Hello, to you the reader,
I come from the Sanctum of Ral server. Earlier today, I was reading the chat as someone asked how many people guest on the server. There was no response, but just as I was about to say that many people probably do. Someone shouted in all caps, “LOCAL”, I guess implying that he needed to shut up and talk in local chat, or “/say”. After reading that I decided not make casual conversation with the channel and let it go quiet.
Now I want to enter the Crucible of Eternity, but I don’t know anyone. #sad face#
I was looking at one of the gear vendors and noticed a really awesome looking item that costs Knowledge Crystals. I wanted to ask where Knowledge Crystals come from on the /map channel, but I feared that I would get trolled and flamed.
I used the LFG system for the first time yesterday. I was trying to join a group for Story Mode so I can finally defeat Zhaitan and I got sent to a group doing exploration mode. I died several times, and towards the end, the rest of the team finished the final fight without me, while I struggled to make my way past all the stuff that the party ran passed. When I got out of there, I asked in the /map channel if anyone could help out with the final chapter in the story, but it was dead silent. This has made me hesitant on using the LFG system, because I don’t want to get trolled and flamed by people for not knowing everything there is to know, in this case about the Crucible of Eternity.
There seems to be a semblance of elitism and exclusivity among this community these days, on this server, compared to when the game first launched.
So, now, instead of teaming up with people and doing stuff, I’m sitting back, watching people travel through Gendarran Fields and typing this up.
Sanctum of Ral, home sweet home.
(For anyone that mentions it, no, I’m not in a Guild. I’ve been in two in the past and everyone was kind of doing their own thing. The first Guild had a member that harassed me for not knowing something, followed by 2 people joining in. The second guild just never seemed to do anything or want to do anything when I finally decided to ask. I’m not that interested in joining a guild, because of these two things)
Edit: I’ve decided to quote a few people that have given me some really helpful tips, hopefully this proves helpful for others that are having a similar experience as well
For when finding a group is difficult:
My best tip is to start your own LFG and write something like “first time”, maybe also “help appreciated”, and of course specify if you want story mode or explorable. That way you make it clear that you’re not an experienced, fully decked out speed clearer. Has worked for me so far.
To quickly find information about something in the game:
Kumu Honua.2751
the /wiki command
To use the /wiki command, simply type /wiki in the game, and then the thing about Guild Wars 2 that you want to search for. Example: /wiki Knowledge Crystal
A big organization aimed at helping other players:
I can understand that you are weary of guilds- you might want to check out this bunch though
(edited by Aediph.2873)