Map completion on Alts Suggestion

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitrine.5913


So just an idea/suggestion…

I have 2 level 80 humans and one of them has 100% map completion. Completing this was one of the most interesting and time consuming content in GW2 for me. However with the expnastion coming out I have also started characters from all the other races so that I can have options for exploring the new content and such. I have been doing the personal story and everything for these alts too but one thing that has been really hindering me wanting to get these characters up to speed is the map completion component. Like it was awesome the first time but by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc time it has become really frustrating and makes me almost not want to play these characters knowing that I have so much map completion left or having to do each area like so many times.

So why do you care lol? Well I think it would be a neat feature to have the option once you have completed the 100% map completion on your account with one character, to be able to purchase a complete map for any other character on the account. It could cost gems or 100 gold or whatever and if you do not want to buy it you clearly do not have to. But for those of us who love our alts but are frustrated with the time it takes and the repetitiveness of getting map completion for Alts I think that this would be sweet.

Again, for the people who want to hate, this should just be a option to buy after having unlocked the 100% the regular way first, and you would have to pay for it/miss completion rewards which would still leave incentive to do map completion regularly on alts too if that’s what you want to do.


Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dasenthal.6520


Map completion is entirely optional, if you don’t want to do it you don’t have to. The only thing really necessary are WP and all you have to do is walk to unlock them.

P.S. you’re asking for a way to pay to not play the game.

“A conquered people will always resist you,
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


If it costs:

100,000 g + 1 Gift of Exploration

With the caveat that it will not give you the experience that comes from doing map completion, nor the coins, nor the karma, and you will not get Gifts of Exploration from it.

It also does not include skill points since that is a currency. You’ll have to do those yourself. Even the WvW ones.

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jmt.8517


How about this instead, upon finishing 100% map completion you get all waypoints unlocked for your alts nothing more. That way you can easily move around but nothing is unlocked other then the wp’s. When I say just the waypoints I mean just that, you can’t see the map or anything it has to be explored again. Maybe even through in a cost of a gift of explore you received as payment for it…

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitrine.5913


Unlocking all the WP’s for character is super time consuming and my suggestion is totally optional. We already have lots of features that allow you to pay for convenience: Home Portal, Airship Pass, Home harvesting nodes, permanent harvesting tools, and straight buying gems to change to gold to buy whatever crafting materials or anything else. If you don’t want the feature don’t use it or up vote my topic. There is no need to be negative, when this would not impact your experience playing the game. Thanks!

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitrine.5913


@ jmt: that would be fair. I just feel like I cannot even use alts at this point because I do not have the time to get the map completion for all of them.

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


How about this instead, upon finishing 100% map completion you get all waypoints unlocked for your alts nothing more. That way you can easily move around but nothing is unlocked other then the wp’s. When I say just the waypoints I mean just that, you can’t see the map or anything it has to be explored again. Maybe even through in a cost of a gift of explore you received as payment for it…

As long as I can opt out of it or it requires something like a Gift of Exploration. I like getting the experience from unlocking things.

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitrine.5913


With the caveat that it will not give you the experience that comes from doing map completion, nor the coins, nor the karma, and you will not get Gifts of Exploration from it.

It also does not include skill points since that is a currency. You’ll have to do those yourself. Even the WvW ones.

I already stated and agree that you should not get the rewards such as experience, karma, etc. Thus making it still an incentive for people to do it normally. Although I do feel like 100,000 gold is a bit much but if this feature was ever implemented then I would be content with whatever the Devs choose to make it cost.

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


With the caveat that it will not give you the experience that comes from doing map completion, nor the coins, nor the karma, and you will not get Gifts of Exploration from it.

It also does not include skill points since that is a currency. You’ll have to do those yourself. Even the WvW ones.

I already stated and agree that you should not get the rewards such as experience, karma, etc. Thus making it still an incentive for people to do it normally. Although I do feel like 100,000 gold is a bit much but if this feature was ever implemented then I would be content with whatever the Devs choose to make it cost.

Map completion takes time. ANet tends to charge for bypassing time or put into place ways to pay to bypass time. Bag slots and bank slots help reduce time spent selling stuff or deciding what to keep vs what to toss/sell/forge. ANet made the items that have a time gate on them sellable (bolts of damask for example) so that those who do not wish to wait have the option of buying them, etc.

100,000 probably is a bit extreme though, now that I think about it. How many legendaries do you think it’s worth? They typically fall within the 1K-2K range.

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Well having 15 lvl 80’s (and deleted 2 lvl 80’s before) with in total 8 map completions, I must say an alt is for specific purposes mainly, if you would do any and all things on an alt it would become a main as well…

In the end I have 8 mains now, with ascneded trinkets, salvage o matics, all bag slots, perm tools, and so on, I also have 7 alts, some for wvw, some for dungeons… some for just running around when I want to experience a bit from the time I was doing maps on a previousalt, now a mian, I unlocked all factions, I did most story possibilities….

I did living story on 3 characters completely, so I could and can compare why cetrain thingas are ok and why not. I even did the better part of the LS with a condi based mesmer…

If you do not care for all that, jiust explore the waypoints you need (I suggest just running the personal story, so it’s cleared from your screen and you unlock the better part of the world. Even though it gets boring after well 2-3 maybe 4 times (I did it 13 times now still have 2 stuck at 60 and 40)

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jmt.8517


I feel the same way OP.

Map completion on Alts Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PiroTecnik.5346


Why….? That seems to have no benefit. I like the idea of account-wide waypoints, but otherwise, what possible reason for this. You get nothing from it, and it shouldn’t even be satisfying.

The waypoint part in exception, I see this as a great big nu.