[Météorlogicus] it's a shame ....
I am also a little confused by this. It does have the looks of a legendary weapon, in fact it is my favorite in the game, second being the Whisper’s Secret Scepter. I think it would be awesome if it added some sort of wave distortion affect to the ground behind you when you ran, or the ground cracking in your foot steps. splashes of water or mini clouds appearing even.. but it doesn’t have any of those effects. They did add unicorns to the bow, so hopefully they have something awesome planned for the scepter someday.
I think it should shoot out clouds that rain down trout. And the trout are on fire.
Would be neat to see skill graphic changes like the dreamer has.. ie guardian shooting comets with the 1 skill and smite raining meteors instead of ‘spirit fists.’
ehehe well at least its more or less visible because of the light compared to some other ninja legendary (minstrel)