So we’re inching our way up to the 2nd year anniversary of Guild Wars 2, and yet we’re still being given living story content that’s done in literally an hour or two of playing.
Sure they’ve made living story better in some aspects, sure it’s better than living story season one so far, and sure we got a new map, but wtf?
Dry top is a beautiful map, but every 2 weeks we only get to unlock about what? 1/8th of the map? a very small portion crammed with events to make it look like there’s more to it than meets the eye. The achievements related to the Story Journal are not fun at all in my own opinion, and i’m sure other people just do them to get the points and want to get it over with as I do.
Time and time again people have been giving suggestions to improve the game and bring a lot of people back, that fall on deaf ears and go to the abyss.
Suggestions like…..
~Guild Halls
~Player Housing
~Expansion pack (Cantha, Elona, maybe a new one we haven’t seen in gw1 before)
~Guild Wars (GvG)
~New Skills, new weapons
~New classes
~New Playable Races
~Mini pet fighting arena in LA that hasn’t been open (yet if ever)
~Divinity’s Reach Shooting Range mini game and supposedly a bar fight mini game that was supposed to be there at launch or shortly after launch
~Marriage system
~Apprentice system
~New WvW maps (let’s face it 3 of the same map type is a big WTF even nearly 2 years after release…-_-)
~New sPVP maps and a total overhaul of the combat system to actually make it competitive and fun to watch, right now it’s a complete joke unfortunately.
There’s probably other stuff here that i’m missing so feel free to add onto the list.
However we did get a wardrobe system, 2 new maps in PVE (so far?) (1 WvW map that is basically a level/karma fest map and It’s pretty boring) cough EoTM :P,
New Gemstore outfits and items, a chunk load of mini pets that are overpriced on the gemstore to begin with, a few new SPVP maps since release, but all the same concept and design basically nothing new or interesting, Removal of the ORB in WvW that actually kind of made it fun for people trying to snipe the orb carrier and put it safely back on an altar and replacing it with lame “borderlands bloodlust” -_-
I do like the games design, I like the character customization and I like the story (somewhat, it lacks luster compared to gw1 though) but there’s just too many variables that aren’t being dealt with, or added into the game, I hope for the games sake they’re actually working on an expansion pack and the so called “Living Story” is only filler content to keep us busy while they surprise us with a BIG patch, but that seems pretty far fetched xD
(edited by Shift Focus.9083)