Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I go to a website from time to time called which is where I found out about GW2 to begin with. The forums there are more negative then the ones here as they have far more liberties to speak their mind. Upon release, the game was holding strong at around 9.4 rating out of 10. As of now that is down to 8.85 with the 2nd game at 8.44 that requires a retail purchase and monthly subscription. GW1 is at 7.58, at this rate GW1 will have a better rating then GW2 in about 2 months.

ANet better get it together, with the amount of work they put into GW2 to just let it die like this is terrible.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Of course its rating dropped. It’s in a transition period.

When the game first released, it was unique. This made it the best game of its type, and since it was fun that put it high at the top. Now, it is trying to move towards becoming a gear grinder, and will be compared to those accordingly.

As a unique game it was awesome, but as the gear grinder it is becoming it is seriously lacking.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


It is too soon to determine if the current down-rating of GW2 will continue. The reduction is likely due to people incensed about the recent changes and taking it out by rating the game down. If ANet can take steps to address the recent concerns while also not alienating those who like the changes (as difficult as that may be), the trend may reverse.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


right now i agree it is a trend. We’re all anxious to see their response to this problem.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I think that site’s rating system is just screwy.

It had GW2 way up on top followed by the Secret World in the 2nd slot. Except even Funcom thinks TSW is stinking it up. And it has Aion ranked exactly equal to World of Warcraft.

Random numbers would have more validity.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohoni.6057



That’s what Google gave me as a translation for that “rating.”

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I agree that the response they will make on or short after Monday will make all the difference. As for the rating, it is users/bots but that website does generate a lot of promotions for all games and ANet has been involved with them.

Looking at these forums and talking to people from GW1 here I’ve found out that ANet has been as stinkey as an unrefrigerated fish. (10lb tuna to be exact)

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Yep, forums are filled with hate towards guild wars 2 – so you think all the negativity here is bad, then you should look there. This Monday will be d-day for anet really, alot of players are looking for some important information and a time frame when we can see actual rock solid improvements for everyone, not just a select group of players.

If they keep talking about the gear threadmill on Monday, I expect things to turn south for them very quickly. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the ascended items and infusions currently in game are just the beginning – lets face it, Blue Infusions…next will be green then yellow..etc Anet really needs to close Pandoras Box and fast.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


GW2 marketed itself by taking out everything everyone hated from WoW and SWTOR and putting it into this game.

Notice how the game came out with free transfers? SWTOR’s lack of transfers is part of the reason that MMO flopped.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


… forum users tend to post perpetual hate for GW2.

To be fair, forum users tend to post perpetual hate on almost all MMOs post-release. You’d be surprised how much vile so-called fans of the genre spew when things are not exactly as they want.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


… forum users tend to post perpetual hate for GW2.

To be fair, forum users tend to post perpetual hate on almost all MMOs post-release. You’d be surprised how much vile so-called fans of the genre spew when things are not exactly as they want.

Agreed. their forums are like a slightly less offensive version of the wow forums, but for all games.

Still, it’s more than

I do hope they manage to close pandora’s box before hope disappears too.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Currently things don’t look that good for GW2, it suffers from downrating all over the place due to the change in Arena Net’s philosophy. This fails some of the most faithful fans and hurst Arena Net as well.

I strongly hope that the trend continues so Arena Net realizes that they made a huge mistake. I liked the “old” GW2 but I don’t see any chance that I will spend money on the gear grinder it hase become since the Lost Shore patch. They can keep ascended gear and infusions, but they have to remove the good kitten grind that is required to get it. Rings and back pieces should be purchaseable for 300 relics or less and the Mystic Forge recipes need a rework, e.g. 50/250 ectos are just way too expensive 25/75 would be more reasonable.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


WoW is still the same game I played back in 05 and the best memories I had were from Vanilla and Burning Crusade. Nothing was as epic as leveling my first time in WoW and only Dragon Age Origins felt as amazing when you beat it.

SWTOR was a good game, but after 6 months it just became stale even though it had probably the most fun and fast paced PvP of any MMO I’ve played.

I’m just wondering how long GW2 will survive. You can only grind the same dungeons and do WvW for so long.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


Of course its rating dropped. It’s in a transition period.

When the game first released, it was unique. This made it the best game of its type, and since it was fun that put it high at the top. Now, it is trying to move towards becoming a gear grinder, and will be compared to those accordingly.

As a unique game it was awesome, but as the gear grinder it is becoming it is seriously lacking.


They have hinted at progression in WvW and we all know what that means,

Probably some stat like Resilience in Wow or Expertise in that Star Wars game,when that happens I’m done

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I think you all are missing the point.

They love GW2 there. It’s by far the top rated game.

But whatever that measurement represents, it’s not market share (or anything else relevant). They have WoW with equal market share to Aion? They have Secret World as a strong #2 of all MMORPGS?

GW2 is highly rated there, but I think the numbers could just as well be random.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: El Hefe.2814

El Hefe.2814

yep. pretty random numbers. they have guild wars 1 in the top 5 and it’s not even an mmo.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcbully.7289


I go to a website from time to time called which is where I found out about GW2 to begin with. The forums there are more negative then the ones here as they have far more liberties to speak their mind. Upon release, the game was holding strong at around 9.4 rating out of 10. As of now that is down to 8.85 with the 2nd game at 8.44 that requires a retail purchase and monthly subscription. GW1 is at 7.58, at this rate GW1 will have a better rating then GW2 in about 2 months.

ANet better get it together, with the amount of work they put into GW2 to just let it die like this is terrible.

It’s fallen on metacritic user scores too. It’s down to 8.1. The Secret World is a 8.3

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I’ve been having a lot of people tell me to join The Secret World, I guess after reading on Monday what ANet has to say I’ll start really thinking it over. I was hoping to at least get a year out of this game before moving on. One thing is for certain, until things are greatly improved, I will not spend a single dime in the gem shop!

One of the major problems with GW2 I’ve noticed is you level way too fast. Leveling should be a lot slower to where it takes a long time to get to level 80. Spend a good week or two playing a map to level up by repeating dynamic events as a lot of them are really fun. Right now everyone levels up to 80 in a month and just lives on a few maps while the rest die.

Gear grind wouldn’t be bad if you can get the items you need from any of the dynamic events on any maps once your at level 70. That way you can grind Orr on one day and then the Hinterlands on another without hindering your time farming items.

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Well LightningL, since you brought it up, what do you think the rankings reflect?

Why is GW2 the number one rated there?

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HeeHee.5208


Do these ratings mean anything?

I ask because you look at WoW such as the latest expansion and for user ratings they are horrible, GW2 almost doubles that of mists of pandas.

Then for critic reviews GW2 has universal acclaim while mists not as good as GW2 is still good.

Diablo 3 similar story as pandas.

Having said that, WoW has 10 million subscribers and Diablo 3 sold 10M+ and made records…

Meanwhile, GW2 with higher scores than WoW across the board doesn’t have 10 million players…

Personally, I take theses figures / ratings with a grain of salt, especially user scores…

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawks.5736


Do these ratings mean anything?

Nope. Even with a bag of salt, theyre about as meaningless as metacritic user scores.


Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suzu.4193


Aion is on that list because it is HUGE in korea and i mean HUGE, every pc cafe in korea has it and thats alot of koreans playing.

GW2 is dying in spvp so fast its unreal, 50-80 out of 325 spvp servers active, paid tpvp never pops and free tpvp is taking its sweet time now lmao [US servers EU has some life left]

i know every mmo has a drop off after release but this is a worse crash than swtor lets see what anet does…..but at this rate its donesied

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


One of the major problems with GW2 I’ve noticed is you level way too fast. Leveling should be a lot slower to where it takes a long time to get to level 80. Spend a good week or two playing a map to level up by repeating dynamic events as a lot of them are really fun. Right now everyone levels up to 80 in a month and just lives on a few maps while the rest die.

No, the pace of leveling in GW2 is perfect. And playing through older zones for world completion is really fun even as a level 80, which is great. What they need to do is come up with more reasons for level 80s who already have world completion to go back into lower level zones and hang out. Give more events that they can be a part of that reward worthwhile stuff. Honestly I would run around lower level zones more, except that higher level zones have things like Ori nodes in them. They also need to compete with dungeons, that can reward dungeon tokens.

I actually think it might be interesting if there were some way to earn dungeon tokens outside of dungeons. Not as many, but like, if you were in any under-50 Ascalon zone, maybe you could re-run map completion on that zone (after completing AC Story), and for each map you complete you get a pack of AC dungeon tokens. Do the same for Kryta zones awarding CM tokens, and so on.

It would likely take longer to do for less tokens, but it might be decent incentive for people who don’t care too much about running the dungeons but would like to run around open world. It could even give people good reason to stay in the zone with the dungeon map. I mean, as it stands people just form groups in LA and then teleport to the dungeons, but if you were serious about getting as many CoF tokens as possible, you could be doing a circuit of Fireheart Rise to get a pack of them while also LFGing for the dungeon.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Majority speaking, GW2 losing market share

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shanna.4762


this last update is why, people changed their ratings because it’s quickly gone backwards rather than forward in innovation and uniqueness. If I wanted a power creep I would’ve played MoP or stuck with SWTOR.