Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"
“That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. "
“There should be sliders or options for those affacted”
Yeah. You clearly don’t matter. Not like I want the Devs to give you guys options.
I looked everywhere I could, I saw this thread, with…. 50 responses now? And even here not everyone is affected and some even say don’t change it. No, I’m not downplaying your issue, It is a very serious one. BUT! Far more people than you are prasing the mounts and feel great playing them and as motion sickness is a VERY PERSONAL problem, that can NOT be fixed with one option, the solution is not simple.
And, far more people that are satisfied with it, don’t open their mouth. That’s the problem. Maybe 1/5 of players gets motion sickness or does not enjoy the mounts feel but 4/5 do. Now 90% of the ones not satisfied tell what they think and only 10% of those, who are satisfied. At the end it might make the expirience worse for a good chunk of players.
That said. NO! Your issues are totally legitimed and if even 1/10 of players or even 1/20 would have problems, the devs would have to do something. I only wanted to express that, while the ones with problem are far more few inbetween, than those without, they should still be able to get a satisfiying exprience form the devs. Changing the mounts DRASTICALLY and removing what they are now, is just not the right option.
As someone with moderate motion sickness problems (I can usually sense the problem before it starts and deal with it, and MOST games don’t trigger it), this wasn’t a huge problem for me. I just noticed a distaste for the mount controls/movement at first and adjusted how I was controlling it. (Though I understand that people with more severe problems may not be able to compensate so easily.)
What I do notice, if it’s of any help:
- If I zoom in closer (I almost always play zoomed out as far as it’ll go), I start to feel the early warning signs.
- When I use A and D to turn the mount, I get a much stronger warning sign. If I try making the mount weave back and forth, that accelerates that feeling. Turning is the only thing that normally STARTS to trigger it for me. I’m not an expert, but I believe the problem for me is the “bungee cord” camera effect:
1. The mount turns
2. The camera is delayed, very slightly moving at first.
3. Then the camera accelerates quickly (unnatural-seeming to my brain), whipping around. The unexpected (unnatural movement that my brain can’t accurately expect and compensate for) and not facing the direction of motion are what typically trigger my motion sickness.
4. Then the camera slows down – taking longer to center than my brain expects. I have the illusion that the camera is moving farther than it should. I believe this is my mind trying to overcompensate.
- Turning is not an issue when done with the mouse – only the way the raptor mount (the only one I have access to) moves with the keyboard.
My settings are:
Res: 1920×1080 (windowed fullscreen)
FPS: Around 100 average, but a minimum of 55 (if I’m really trying, spinning the camera back and forth)
Frame Limiter: Unlimited
Interface Size: Small
Antialiasing: FXAA
Render Sampling: Native
All other relevant drop-down settings at max (I do have the character model limit as high, but I doubt that’s a relevant factor)
Ambient Occlusion: On
Best Texture Filtering: On
Depth Blur: On
Effect LOD: On
High-Res Character Textures: On
Light Adaptation: On
Vertical Sync: Off
Motion Blur Power: Middle (unset, I believe)
(edited by JackOfAllGames.2409)
“That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. "
“There should be sliders or options for those affacted”
Yeah. You clearly don’t matter. Not like I want the Devs to give you guys options.
I looked everywhere I could, I saw this thread, with…. 50 responses now? And even here not everyone is affected and some even say don’t change it. No, I’m not downplaying your issue, It is a very serious one. BUT! Far more people than you are prasing the mounts and feel great playing them and as motion sickness is a VERY PERSONAL problem, that can NOT be fixed with one option, the solution is not simple.And, far more people that are satisfied with it, don’t open their mouth. That’s the problem. Maybe 1/5 of players gets motion sickness or does not enjoy the mounts feel but 4/5 do. Now 90% of the ones not satisfied tell what they think and only 10% of those, who are satisfied. At the end it might make the expirience worse for a good chunk of players.
That said. NO! Your issues are totally legitimed and if even 1/10 of players or even 1/20 would have problems, the devs would have to do something. I only wanted to express that, while the ones with problem are far more few inbetween, than those without, they should still be able to get a satisfiying exprience form the devs. Changing the mounts DRASTICALLY and removing what they are now, is just not the right option.
No one is saying to remove anything. People are asking for things to be ADDED so that fewer people are as affected by the mounts than there are currently.
But your response is a bit confusing, so not sure what you are trying to say or which side you’re on. My sarcasm meter was going crazy because one second you’re saying you’re against them changing and another second for it…
Just responding to the only part of the response that I could really make heads or tails of.
…especially since they are needed to progress in the story and in the maps.
Frankly this is the heart of the issue right here. It is very clear from the preview that there will in fact be areas of the map that aren’t accessible without a certain mount, the same extends to the story. While I love how the raptor moves and I am not currently suffering from motion illness while mounted and moving around there is no guarantee that I will remain unaffected when I get other mounts. It’s not unreasonable of players to expect tools to deal with this issue if and when it happens.
Take a pill is not a practical solution for everyone. I’ve tried medication for when I travel long distances by bus or car, it didn’t work for me.
(edited by Lady Lozza.9670)
It would be really sad to see this organic and realistic expirience gone, because of a few People with motion sickness. That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. For me even imagening the raptor moving like it does and then coming to an instant stop just makes me a bit nauseous. That wouldn’t be the solution. There should be sliders or options for those affacted, but please don’t break the mounts. It truly felt wonderful.
People are giving feedback about it left and right, and you are saying “FEW”?It’s a big issue. Even some say they are feeling slight dizzy but no motion sickness.
Are you trying to downplay it? The whole point of this preview weekend it to let people try it out and also see what other bugs and problems before the actual launch.
Not many have the problem if you consider the community size and you can’t have something removed because 1-5% of community is bothered by it but if there is an option that can minimize the motion sickness I am here to support it but if something has to be removed for a small percent to be able to play properly I think that would be simply selfish…
“We are now! We are forever!”
I had motion sickness for about 1-2 hours in the afternoon when demo first released. However it went away in the evening.
I believe it was cause by frame rate of the game. Initially there were a lot of people in the map, so I was only getting 10-15 fps, I think this might have caused the motion sickness.
I never had motion sickness in this game before today as well.
“That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. "
“There should be sliders or options for those affacted”
Yeah. You clearly don’t matter. Not like I want the Devs to give you guys options.
I looked everywhere I could, I saw this thread, with…. 50 responses now? And even here not everyone is affected and some even say don’t change it. No, I’m not downplaying your issue, It is a very serious one. BUT! Far more people than you are prasing the mounts and feel great playing them and as motion sickness is a VERY PERSONAL problem, that can NOT be fixed with one option, the solution is not simple.And, far more people that are satisfied with it, don’t open their mouth. That’s the problem. Maybe 1/5 of players gets motion sickness or does not enjoy the mounts feel but 4/5 do. Now 90% of the ones not satisfied tell what they think and only 10% of those, who are satisfied. At the end it might make the expirience worse for a good chunk of players.
That said. NO! Your issues are totally legitimed and if even 1/10 of players or even 1/20 would have problems, the devs would have to do something. I only wanted to express that, while the ones with problem are far more few inbetween, than those without, they should still be able to get a satisfiying exprience form the devs. Changing the mounts DRASTICALLY and removing what they are now, is just not the right option.
No one is saying to remove anything. People are asking for things to be ADDED so that fewer people are as affected by the mounts than there are currently.
But your response is a bit confusing, so not sure what you are trying to say or which side you’re on. My sarcasm meter was going crazy because one second you’re saying you’re against them changing and another second for it…
Just responding to the only part of the response that I could really make heads or tails of.
Don’t change how they work now, but change it. Seems confusing, but it really isn’t. How they play now is wonderful for most of us, so that should not be changed, that should stay the core expirience. BUT give the players an option to change some sliders themselves. I never said any of you would want to “take away” how it works, I’m not worried about what those affected want. I’m worried about how this will be handled, as it is not an easy problem to solve. There are so many forms of motion sickness. I get it too. But not from a visual dissonance, but form the movemt itself in a bus or a train.
Some get it here from how the turning works, some from the slight sliding when it stops.
I’m too asking for things ADDED. Even in my first post. “Add sliders, but don’t you dare go the lazy way and make it one uninteresting mess.” I’m just afraid Anet will think about taking the lazy way and neither give you sliders or us what we have now. There is always the option to have the mount move just like our player. Problem solved. And the experience for most of the players would be worse with it, but no one would have problems. That’s all I worry about.
If in the end that will be the case I would be truly upset, BUT if it helps people like you, I would not mind.
I just thought of a solution. Give the players the option to make it move like the normal character. Yes that would give them more control, but you could always adjust how fast the mount moves with that option toggled. Like make it stop instant, like the player, but after that it can’t move for the time the normal mount would have to slide. That would feel a bit clunky, but not having problems is far more important. The mounts, like they are now, will always have a some people get motion sick. The way they move is just too “special”. Giving thme the option to have “normal” control over the mount would be one solution. Camera option should also be implemented, cause for some it is just a slight dissonance between the camera and the movement. There will be many options needed, so that everyone can enjoy this.
(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)
Take a pill is not a practical solution for everyone. I’ve tried medication for when I travel long distances by bus or car, it didn’t work for me.
Additionally, altering how your brain works (as my quick Google search of dimenhydrinate indicates – I’m not trained in such things, nor a medical professional, ask your doctor, caveat emptor, lorem ipsum, etc.) …is probably not something you want to do regularly on a long-term basis. As this is an MMO (a game people tend to play longer-term and regularly), that strikes me as bad.
(edited by JackOfAllGames.2409)
I like the mounts, but it is causing me motion sickness every time my character mounted when trying to turn, the screen moves too fast and when the mount stopped, it caused something that caused the dizziness.
But you clearly are downplaying an issue and still downplaying it now. You only want it as is because you are not affected by it. But many are affected by it. Some people here clearly have slight motion sickness, they just aren’t affected much by it. however, if this issue is not fix, it could affect them too in the long run. Sliders and options are only good if people knows where to find them or even know there is a problem with it.
Let’s say a new player comes in playing PoF….. he/she doesn’t know about this motion sickness thing. They played for 5 minutes and gets a case of motion sickness. They stop playing take a rest and come back again. Played another 5 minutes, gets another case of motion sickness…….
what do you think their impression of the game will be?
Are you going to blame them for not looking at the options first before playing?
So yeah, having sliders and options is not the best solution. It is a solution, but not the best. There has to be a solution where people don’t need to go through the forums and wiki’s to find out that there is an option to make mounts less motion sickness……..
Tell me how does that work in the long run of things?
Everytime a new player with motion sickness due to mounts gives feedback at the forum, you and the other 1001 forumers who thinks ANET can do no wrong will tell them “Check the options, there is a sliders/option there to make it less motion sickness.”
You tell me.
I like the mounts, but it is causing me motion sickness every time my character mounted when trying to turn, the screen moves too fast and when the mount stopped, it caused something that caused the dizziness.
But you clearly are downplaying an issue and still downplaying it now. You only want it as is because you are not affected by it. But many are affected by it. Some people here clearly have slight motion sickness, they just aren’t affected much by it. however, if this issue is not fix, it could affect them too in the long run. Sliders and options are only good if people knows where to find them or even know there is a problem with it.Let’s say a new player comes in playing PoF….. he/she doesn’t know about this motion sickness thing. They played for 5 minutes and gets a case of motion sickness. They stop playing take a rest and come back again. Played another 5 minutes, gets another case of motion sickness…….
what do you think their impression of the game will be?
Are you going to blame them for not looking at the options first before playing?
So yeah, having sliders and options is not the best solution. It is a solution, but not the best. There has to be a solution where people don’t need to go through the forums and wiki’s to find out that there is an option to make mounts less motion sickness……..
Tell me how does that work in the long run of things?
Everytime a new player with motion sickness due to mounts gives feedback at the forum, you and the other 1001 forumers who thinks ANET can do no wrong will tell them “Check the options, there is a sliders/option there to make it less motion sickness.”
You tell me.
Sry but I haven’t checked your posts,have you tried fixing it by changing stuff around ,sliders etc?
“We are now! We are forever!”
I like the mounts, but it is causing me motion sickness every time my character mounted when trying to turn, the screen moves too fast and when the mount stopped, it caused something that caused the dizziness.
But you clearly are downplaying an issue and still downplaying it now. You only want it as is because you are not affected by it. But many are affected by it. Some people here clearly have slight motion sickness, they just aren’t affected much by it. however, if this issue is not fix, it could affect them too in the long run. Sliders and options are only good if people knows where to find them or even know there is a problem with it.Let’s say a new player comes in playing PoF….. he/she doesn’t know about this motion sickness thing. They played for 5 minutes and gets a case of motion sickness. They stop playing take a rest and come back again. Played another 5 minutes, gets another case of motion sickness…….
what do you think their impression of the game will be?
Are you going to blame them for not looking at the options first before playing?
So yeah, having sliders and options is not the best solution. It is a solution, but not the best. There has to be a solution where people don’t need to go through the forums and wiki’s to find out that there is an option to make mounts less motion sickness……..
Tell me how does that work in the long run of things?
Everytime a new player with motion sickness due to mounts gives feedback at the forum, you and the other 1001 forumers who thinks ANET can do no wrong will tell them “Check the options, there is a sliders/option there to make it less motion sickness.”
You tell me.Sry but I haven’t checked your posts,have you tried fixing it by changing stuff around ,sliders etc?
Already did. Still have motion sickness.
Already did. Still have motion sickness.
Has the issue been researched before enough to know how to fix it and what sliders to implement and since the motion sickness seems to not be triggered by the same thing for everyone,can the issue be fixed for everyone? Because if there isn’t a “common” fix for it,how can ANET even implement it?
“We are now! We are forever!”
I like the mounts, but it is causing me motion sickness every time my character mounted when trying to turn, the screen moves too fast and when the mount stopped, it caused something that caused the dizziness.
But you clearly are downplaying an issue and still downplaying it now. You only want it as is because you are not affected by it. But many are affected by it. Some people here clearly have slight motion sickness, they just aren’t affected much by it. however, if this issue is not fix, it could affect them too in the long run. Sliders and options are only good if people knows where to find them or even know there is a problem with it.Let’s say a new player comes in playing PoF….. he/she doesn’t know about this motion sickness thing. They played for 5 minutes and gets a case of motion sickness. They stop playing take a rest and come back again. Played another 5 minutes, gets another case of motion sickness…….
what do you think their impression of the game will be?
Are you going to blame them for not looking at the options first before playing?
So yeah, having sliders and options is not the best solution. It is a solution, but not the best. There has to be a solution where people don’t need to go through the forums and wiki’s to find out that there is an option to make mounts less motion sickness……..
Tell me how does that work in the long run of things?
Everytime a new player with motion sickness due to mounts gives feedback at the forum, you and the other 1001 forumers who thinks ANET can do no wrong will tell them “Check the options, there is a sliders/option there to make it less motion sickness.”
You tell me.
Like “Warning riding mounts will cause motion sickness for some players. Please adjust your setting under blank to adjust the options to your liking” As a big fat red warning when you get the first mount. No forum searching instant waring. Like with everything elese that could cause motion sickness.
Or have the mount move like the player and write “Info: There is a anothe mode for mounts available that moves more natural. Use this mode with caution, as it could cause motion sickness.”
And the mode where the mount moves more percise like the player has a few draw backs like, not being able to move after insta stoping, for the same time the normal mount would take to stop. Or something like that. Would that be accaptable?
EDIT: Just read your “response” more throughly. No sorry to dissapoint you, I am not a “Anet can do no wrong snips fingers” person. In fact. I just recently thought about quitting the game again, after a 6 month pause, because of the way the handle things and in that case balance. So no, I would not be a person that would be here to insult those who seek help. It is Anet job to make OUR experience great. And while it is, totally obivious, easier for me to speak about this issue, as I’m not affected, I am in NO WAY downplaying your issue. IF the ONLY solution is to make them play like the generic player, then so be it. As long as EVERYBODY can enjoy it, I will not mind. So please. I try to stay as objective as I can and not insult anyone, so can you.
(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)
Well, we don’t actually know how many are affected. This thread is the only thing we have and in comparison with the player population it’s a very small amount of people. It’s rough I know, but it’s not really fair to take away the enjoyment from the majority of people who don’t have this problem. And I’m saying this as someone who commonly has issues with motion sickness in video games (including this one). If there was an easy way to fix this issue so that the majority could enjoy the mounts as they are and those with MS could use the mounts without medicine that would be best. But if not, I think majority rules and Anet should keep the mounts as they are.
The only thing that maybe would help and wouldn’t hinder anyone is allowing us to zoom out the camera even further than we can now. I do think if I could zoom out the camera further that might really help.
(edited by xarallei.4279)
Same thing used to happen to me in WoW with any “bouncy” mount. It’s definitely the raptor “bounce” that does it as cool as it looks. Probably no real fix, some of us are just sensitive.
Visually Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS) is a very real thing, and it can be debilitating. I don’t play any first person games, side scrollers, etc, because they cause such severe nausea even to watch someone else play that I usually end up needing to lay down. (Yeah, that ‘climb the double helix while it’s moving’ story bit was a nightmare)
I lasted for about 2 minutes on the mount before the nausea and impending migraine set in. I didn’t even get out of the starter instance before I had to leave the game.
The biggest issue for me was that the movement response was so far removed from my character controls. When I am just moving me, or my glider, I know exactly how much to tap one key or another to get the effect I want, and I know when I stop tapping the key, my character or glider will stop moving. What I see on the screen, is what my hands are telling me I am doing.
Because I also have some physical limitations in my hands, getting my controls to where GW works for me, and I can participate in most game content is important to me. I don’t change my settings unless I absolutely must, and then there’s a learning curve.
The mount doesn’t fit those controls, at all. It doesn’t move in ways that are predictable, it doesn’t stop moving when I stop controlling it, it twitches and swerves in directions I don’t think I’m telling it to go- what I see on the screen clashes with the other input my brain is getting, and it hurts. Lots. It wasn’t fun, and it really doesn’t make me excited about the expansion- especially if I’ll be required to have a mount to play.
It’s not about ‘dumbing down’ or ‘changing’ the game to make a few happy (which is a really ableist and exclusionary viewpoint, anyhow), it’s about making sure the tools exist to accommodate all players, and keeping the needs of multiple types of players in mind when designing the game.
For example, I stopped playing another MMO, even though I wanted to enjoy it and run around with my spouse, because they refused to toggle camera after effects like screen shake. It would “ruin the experience” to be able to stop the camera from joggling every time something exploded nearby.
Anet, on the other hand, lets me turn that off. No one else has to lose the impact of the screen going wonky from too much eggnog, and I can avoid actually barfing in the real world if I toss back a few in Holbrak.
That’s the same thing that’s being brought up here- something about the movement of the raptor mount is causing illness, even in people who aren’t normally bugged by it. People who are prone to motion sickness (from mild ew, all the way to OMG bring me a bucket…) are getting hit harder.
So what’s causing it, and what can be done about it that maintains the integrity of the mount concept; without requiring the player change settings every time they get on a mount, and certainly without requiring a person to take medication just to be able to play!
I tried adjusting my settings but sadly it didn’t help. Ultimately had to log off and get some pepto lol.
I loved the animations. I think the mounts will be a wonderful addition but a few tweaks to make them more player friendly and I honestly think that is more in the camera control.
I noticed that some of the quests required use of the mount. Perhaps adding ways of completing maps without needing the mounts for people who, like me, can’t handle the motion sickness.
It’s not about ‘dumbing down’ or ‘changing’ the game to make a few happy (which is a really ableist and exclusionary viewpoint, anyhow), it’s about making sure the tools exist to accommodate all players, and keeping the needs of multiple types of players in mind when designing the game.
“Give those who have problems sliders and options, so everyone can play and but leave it like it is in general”
Where am I saying “oh those few don’t matter, leave it like it is”. I am disabled as well, after a server tendonitis I have constant pain in both of my hands and have adjusted the controls, so that they don’t cause me as much pain, apart form my trigger fingers on my right hand, that slightly further hinder my movemnent. So sorry I’m not abelist. No doctor will help me and I am left to live with evergrowing problems at 23.
So please tell me, how is me wanting tools for a minority, but also wanting to keeo the expirience for the majority exculding any one. Sry for not being able to be abelist.
EDIT: And I hope we will not have to discuss who’s hand issue is more server. Playing the ableist card in general was a digusting move, when you don’t now your conversational partners condition.
(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)
Yeah I have to add my voice to this too – I barely made it out of the starter instance and my head was swimming and I was sick to my stomach. The movement of the mount is so all over the place I can’t handle it at all. Tried some of the tips people left here but it didn’t help.
I really hope ANet can fix this somehow – because this is a total deal breaker for me.
I rode for 20 minutes and felt rather poorly and had to quit. I also find the raptor very difficult to handle using a controller. It is amazingly twitchy and almost impossible to make right-angle turns smoothly. I will play with sensitivity settings but am not real hopeful. I have been using a controller for four years in this great game and have had no issues until now, so I am quite disappointed. Maybe with a slider….?
A toggle for mount movement would be nice, but I don’t know if it’s possible. But yes, the best solution would be one that helps both sides out.
I don’t want to sound rude or anything (I also lack medical knowledge about this thing), but isn’t best way of overcoming motion sickness… getting used to the movements of everything you see or experience? Get a bucket and train yourself bro.
People who dismiss medical conditions need serious help from a mentor who can teach you to have some compassion after you have researched the conditions that we have no control over.
I agree that a toggle could potentially be a good solution to help both parties!
I made it less than 1 minute on the raptor and got a headache. Not only is the turn seeming;y not in synch with what I am doing with the buttons, I cannot strafe. I use strafe as a major part of my movements for my characters. I use my keyboard to turn. I cannot use a mouse to run my character. The camera changes required to do that make me sick. Somehow you need to get the movement of the mounts to a similar reaction to our characters. And please add strafe in for them. Then, at least we don’t have to turn constantly.
I’m just posting here to say that I also get the feeling of motion sickness when on mounts, I think the combination of the sway and my ping (320) is the cause. This is the first time I’ve actually felt sick playing a game, I’ll try some of the suggested settings here.
I attempted the raptor again, and had a bit more success, but the way I had to do it will not be very usable when actually playing the game. I had to watch the small map and keep my looks to the main screen to a minimum. Not a good way to run. I just can’t focus on my character when I am riding. When I do that, my brain gets very angry.
As others have mentioned… I also think precise, not delayed or overdrawn, movements will help.
The slight delay is one of the reason that people that are bored with mounts in traditional mmos like them here (myself including), so alienating another part of the community is not the answer (probably larger that the ones with motion sickness). Some people suggested a switch for the delay option, this can be a problem in competitive play. Switching off the delay will be mandatory in: races, jumping puzzles or raids/wvw (if they ever implement them there) to have a more precise control over the movement.
I’m one of those people who don’t get along with the “sluggish” feel of mount movement. It’s not as bad as in some other games (LotRO mounted combat and even jumping in ESO come to mind, as well as lots of older games back to the 90s), but bad enough that I had to turn off the demo and go to sleep at 9 p.m. last night, after only an hour of playing.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the mount, the movement animations are awesome, and it feels great to the way that I was so excited I simply ignored the first signs of motion sickness coming on and didn’t realize how bad it was until it was too late.
Key problems for me are similar to those already mentioned: whenever the movement of the mount feels “sluggish”, as in doesn’t exactly mirror the movement controls I give it (with mouse turning, keyboard turning doesn’t work for me at all even in regular GW2). Turning, stopping, and especially trying to inch it into a precise position seem to be my major problem areas.
Is there any chance you could implement a camera option that allows us to choose between the realistic default mount camera (the way it is now) and a precise camera that doesn’t bounce us around on screen but rather exactly mirrors the movement controls used?
(edited by Rasimir.6239)
I have the problem too, especially when turning / changing direction. I like the animations, but I feel sick after a short while.
I have not played the game for quite some time. I actually had motion sickness on the first 20 mins playing the game “without” the mount. Then I got used to it. So I am not sure it’s the mount that cause motion sickness. More like camera rotating too fast. I seemed to spend quite some time looking for my mouse pointer that I have to shake it left/right to make it appear then the camera would spin/move too because of that, which cause me sick when doing it too often/fast. Yesterday the mount speed was great like true racing game, but today speed is reduced I feel a bit empty about it XD. I was playing the raptor racing game, and I feel the look back button has to work so you know who is right behind you.
I played the demo for less than an hour and felt dizzy. I ended up getting off the dino and just ran around on foot. Too wobbly and shaky for my taste. This is the same reason I don’t play first person shooters.
ok this is new. virtual motion sickness is an thing? not trying to be mean here but i’m genuinely surprised here.
ok this is new. virtual motion sickness is an thing? not trying to be mean here but i’m genuinely surprised here.
Yep. Giving the illusion of motion without moving can really mess with some people. (I’m luckier than many, but still get it at times.) The trigger specifics and severity differ from person to person, but it’s fairly common (in some form or another). Something about the mount just seems to trigger a number of people. Hopefully ANet can figure out a good fix that works for everyone.
ok this is new. virtual motion sickness is an thing? not trying to be mean here but i’m genuinely surprised here.
It is. It’s not a new thing either. You can get motion sickness in FPS games too, for instance. If you fail to configure your FoV to suit your eyes, it can happen in fps games.
I’ve had it in some Battlefield series. The most recent one was Alien: Isolation for me. Tingling with FoV solved the problem though.
With the recent release of VR devices, the problem seems to become more apparent than ever.
It’s not an issue that should be taken lightly if the application of mounts in this game can cause motion sickness.
ok this is new. virtual motion sickness is an thing? not trying to be mean here but i’m genuinely surprised here.
Yes it is. I’ve had it as far back as the 90s (Ultima 7 and Wizardry 8 were the first games that got to me badly, and I was dying to play them ). I’ve learned to deal with it, know all the tricks (zoom out as much as possible, have a well-lit room so you have a static background to the moving screen images, turn off things like camera shaking and fiddle with control settings), but that only helps to a point. For me it’s especially when the movement of the screen image doesn’t exactly follow the commands I give that trigger it. It’s just like reading while riding in a car or bus (or even checking google maps on my mobile while on the passanger seat
). Still image while moving or moving image while sitting still both have the same effect.
ok this is new. virtual motion sickness is an thing? not trying to be mean here but i’m genuinely surprised here.
Yes it’s a thing. For multiple reasons. One is Field of Vision settings in games. I’d have to look up the exact numbers, but healthy humans have something like 180 degrees of motion detection. And ~100 degrees of clear vision. For some unknown reason only some folk’s brains have difficulty processing games the narrower the FoV gets. First person shooters especially back in the day were the worst as thier FoV could be as low kitten-60 degrees. Because of the game, your eyes are telling you that you are moving, but they are giving conflicting information because your peripheral vision says you aren’t; not to mention your body isn’t moving. Some peoples brains can’t process this information and it induces naseua, eye strain, dizziness, and/or headaches.
Even if FoV is good, a lot of squishy camera movement or jiggly terrain can induce the same symptoms, first person camera views in any media can trigger it, as can environments were foreground movement is very different from background.
By way of example, all those “found footage” type movies and TV shows are literally impossible for me to watch, my symptoms are tired eyes and nasuea. Super Adventure Box in GW2 is right out for me in this game, because the environment bops around on its own seperate from whatever the characters or camera happen to be doing. I used to get easily car sick. That mostly went away once I started driving, but absolutely cannot read anything in the car for more than a minute or two.
As someone who has minor issues with motion sickness (i.e. reading in a moving vehicle makes me nauseous) I was left feeling uneasy with one particular aspect of the mounts … the turning speed.
When I control the mount with my mouse, everything is fine and comfortable. When I control it with WASD keys, the turning speed is uncomfortably fast, difficult to control and generates a certain uneasiness in my eyes and stomach, probably due to the extreme fast reactions needed and the tendency to overcompensate and “oscillate”.
Having read through some of the posts above, I also agree that the delay in movements is a bit problematic.
I really liked all other aspects of the mounts, and am hoping that a few minor tweaks from the feedback in this thread can address these minor but high impact issues.
It would be really sad to see this organic and realistic expirience gone, because of a few People with motion sickness. That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. For me even imagening the raptor moving like it does and then coming to an instant stop just makes me a bit nauseous. That wouldn’t be the solution. There should be sliders or options for those affacted, but please don’t break the mounts. It truly felt wonderful.
Agree 100%. Raptor feels AMAZING.
Just came back after 2 years break and its hands down best mount animation/control/feel/mount/unmount/IDLES (and i played lots of mmos in this time BD, ESO…)!
Max out FOV slider, sit back further from the monitor – no sickness whatsoever.
I didn’t get any motion sickness either and loved the animations. It feels really awesome to me.
I cant comment what would need to change for people who do have a problem with it. I never ever have a problem with a slight feeling to a animation movement.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I merged this thread to make it stand out a little better and to focus attention on this situation so that if others also are experiencing such issues, they can join in.
I’m sorry that you’re having this issue. I wonder, have you tried lowering your Visual Blur setting? That is a specific recommendation from the team, and they feel it may help with this problem.
We’d love to hear from you if this adjustment is effective. Team members who have worked/are working on the mounts will be tracking this feedback!
Thank you, Ms. Gray!
Today i lowered my Motion Blur Power setting (i suppose this is the ‘Visual’ one), but it didn’t help much. What’s really changed is that now migraine-like headaches come before nausea not after, so i can call it a brand new experience but i had to log out after like 8 minutes of playtime.
It’s all about my mount and its camera behaviour (all those impulses and delays between my commands and its inertial movements, as was mentioned before) i believe.
I had the same problem… I got migraine and I felt a bit dizzy after I ran around with the raptor for 20 minutes. And normally I don’t get motion sickness when I play GW2. Maybe I will get used to it, otherwise it would be really sad, because actually I like the realistic movements of the raptor. And it’s so much fun to ride on it.
I also tried to lower the Motion Blur Setting, but it didn’t change much for me. In my opinion the camera moves too fast when I change the direction with the raptor. I hope you will find a solution for this problem, that would be so cool!
It’s best to hold off forking out money for the expansion to those who have this problem. Mounts play a major part in the new maps exploration and travelling. We didn’t even get to play the other mounts in the demo, mind you. So, we won’t know the extend of the issue with other mounts, if there is any.
It is obvious they either:
- there weren’t enough extensive test during beta to reveal such issue,
- the beta didn’t include such people with this motion sickness issue,
- or the beta participants are bunch of “Yes” people (/looking at all those youtubers)
There are no guarantee the issue can be or will be resolved completely for everyone and there could be more than 1 trigger points that cause the issue.
Just hold on to your money and wait for their official response/fix, preferably within 1
week time frame for the next demo.
(edited by Pino.5209)
I also have motion sickness with the mounts. I could only play for a little over 45 minutes then I had to log out. Very unpleasant experience. I am actually regretting purchasing this expansion as I do not think I am going to be able to even play it like this. :-(
Also, I play FPS games all the time and have for years. I play all kinds of game all the time and have never gotten motion sickness in any single game except this expansion.
I purchased the deluxe game for $80, if this cannot be fixed would we be able to get a refund without effecting our core games?
(edited by ShiningSquirrel.3751)
I also have motion sickness with the mounts. I could only play for a little over 45 minutes then I had to log out. Very unpleasant experience. I am actually regretting purchasing this expansion as I do not think I am going to be able to even play it like this. :-(
The reception of HoT was not good in general. Gamers need to stop throwing money at hype.
I haven’t throw my money at PoF too, still wait and see status.
After a disaster mess of Battlefield 4, I stopped preordering Battlefield series and playing all together.
There are times I visit youtuber like Levelcapgaming just to see what the series look like these days. It literally is not a FPS anymore, but rather FPEC (First Person Explosive Chuckers). I’m glad i stopped throwing money at the series.
(edited by Pino.5209)
ok this is new. virtual motion sickness is an thing? not trying to be mean here but i’m genuinely surprised here.
Lol new…
Doom gave me motion sickness. It still does. Dont even get me started on Wolfenstein.
Even later far more advanced games such as Half-Life 2 was completely intolerable for me. You know that sequence where you get off the train, go to the holding area and… well that’s how far I got before I had to stop and nearly vomit on the keyboard.
Some games make nearly zero impact, such as the thousands of hours spent in Battlefield 1942 and pretty much all associated games.
Most of the time it’s a severe disconnect between the player, camera movement and fov. Even third person games sometimes make me crunch up like a raisin due to something as simple as seeing the character move too fast for the walk cycle (ie the feet are disconnected with the ground). Luckily GW2 has above top tier animations.
Regarding the mounts I have only tried it for a short period and it was a little… bleh. I think it’s the swaying movement and faster speed that get me, when I focus on the mount rather than just the screen in general I do start to feel a little certain something. Not too awful though.
Yeah the A D swings are a bit violent particularly with hi ping and low fps.
Maybe than can reduce the amount of turn?
Raptor mount gave me some motion sickness too. Never had a problem before.
The turning movements felt delayed and clunky because the raptor doesn’t turn on the spot like your character does. Like the below poster, I use left/right as strafe (which is diabled on the raptor) and turn using mouse camera. I think his two points sum it up for me.
I became a migraine-like headache very quickly about 15-30 minutes after start using the raptor. I had to stop playing.
After seeing this thread, I tried to figure out, what exactly is causing it. I think, it is something like this:
1. The raptor has the problem that it isn’t possible to strafe left or right. It can only go forward. I press right or left, but the raptor doesn’t move to the right or to the left. I press and press, and this thing doesn’t move where I expect it should move. It feels very sluggish this way and not doing what my hands tell the game. Running on feet is not the same keyboard+mouse flow than running with the raptor.
2. Worse: it isn’t possible to instantly change direction and turn around. The raptor runs in a circle. It turns at some minimal turn radius. But my brain wants to turn the same way as with my ordinary charater. I move the mouse, move move move (my hand and my brain cramps in that moment), but it isn’t moving enough. I cannot help it. I push the mouse over the edge of the mouse pad, but it isn’t moving as I want/my brain expect it. Changing the direction during running isn’t instant as well.