there’s more, but those are what come to mind right now.
(edited by Nilkemia.8507)
How casual it is . . . or was.
Since dyes started out character bound and they did a massive rework to make them account wide (and gave out one unidentified dye for each duplicate dye you had across your alts), I wouldn’t worry about that one, dubstax. I had stacks and stacks of unid’d dyes after that change. Ditto on mastery points, they designed them to be a long effort to acquire enough to unlock all the tiers because you only have to do that once on an account. Achieves have been soulbound from day one.
So that’s another thing I adore about the game — it’s sooooo alt friendly. I can make lots of RP alts and get them all decently geared and not have to build them up from scratch to look good. I can also hop onto whichever alt is best suited for the content I’m about to do with a super fast relog.
And on this note – shared guilds. Which is actually a mixed thing. But being able to alt-hop without losing contact with my guilds is so great. And being able to see chat from unrepped guilds. I’m in two social guilds, and it’s nice being able to see which one is active at the moment.