Locked first-person view for screenshots
As I understood it, you can always just type /sleep and your character will lie down, then you can take your screen shot without it in the picture, but moving the camera a little bit.
But yeah, a First Person screen shot mode would be cool.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Don’t know about that sleep thing, gonna try it. If you mean hiding the character behind the camera – well that’s what I’ve always been trying at one point or another in the third-person games I play. But it can be a pain in a certain body part to do : – /
Yes please. I really NEED a first person view for videos and screenshots. Im so tired of my backside having to be in every video.
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Now that I finally learned to take screenshots without the hud, I find that I would greatly enjoy this feature too! :-)
(edited by Maxwell.7843)
I think there is more info here in the main thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-player-camera-improvements/first
Here – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Beauty-of-Guild-Wars-2/first – is a thread with screen captures from around Tyria. At the bottom of page one Michael Walker explains how to take pictures without your character in the frame. That’s where I learned about using “/sleep”.