Mega Boss loot changes
That is indeed correct. You will get one guaranteed rare drop per boss per account per day. You still have the chance to get pre-cursors/exotics/rares from the regular dragon chests every time you play an event. It is just the guaranteed rare drop that has been restricted.
This is Martin’s quote. RAW, not including the “chance to get” from the guaranteed drop actually nerfs the rate. Since rares were guaranteed out of the chest, it was pushing the drop rate of exotics higher than normal. Now things will be back the way they were, and exotics will go up even higher in value.
Did you even read my breakdown of the change? It affects nothing!
You can alt all you want and still have good chances at rares. The only difference its not 100% chance for all the possible rares (1-3 from what I see now before this fix starts). The rates are so high even without the guarentee, you’ll still get a rare on top of the change.
I’m right and you’ll see.
After the one per chest per account/day the loot will go back to what it was b4…..and that was crapola unless u were one of the very lucky few
This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.
Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?
Simple, they dont want to admit they want to kill smaller guilds. This would immediatly cause a large number of players to leave the game.
If they say nothing about it and just let the players who prefer small guilds slowly leave the game as they figure it out then it looks alot better for Anet as it isnt a mass surge of people leaving but a small but steady stream.
You just ignored all the people above you trying to calm you down and make you understand that you had a misunderstanding >.<.
None of us will know what changes were really made until this is implemented and there is still RNG that can be used as a reason for a big change to the chest loot.
The game I just went back to playing after about 2 years has the exact same drops and I can farm crafting mats all day if I choose to. It’s so nice to be able to play a game the way I want to play it again and not have to worry about DR.
I think you’re misunderstanding the loot changes. If you don’t guest, and do exactly as you do now by running all the events on your own server, then this change won’t really affect you. You get one chest on the side of the screen with the rare for each event. It moved from the chest to that chest on the side, and it becomes a reward that is account bound, so you can’t guest on another server to get it again.
What i was trying to say is:
Now i dont really do events daily, just on weekends, say i run 10 events, i do that with 4 characters i get 40 rares, thats good enough for me for a week and spent 1 day on the weekend doing this as it stands now.
With this change I will no longer be able to run the same event 4 times in a day with 4 diff characters because i will be limited to 1 rare per day. So to obtain the same 40 rares i now need to run those 10 events over 4 days not just on one day.
For someone like me who works 12 hour shifts this could be an issue.
As i said in my first comment in this thread its obvious Anet likes telling us how to play their game i just wish they would pick something and run with it instead of changing it up all the time.
This is awesome! Thank you.
Guaranteed rare = separate chest. Once per day per ACCOUNT (instead of per character as it was)
All other times, I still MIGHT get a rare, but once the guaranteed one is done, the other times are a chance.
This will stop the lag for sure. Awesome awesome awesome
I’m happy
This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.
Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?
Simple, they dont want to admit they want to kill smaller guilds. This would immediatly cause a large number of players to leave the game.
If they say nothing about it and just let the players who prefer small guilds slowly leave the game as they figure it out then it looks alot better for Anet as it isnt a mass surge of people leaving but a small but steady stream.
You just ignored all the people above you trying to calm you down and make you understand that you had a misunderstanding >.<.
None of us will know what changes were really made until this is implemented and there is still RNG that can be used as a reason for a big change to the chest loot.
The game I just went back to playing after about 2 years has the exact same drops and I can farm crafting mats all day if I choose to. It’s so nice to be able to play a game the way I want to play it again and not have to worry about DR.
Yeah DR is annoying, my warrior got stuck in a perma DR state for weeks where i coudlnt get drops from anything ever. Had to stop playing warrior for 2 weeks to get it to reset DR and now im scared to play that character more than 60 min a day for fear of becoming stuck in DR again.
I can’t believe how many people are posting here and not understanding what Martin has said, so let’s try to break it down…
Chest A: Pre-buff chest which usually gives blues/greens, with a rare or better about once per week (from my experience)
Chest B: Buffed chest that gives a guaranteed rare or better drop, and up to 4 rares in a single chest (again from my experience)
Here’s how the new system will work:
My main character does The Shatterer event for the first time today. Upon completion I will get a Chest B which will be a small dancing chest in the lower-right corner of the screen. I could get 1 rare, or 3 rares, or 1 exotic, or 2 rares and a precursor, whatever! At a minimum, I will get 1 rare.
If I do The Shatterer with one of my alts during the same day – server day, so between daily resets – this time I will only get a Chest A. I could still get a rare, exotic, or precursor, but the chances are back to what they used to be before the buff. There is no guaranteed rare this time, but it’s still possible. I will most likely get blues and greens this time.
If I continue to do The Shatterer in the same day with all of my other alts, all of those chests will also be Chest As. I can still only get a chest once per character, per day. Any repeated kills of The Shatterer will result in event credit (XP, karma, small coin) only.
I read what you said, Its just with the way Anet has handled loot dro kitten ues since launch i think its alot more likely the event chests will go back to the way they were before where you never see rares all blue with 1-2 green, and only rare will come from this new chest.
But i guess we need to wait and see.
“No no no no!” Like the dredge ingame often say
Why wait when you can read what they said will change?
In the next release we will adjust the way that world mega bosses award their loot. The current chests will stay lootable once per day per character, but each boss’s guaranteed rare item drop will be moved to a separate chest (visually similar to daily achievement reward chests) that can only be acquired once per day across an account.
[Our intention with this change is to keep providing rewarding loot for world mega bosses while avoiding overwhelming participation in boss fights (and overwhelming the economy with rares) from players cycling through each character slot for each boss every day.
I bolded the parts to help you read the points more clearly.
Insinuating another player can’t read isn’t helpful for discussing the topic and ANET can change anything they please at any time as this change proves so your technique for trying to prove you are correct by copying and pasting isn’t needed but thank you.
He might be right, or the poster directly above you may be right, i dont mind him telling me to read more this is the internet, if you dont have a thick skin you dont survive
We will know soon enough either way.
I think you’re misunderstanding the loot changes. If you don’t guest, and do exactly as you do now by running all the events on your own server, then this change won’t really affect you. You get one chest on the side of the screen with the rare for each event. It moved from the chest to that chest on the side, and it becomes a reward that is account bound, so you can’t guest on another server to get it again.
What i was trying to say is:
Now i dont really do events daily, just on weekends, say i run 10 events, i do that with 4 characters i get 40 rares, thats good enough for me for a week and spent 1 day on the weekend doing this as it stands now.
With this change I will no longer be able to run the same event 4 times in a day with 4 diff characters because i will be limited to 1 rare per day. So to obtain the same 40 rares i now need to run those 10 events over 4 days not just on one day.
For someone like me who works 12 hour shifts this could be an issue.
As i said in my first comment in this thread its obvious Anet likes telling us how to play their game i just wish they would pick something and run with it instead of changing it up all the time.
There are people who use it differently though. There’s people who do what you do in one day times 7. And that’s the problem here. Now, you said that you don’t use guesting at all to farm events right? Then this change shouldn’t affect you. You can still do all your events with your characters, and each of those events give you that chest with the rare. These events only happen once a day if I recall correctly, so it’s not like you’re getting anything less in that day.
Remember, it’s per event that gets account bound, not per account for all events.
I can’t believe how many people are posting here and not understanding what Martin has said, so let’s try to break it down…
Chest A: Pre-buff chest which usually gives blues/greens, with a rare or better about once per week (from my experience)
Chest B: Buffed chest that gives a guaranteed rare or better drop, and up to 4 rares in a single chest (again from my experience)
Here’s how the new system will work:
My main character does The Shatterer event for the first time today. Upon completion I will get a Chest B which will be a small dancing chest in the lower-right corner of the screen. I could get 1 rare, or 3 rares, or 1 exotic, or 2 rares and a precursor, whatever! At a minimum, I will get 1 rare.
If I do The Shatterer with one of my alts during the same day – server day, so between daily resets – this time I will only get a Chest A. I could still get a rare, exotic, or precursor, but the chances are back to what they used to be before the buff. There is no guaranteed rare this time, but it’s still possible. I will most likely get blues and greens this time.
If I continue to do The Shatterer in the same day with all of my other alts, all of those chests will also be Chest As. I can still only get a chest once per character, per day. Any repeated kills of The Shatterer will result in event credit (XP, karma, small coin) only.
One of those small chests some players don’t always see :-)
If you’re completing all the mega boss events on one character in one gaming session and still sitting at your computer looking for something to do… Go outside!
(edited by Pinkus.2860)
This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.
Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?
Simple, they dont want to admit they want to kill smaller guilds. This would immediatly cause a large number of players to leave the game.
If they say nothing about it and just let the players who prefer small guilds slowly leave the game as they figure it out then it looks alot better for Anet as it isnt a mass surge of people leaving but a small but steady stream.
“They want to kill smaller guilds”? “This would cause a large number of players to leave the game”?
There’s a huge disconnect between the two. There’s no cause and effect. First of all, it makes much more sense that instead of a mass exodus, a mass migration would occur. Second of all, I don’t think “killing smaller guilds” helps Anet in any shape or form, so I doubt it’s even on their agenda.
Regarding the world bosses though, I’m neutral with the idea. For one, I never really cared to do them because a) I don’t like waiting and I could probably make that same amount of money while waiting and b) It’s a gigantic lagfest anyway.
It’ll ease up the overflow problem for sure because it cuts some of the incentive to guest, and that’s about it.
If you’re completing all the world events on one character in one gaming session and still sitting at your computer looking for something to do… Go outside!
Good point I only did maybe one or 2 a day. The world boss fights aren’t fun with that many people.
Insinuating another player can’t read isn’t helpful for discussing the topic and ANET can change anything they please at any time as this change proves so your technique for trying to prove you are correct by copying and pasting isn’t needed but thank you.
I didn’t mean that. I was just pointing out what’s there. I’ve been on these forums for months, and whenever there’s a “nerf” to anything, people will complain. And these nerfs are needed… You can pretty much predict when something will be nerfed or adjusted by playing the game. It takes a while for Anet to respond or change things though because it requires actual adjustments. Basically, we players can predict what will be adjusted way before they change it.
This in particular, was one of them that was predicted at least 15 days ago.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
To your bolded statement above – obviously you never guested, else you would know that you can only guest to 2 servers in a 24-hour period.
That is indeed correct. You will get one guaranteed rare drop per boss per account per day. You still have the chance to get pre-cursors/exotics/rares from the regular dragon chests every time you play an event. It is just the guaranteed rare drop that has been restricted.
That “chance” off the normal box for better than green is so low as to have plumetted beyond “insignificant” and reached “insulting every time you mention it”.
Mention it again. Go on. You know you want to.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
To your bolded statement above – obviously you never guested, else you would know that you can only guest to 2 servers in a 24-hour period.
This is good to know. Can you go freely back and forth between your home server and the other two or not in that 24 hour period.
I have a feeling that during peak concurrency there will still be overflow issues and ofc ppl will still guest during said times.
People will still guest because the timers are to long, i mean seriously if anything its going to get worse now that its only 1 per account because people will want to hit each event every day or they will miss out.
Before it wasnt a huge deal, as long as you had 4+ lvl 80’s you could spend a afternoon hitting all events in all lvl80 toons and stock up on rares, now that wont be a option you will have to hit them all once a day.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
I would just log in quickly and do dailys each day in 20-30 min and only do events if they happened to pop while i was in that map anyways, just got rares on weekends when i had the time it wasnt a huge concern and i didnt put alot of thought into it.
Now that this isnt a option and i have to get them everyday im going to guest everyday to maxamize my time spent. Ill probably extend my daily playtime to 60-90 min so i have time to do dailies then guest to whatever server has events up to catch them all in the time i have. Why wait a hour for a dragon when on another server one will be up in 60 seconds.
Did you even read my breakdown of the change? It affects nothing!
You can alt all you want and still have good chances at rares. The only difference its not 100% chance for all the possible rares (1-3 from what I see now before this fix starts). The rates are so high even without the guarentee, you’ll still get a rare on top of the change.
I’m right and you’ll see.
No way. See my interpretation several posts above yours. The subsequent chests will revert back to pre-buff levels, watch and see. In other words, it’s only worth doing each event once per day, period. That’s the whole point of this change…
I have a feeling that during peak concurrency there will still be overflow issues and ofc ppl will still guest during said times.
People will still guest because the timers are to long, i mean seriously if anything its going to get worse now that its only 1 per account because people will want to hit each event every day or they will miss out.
Before it wasnt a huge deal, as long as you had 4+ lvl 80’s you could spend a afternoon hitting all events in all lvl80 toons and stock up on rares, now that wont be a option you will have to hit them all once a day.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
I would just log in quickly and do dailys each day in 20-30 min and only do events if they happened to pop while i was in that map anyways, just got rares on weekends when i had the time it wasnt a huge concern and i didnt put alot of thought into it.
Now that this isnt a option and i have to get them everyday im going to guest everyday to maxamize my time spent. Ill probably extend my daily playtime to 60-90 min so i have time to do dailies then guest to whatever server has events up to catch them all in the time i have. Why wait a hour for a dragon when on another server one will be up in 60 seconds.
Did you even read my breakdown of the change? It affects nothing!
You can alt all you want and still have good chances at rares. The only difference its not 100% chance for all the possible rares (1-3 from what I see now before this fix starts). The rates are so high even without the guarentee, you’ll still get a rare on top of the change.
I’m right and you’ll see.
No way. See my interpretation several posts above yours. The subsequent chests will revert back to pre-buff levels, watch and see. In other words, it’s only worth doing each event once per day, period. That’s the whole point of this change…
I agree with you and think that is exactly what is going to happen as well.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
To your bolded statement above – obviously you never guested, else you would know that you can only guest to 2 servers in a 24-hour period.
This is good to know. Can you go freely back and forth between your home server and the other two or not in that 24 hour period.
Sorry if my reply seemed a little insulting – guess I’m in a crabby mood! Thanks for not calling me on it.
To answer your follow-up question, yes, you can freely switch among the 3 (your home and 2 guest servers) throughout the 24-hour period. Simply go back to the character select screen and change your server as you wish.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
To your bolded statement above – obviously you never guested, else you would know that you can only guest to 2 servers in a 24-hour period.
This is good to know. Can you go freely back and forth between your home server and the other two or not in that 24 hour period.
Sorry if my reply seemed a little insulting – guess I’m in a crabby mood! Thanks for not calling me on it.
To answer your follow-up question, yes, you can freely switch among the 3 (your home and 2 guest servers) throughout the 24-hour period. Simply go back to the character select screen and change your server as you wish.
No worries, like i said a few posts up to another poster this is the internet, you have to have a thick skin or you dont survive. If you take anything personally on the internet you are doing it wrong
And thanks for the answer
I can’t believe how many people are posting here and not understanding what Martin has said, so let’s try to break it down…
Chest A: Pre-buff chest which usually gives blues/greens, with a rare or better about once per week (from my experience)
Chest B: Buffed chest that gives a guaranteed rare or better drop, and up to 4 rares in a single chest (again from my experience)
Here’s how the new system will work:
My main character does The Shatterer event for the first time today. Upon completion I will get a Chest B which will be a small dancing chest in the lower-right corner of the screen. I could get 1 rare, or 3 rares, or 1 exotic, or 2 rares and a precursor, whatever! At a minimum, I will get 1 rare.
If I do The Shatterer with one of my alts during the same day – server day, so between daily resets – this time I will only get a Chest A. I could still get a rare, exotic, or precursor, but the chances are back to what they used to be before the buff. There is no guaranteed rare this time, but it’s still possible. I will most likely get blues and greens this time.
If I continue to do The Shatterer in the same day with all of my other alts, all of those chests will also be Chest As. I can still only get a chest once per character, per day. Any repeated kills of The Shatterer will result in event credit (XP, karma, small coin) only.
And the rates will be still better as they were made to be prior to the one chest per character fix and this one after. This is what I’m saying in addition to what you said above. I’ll be doing Ulgoth SB, Wurm and flame shaman, If I still get rares all the time (after my account rare or better) even still, then I’m right. And you’ll all say, “I told you so.”
I seriously doubt ANET will be nerfing the “Chest A” to pre chest/champs giving better loot levels. It will be a agreeable drop rate besides the 100% one (maybe 20%? I don’t know).
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
Insinuating another player can’t read isn’t helpful for discussing the topic and ANET can change anything they please at any time as this change proves so your technique for trying to prove you are correct by copying and pasting isn’t needed but thank you.
I didn’t mean that. I was just pointing out what’s there. I’ve been on these forums for months, and whenever there’s a “nerf” to anything, people will complain. And these nerfs are needed… You can pretty much predict when something will be nerfed or adjusted by playing the game. It takes a while for Anet to respond or change things though because it requires actual adjustments. Basically, we players can predict what will be adjusted way before they change it.
This in particular, was one of them that was predicted at least 15 days ago.
The rewards for the world boss chests were bad before they were increased and they had also just changed pent/shelt to where it’s pointless to try and farm that event.
Basically the main way for someone who wants to craft now is to salvage every blue they can get and use the mystic toilet to upgrade the mats but add in the increased cost of crystalline dust and that isn’t really worth it so all these changes have pretty much ended high level crafting unless you are going to play the game all day for mats.
These changes are gating many of the founder players still playing from beta that craft and new players into buying gems to convert to gold.
Yes this was really bad because of the people abusing guesting but why couldn’t all the world events happen at the same time on all servers so people couldn’t abuse it instead of nerfing the loot?
So there should be exactly NO difference for me as I already participated in these events only once per day account-wide?
Means the reward stays the same? (sometimes more than one rare)
Or will you adjust/ nerf/ whatever the rare rate also?
I can’t believe how many people are posting here and not understanding what Martin has said, so let’s try to break it down…
Chest A: Pre-buff chest which usually gives blues/greens, with a rare or better about once per week (from my experience)
Chest B: Buffed chest that gives a guaranteed rare or better drop, and up to 4 rares in a single chest (again from my experience)
Here’s how the new system will work:
My main character does The Shatterer event for the first time today. Upon completion I will get a Chest B which will be a small dancing chest in the lower-right corner of the screen. I could get 1 rare, or 3 rares, or 1 exotic, or 2 rares and a precursor, whatever! At a minimum, I will get 1 rare.
If I do The Shatterer with one of my alts during the same day – server day, so between daily resets – this time I will only get a Chest A. I could still get a rare, exotic, or precursor, but the chances are back to what they used to be before the buff. There is no guaranteed rare this time, but it’s still possible. I will most likely get blues and greens this time.
If I continue to do The Shatterer in the same day with all of my other alts, all of those chests will also be Chest As. I can still only get a chest once per character, per day. Any repeated kills of The Shatterer will result in event credit (XP, karma, small coin) only.
And the rates will be still better as they were made to be prior to the one chest per character fix and this one after. This is what I’m saying in addition to what you said above. I’ll be doing Ulgoth SB, Wurm and flame shaman, If I still get rares all the time (after my account rare or better) even still, then I’m right. And you’ll all say, “I told you so.”
I seriously doubt ANET will be nerfing the “Chest A” to pre chest/champs giving better loot levels. It will be a agreeable drop rate besides the 100% one (maybe 20%? I don’t know).
I hope you’re right, I’m just not counting on it.
they had also just changed pent/shelt to where it’s pointless to try and farm that event.
No there is just a new game to it now, now you stand at the back use ranged AoE to tag mobs and avoid the champs at all costs as all they do is slow you down from tagging other mobs. I use my thief now as my warrior cant kite worth kitten, i just tag mobs and if i accidentally aggro a champ i just kite him till event is over and he dies when event ends.
Its not as good as it was because champs do replace some numbers of mobs but if you completly ignore the champs you can still get 80%+ of the drops you used to from those events.
they had also just changed pent/shelt to where it’s pointless to try and farm that event.
No there is just a new game to it now, now you stand at the back use ranged AoE to tag mobs and avoid the champs at all costs as all they do is slow you down from tagging other mobs. I use my thief now as my warrior cant kite worth kitten, i just tag mobs and if i accidentally aggro a champ i just kite him till event is over and he dies when event ends.
Its not as good as it was because champs do replace some numbers of mobs but if you completly ignore the champs you can still get 80%+ of the drops you used to from those events.
K thanks for explaining that. I quit doing that event right before they made that change. The drops seem different from when they were at the first part of the game because now u get a bag with one thing in it or porous bones. I think you used to get more but I’m not completely sure.
The loot system is completely different now than it was when the game started.
they had also just changed pent/shelt to where it’s pointless to try and farm that event.
No there is just a new game to it now, now you stand at the back use ranged AoE to tag mobs and avoid the champs at all costs as all they do is slow you down from tagging other mobs. I use my thief now as my warrior cant kite worth kitten, i just tag mobs and if i accidentally aggro a champ i just kite him till event is over and he dies when event ends.
Its not as good as it was because champs do replace some numbers of mobs but if you completly ignore the champs you can still get 80%+ of the drops you used to from those events.
K thanks for explaining that. I quit doing that event right before they made that change. The drops seem different from when they were at the first part of the game because now u get a bag with one thing in it or porous bones. I think you used to get more but I’m not completely sure.
The loot system is completely different now than it was when the game started.
Most people have gone to selling the heavy moldy bags instead of opening them, as they go for 2.5-3.5 silver on TP per bag.
Im mixed on if thats a good idea or not as i prefer to open them however i did add up the cost of materials i got from 100 bags and compared it to what i would have got if i sold them and it worked out to make more sense to sell them and then buy what mats you need.
Insinuating another player can’t read isn’t helpful for discussing the topic and ANET can change anything they please at any time as this change proves so your technique for trying to prove you are correct by copying and pasting isn’t needed but thank you.
I didn’t mean that. I was just pointing out what’s there. I’ve been on these forums for months, and whenever there’s a “nerf” to anything, people will complain. And these nerfs are needed… You can pretty much predict when something will be nerfed or adjusted by playing the game. It takes a while for Anet to respond or change things though because it requires actual adjustments. Basically, we players can predict what will be adjusted way before they change it.
This in particular, was one of them that was predicted at least 15 days ago.
The rewards for the world boss chests were bad before they were increased and they had also just changed pent/shelt to where it’s pointless to try and farm that event.
Basically the main way for someone who wants to craft now is to salvage every blue they can get and use the mystic toilet to upgrade the mats but add in the increased cost of crystalline dust and that isn’t really worth it so all these changes have pretty much ended high level crafting unless you are going to play the game all day for mats.
These changes are gating many of the founder players still playing from beta that craft and new players into buying gems to convert to gold.
Yes this was really bad because of the people abusing guesting but why couldn’t all the world events happen at the same time on all servers so people couldn’t abuse it instead of nerfing the loot?
Well, let’s say they do indeed make it so that these events start at exactly the same time on all servers. You’re still only getting that one rare, right?
As far as this “nerf” goes, it’s not making the drop rates less or anything like that at all. Keep in mind that you can only these events once a day, and at means at most you can have one character do one event at a time.
This loot change is simply making it so that your rare item off the event is account bound so you don’t jump servers to do the same exact event for the rare again. If you’re not farming events by jumping servers with guesting, then this change doesn’t impact you negatively.
Fyi, events can’t happen at the same time because a lot of events are triggered by a pre-event, and different servers have different active times, and different timezones makeup. So their account-bound solution does exactly the same thing you suggested, minus taking away the server’s timer freedom.
This is a bit of a double edge sword for me even tho i welcome the change yo prevent the overflow situation it is cutting of my source of income completely. Now im not the richest guy out there mind you only have about 10g on my name but sure gonna miss making a income from those ectos each day.
If they make it that rares give at least one ecto then it be ok but chances are you wont get any at all. Another issue i see with this is as follows. Why do people do these events ye you guessed it loot can this not cause people to say hey ive done my one per day why should i bother to do another baltazar temple etc if im not gonna be rewarded for it causing these events to run dry that no one do em and you cant get enough people to do em eventually. I just hope in the end of the day its not gonna bite em in the butt
ArenaNet needs to stop playing economists and start developing more content, if they are so worried people will leave because they are achieving their goals sooner via prices drops for rare materials…. Create more materials??? FOTM was a good start, keep going. I’m upset that they keep backpedaling improvements. Move forward, not backward. You rewarded us with more rares now you want to take back your gift. Well, this just doesn’t sit right with me.
The longer this thread goes on the more mad people seem to be getting.. you are having a laugh if you didn’t think this was a change coming sooner rather then later in some form :P
Players railed against Anet for introducing a gear grind.. and here we see players just doing it to themselves for the sake of it, plenty of people on my server (desolation eu) pretty much farm these bosses all day long.. they time them and camp them till they spawn.
It’s completely correct for them to try to fix this kind of playstyle.. anything else is just wrong tbh.
The longer this thread goes on the more mad people seem to be getting.. you are having a laugh if you didn’t think this was a change coming sooner rather then later in some form :P
Players railed against Anet for introducing a gear grind.. and here we see players just doing it to themselves for the sake of it, plenty of people on my server (desolation eu) pretty much farm these bosses all day long.. they time them and camp them till they spawn.
It’s completely correct for them to try to fix this kind of playstyle.. anything else is just wrong tbh.
You are forgetting the fact that they never needed to fix it untill they themselves added it a few weeks ago. It was not an issue a month ago,
Whats the point of adding something just to take it back a few weeks later.
This is exactly why we need a test server.
A test server wouldn’t have caught it. The number of internal testers just wouldn’t be enough for the sheer volume of players that were mobbing world bosses.
A test server wouldn’t have caught it. The number of internal testers just wouldn’t be enough for the sheer volume of players that were mobbing world bosses.
If 90% of the players/testers on the test server are farming events and doing nothing else no matter what that number of players is that would have given them a idea that this was coming.
Sure this change was needed somehow. It’s absolutely ridiculous to have guests on already full servers because of a level 11 world boss.
But I really hope this guaranteed chest is worth the effort. I farmed Orr really often since december and i got about 5 rares in about 3 months. That changed with the chest loot. But even with chest loot (i did Maw with all my 5 alts and the 3 dragons with my main char) I already got no exotics in the game. I had two exotic drops since november 2012. Maybe it’s just bad luck, but that really sucks and that’s why I did those dragons at all.
Maybe they could get up drop chances of rares and exotics for world events and keep guesting limited to not full servers.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
So once again people with alts get screwed over. This is NOT a good fix at all. Limiting what people can do by putting a hard lock on something is showing they didn’t actually want to fix it. And here’s the thing it will not fix anything at all. Just lessen it a bit. People, you are still going to get overflows as people mainly play in primetime. So those that play in the off hours always got their rares anyway.
I’m going to point to this post and scream I told you so. Over and over again after the patch.
The longer this thread goes on the more mad people seem to be getting.. you are having a laugh if you didn’t think this was a change coming sooner rather then later in some form :P
Players railed against Anet for introducing a gear grind.. and here we see players just doing it to themselves for the sake of it, plenty of people on my server (desolation eu) pretty much farm these bosses all day long.. they time them and camp them till they spawn.
It’s completely correct for them to try to fix this kind of playstyle.. anything else is just wrong tbh.
You are forgetting the fact that they never needed to fix it untill they themselves added it a few weeks ago. It was not an issue a month ago,
Whats the point of adding something just to take it back a few weeks later.
This is exactly why we need a test server.
A test server is great for checking new content and testing new fixes. This however, isn’t something a test server would catch.
And they’re not adding it and then taking it away o.O. They’re restricting it to prevent an unintentional side effect of farmable boss events via guesting.
So once again people with alts get screwed over. This is NOT a good fix at all. Limiting what people can do by putting a hard lock on something is showing they didn’t actually want to fix it. And here’s the thing it will not fix anything at all. Just lessen it a bit. People, you are still going to get overflows as people mainly play in primetime. So those that play in the off hours always got their rares anyway.
I’m going to point to this post and scream I told you so. Over and over again after the patch.
And what do you propose as a fix? You can’t fix overflows, and you can’t fix hardware limitations. You can change the reason why people guest to such extent. The root of the problem was people simply using guesting to farm boss events. Solution? Well, you could completely disable guesting, or you do what a lot of people suggested on the forums. You make the desired loot (rares in this case), a reward that only happens once per account.
This doesn’t affect people who don’t guest/farm this stuff. So I assume you are one of those people who guest/farm these events?
(edited by kenshinakh.3672)
my interpretation of the upcoming changes
Right now we have this:
My lvl 80 ranger finished doing Jorlag on Jade Quarry and got a least one rare, although i would not able to get any chest for my lvl 80 ranger if i do Jorlag on Jade quarry again, but i can quest on Tarnished Coast with my lvl 80 guardian and do Jorlag there and get the chest again.
I repeat the same process with my other alts.
upcoming changes:
I complete Jorlag on Jade Quarry with my lvl 80 ranger and got the guarantee rares( according to Isaiah Cartwright the rare itself doesn’t seem to be account-bond, rather the opportunity to loot the rare is).
If i do the same event on Jade Quarry or on a different server with my lvl 80 guardian, i won’t be able to get the guarantee rares, although i can still get the blues, greens from , or possibly a exotic from the same event.
Am I comprehend it right?
I was expecting some sort of fix on World Events being too easy/too crowded when overpopulated like a non-fixed timer on these wretched World Events or some sort of fun randomness. A decent fix on Dynamic Events Scaling especially for starter area world bosses which are being farmed to stop the farming frenzy would have been a nice touch to improve gameplay: good rewards for challenging community content.
Unfortunately, they went with the easy route of nerfing loot once again.
Genius, Anet! You never fail to surprise me.
Now, say goodbye to a third of your PVE players. Woot!
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
Yeah it was about time they decided to fix the world boss fiasco.
It might be a bit late for that tho, look at rare prices. It should have been done immediately.
Anet when something you make is exploitable just remove it until you make it unexploitable.
Letting it there until a fix is made accumulates damage so that when a fix comes the economy will still be scarred.
I personally don’t think this will change anything about lag and overflow. Just will kitten people off.
knew this would too good to last
Yeah it was about time they decided to fix the world boss fiasco.
It might be a bit late for that tho, look at rare prices. It should have been done immediately.Anet when something you make is exploitable just remove it until you make it unexploitable.
Letting it there until a fix is made accumulates damage so that when a fix comes the economy will still be scarred.
Agreed. The ones angry on here are the ones that abuse Guesting to jump events and farm >.<… (Well, there are those who try to justify it by saying that they can’t play everyday for such an event, so they cram it into one day… but what’s the point of a daily event that gives a good reward if you can get around it with another game mechanic?)
It’s like doing CoF P1, EXCEPT, you get the full 60 tokens every single time… xD.
It’s kind of funny that people are actually angry about this. This change clearly needs to be made.
Even with this change, if you do all the events in a day (Jormag, Shatterer, Teq, Golem, Maw, Fire Ele, Shadow Behemoth, Worm) you’ll get 8 Rares a day.. guaranteed. Plus whatever else happens to be in the regular chest.
I realize that’s not always possible as it takes a considerable time window to hit EVERY event, but it can still be done every single day. I’m totally cool with that. And to those that say this makes playing Alts pointless, that’s absolutely hillarious. The only reason to play an Alt is for looting events? Not for the fun of trying another class or trying something different.. no.. the only point is to farm these events for guaranteed drops that didn’t even exist 3 weeks ago.
Wish they placed more effort in the PVE culling and event lags. Also, the living story is kinda dull to be honest.
This change seems to be a temporary bandaid fix to a problem that is going to need to be remedied in the future anyway (as evidenced by the Karka event fiasco and the latest chest event lagfests). This problem is not going to go away just because rewards are less appealing. The problem is that the servers cannot handle the congestion of excessive multiple players playing in a single area.
The moment that another event comes out that everyone wants to participate in, this will come back and bite everyone in the hindquarters again. The bandaid is fine if it’s a temporary fix that is going to be addressed in an actual major fix somewhere in the near future. Otherwise, any future major world events akin to the karka one, are going to just be a repeat of that horrible experience due to the same problem that is causing this nerf in the first place.
I can live with the change, but want to see that Anet is actually intending to fix the issue rather than put it off over and over again. The PVE culling and the lag in major group events are simply intolerable and have to be worked on and eliminated in the long run.
I do not have the solutions to the problem. I am not familiar with GW2 game code or even coding in general. I just believe that this change is more akin to sweeping dirt under a rug instead of grabbing a dust bin and sweeping it up and removing it altogether.
This game truly does not reward you decently for anything, the new chest loots were like an oasis in a desert. Why do you think people flocked to them? The risk/time vs reward on most other things is absolutely horrible. If they are nerfing this then CoF path 1 must be getting nerfed too because that is far better for money farming, although it makes you want to smash your face into a wall. ArenaNet’s biggest problem is not rewarding players, people don’t want to earn a small portion of token currency for their main reward. People want to get cool loot and this game does not deliver on that front, instead it’s here’s a breadcrumb! Soon you’ll be able to make a whole loaf of bread!
How about just making other things in the game lucrative as well? Give finishing any event chain a chance for a rare/exotic. Reward rares for events that don’t get run often. That would certainly spread people out to lesser played zones. Make some actual hard events that reward decent loot.
I like the new change, from a person who has 9 80s, now i will have time to do pve without constantly doing events for the chests and level more 80s
Exactly – this change is very welcome!
Not that I have as many 80s, but GW2 had become reduced to a zerg fest of people logging all their alts and simply playing GW2 by having up in one browser tab and roaming servers for the next event.
Good job on this “fix” Anet, now it’s time to address the much more important issues of how to keep your player base occupied when this thing goes!
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season