MF : worst scam ever ?
MF only increases the chance for an item to drop.
Say an item drops with 1% chance, having 802% MF might increase that to 1.2% or 3.1% I dont know the math.
But if you want guaranteed drops, do content that makes that item. You want T6 mats? take a look at map event rewards. You can see the bonus reward table by hovering over the map title.
MF isn’t a scam, it just increases the chance an item drops. It doesn’t guarantee a drop. RNG is RNG and will always remain RNG. if you would play a year with 0% and then a year with 802% and then compare the loot you’ve got, you should see a clear difference. the road to 802% is long and ordious, so you don’t notice the increase of loot along the way.
MF only applies from drops directly from mob kills, so not from event rewards or containers.
So if most of your loot is coming from those sources, its pretty useless.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
MF only applies from drops directly from mob kills, so not from event rewards or containers.
So if most of your loot is coming from those sources, its pretty useless.
Pretty much this. I do believe there are 1-2 exceptions where bags are affected by MF.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Wanze.8410 , i’ve never speak about event reward or containers , i just look drop about mob.
Amaimon.7823 , if an item drop 1% chance (with 0%MF) , with 802% it does 9,02%.
But gold and T6 is not about 1% ; its just gold or t6 its not a very good drop btw. but also this can’t be drop. so there are a problem with mf.
Wanze.8410 , i’ve never speak about event reward or containers , i just look drop about mob.
Amaimon.7823 , if an item drop 1% chance (with 0%MF) , with 802% it does 9,02%.But gold and T6 is not about 1% ; its just gold or t6 its not a very good drop btw. but also this can’t be drop. so there are a problem with mf.
Which mobs that are dropping loot are you farming in SW? How does your loot table look like and how do you think it should be affected by mf?
Direct gold drops from mobs are only affected by gold find and not magic find, btw.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Wanze.8410 , i’ve never speak about event reward or containers , i just look drop about mob.
Amaimon.7823 , if an item drop 1% chance (with 0%MF) , with 802% it does 9,02%.But gold and T6 is not about 1% ; its just gold or t6 its not a very good drop btw. but also this can’t be drop. so there are a problem with mf.
Assuming that drop rate would increase in a linear fashion with magic find, which i am very confident in that it doesnt.
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.
when i speak about gold , i don’t speak about money but yellow item.
In french we use term “gold” to speak about yellow item , sry for this missunderstand.
when i speak about gold , i don’t speak about money but yellow item.
In french we use term “gold” to speak about yellow item , sry for this missunderstand.
I havent done SW in a long time but as far as I can remember, the mobs there dont drop much items directly. As far as crafting mats are concerned, mordrem only drop t5 or t6 fangs and venom sacs and your mf should raise your chance of getting a t6 mat. I dont think the mobs in SW drop gear directly as most of it comes from the loot and event boxes.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
you say scam as if the crap gear you salvage cost you anything.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
like he said if the mobs have no loot table even if u have 1 million magic find u are not going to get anything.
Pretty sure that email you get from the wife of a dead, wealthy Nigerian guy is a worse scam…
haventnt done SW in a long time but as far as I can remember, the mobs there dont drop much items directly. As far as crafting mats are concerned, mordrem only drop t5 or t6 fangs and venom sacs and your mf should raise your chance of getting a t6 mat. I dont think the mobs in SW drop gear directly as most of it comes from the loot and event boxes.
Event mobs don’t drop anything at all; as you said, most of the loot comes from event rewards and looting chests, neither of which are affected by MF.
The only drops in silverwastes that are affected by MF are the random trash mobs you encounter between fortresses (hyenas and devourers thst everyone runs past), plus those champions that everyone kills after VW. Magic find really has very little effect on silverwastes loot.
There have been plenty of controlled tests about the effectiveness of MF. It does exactly what it purports to do: it increases the chances of getting better loot. It doesn’t guarantee better loot, it doesn’t guarantee awesome drops.
Since it’s random, someone with max MF can still have a bad streak that gives them worse streak than a new player without any MF. Since it’s a modest effect, it isn’t noticeable to any of us over short periods of time, including 3 hours of intense farming.
The only way to determine the impact of MF yourself is to do what the testers have done:
- Set up two characters with identical builds/gear, one without any MF boosters running and the other with all the boosts possible .
- Run one through a farm with consistent loot-bearing foes whose deaths you can count
- Run the other through the same farm.
- Switch every hour, to avoid DR.
- Ensure you have at least 50 fine and 50 masterwork drops on each (so that you have more than a tiny sample size).
- Compare the rates.
You will find, as everyone else who has the patience to run the experiment has, that
- The high-MF character ends up with more fine/blue than whites compared to the other (when accounting for total kills).
- Generally more masterwork, and
- Pprobably (but not certainly) more rares.
- They will also have less ‘junk’.
- The exotic rate is far too small to be measurable for such a ‘small’ sample.
The differences in numbers will be small, which is why you need to farm for so long. The difference in total value will be easier to measure.
The short story is that MF has a small but important impact on the overall drop rates — over a year of playing regularly, high-MF accounts will end up with more good stuff, but not enough to notice over a single day without counting.
Is it worth spending tons of money on? Almost certainly not. If is it worth spending a few minutes to eat luck and use buffs? Absolutely.
I hate to be the voice of hindsight but… always research before investing a lot of time or gold into something.
And the others are right- the silverwastes map and meta designed to be very direct content. They really wanted as many players as possible working towards the same goal (instead of farming event mobs) as a way of “beta testing” the meta system that was the basis of the HoT maps.
Secondly… I would try to avoid jumping to conclusions about drop rates. The difference in the quality of your drops is so small that it is easy to be affected by cognitive biases and false expectations. It’s also difficult to reach any sort of valid conclusion without playing for an extended period of time or without comparing drop notes before and after your MF increase (i.e. writing down all drops and comparing quality).
I don’t know exactly how MF works, but from what I understand the most significant difference is the improvement from white gear to blue (fine) gear and blue gear to green (masterwork) gear. At least, these are the drops you get most of anyway so the frequency of them lends itself to better statistics than counting how many yellows (rares) or oranges (exotics) you get in a standard session of play.
So… if I’m right in saying that, that means the most obvious thing you’ll notice with increased magic find is the amount of masterwork sigils and runes that clog up your inventory. I don’t think different rarity of items salvage into more/better stuff (aside from salvaging higher level rares for ectos and luck essence). So I’m willing to bet that the main increase in gold revenue is through selling those masterwork upgrade components.
I’m sure there is plenty of research (probably on reddit and maybe the wiki) about MF and interactions with drop rates. The problem is that it’s difficult to cut down extraneous variables.
On a final note… the difference magic find makes is subtle for a reason. It’s a way to give something veteran players to work towards for a small boost. You can’t have a huge/obvious boost or the economy becomes even more skewed in favour of the veteran players without giving the new guys a chance. tin foil hat I’d be willing to bet that on average you’d earn more gold back by investing in the TP than in boosting your luck. But at least maxing out your luck (with/without boosters) is a long term thing and you’ll benefit (however greatly/slight) for years to come.
I’ve been told MF is capped at 300% and anything above that is useless. I’m confused now.
haventnt done SW in a long time but as far as I can remember, the mobs there dont drop much items directly. As far as crafting mats are concerned, mordrem only drop t5 or t6 fangs and venom sacs and your mf should raise your chance of getting a t6 mat. I dont think the mobs in SW drop gear directly as most of it comes from the loot and event boxes.
Event mobs don’t drop anything at all; as you said, most of the loot comes from event rewards and looting chests, neither of which are affected by MF.
The only drops in silverwastes that are affected by MF are the random trash mobs you encounter between fortresses (hyenas and devourers thst everyone runs past), plus those champions that everyone kills after VW. Magic find really has very little effect on silverwastes loot.
bandit chests.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
I’ve been told MF is capped at 300% and anything above that is useless. I’m confused now.
Your account MF caps at 300%. You can get more than 300% by using temporary buffs.
Say an item drops with 1% chance, having 802% MF might increase that to 1.2% or 3.1% I dont know the math.
the math says 1% + 802% MF should become 9.02%
“+100% MF” should double it: 1% x (1+100/100) = 1% x (1+1) = 1% x (2) = 2%
so 802% MF: 1% x (1 + 802/100) = 1% x (1 + 8.02) = 1% x (9.02) = 9.02%
but MF doesn’t increase the chance of an item to drop, it increases the chance that the item that drops is fine, or masterwork, or rare, or exotic. so instead of 50% basic, 30% fine, 20% masterwork, 5% rare, 0.1% exotic, it would be something like 10% basic, 30% fine, 40% masterwork, 20% rare, 0.4% exotic. or something like that.
I’ve been told MF is capped at 300% and anything above that is useless. I’m confused now.
mf from luck is capped at 300, consuming more luck beyond that is useless. you can get account mf above 300 from achievement chests, and increase your total mf well above 300 using consumables and map bonuses. it’s supposed to work, but people rarely see a difference between 300 and 800 :P
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
(edited by Mystic.5934)
I’ve been told MF is capped at 300% and anything above that is useless. I’m confused now.
Your account MF caps at 300%. You can get more than 300% by using temporary buffs.
Specifically up to 355% more MF, as documented on the wiki
- Magic Find Boost 50%
- Item Booster 50%
- 30% Magic Find Bonus 30% (note: booster is no longer available, but many still own them)
- Celebration Bonus 100%
- Guild Item Research 10% (i.e. the bartender buff)
- Guild Magic Find Banner Boost 15%
- Monkey’s Gift 10%
- Ascended utility amulet with Magical Enrichment 20%
- Chocolate Omnomberry Cream 40% (with a boon) or various 30% buffs (cheapest: spicy pumpkin cookie)
- Flask of Pumpkin Oil or Lump of Crystallized Nougat or Sharpening Skull 30%
(edited for formatting)
Realistically, most people can sustain a boost of ~100% for “every day” purposes and another ~100% without much additional effort.
On a final note… the difference magic find makes is subtle for a reason. It’s a way to give something veteran players to work towards for a small boost. You can’t have a huge/obvious boost or the economy becomes even more skewed in favour of the veteran players without giving the new guys a chance.
…maxing out your luck (with/without boosters) is a long term thing and you’ll benefit (however greatly/slight) for years to come.
Well said
tin foil hat I’d be willing to bet that on average you’d earn more gold back by investing in the TP than in boosting your luck.
It really depends on how you play.
- High MF is a great investment if you spend 8-10 hrs/day every Halloween in the Labyrinth and in similar other farms, with very high kill rates of loot-bearing foes
- In contrast, it’s not very helpful if you spend most of your time in PvP, World Boss trains, instances (e.g. dungeons, LS, PS, raids, fractals)
We can do some back-of-the-envelope calculations about where the break-even point would be, but the qualitative advice would be the same: the more stuff you kill, the more it helps.
I’ve got some ocean front property in Colorado I would be willing to sell you, really cheap, OP. Beautiful view of the Pacific, great fishing, amazing surfing. Truly magnificent….
There, now MF is the second worst scam.
From the wiki:
A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
We don’t know how these rerolls work or what the tables contain. The rare category table could just as well be 1-97 nothing, 98 rare gear, 99 rare crafting material. Anet certainly won’t tell us how it works mechanically, because someone out there WOULD find a way to exploit it.
Just look at Magic Find as a slightly better chance at slightly better loot based on something exponentially small to begin with. 800% larger than a hydrogen atom is still submicroscopic.
From the wiki:
A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
I would say Isiah might have been mistake and you would have a 2/10 chance, not a 3/10 chance. I believe Magic Find is a multiplier and not an additional. That would explain why there’s a diminishing return to additional Magic Find. I still maxed it out long ago because, why the heck not.
From the wiki:
A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
I would say Isiah might have been mistake and you would have a 2/10 chance, not a 3/10 chance. I believe Magic Find is a multiplier and not an additional. That would explain why there’s a diminishing return to additional Magic Find. I still maxed it out long ago because, why the heck not.
For those people who are not so good with percents
haventnt done SW in a long time but as far as I can remember, the mobs there dont drop much items directly. As far as crafting mats are concerned, mordrem only drop t5 or t6 fangs and venom sacs and your mf should raise your chance of getting a t6 mat. I dont think the mobs in SW drop gear directly as most of it comes from the loot and event boxes.
Event mobs don’t drop anything at all; as you said, most of the loot comes from event rewards and looting chests, neither of which are affected by MF.
The only drops in silverwastes that are affected by MF are the random trash mobs you encounter between fortresses (hyenas and devourers thst everyone runs past), plus those champions that everyone kills after VW. Magic find really has very little effect on silverwastes loot.
bandit chests.
Perseverance gives a magic find bonus different than regular magic find when opening Lost Bandit Chests. It is currently unknown if regular magic find also has an effect on opening Lost Bandit Chests.
I’ve been told MF is capped at 300% and anything above that is useless. I’m confused now.
Your account MF caps at 300%. You can get more than 300% by using temporary buffs.
Specifically up to 355% more MF, as documented on the wiki
- Magic Find Boost 50%
- Item Booster 50%
- 30% Magic Find Bonus 30% (note: booster is no longer available, but many still own them)
- Celebration Bonus 100%
- Guild Item Research 10% (i.e. the bartender buff)
- Guild Magic Find Banner Boost 15%
- Monkey’s Gift 10%
- Ascended utility amulet with Magical Enrichment 20%
- Chocolate Omnomberry Cream 40% (with a boon) or various 30% buffs (cheapest: spicy pumpkin cookie)
- Flask of Pumpkin Oil or Lump of Crystallized Nougat or Sharpening Skull 30%
(edited for formatting)
Realistically, most people can sustain a boost of ~100% for “every day” purposes and another ~100% without much additional effort.
So, the Wiki states 655% max. Do you think it needs to be updated? The OP’s screenshot shows 802%.
I’ve no idea; I rarely use consumables/banners/etc. that get me past ~400%.
From the wiki:
A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
I would say Isiah might have been mistake and you would have a 2/10 chance, not a 3/10 chance. I believe Magic Find is a multiplier and not an additional. That would explain why there’s a diminishing return to additional Magic Find. I still maxed it out long ago because, why the heck not.
For those people who are not so good with percents
Read the bold part! For those who can’t read…..
From the wiki:
A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
I would say Isiah might have been mistake and you would have a 2/10 chance, not a 3/10 chance. I believe Magic Find is a multiplier and not an additional. That would explain why there’s a diminishing return to additional Magic Find. I still maxed it out long ago because, why the heck not.
For those people who are not so good with percentsRead the bold part! For those who can’t read…..
So you believe something and you’re saying Isiah (a Dev) made a mistake because it doesn’t fit in with your belief?
I believe it’s more likely the Dev is correct and your belief isn’t.
Percentages aside I think the most common mistake people make about MF in GW2 is that it provides a boost similar to Diablo or other AARPG type games. Having it max doesn’t mean the boss will drop all exotics, it just means you’ll get less crap and more salvageable stuff. It’s important in the long run but not something you should be killing yourself to cap on day 1.
~Dr. Seuss
I think one of the easiest ways to explain magic find in gw2 to people is that it doesn’t increase the drop rate of items rather decreases the chance to get nothing.
So If you have say a 40% chance to drop nothing from a kill magic find reduces this chance and divides it up between the other chances.
Wanze.8410 , i’ve never speak about event reward or containers , i just look drop about mob.
Amaimon.7823 , if an item drop 1% chance (with 0%MF) , with 802% it does 9,02%.But gold and T6 is not about 1% ; its just gold or t6 its not a very good drop btw. but also this can’t be drop. so there are a problem with mf.
MF doesn’t affect gold, nor does it introduce a chance of item dropping. If t6 didn’t drop from those mobs at 0%mf, it won’t drop at 800%, because 0*9.00 is still 0.
And most drops from SW comes from chests and boxes, not from direct drops. So, again, no dice (well, chests ARE affected by MF, at least from perseverance bonus, but champ boxes and gear boxes in them aren’t, and most of the loot is in those)
So, the Wiki states 655% max. Do you think it needs to be updated? The OP’s screenshot shows 802%
Wiki ignores map specific bonuses, in SW you can get up to 150% additional mf, for example.
Read the bold part! For those who can’t read…..
basic drops are at 0% mf, not 100% mf, so (yes, contrary to your idea, at 0% mf you still get drops, and the difference between 0% and 100% is not that big)…
Yes, it’s still diminishing return, even though it is addictive, 1% increase is relatively smaller when you go from 4% to 5% (20% relative increase) than when you go from 1% to 2% (100% relative increase).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Wanze.8410 , i’ve never speak about event reward or containers , i just look drop about mob.
Amaimon.7823 , if an item drop 1% chance (with 0%MF) , with 802% it does 9,02%.But gold and T6 is not about 1% ; its just gold or t6 its not a very good drop btw. but also this can’t be drop. so there are a problem with mf.
Assuming that drop rate would increase in a linear fashion with magic find, which i am very confident in that it doesnt.
As for farming in SW though, you wasted your 805% magic find. SW mobs rarely drop anything to begin with- usually grays- and MF only affects drops (same with which profession you are on, I did the numbers on chests and it didn’t matter if I was heavy/medium/light the chests had a 50/50 chance to drop a weapon or armor and of the armor it was a 33% chance to be heavy, medium, or light). The large amount of loot in SW, or really anywhere lately, comes in the form of bags and those are not influenced by MF.
This is why I’d agree that MF is a scam. If 300% only increases a 1% drop by 0.4% and it only applies to creature drops (fewer and fewer since the Scarlet invasions I’ve noticed). The majority of your drops will be through bags and chest that aren’t changed by MF. Also, ‘rare’ might mean anything above gray and white (maybe blue) so really the chance of getting a yellow compared to a blue or green is now less likely as you up magic find. The yellow chance increases, the blue and green chance increases more (1% to 1.4% for yellow which compared to 10% to 14% for green, so in 100 drops- assuming you aren’t lucky or unlucky- you’ll have 14 instead of 10 greens and still only 1 yellow and still no orange because those are at about 0.05% to begin with).
So spending gold to hurry to 300% MF is a waste- and a scam- because it is too small of an increase to matter as you farm creatures trying for a rare drop. It is better to get your yellows through events in the new zones. If you want exotics… well buy those with WvW tokens or the currencies in the new zones (Verdant Brink is a great way to get your exotic armor without spending a copper).
In this scenario it is a scam because it is not doing what I and most everyone should probably assume it does. 300% should increase 1% chance to a 4% chance. Since Anet has never come out and said it works this way, and with all the loot exploding boxes and bags it makes it a headache to work it out on your own, no one can say if it works this way or the other. I think it does increase 1 to 3 though, as I have seen an uptick in yellows since I hit over 150 MF. Not so much orange because, with a drop rate somewhere around 0.05% that isn’t going to be noticed even at 300% since that will only be 0.2% chance. Just a little bad luck can greatly skew the drop rate on that one.
(edited by Kentaine.4692)
From the wiki:
A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
I would say Isiah might have been mistake and you would have a 2/10 chance, not a 3/10 chance. I believe Magic Find is a multiplier and not an additional. That would explain why there’s a diminishing return to additional Magic Find. I still maxed it out long ago because, why the heck not.
For those people who are not so good with percents
Here’s the actual formula.
It would be like this:
n = the original % chance for something to drop
x = the % of magic find you have
(edited by Kentaine.4692)
From the wiki:
A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
I would say Isiah might have been mistake and you would have a 2/10 chance, not a 3/10 chance. I believe Magic Find is a multiplier and not an additional. That would explain why there’s a diminishing return to additional Magic Find. I still maxed it out long ago because, why the heck not.
For those people who are not so good with percentsHere’s the actual formula.
It would be like this:
n = the original % chance for something to drop
x = the % of magic find you have
TY for writing it out.
If you kill 2000 mobs with 0% luck bonus, you will do far better, on average, than if you kill 20 mobs with 800% bonus luck.
Grinding is the most effective way of improving your odds. Even then, you can still go 4 years without a precursor because the odds of winning are so tiny.
Also, ‘rare’ might mean anything above gray and white (maybe blue) so really the chance of getting a yellow compared to a blue or green is now less likely as you up magic find. The yellow chance increases, the blue and green chance increases more (1% to 1.4% for yellow which compared to 10% to 14% for green, so in 100 drops- assuming you aren’t lucky or unlucky- you’ll have 14 instead of 10 greens and still only 1 yellow and still no orange because those are at about 0.05% to begin with).
It doesn’t work that way. The MF affects the chance of upgrading the item to the next rarity tier.
So, say, you start with a white item. The system checks if it gets upgraded to blue. Then, if it got upgraded, it keeps checking further, until a roll will say that the next upgrade won’t happen.
white→blue→green→yellow→gold(→named exotic).
It doesn’t happen in a single roll, but in a succesion of them.
In that way, MF increases chances of getting items of higher rarity more than the flat value would suggest – because in order to get an exotic from blue, you need first to succeed at upgrade rolls to green and yellow. Getting a chance to upgrade from blue to green from 25% to 50% doubles your chances for yellows, because that roll will be checked twice as often.
(that’s a huge simplification, of course, i’m pretty sure the system is a bit more complicated than that, but it should be a good description of the system, assuming that all the details the devs said to us about it still hold true)
Remember, remember, 15th of November
RNGesus is a cruel God. Even when you get your favor with him to maximum, he will still shun you.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
1/10000 + 200% = 3/10000 . believe the dev. they are the ones who make this game.
the stats in the hero panel is the “extra chance” on top of 100% for a specific item to drop.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
i’m probably late to this, but mobs that attack the forts drop nothing. it’s hard for me to not notice that when i farmed it for close to a year. magic find should be made a bit better though, also make mobs that attack forts drop something.
0 × 802 still equals 0.
0.001% x 802% = 0.802% – Math is probably wrong, but you get the idea it’s still less than 1% drop rate.
There used to be magic find gear stats for armor and weapons but when everyone invested into those stats near game launch and realised it actually did nothing, lots of complaints arose and they scrapped MF gear.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
0 × 802 still equals 0.
0.001% x 802% = 0.802% – Math is probably wrong, but you get the idea it’s still less than 1% drop rate.
There used to be magic find gear stats for armor and weapons but when everyone invested into those stats near game launch and realised it actually did nothing, lots of complaints arose and they scrapped MF gear.
Would probably be more like 0.00802%
But yeah I always liken it to the lottery. Just because you buy 8 tickets instead of one doesn’t mean you have a significantly increased chance of winning. It’s still like one in a few million.
Basically, no matter how you slice it. Magic Find is virtually meaningless to all except those who grind for items.
Basically, no matter how you slice it. Magic Find is virtually meaningless to all except those who grind for items.
Not true. Whether your someone who grinds for items with 200% MF, or takes down a moa once a week with 200% MF, Magic Find will mean the same amount to you and treat you both fairly.
That’s the beauty of it; It’s why I like it . I have the same chance of finding a good item as anyone else (with the same MF%).
Basically, no matter how you slice it. Magic Find is virtually meaningless to all except those who grind for items.
Not true. Whether your someone who grinds for items with 200% MF, or takes down a moa once a week with 200% MF, Magic Find will mean the same amount to you and treat you both fairly.
That’s the beauty of it; It’s why I like it
. I have the same chance of finding a good item as anyone else (with the same MF%).
rather obviously, MF means much more to someone that kills a ton of loot-dropping mobs than someone that kills only a few of them in the same time interval.
To put it more clearly: MF is meaningless to those that do not take advantage of it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Magic Find simplified:
{buys one lottery ticket, doesn’t hit jackpot}
{buys 8 lottery tickets, still doesn’t hit jackpot}
Magic Find simplified:
{buys one lottery ticket, doesn’t hit jackpot}
{buys 8 lottery tickets, still doesn’t hit jackpot}:3
That is not what the guy who won the lottery around seven(it’s been a while) times said. :P
Basically, no matter how you slice it. Magic Find is virtually meaningless to all except those who grind for items.
Not true. Whether your someone who grinds for items with 200% MF, or takes down a moa once a week with 200% MF, Magic Find will mean the same amount to you and treat you both fairly.
That’s the beauty of it; It’s why I like it
. I have the same chance of finding a good item as anyone else (with the same MF%).
rather obviously, MF means much more to someone that kills a ton of loot-dropping mobs than someone that kills only a few of them in the same time interval.To put it more clearly: MF is meaningless to those that do not take advantage of it.
But magic find is ignorant of time intervals.
Don’t confuse the number of trials needed to prove statistical significance with whether or not the effect exists. A drug may need ~1000 trials to prove that it works, but that doesn’t mean it only has “meaning” to someone who takes it a lot.
I.e. You kill one thing, MF has an effect. You kill two things, it has the same effect.
(edited by Greener.6204)
Basically, no matter how you slice it. Magic Find is virtually meaningless to all except those who grind for items.
Not true. Whether your someone who grinds for items with 200% MF, or takes down a moa once a week with 200% MF, Magic Find will mean the same amount to you and treat you both fairly.
That’s the beauty of it; It’s why I like it
. I have the same chance of finding a good item as anyone else (with the same MF%).
rather obviously, MF means much more to someone that kills a ton of loot-dropping mobs than someone that kills only a few of them in the same time interval.To put it more clearly: MF is meaningless to those that do not take advantage of it.
But magic find is ignorant of time intervals.
Sure, but that’s not what you claimed. The second person in your example killed one moa per week only. They wouldn’t be benefitting visibly from MF like ever, because even in several years they wouldn’t have any meaningful number of kills.
I.e. You kill one thing, MF has an effect. You kill two things, it has the same effect.
MF effect on a single kill is insignificant. It is only significant in large numbers of those, so yeah it does matter whether you grind mobs or not.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Basically, no matter how you slice it. Magic Find is virtually meaningless to all except those who grind for items.
Not true. Whether your someone who grinds for items with 200% MF, or takes down a moa once a week with 200% MF, Magic Find will mean the same amount to you and treat you both fairly.
That’s the beauty of it; It’s why I like it
. I have the same chance of finding a good item as anyone else (with the same MF%).
rather obviously, MF means much more to someone that kills a ton of loot-dropping mobs than someone that kills only a few of them in the same time interval.To put it more clearly: MF is meaningless to those that do not take advantage of it.
But magic find is ignorant of time intervals.
Sure, but that’s not what you claimed. The second person in your example killed one moa per week only. They wouldn’t be benefitting visibly from MF like ever, because even in several years they wouldn’t have any meaningful number of kills.
I.e. You kill one thing, MF has an effect. You kill two things, it has the same effect.
MF effect on a single kill is insignificant. It is only significant in large numbers of those, so yeah it does matter whether you grind mobs or not.
‘insignificant’ is a subjective term you are applying to a calculation. 1 kill or a 100 kills the impact of MF is the same. You are confusing ‘seeing’ the benefit with receiving the benefit.
Put it this way, if you measured 100,000 people playing the game with 2300% find with exactly 1 drop, and then measured the drop rate again without the 300% magic find, you would see the affect. As a side affect that population wide increased rate also impacts the market through increased supply – that is also significant.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
(edited by vesica tempestas.1563)