Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaym Resurrected.3972

Jaym Resurrected.3972

ANET – Would you please remove the limit per day each of these items are able to consume?

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I can’t see any reason why it exists

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agyaggalamb.4796


Timegates should not be existing in this game. /sadpanda

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


I agree with everything said in this thread so far.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaviston Hawkington.9647

Gaviston Hawkington.9647

yes, yes, yes.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Why? Because you collect more than 150-200 of the T6 mats a day? Or do you just want to drain your backlog of unused T7 mats so you can reclaim your Bank or Loot Character slots?

EDIT: Brain fart, T7 not T6.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vavume.8065


Why? Because you collect more than 150-200 of the T6 mats a day? Or do you just want to drain your backlog of unused T6 mats so you can reclaim your Bank or Loot Character slots?

Both, so also adding my vote to having the daily limit removed.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fixit.7189


Why? Because you collect more than 150-200 of the T6 mats a day? Or do you just want to drain your backlog of unused T6 mats so you can reclaim your Bank or Loot Character slots?

I would prefer the those ascended mats got moved to the currency page…I have 3 alts filled with this junk that I would like to play. If I had the mats/gold I would finish off last three craft proffs, use mats for 450-475, and then nuke it all but that’s not going to happen any time soon. Rest in pepperoni 3x char slots.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


They are materials, not currency. You can’t buy items for bloodstone dust.

You can always delete them if they are taking up too much space or you aren’t planning to make accended items. Instead of being happy that you can now convert them into something you could sell for a few silver rather than throw it away you want to be able to convert all of it NOW.


We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


Why? Because you collect more than 150-200 of the T6 mats a day? Or do you just want to drain your backlog of unused T6 mats so you can reclaim your Bank or Loot Character slots?

They’re actually T7 mats. T6 are totally different and NOBODY would be complaining at this rate of T6 drops.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


Why? Because you collect more than 150-200 of the T6 mats a day? Or do you just want to drain your backlog of unused T6 mats so you can reclaim your Bank or Loot Character slots?

Both, so also adding my vote to having the daily limit removed.

The daily limit exists b/c of the amount of coin/mats that would be introduced if it wasn’t in place. Simple as that.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Timegates should not be existing in this game. /sadpanda


  1. worst thing about this game

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


Why? Because you collect more than 150-200 of the T6 mats a day? Or do you just want to drain your backlog of unused T6 mats so you can reclaim your Bank or Loot Character slots?

I would prefer the those ascended mats got moved to the currency page…I have 3 alts filled with this junk that I would like to play. If I had the mats/gold I would finish off last three craft proffs, use mats for 450-475, and then nuke it all but that’s not going to happen any time soon. Rest in pepperoni 3x char slots.

Stop impulse buying junk from the Gemstore with your gold and you’ll have plenty. Take a deep breath…and focus.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


They are materials, not currency. You can’t buy items for bloodstone dust.

You can always delete them if they are taking up too much space or you aren’t planning to make accended items. Instead of being happy that you can now convert them into something you could sell for a few silver rather than throw it away you want to be able to convert all of it NOW.


Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


ANET – Would you please remove the limit per day each of these items are able to consume?

^ Please, Anet? I really really dislike the limit. :< It makes me very sad.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


Timegates should not be existing in this game. /sadpanda


  1. worst thing about this game

Time gates are essential to the economy for a lot of things.

The #1 worst thing about this games economy are the ppl who QQ because they don’t understand the basics and look to lay blame outside of themselves and other players interacting with it.

(edited by Tman.6349)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Why? Because you collect more than 150-200 of the T6 mats a day? Or do you just want to drain your backlog of unused T6 mats so you can reclaim your Bank or Loot Character slots?

They’re actually T7 mats. T6 are totally different and NOBODY would be complaining at this rate of T6 drops.

Sorry, brain fart. Fixing.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Timegates should not be existing in this game. /sadpanda


  1. worst thing about this game

Time gates are essential to the economy for a lot of things.

The #1 worst thing about this games economy are the ppl who QQ because they don’t understand the basics and look to lay blame outside of themselves and other players interacting with it.

hm maybe i was wrong

The #1 worst thing in this game are people who play the economy and dont realize time gates in this game exist outside of ascended mats and so jump on the chance to act superior without taking into account any of the content they don’t do because they are too busy looking at the tp instead of the stock exchange :P

also does the star of gratitude etc affect the economy much?

Honestly we get these ascended mats so much its just ridiculous. Absolutely useless after a while…

(edited by Nyx.7342)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fixit.7189


They moved crests last patch that freed up my other geared char from being a closet which was nice (ty!) so one could hope for further adjustments.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


They are materials, not currency. You can’t buy items for bloodstone dust.

You can always delete them if they are taking up too much space or you aren’t planning to make accended items. Instead of being happy that you can now convert them into something you could sell for a few silver rather than throw it away you want to be able to convert all of it NOW.

I’d like to think that the only reason you are opposing it is because you foolishly deleted all of your stacks, and you would lose out.

If there is anyone throwing a tantrum as inferred by your willy wonka image, it is you.

Some of us have been saving hundreds of stacks of these ascended mats, and there isn’t really any problem with letting players exchange them all at once.

Sure some of the influx of crafting materials from the gifts might bruise the market for a day….. but the market would bounce back immediately since the supply of ascended mats is not infinite.

…and the relief on our storage space would be heavenly.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Believe me I have lots of stacks as well. There is a reason I bought a bunch of bank tabs and it’s not for unused gem store skins or consumables.

As another pointed out, the problem with mass conversion is the sudden influx into the TP of items generated by those devices. Even mats from salvaging what it gives you could cause a supply spike that would drive the price down for a while.

And supply of ascended mats is not infinite? Well I wager that most people who been running the various trains every night have hundreds of stacks as well or players like me who have 50 stacks of bloodstone dust and a dozen of each of the other two. There is a lot of T7 stacks out there. More than you seem to think.

I look at these items as a godsend in relieving the glut in my bank. One advantage about a limited conversion is that you have time to consider what is a reasonable amount to have as oppose to converting them all and then regretting it for overdoing it.

My current problem is remembering to do it daily.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Believe me I have lots of stacks as well. There is a reason I bought a bunch of bank tabs and it’s not for unused gem store skins or consumables.

As another pointed out, the problem with mass conversion is the sudden influx into the TP of items generated by those devices. Even mats from salvaging what it gives you could cause a supply spike that would drive the price down for a while.

And supply of ascended mats is not infinite? Well I wager that most people who been running the various trains every night have hundreds of stacks as well or players like me who have 50 stacks of bloodstone dust and a dozen of each of the other two. There is a lot of T7 stacks out there. More than you seem to think.

I look at these items as a godsend in relieving the glut in my bank. One advantage about a limited conversion is that you have time to consider what is a reasonable amount to have as oppose to converting them all and then regretting it for overdoing it.

My current problem is remembering to do it daily.

Why would you look at holding onto the unrefined mats “for the future” as a viable solution? …and try and use that as an excuse to justify the gating.

comparing the storage of the unrefined mats vs refined mats….. should clearly show you which is more optimal.

The refined mats have their own storage space, and they can easily be demoted if for some godawful reason you actually do need the unrefined version (there is a small handful of things that actually do require a few unrefined dust…. and the maize balm recipe takes 1 empyreal fragment).

After all of my ascended crafting was finished I still made sure to keep at very least a stack of the refined ascended mats (bricks, stars, and ingots) in case of emergencies…. which should be more than enough to tackle any crafting that might pop out of the woodwork in a future update.

(Thats 100 stacks of each mat, compressed into one stack in its refined form)
…and I am still bursting at the seams with the unrefined mats.


(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


ANET – Would you please remove the limit per day each of these items are able to consume?

The conversion is limited so as to keep the influx of items generated via these converters to a minimum.

Lifting the limit would allow people to double dip reward wise infinately. You’d be getting the ascended mats while playing/farming and then get another batch of items on top of that via converters.

This kind of thing should never go unlimited/unchecked in an ingame economy.

You have ways to deal with ascended mats. Delete or refine them, or wait out the cds.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bambu.4270


Removing the limit would be nice. If that’s not possible then at least change the random 3-6 gifts/day limit to 5 gifts/day limit! It’s so depressing to get only 3 gifts in oneday.

That’s progress. Hooray for progress!

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Believe me I have lots of stacks as well. There is a reason I bought a bunch of bank tabs and it’s not for unused gem store skins or consumables.

As another pointed out, the problem with mass conversion is the sudden influx into the TP of items generated by those devices. Even mats from salvaging what it gives you could cause a supply spike that would drive the price down for a while.

And supply of ascended mats is not infinite? Well I wager that most people who been running the various trains every night have hundreds of stacks as well or players like me who have 50 stacks of bloodstone dust and a dozen of each of the other two. There is a lot of T7 stacks out there. More than you seem to think.

I look at these items as a godsend in relieving the glut in my bank. One advantage about a limited conversion is that you have time to consider what is a reasonable amount to have as oppose to converting them all and then regretting it for overdoing it.

My current problem is remembering to do it daily.

Why would you look at holding onto the unrefined mats “for the future” as a viable solution? …and try and use that as an excuse to justify the gating.

comparing the storage of the unrefined mats vs refined mats….. should clearly show you which is more optimal.

The refined mats have their own storage space, and they can easily be demoted if for some godawful reason you actually do need the unrefined version (there is a small handful of things that actually do require a few unrefined dust…. and the maize balm recipe takes 1 empyreal fragment).

After all of my ascended crafting was finished I still made sure to keep at very least a stack of the refined ascended mats (bricks, stars, and ingots) in case of emergencies…. which should be more than enough to tackle any crafting that might pop out of the woodwork in a future update.

(Thats 100 stacks of each mat, compressed into one stack in its refined form)
…and I am still bursting at the seams with the unrefined mats.

Simple, I have yet gotten crafting on any of my characters to the point to process bloodstone dust into bricks.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nathanjameson.3542


i actually DON’T get enough t7 materials a day and have to go out of my way to farm them.

also, anet needs to add MORE time gates. my wallet loves them.

Karma Express – Norn Guardian commander

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Last week, i actually forged bloodstone vricks back into dust, as crafting toxic nourishments gave about 1s profit per dust.

Maybe they should just add more recipes for dragonite and shards.

At the current rate, what you get out of the converter items isnt usually worth more than 10s, so 50s per stack.

I find it hard to fathom that people clog their inventory space with 50s per slot.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


I dont need the time gates to be removed, i just need the star becsuse i missed it

Just the WvW

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


No need to remove it, but increase number of usages to something.. I don’t know… 9-10? Mostly is crap.

Attempts at ele specs:

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thomdane.3670


If space is an issue, just craft them into Bricks, Stars, and Ingots. You get rid of 100 at a time that way, and they can always be demoted in the Mystic Forge to be consumed by Mawdrey II, Princess and Star of Gratitude. You can buy the Obsidian Shards in bulk at the Balthazar Temple Karma Vendor, or just do Silverwastes Chest Farm and you will get tons. For example, the MF recipe for demotion of Asc Mats is as follows:

1 Bloodstone Brick + 1 Bloodstone Dust + 1 Essence of Luck + 1 Mystic Coin = 100x Bloodstone Dust

I am Eredon Terrace
Order of the Blue Heron [OTBH]
Arathorn Cirdon – Warrior | Ariana Cirdon – Mesmer

(edited by thomdane.3670)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terra.8571


If space is an issue, just craft them into Bricks, Stars, and Ingots. You get rid of 100 at a time that way, and they can always be demoted in the Mystic Forge to be consumed by Mawdrey II, Princess and Star of Gratitude. You can buy the Obsidian Shards in bulk at the Grenth Temple Karma Vendor, or just do Silverwastes Chest Farm and you will get tons. For example, the MF recipe for demotion of Asc Mats is as follows:

1 Bloodstone Brick + 1 Bloodstone Dust + 1 Essence of Luck + 1 Mystic Coin = 100x Bloodstone Dust

Balthazar has the obsidian shards and that temple is open <10% of the time. Still, he’s much easier to kill with pugs these days than 2.5 years ago…

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thomdane.3670


Fixed that little mistake. I am up way to early to go to my family reunion. My brain doesn’t wake up for another hour or so yet lol. Thanks for pointing that out : P

I am Eredon Terrace
Order of the Blue Heron [OTBH]
Arathorn Cirdon – Warrior | Ariana Cirdon – Mesmer

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


If space is an issue, just craft them into Bricks, Stars, and Ingots. You get rid of 100 at a time that way, and they can always be demoted in the Mystic Forge to be consumed by Mawdrey II, Princess and Star of Gratitude. You can buy the Obsidian Shards in bulk at the Balthazar Temple Karma Vendor, or just do Silverwastes Chest Farm and you will get tons. For example, the MF recipe for demotion of Asc Mats is as follows:

1 Bloodstone Brick + 1 Bloodstone Dust + 1 Essence of Luck + 1 Mystic Coin = 100x Bloodstone Dust

Only Bloodstone can be broken back down, the other two don’t have such recipes.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


If space is an issue, just craft them into Bricks, Stars, and Ingots. You get rid of 100 at a time that way, and they can always be demoted in the Mystic Forge to be consumed by Mawdrey II, Princess and Star of Gratitude. You can buy the Obsidian Shards in bulk at the Balthazar Temple Karma Vendor, or just do Silverwastes Chest Farm and you will get tons. For example, the MF recipe for demotion of Asc Mats is as follows:

1 Bloodstone Brick + 1 Bloodstone Dust + 1 Essence of Luck + 1 Mystic Coin = 100x Bloodstone Dust

Only Bloodstone can be broken back down, the other two don’t have such recipes.

This is true…. but there is only one recipe that requires fragments and not stars…. and that’s maize balm…. and thats one fragment for each recipe…. and its gated to be crafted only once per day.

1 fragment a day is hardly a reason to want to break down any stars you might have.

Dragonite doesn’t even have a use outside of its refined form.

(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


If space is an issue, just craft them into Bricks, Stars, and Ingots. You get rid of 100 at a time that way, and they can always be demoted in the Mystic Forge to be consumed by Mawdrey II, Princess and Star of Gratitude. You can buy the Obsidian Shards in bulk at the Balthazar Temple Karma Vendor, or just do Silverwastes Chest Farm and you will get tons. For example, the MF recipe for demotion of Asc Mats is as follows:

1 Bloodstone Brick + 1 Bloodstone Dust + 1 Essence of Luck + 1 Mystic Coin = 100x Bloodstone Dust

Only Bloodstone can be broken back down, the other two don’t have such recipes.

And also, making bricks gets kind of expensive. There’s very little sense in making bricks in order to be able to hold on to more dust, so you can convert them back to dust and feed them to mawdrey, if what you get from mawdrey is worth less than what you paid to make the bricks. Then, yes, you’re better off just deleting everything.

Each brick costs 15 silver AND 2 oby shards to make (and holds 100 dust, aka 2 mawdrey feeding portions).

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


It’s irritating that the T7 material eaters eat between 3-6 times per day which feels very inconsistent and too random. I feel that the T7 eaters should eat exactly one stack per day. This way, exactly one stack per day is burned up as opposed to 0.6 – 1.2 stacks a day.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vavume.8065



I find it hard to fathom that people clog their inventory space with 50s per slot.

Thanks for doing the math, so then 160 slots is 80g, well worth holding onto.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410



I find it hard to fathom that people clog their inventory space with 50s per slot.

Thanks for doing the math, so then 160 slots is 80g, well worth holding onto.

I just did some more math and it turns out that you will find another 160 slots hard to come by for 80g.

Maybe my point of view on that matter is a bit blurred because i trade alot and therefore use my storage in a different way than most (I have 3 accounts that have 8 full personal guild banks with 15 char slots, of which i only play 1 character and use 2 more for crafting, the other 12 chars are simply for storage).

I guess I value an inventory slot more than you. If I could, I would rent more inventory space from other accounts for 50s per slot per month.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


ANET – Would you please remove the limit per day each of these items are able to consume?

At least don’t give all my Mawdrey’s the same limit.

Timegates should not be existing in this game. /sadpanda


  1. worst thing about this game

It could be far less blatant, and prevalent.

Removing the limit would be nice. If that’s not possible then at least change the random 3-6 gifts/day limit to 5 gifts/day limit! It’s so depressing to get only 3 gifts in oneday.

Well the RNG could be less blatant, and prevalent.

i actually DON’T get enough t7 materials a day and have to go out of my way to farm them.

also, anet needs to add MORE time gates. my wallet loves them.

Haven’t been to too many Silverwaste Chest-farms I see :P

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vavume.8065


I guess I value an inventory slot more than you.

You do, although guild banks are not really relevant in this since you cannot store bloodstone dust etc in it. If I was a TP guru like yourself then sure I would prob value my slots higher also, but most of us don’t even play the TP so 50s a slot is actually quite a lot.

Out of curiosity I just checked how many slots I have filled with Ascended mats and it came to 701 stacks over 7 alts, which is approx. 350g worth of mats according to your math. I don’t play these alts or have anything better to put in their bags so I guess I’m sitting on those mats for a while longer.

(edited by Vavume.8065)

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I guess I value an inventory slot more than you.

You do, although guild banks are not really relevant in this since you cannot store bloodstone dust etc in it. If I was a TP guru like yourself then sure I would prob value my slots higher also, but most of us don’t even play the TP so 50s a slot is actually quite a lot.

Out of curiosity I just checked how many slots I have filled with Ascended mats and it came to 701 stacks over 7 alts, which is approx. 350g worth of mats according to your math. I don’t play these alts or have anything better to put in their bags so I guess I’m sitting on those mats for a while longer.

Of course guild banks are relevant in my evaluation of inventory space.

And if you deduct from for 350g worth of mats the price to purchase at least 2 additional character slots, bag space, or bigger bags, i doubt that you would have much profit left.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


I guess I value an inventory slot more than you.

You do, although guild banks are not really relevant in this since you cannot store bloodstone dust etc in it. If I was a TP guru like yourself then sure I would prob value my slots higher also, but most of us don’t even play the TP so 50s a slot is actually quite a lot.

Out of curiosity I just checked how many slots I have filled with Ascended mats and it came to 701 stacks over 7 alts, which is approx. 350g worth of mats according to your math. I don’t play these alts or have anything better to put in their bags so I guess I’m sitting on those mats for a while longer.

Of course guild banks are relevant in my evaluation of inventory space.

And if you deduct from for 350g worth of mats the price to purchase at least 2 additional character slots, bag space, or bigger bags, i doubt that you would have much profit left.

Why would you automatically assume that the only reason people create toons or buy storage upgrades just to be mules?

If you run out of space…. you put your stuff where there is more space.

In my case… the toon that happens to store most of my bloat was my main when I started playing this game.

Why? because he had all his bag slots purchased with 20 slot bags in every slot.

I did not purchase all the bag slot expansions to make him a mule… he just happens to have the most space to put stuff.

Every player should strive to have the most amount of bag space across all of his characters… but at the same time nobody is justifying the purchase of additional bank or bag slots with storing ascended mats.

We bought these upgrades for convenience, and they are getting packed because of the material overload.

…not the other way around.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vavume.8065


I guess I value an inventory slot more than you.

You do, although guild banks are not really relevant in this since you cannot store bloodstone dust etc in it. If I was a TP guru like yourself then sure I would prob value my slots higher also, but most of us don’t even play the TP so 50s a slot is actually quite a lot.

Out of curiosity I just checked how many slots I have filled with Ascended mats and it came to 701 stacks over 7 alts, which is approx. 350g worth of mats according to your math. I don’t play these alts or have anything better to put in their bags so I guess I’m sitting on those mats for a while longer.

Of course guild banks are relevant in my evaluation of inventory space.

And if you deduct from for 350g worth of mats the price to purchase at least 2 additional character slots, bag space, or bigger bags, i doubt that you would have much profit left.

I don’t really understand your point about deducting 350g from anything, I have the space to store the mats as I already currently have 15 character slots filled with alts that I do not use and therefore are ideal for this kind of storage, so its not like I need to buy more slots.
I also have 2 maxed out guild banks with deeps caves, but as I already said, we may as well just discount guild banks as they cannot hold ascended mats or account bound items and therefore have a lesser value per slot.
Anyway I’m happy to know I’m sitting on 350g that has the potential to inflate if we are given more recipes that use ascended mats.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I guess I value an inventory slot more than you.

You do, although guild banks are not really relevant in this since you cannot store bloodstone dust etc in it. If I was a TP guru like yourself then sure I would prob value my slots higher also, but most of us don’t even play the TP so 50s a slot is actually quite a lot.

Out of curiosity I just checked how many slots I have filled with Ascended mats and it came to 701 stacks over 7 alts, which is approx. 350g worth of mats according to your math. I don’t play these alts or have anything better to put in their bags so I guess I’m sitting on those mats for a while longer.

Of course guild banks are relevant in my evaluation of inventory space.

And if you deduct from for 350g worth of mats the price to purchase at least 2 additional character slots, bag space, or bigger bags, i doubt that you would have much profit left.

I don’t really understand your point about deducting 350g from anything, I have the space to store the mats as I already currently have 15 character slots filled with alts that I do not use and therefore are ideal for this kind of storage, so its not like I need to buy more slots.
I also have 2 maxed out guild banks with deeps caves, but as I already said, we may as well just discount guild banks as they cannot hold ascended mats or account bound items and therefore have a lesser value per slot.
Anyway I’m happy to know I’m sitting on 350g that has the potential to inflate if we are given more recipes that use ascended mats.

Well, my additional point was towards those people that hoard these mats to a degree that it severely cripples their convenient gameplay and then complain about it, for example filling up their personal bank space (which you need to transfer items between toons) or rendering alts useless, which they would like to play again.

If you have the space, by all means, go on and hoard 700 stacks of things that you dont need atm.

Personally, I put my limit on 20 stacks per mat, if I accumulate more, I refine or destroy.
I ran out of Bloodstone long ago anyways, as they are profitable to craft with.
The toxic nourishments gave you more than 1s per dust since last patch.

That is only possible though, because many players dont own the recipes and dont want to pay 50-150g for them, so the market is only supplied by a fair few crafters that propably went through their stash of bloodstone already.

If Anet would release other recipes without timegate for dragonite or shards, they propably wont have this kind of profit margin due to the glut of supply on people like you.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SRG.3607


I agree, the current limitations are way too low (i get more drgonite each day than i can transform with Princess, and still have tons of bloodstone / dragonite stacks in my bank / inventories).

Would be nice if something could be done for those 3 items.

A few ideas.

A) Remove the daily limitations as proposed in the first post.

B) Have a progressive cost, for ex first 5 consumes are cheap each days (like actually) but next ones cost more (some kind of an exponential cost, maybe).

C) Have an upgraded version of those items. Put XXX globs of ectoplams + XXX spirit shars + Mawdrey in Mystic Forge (or whatever the recipe would be), and voilà, you have an upgraded version that eat more and more stuff each days. The process could/may be repeated a few times.

D) Allow to get / create more than one of those resource-eaters per account. Maybe one per character, for example.

E) Lower the timegate. Instead of 24h, have a 12h timegate.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Given the sheer amount of dust some people have stockpiled, and the fact that the ascended eaters can give some pretty nifty loot, I don’t see this as a good idea.

Ascended mats are not designed for us as a consumable currency for the eaters, the eaters were designed as a way to lessen daily excess.

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sephas.8793


The biggest problem with these converters, is getting a refined item from them. I fed Princess, and got back a Dragonite ingot…talk about trolling.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vavume.8065


Personally, I put my limit on 20 stacks per mat, if I accumulate more, I refine or destroy.
I ran out of Bloodstone long ago anyways, as they are profitable to craft with.
The toxic nourishments gave you more than 1s per dust since last patch.

That is only possible though, because many players dont own the recipes and dont want to pay 50-150g for them, so the market is only supplied by a fair few crafters that propably went through their stash of bloodstone already.

If Anet would release other recipes without timegate for dragonite or shards, they propably wont have this kind of profit margin due to the glut of supply on people like you.

I have the recipes and I have also done this in the past, I will look into it again now as you say its even more profitable, and yeah I’m sure you are right, if everyone gets recipes for dragonite and emps then they may end up being worthless, but tbh I would be happy if I could use them to craft foods for myself, like we have with furious and bountiful, account bound food but awesome.