Mega Boss loot changes
Hi Martin,
Will Megadestroyers chest be buffed? Currently it doesn’t seem to give the ‘1 guaranteed rare’.
Btw, the announcement text is a little unclear, may want to update that to clarify what you said in this thread.
- John Smith
Let me enlighten the people who are whining about this.
Really this was the main thing keeping me playing in GW2, i guess now its back to playing other games, no more gem purchases and no point in doing that insane grinding for loot, if they had made open world actually meaningful to be rewarded sure i’d play but as it stands now i think its too gated and too boring to play anymore, bad decision had started a good thing just couldn’t follow through..
So you say repeatedly farming and using overflows with guesting is what keeps you playing? Really?? Reaally???
Don’t make me say it one more time xD.
You are guaranteed a rare once per account for each boss event, and every character can do these events too. Also, these events are normally done only once, unless you guest and time it properly to farm. Clearly, it has caused quite a lot of issues and players brought it up for the past week several times.
Guesting and overflow issues caused by people farming ectos by jumping servers with guesting. Guesting was never an issue now until people used it in a way that wasn’t originally thought out. In that thread, you’ll see several people repeatedly saying that these boss drops should be account-wide, not server-wide so that people stop guesting for only these events.
Now… The influx of these rares also caused all sorts of crazy speculation. Here’s one recently about ecto salvage nerf which obviously hasn’t happened:
People get more rares, and suddenly, they start thinking that they get less ectos… Now, FYI, let’s say you have a salvage rate of 50% for ectos. Back then, you salved 4 rares a day with 2 successful salvages. Now, you get 20 rares a day, but woaah, you realized you only got 10 successful salvages, and 10 rares were wasted… It must be a nerf because more rares were wasted! (Clearly, it’s not that simple, but you get the point). It created a false sense of ecto salvage rates being nerfed.
I can keep on going on why this change was necessary.
Here’s another thread saying the loot was excessive:
Here’s one saying how world bosses are being eaten for their ectos :O
There’s a lot more threads about the loot of the world boss events too. Look to put it simply, you’re still getting your rare and loot, but you’re not going to be able to jump servers and farm the heck out of them as before. For anyone who is sensible, it’s clear that something is seriously wrong when people have to use a game feature to farm a boss that is normally not farmable by regular means. You could still farm, but reward is less, and that makes sense. It’s a form of DR, which is necessary to prevent repetitive farm-play style, just like how dungeons have DR on tokens.
Ok so everyone will go back to pent/shelt runs with 200%+ MF.
Guess thats now how Anet is telling us to play their game again since it will again yield more rares than world events chests with the proposed nerf.
I just really wish Anet would make up thier minds on how they want us to play the game already so i can get into a routine, i dislike very much there week to week changes in how they want us to play the game. Pick something and run with it stop changing it up already.
I stand corrected, but i would have preferred it the other way.. let the ecto wars begin!
The only thing that will be changed is that the guaranteed rare drop will now be account bound. Everything else remains the same. You will be able to open the regular event chests once per day per event per character as before. You will still have the same drop chances as before.
Oh and his quote above could have been intercepted as saying the rare was account bound not just the chest.
An expected move. It’s not what I would have preferred as a player with alts, but I think the change to once per day per account is a fair enough compromise. If you hit all the world bosses once a day, that’s still 6 or so guaranteed Rares a day, and it frees up some of your time to go farm/WvW/RP or whatever else you like to do in GW2.
Might want to re-read that snip of his quote then. If it is just the chest (like the daily) then i stand corrected, but it sure looks to me to be refering to the actual rare item.
I read it quite carefully, I assure you. In fact, I can do more than assure you:
You will get one guaranteed rare drop per boss per account per day. You still have the chance to get pre-cursors/exotics/rares from the regular dragon chests every time you play an event. It is just the guaranteed rare drop that has been restricted.
This, the original post by Martin in this thread, says nothing of the account-binding of items.
The original post says nothing of the account-binding of items.
They both refer, however, to the account-binding of the chest in which the rare-or-better item is received.
So when this:
The only thing that will be changed is that the guaranteed rare drop will now be account bound. Everything else remains the same. You will be able to open the regular event chests once per day per event per character as before. You will still have the same drop chances as before.
comes up, we have one of two choices. We could assume that Martin is suddenly, with no precedent, referring to items suddenly being account-bound. Or we can read between the lines, think critically, and come to the conclusion that the “guaranteed rare drop will now be account bound” in that it can happen once per boss per day across your account, which is in line with everything else that devs have said on this new update so far.
How is this going to change anything .
There is still going to be overflows there is still going to be guesting this cheap fix will do nothing.
I know when i get home from work there are overflows now and there will still be overflows when they patch this.
I dont know who decides these things for you Anet but man you folks should think things thru.
80-Guardian /80- Mesmer
How is this going to change anything .
There is still going to be overflows there is still going to be guesting this cheap fix will do nothing.
I know when i get home from work there are overflows now and there will still be overflows when they patch this.
I dont know who decides these things for you Anet but man you folks should think things thru.
So you are able to run every event more then once a day? Or are you just going after say 3 events over and over because they do not want you to do that that why we have things like DR.
Also you said this already so unless your trying to spam your point of view here say something new please.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
How is this going to change anything .
There is still going to be overflows there is still going to be guesting this cheap fix will do nothing.
I know when i get home from work there are overflows now and there will still be overflows when they patch this.
I dont know who decides these things for you Anet but man you folks should think things thru.
Actually, it helps overflows a decent bit. You see, overflows are more of a technology limit. I mean… they COULD just remove overflows and host the server on super servers with high bandwidth, but YOU the gamer will lag and die horrifically.
Now, this does help overflow because people guest/farm these events for the rares. You get one guaranteed chest with a rare by doing this on your own server, but you won’t get that guarantee anymore after. To most people, this means they’re less likely to guest and farm all the other areas.
By the way, a very similar solution has been proposed by players several times in the forums to address the issue of people guesting to get the loot. Clearly, Anet has given a lot of thought on this already and took time to take in player feedback.
Does the new chest only drop guaranteed rare or does it also have a chance to drop exotics/precursors? Just need this answered, thanks. As I see it, it’s a good change. Chest drops are supposed to be random and a guaranteed rare was the developer’s kindness to us players. You guys should appreciate you’re still guaranteed a rare.
How is this going to change anything .
There is still going to be overflows there is still going to be guesting this cheap fix will do nothing.
I know when i get home from work there are overflows now and there will still be overflows when they patch this.
I dont know who decides these things for you Anet but man you folks should think things thru.
Firstly, let’s point something out in the clear. It is obvious that guesting is not the major issue here. I know what i’m saying here will never get through the minds of the mass because they’re so convince that the immigrants are stealing their jobs that no other explanation will be heard.
But hear me out, the issue with the current world chest is that people from all servers are running their alts through all the world chest daily in order to get the guaranteed rare. Because of this, high population servers are experiencing overflow issues because people on THEIR server are running alts constantly all day. Why is this not a guesting issue? Firstly, guesting was implemented a month ahead before chest were changed. No overflow issues were observed during that period. Dragon chest was repeatable at that time too so exploiting them was actually possible.
Next, dragon chest changes come in, immediately high population servers are experiencing overflow issues at peak times. Now let i remind you, guest are put in overflow as a priority.
If guesting was really the issue here, we would have at least experienced some sort of overflow problem prior to the dragon chest changes.
Now onto why the current proposed changes will work.
As I have explained earlier, right now if people had 5 alts and did 5 bosses, they would get 25 guaranteed rares. After the changes, people will only get 5 guaranteed rares from doing 5 alts on 5 bosses. Therefore, this change will bring us back to when dragon chest were NOT changed but with the addition that we now have a guaranteed rare from the chest.
To conclude: the proposed changes will be the same as the old world chest +1 rare per account. AND the chest is now limited to 1 per character so exploiting this is no longer possible as it was previously prior to the feb patch.
(edited by Lafiel.9372)
Creative Fix = boost loot drop for long event chain DE’s around the maps, all of them. Spread the people out even more. Really boost up the mid level maps since they are desolate a majority of the time. Synch the dragon timers so they’re all running about the same time, less guesting. Now people are all over the place all the time trying to catch events or start them up doing the long event chains for proper rewards. So many long event chains still reward very little and can be quite challenging.
Knee-Jerk Fix = what we have just gotten
I don’t do the mega boss events unless I happen to be in the map when the boss arrives. I don’t pay to WP or park an alt. In fact I’ve only been to 3 events since the patch. I didn’t do them before because of the horrible lag and now its worse so I didn’t really see a point in doing them. I get the whole ‘overflow’ rage and lag issues. I just don’t think punishing alt’s is the way to go.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Does the new chest only drop guaranteed rare or does it also have a chance to drop exotics/precursors? Just need this answered, thanks. As I see it, it’s a good change. Chest drops are supposed to be random and a guaranteed rare was the developer’s kindness to us players. You guys should appreciate you’re still guaranteed a rare.
I believe the guaranteed chest will be a rare and above. Therefore, precursors and exotics will still have a chance to drop from these world chest. That is as far as it is to my understanding. I say this because, I have gotten a chest where this is only 1 exotic and no rares at all. Therefore, the guaranteed rare currently in this chest was upgraded to an exotic in those attempts.
Does the new chest only drop guaranteed rare or does it also have a chance to drop exotics/precursors? Just need this answered, thanks. As I see it, it’s a good change. Chest drops are supposed to be random and a guaranteed rare was the developer’s kindness to us players. You guys should appreciate you’re still guaranteed a rare.
Previously, the deal was there was a guaranteed rare-or-better, which included precursors. Nothing put out so far suggests that this will be otherwise.
Knee-Jerk Fix = what we have just gotten
I just don’t think punishing alt’s is the way to go.
In case this isnt super obvious by now Anet does not like alts, and by design makes them very difficult to play and keep geared.
Dyes announced as account bound before release, turns out to be character bound.
Announced no gear treadmill, less than 90 days after release start rolling out next tier of gear.
Laurels being account bound/daily bound and limited to 1/day even if you havew 10 alts, only way to obtain next tier of gear.
This new chest nerf.
Its very obvious to anyone paying attention Anet for whatever reason just does not like alts.
Dyes are account bound, you get the dye and can give it to any alt you want.
Dyes are account bound, you get the dye and can give it to any alt you want.
ok true, but i know im not the only one who took that statement to mean you would have one dye panel to color all your charaters with. As in you do not need to purchase dyes for all charaters seperatly.
Right now the single chest is like this(example loot):
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
All in one chest, under the new system it will look like this:
- Rare or higher <—— Account bound chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
Everything besides that SINGLE piece will stay the same.
At least this is how I’m understanding this change is ment to work?
Oh thank fudge.
It’s currently WAY too much loot currently for anyone with alts or the ability to guest (everyone)
There was little reason to do anything else but watch timers.
Knee-Jerk Fix = what we have just gotten
I just don’t think punishing alt’s is the way to go.
In case this isnt super obvious by now Anet does not like alts, and by design makes them very difficult to play and keep geared.
Dyes announced as account bound before release, turns out to be character bound.
Announced no gear treadmill, less than 90 days after release start rolling out next tier of gear.
Laurels being account bound/daily bound and limited to 1/day even if you havew 10 alts, only way to obtain next tier of gear.
This new chest nerf.
Its very obvious to anyone paying attention Anet for whatever reason just does not like alts.
Sadly alt’s are my endgame. I never ran around looking for these Mega Bosses but it was nice to catch a couple of them and get rewarded for the fight. I will say that the Frozen Maw was ridiculously short and should have had his HP boosted or put in more adds.
Being that I am not a dungeon runner I liked having the option. But I thought from the start that Anet should have boosted the big event chains around all the maps. The mega bosses should have not been the only rewarding content boosted in the prior patch. It was a recipe for huge crowds showing up for the rewards.
So many options for Anet to choose from to mitigate the damage and they chose a nerf. And the TP has already responded to the announcement.
I have 40G spread between 3 lvl80 characters and 2 of them need gear. I am not greedy or a farmer. I just want to gear them up or even make a second set for WvW but with 14 ectos and about 6 rares banked it will be awhile. It was nice to see the prices become reasonable for a little while. Nice while it lasted.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
As I read the statement you will still get one rare/per boss/per account. If this this is true they will still be farmed, which is good, but just wont have people getting…I don’t know…30+ rares per day. This is a good change.
That is indeed correct. You will get one guaranteed rare drop per boss per account per day. You still have the chance to get pre-cursors/exotics/rares from the regular dragon chests every time you play an event. It is just the guaranteed rare drop that has been restricted.
Yay! I like this system better. It annoyed me trying to figure out which of my characters had not done what boss and began scheduling my game play around them in case I didn’t want to be kicked to overflow when I got there.
I like this new once per account system better. I only do them for the rare now as we know a pre cursor drop is never going to happen.
Right now the single chest is like this(example loot):
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chestAll in one chest, under the new system it will look like this:
- Rare or higher <—— Account bound chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Rare <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chestEverything besides that SINGLE piece will stay the same.
At least this is how I’m understanding this change is ment to work?
It’s so conffffuussiinggg.
“The current chests will stay lootable once per day per character, but each boss’s guaranteed rare item drop will be moved to a separate chest (visually similar to daily achievement reward chests) that can only be acquired once per day across an account.”
I’m assuming this is a nerf on rares. So your second example would be:
- Rare or higher <—— Account bound chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
I dunno. :S
Any more clarity on this?
Knee-Jerk Fix = what we have just gotten
I just don’t think punishing alt’s is the way to go.
In case this isnt super obvious by now Anet does not like alts, and by design makes them very difficult to play and keep geared.
Dyes announced as account bound before release, turns out to be character bound.
Announced no gear treadmill, less than 90 days after release start rolling out next tier of gear.
Laurels being account bound/daily bound and limited to 1/day even if you havew 10 alts, only way to obtain next tier of gear.
This new chest nerf.
Its very obvious to anyone paying attention Anet for whatever reason just does not like alts.
Sadly alt’s are my endgame.
I never ran around looking for these Mega Bosses but it was nice to catch a couple of them and get rewarded for the fight. I will say that the Frozen Maw was ridiculously short and should have had his HP boosted or put in more adds.
Being that I am not a dungeon runner I liked having the option. But I thought from the start that Anet should have boosted the big event chains around all the maps. The mega bosses should have not been the only rewarding content boosted in the prior patch. It was a recipe for huge crowds showing up for the rewards.
So many options for Anet to choose from to mitigate the damage and they chose a nerf. And the TP has already responded to the announcement.
I have 40G spread between 3 lvl80 characters and 2 of them need gear. I am not greedy or a farmer. I just want to gear them up or even make a second set for WvW but with 14 ectos and about 6 rares banked it will be awhile. It was nice to see the prices become reasonable for a little while. Nice while it lasted.
yeah had i known this was coming i would have stocked up on ectos when they were in the low 20’s a few days ago for exotics for my alts.
basically 1 boss chest per account per day would guarantee rares, similar to the dancing chest in fractal Maw…… if you farm the same boss again on the same account, no more dancing chest…. regular chest will always be there but not guaranteed rares…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
(edited by azizul.8469)
basically 1 boss chest per account per day…….
“basically 1 “worthwhile” boss chest per account per day……."
Fixed it for you.
Overreacting ftw! You still get AT LEAST 1 rare or better per event ( there are over 15 events that give a rare atm upon completion ). You can STILL complete 5-10 events per day without too much effort even with this change. The difference is that you need to farm other events aswell.
(edited by Zog.3954)
basically 1 boss chest per account per day…….
“basically 1 “worthwhile” boss chest per account per day……."
Fixed it for you.
sorry, i fixed few time to get the proper phrase…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
It’s so conffffuussiinggg.
“The current chests will stay lootable once per day per character, but each boss’s guaranteed rare item drop will be moved to a separate chest (visually similar to daily achievement reward chests) that can only be acquired once per day across an account.”I’m assuming this is a nerf on rares. So your second example would be:
- Rare or higher <—— Account bound chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chestI dunno. :S
Any more clarity on this?
I’m fairly confident the -random- rares you get, like when you get 3 from a chest currently will remain in the primary chest, you still have the -chance- to get rares on alts, it’s just no longer 100% for each boss.
When I would normally get 3 rares on an alt, I would now get 2 because the 3rd rare would’ve been the 100% one which I had already gotten for the day on my main.
Really this was the main thing keeping me playing in GW2, i guess now its back to playing other games, no more gem purchases and no point in doing that insane grinding for loot, if they had made open world actually meaningful to be rewarded sure i’d play but as it stands now i think its too gated and too boring to play anymore, bad decision had started a good thing just couldn’t follow through..
Because a huge amount of players didn’t like it.
I really hope the loot in the main chest doesn’t revert back to all greens and blues like it was before the patch.
I really hope the loot in the main chest doesn’t revert back to all greens and blues like it was before the patch.
This is also my concern, i had been getting 2-3 rares on a regular basis, if it goes back to all greens/blues with a single rare per account per day from this new chest its going to push people back to dungeons again, and make the PvE maps deserted, again.
It’s so conffffuussiinggg.
“The current chests will stay lootable once per day per character, but each boss’s guaranteed rare item drop will be moved to a separate chest (visually similar to daily achievement reward chests) that can only be acquired once per day across an account.”I’m assuming this is a nerf on rares. So your second example would be:
- Rare or higher <—— Account bound chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Green <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chest
- Blue <—— Boss chestI dunno. :S
Any more clarity on this?I’m fairly confident the -random- rares you get, like when you get 3 from a chest currently will remain in the primary chest, you still have the -chance- to get rares on alts, it’s just no longer 100% for each boss.
When I would normally get 3 rares on an alt, I would now get 2 because the 3rd rare would’ve been the 100% one which I had already gotten for the day on my main.
Cheers, kinda clears it up.
I know the rare is Once per account per day, but are the chests that spawn normally at events are still at once – per char – per day? (but obviously with less chance of a rare at all)
I don’t play Merchant.
Sounded like a Reasonable way to solve things. While many argues that the server guesting abuse still exist, I’d be surprised if they actually “fix” guesting.
It’s not so easy (or rather impossible) to change people’s behavior/action, there will always be a way around. Farmers will always be farmers, and you can’t really stop them from doing it.
I like this change. Set aside other things (AKA garbage loots, drop rates). Now, at least ANet has decided to do something to control those annoying farmer behaviors that have been preventing me to enjoy PVE since the dumb patch. I was never aiming at the chest loot. I went there to greet the World Boss and play with them. If I want loot, I go to FOTM. (sad but true)
Maybe this change will cause inflation blah blah, ecto price blah blah. This is another topic that’s not related to the change we’re talking about.
-Please refer to the “Depressing Drop Rate and Why do I get so many garbage loots?” section.
Even with the One Guaranteed Rare per chest. This Only One rare drives farmers so desperate that almost everyone can smell the desperation.
Don’t you think something is very wrong?
This is Sad, dear ArenaNet.
I was thinking this will become the ecto crash of 2013 (as in every one is buying up ecto thinking they will make a lot of gold but if every one is doing this the prices will go up and up and up until ppl start to sell and then the price of ecto will drop like a rock). This is a world event ppl will be talking about for years and its mostly player crated someone has GOT to make a paper on this. Its a economical thing that can be studly in an non real world that could be used to relate to the real world economically.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
but are the chests that spawn normally at events are still at once – per char – per day? (but obviously with less chance of a rare at all)
No, they should appear even if you do the event more than once, but you don’t have a guaranteed rare after the first kill.
The change is fine, as the whole guesting and alt swapping thing is a little out of control. The problem is that unless they are increasing dungeon and fractal loot and aren’t telling us here, there still is no real loot-related reason to do dungeons or fractals, other than you’ll just run out of world events to do faster.
Dungeons and Fractals should drop as good or better loot than world events. As it is we just did a 30+ frac, got 2 rares and a bagload of blues. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The change is fine, as the whole guesting and alt swapping thing is a little out of control. The problem is that unless they are increasing dungeon and fractal loot and aren’t telling us here, there still is no real loot-related reason to do dungeons or fractals, other than you’ll just run out of world events to do faster.
Dungeons and Fractals should drop as good or better loot than world events. As it is we just did a 30+ frac, got 2 rares and a bagload of blues. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
CoF P1 is still by a very very large margin the best way to make gold per hour.
I have a feeling that during peak concurrency there will still be overflow issues and ofc ppl will still guest during said times.
The change is fine, as the whole guesting and alt swapping thing is a little out of control. The problem is that unless they are increasing dungeon and fractal loot and aren’t telling us here, there still is no real loot-related reason to do dungeons or fractals, other than you’ll just run out of world events to do faster.
Dungeons and Fractals should drop as good or better loot than world events. As it is we just did a 30+ frac, got 2 rares and a bagload of blues. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
CoF P1 is still by a very very large margin the best way to make gold per hour.
I completely agree with you. That’s an anomaly though and doesn’t really address the issue.
Lets clarify this so you all understand!
-The account bound thing is one 100% drop of a rare or better per account per day.
-The boss chests can still be farmed per day per character. Resets on daily achievement timer not every 24 hours, so you could farm your chest twice a day per character if you did not the day before. Even one hour before daily resets (goes for rich nodes and ori/ancient and any 400 level nodes as well) if you so care.
-The item that drops 100% is soul bound on use not account bound or anything of that nature. You are all worried for nothing.
-Chests still have the improved rates to drop rare or better, but not 100% as before (only the account bound reward per day is 100% rate). This was the main problem as you were getting 1-5 rares per chest per day per alt.
Clear enough for all of you? Now just enjoy the game!
Martin, I am assuming other events will be updated so there will be many other places to get rares, ie Megadestroyer, Fire Shaman’s loot fixed, etc?
I have a feeling that during peak concurrency there will still be overflow issues and ofc ppl will still guest during said times.
People will still guest because the timers are to long, i mean seriously if anything its going to get worse now that its only 1 per account because people will want to hit each event every day or they will miss out.
Before it wasnt a huge deal, as long as you had 4+ lvl 80’s you could spend a afternoon hitting all events in all lvl80 toons and stock up on rares, now that wont be a option you will have to hit them all once a day.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
I would just log in quickly and do dailys each day in 20-30 min and only do events if they happened to pop while i was in that map anyways, just got rares on weekends when i had the time it wasnt a huge concern and i didnt put alot of thought into it.
Now that this isnt a option and i have to get them everyday im going to guest everyday to maxamize my time spent. Ill probably extend my daily playtime to 60-90 min so i have time to do dailies then guest to whatever server has events up to catch them all in the time i have. Why wait a hour for a dragon when on another server one will be up in 60 seconds.
This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.
Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?
PS the guild missions thread is on page 43 with no response since the thread was created to discuss the topic.
(edited by Drew.1865)
Martin, I am assuming other events will be updated so there will be many other places to get rares, ie Megadestroyer, Fire Shaman’s loot fixed, etc?
Fire shaman in iron marches was fixed already, I pulled two rares off him like any other major boss/dragon.
“Working as intended!”
At least in TC.
I have a feeling that during peak concurrency there will still be overflow issues and ofc ppl will still guest during said times.
People will still guest because the timers are to long, i mean seriously if anything its going to get worse now that its only 1 per account because people will want to hit each event every day or they will miss out.
Before it wasnt a huge deal, as long as you had 4+ lvl 80’s you could spend a afternoon hitting all events in all lvl80 toons and stock up on rares, now that wont be a option you will have to hit them all once a day.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
I would just log in quickly and do dailys each day in 20-30 min and only do events if they happened to pop while i was in that map anyways, just got rares on weekends when i had the time it wasnt a huge concern and i didnt put alot of thought into it.
Now that this isnt a option and i have to get them everyday im going to guest everyday to maxamize my time spent. Ill probably extend my daily playtime to 60-90 min so i have time to do dailies then guest to whatever server has events up to catch them all in the time i have. Why wait a hour for a dragon when on another server one will be up in 60 seconds.
I think you’re misunderstanding the loot changes. If you don’t guest, and do exactly as you do now by running all the events on your own server, then this change won’t really affect you. You get one chest on the side of the screen with the rare for each event. It moved from the chest to that chest on the side, and it becomes a reward that is account bound, so you can’t guest on another server to get it again.
I have a feeling that during peak concurrency there will still be overflow issues and ofc ppl will still guest during said times.
People will still guest because the timers are to long, i mean seriously if anything its going to get worse now that its only 1 per account because people will want to hit each event every day or they will miss out.
Before it wasnt a huge deal, as long as you had 4+ lvl 80’s you could spend a afternoon hitting all events in all lvl80 toons and stock up on rares, now that wont be a option you will have to hit them all once a day.
So people are going to log in, hit the 2-3 events on their server that happen to be up when they log in then guest to another 8-10 servers to hit the rest of the events that arnt up on their home server.
Myself personally i never guested ever even after the rare per chest patch, i just spent longer amounts of time on my weekends running events on my server with all my level 80 toons and getting my rares.
I would just log in quickly and do dailys each day in 20-30 min and only do events if they happened to pop while i was in that map anyways, just got rares on weekends when i had the time it wasnt a huge concern and i didnt put alot of thought into it.
Now that this isnt a option and i have to get them everyday im going to guest everyday to maxamize my time spent. Ill probably extend my daily playtime to 60-90 min so i have time to do dailies then guest to whatever server has events up to catch them all in the time i have. Why wait a hour for a dragon when on another server one will be up in 60 seconds.
Did you even read my breakdown of the change? It affects nothing!
You can alt all you want and still have good chances at rares. The only difference its not 100% chance for all the possible rares (1-3 from what I see now before this fix starts). The rates are so high even without the guarentee, you’ll still get a rare on top of the change.
I’m right and you’ll see.
I am hoping they will be working on making sure that the chests will not extend off your screen if you haven’t gotten them yet (currently, they show up next to each other)
This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.
Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?
Simple, they dont want to admit they want to kill smaller guilds. This would immediatly cause a large number of players to leave the game.
If they say nothing about it and just let the players who prefer small guilds slowly leave the game as they figure it out then it looks alot better for Anet as it isnt a mass surge of people leaving but a small but steady stream.
This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.
Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?
Simple, they dont want to admit they want to kill smaller guilds. This would immediatly cause a large number of players to leave the game.
If they say nothing about it and just let the players who prefer small guilds slowly leave the game as they figure it out then it looks alot better for Anet as it isnt a mass surge of people leaving but a small but steady stream.
You just ignored all the people above you trying to calm you down and make you understand that you had a misunderstanding >.<.