Megaservers and RP
I disagree in the sense that it’s not a guaranteed “problem”, there are role players everywhere, not just TC or PS (clearly a minority, of course), and that I doubt that the official ANet stance is that they don’t care about role players. The needs of the game do come first, but that doesn’t mean this change was intended to violate anyone’s approach to the game (RP or otherwise.)
No one said that the change is inteded to violate people’s approach to the game. The change is to save money on Anet’s part (and to do so without having to say the words “server merge”). RPers getting hurt by the change — which will undoubtably happen — is just a side effect.
But RPers are not a big enough population for Anet to care about. Anet is all about making money. They can probably sacrifice some profit to cater to some of their minority populations (getting some goodwill in return), but that’s not how Anet operates.
Personally I hate the idea of these “megaservers” due to the over population as is. Heck right now as it is on a dead server maguuma if you don’t have speed boosters on you cant do the champ train witch is bs imo kinda ticks me off and i usually would just log my ranger on and snipe all the bosses before anyone could touch them just to prove a point to go back where they came from. Cause right now you got a couple moronic guilds wanting to do teq on meguuma even tho they fail so bad doing them. So that already increased the pop on maguuma then you got this crap mega servers coming on its like wth are they wanting us to go back to gw1 or something? Cause frankly I don’t see how blackgate or TC can even do anything on their servers. Its getting atm 99% of the came can be solo’d only world bosses and temps cant be solo’d so really wth is the point of this? if anything they should be making more worlds instead all I see is high population servers.
O and for an example. a lvl 24 guardian has the same dmg out put as a lvl 80 ele in starting zones [ele has full exotics and legendarys] and if u got a warrior hell wish the champs good luck cause u “should” be hitting 900-2ks in starting zones
O and another possibility you only stay in a starting zone for little over an hour at low level less then 30mins if ur lvl 80 so whats the bloody point in this anyway?
I disagree in the sense that it’s not a guaranteed “problem”, there are role players everywhere, not just TC or PS (clearly a minority, of course), and that I doubt that the official ANet stance is that they don’t care about role players. The needs of the game do come first, but that doesn’t mean this change was intended to violate anyone’s approach to the game (RP or otherwise.)
No one said that the change is inteded to violate people’s approach to the game. The change is to save money on Anet’s part (and to do so without having to say the words “server merge”). RPers getting hurt by the change — which will undoubtably happen — is just a side effect.
But RPers are not a big enough population for Anet to care about. Anet is all about making money. They can probably sacrifice some profit to cater to some of their minority populations (getting some goodwill in return), but that’s not how Anet operates.
RPerss think they are getting hurt. No one is going to be hurt. Role players shall always role-play.
And of course it is a business. But saying that they don’t care about role players due to this change, and only about money, is quite a bit of a stretch.
I’d also like to apologize to the devs if my initial reactions were too hostile. I don’t expect you to consider RPers in the development of this system, which is clearly designed for the mechanics of your game (not the mechanics of the player community). I don’t expect that any of the devs would understand what it takes for an RP community to thrive. So it’s unreasonable to expect that they would have thought up a solution before-hand to the issues we’re discussing in this thread.
However, I think it is reasonable to expect more communication with the community. This system is probably already complete and ready to launch, so any talk of features in this thread or the other feedback thread won’t be able to be implemented before patch day. But if ArenaNet had made mention of this earlier, like even a month ago… if they had just said “This is the direction we’re headed towards” and gathered feedback on potential community needs for it, then RPers could have made their concerns known then. It would have been a calmer situation, these ideas could have been suggested, and ArenaNet could have probably found a solution before they were ready to release.
But instead this major change was dropped on us so soon before it’s going to be released. That’s why everyone’s a little panicked and aggressive. Because they know it’s probably too late to even address their concerns before launch. And they feel unappreciated by the developers because no one bothered to get their input on the matter before-hand. This really, really could have been easily addressed if it was simply discussed a month or two earlier.
“The Megaserver System: Guilds and the Future:
We’ll go into the very specific details about these changes as we approach the launch of this system game-wide, but we wanted to get a head start on messaging this since these are natural questions the addition of our megaserver system raises.”
So Anet’s okay with giving wvw and guilds a heads up in advance they can ask questions and bounce feedback, but they couldn’t do the same so rpers would have a chance to voice concerns at an early enough stage to address them?
Role players shall always role-play.
This part, at least, is true.
But nobody says we’ll do it here. If ANet continues to destroy the RP side of this game, more of us will look elsewhere. And the fewer RPers there are, the less reason there is for any remaining RPers to stay.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Well speaking from mmo experience one of my biggest fears is if people do cave and guild up is the RP community turns very insular and then becomes toxic to outsiders its happened in alot of mmos no reason to think it couldn’t happen here
Secondly again from me experience the RP community are the ones who stick with the game to the bitter end to the last momment before the lights shut off for good not a good idea to basically kick the part of your fan base that provides a masive cash influx andbwill provide it long after most have moved onto another shiny new mmo in the nuts and say deal with it
Thidly this may sound crazy but I say we RPers should give them a show in game on youtube wherever make them take notice of give the best kitten rp across all the servers show em we aren’t as small as they think we are and what bring to the table lets show emcharr warbands battling it out in the streets , scuffles between seraphs and mercs and not just in the RP hotspots but through out the world it may not destroy the RP community or it may do so but I am kitten sure not going out quietly into the sunset no Iam going down fighting we show areanet we will stand and fight and they gonna take notice so tell every rper you know on every server to bring their AAA game from now till the last momment of the patch and lets show the community at large that RPers matter to
I disagree in the sense that it’s not a guaranteed “problem”, there are role players everywhere, not just TC or PS (clearly a minority, of course), and that I doubt that the official ANet stance is that they don’t care about role players. The needs of the game do come first, but that doesn’t mean this change was intended to violate anyone’s approach to the game (RP or otherwise.)
No one said that the change is inteded to violate people’s approach to the game. The change is to save money on Anet’s part (and to do so without having to say the words “server merge”). RPers getting hurt by the change — which will undoubtably happen — is just a side effect.
But RPers are not a big enough population for Anet to care about. Anet is all about making money. They can probably sacrifice some profit to cater to some of their minority populations (getting some goodwill in return), but that’s not how Anet operates.
RPerss think they are getting hurt. No one is going to be hurt. Role players shall always role-play.
And of course it is a business. But saying that they don’t care about role players due to this change, and only about money, is quite a bit of a stretch.
You can personally guarantee that no one will be adversely affected? I feel reassured.
Fact is, you can’t say with certainty that no-one will have their experience hurt by this just as we can’t guarantee RPers are gonna get kittened but good over it. Yes, our RP can adapt, but just because it can, doesn’t mean it should or that it would be best for us. As the above has said, restricting RP more to guilds only, as was roughly suggested by Anet here, creates more insular, and often less welcoming RP cliques. What the RPers over at The MMO Which Must Not Be Named unlovingly refer to as “bubble rp”. It has the potential to, if not halt our RP, then to change it in ways which we don’t want it to.
As for not caring about RPers, its not so much that, but they have demonstrated at best a lack of understanding, and worse complete ignorance of a minority but still substantial community. In this thread, their sole bit of advice was to do something which many RPers are reluctant to do on whim – guild up. This is because to an RP a guild is as much In-Character as Out-of-Character. That demonstrated ignorance and lack of understanding of how RP generally works. The Anet rep didn’t appear to know there was an EU community hub (Piken Square) until someone helpfully pointed it out to them. How can a developer look to support a community if it has no clear idea about what the community is and how they operate?
The idea that this will be sweeping change to our RP and will affect us greatly as a whole may be wrong. But we can’t be certain of that, and if the main effect of these changes would be “not to see a lot of difference”, then why is there such fanfare for it? And if it is the case, then I don’t think Anet got their message out fully, as clearly this has rubbed people up the wrong way, rightly or wrongly.
At the core of my concern is the issue of player control. Aside from the small scale steps like guilding and friendslists, whic aren’t always viable for wide-ranging rp, it seems the decision as to where we find ourselves goes solely to some automated algorithm based upon some factors, like home world, friends, guilds, and what activities the game identifies us as taking part in and enjoying. But with such a low understanding of RP, and the fact it is unofficial, the system will not be able to consider it without some extra variable, so on an automated level our gameplay is not included, and at a wider point, where do we get to choose what we enjoy based on our thoughts and feelings, and not just what we are seen to do in game? I’d like to see some form of tag system with options like WvW, RP, PvE etc, if only because it guarantees that our gaming desires at any time can be changed easily and we are fully considered in the system.
I don’t believe that in an MMO, taking player choice and automating it is a good thing. Things may be fine in reality, but until we know for sure, we will do our best to make sure Anet listen to our concerns. We aren’t complaining or discussing for the heck of it.
The kind of people who will set an orphanage on fire after locking themselves inside it.
Nobody is attacking role players. Threatening to stop playing because ANet is betraying your “RP rights”, is basically the old “if you don’t do things my way, I’ll take the ball home so nobody plays.” Voice your concerns-just be reasonable and open minded about it. I have never seen an official post regarding this “RP hate” ANet “has”-it’s more of an ill perception of reality.
And to be honest, it does sound extremely elitist to want to play only with role players, especially given how TC is full. It does come off as a sort of “we don’t want to mingle with the unwashed masses”. Why should we judge every non-RPer as “unworthy”, and how dare you think I hate/do not roleplay just because I am not on TC? (Same concept with the big battles-how dare “leets” think that I am not good enough for their Tequatl run just because I am not part of their organized group, but am in the same map with them?)
This is not intended to offend, but more as food for thought-how these complaints come across to me.
I think it would be helpful to keep this response from an ArenaNet dev in mind.
A few more important points to be made here:
- If your world usually has a comfortable population on a given map, you’re unlikely to see much of a difference here until the map actually starts getting full. We’re not going to toss a bunch of people from another world into a comfortably occupied server and make it uncomfortable.
- But some worlds do fill up all on their own pretty regularly. The improvement from this perspective is that if you try to join a very full map, the system will find another instance which also contains people from your world rather than the old overflows which were much more of a mixed bag.
- If your world has a very low concurrency on a given map, we can put you and everyone else from your server into a map with a more comfortable number of players. The key term here is “comfortable.” There’s breathing room. Megaserver is not overflow in reverse.
- It’s very difficult to understand this situation if you’re not willing to look at the big picture. Similarly, you can’t really explain urban traffic by using a metaphor about seats at a dinner table. Server populations are big and they are not concrete. Players flow in and out all of the time, even when it seems like a map is completely full. The major change in the way the game is handling population is that it’s making better-informed decisions about where to direct you. If only my GPS did that.
- As the blog post mentions, we’ll be monitoring this very closely to make sure that the end result is positive.
Thanks for all your feedback. I look forward to tomorrow’s blog post and answering more of your questions.
And to be honest, it does sound extremely elitist to want to play only with role players, especially given how TC is full. It does come off as a sort of “we don’t want to mingle with the unwashed masses”. Why should we judge every non-RPer as “unworthy”, and how dare you think I hate/do not roleplay just because I am not on TC? (Same concept with the big battles-how dare “leets” think that I am not good enough for their Tequatl run just because I am not part of their organized group, but am in the same map with them?)
Look, no roleplayer cares about playing around non-roleplayers. If they did, they’d be playing exclusively with guild groups, in which case this change means absolutely nothing.
Here, let me break down the concerns for you:
Total player pool is 1000 (made up number, but this is an example)
This pool was split into the following:
50 people on Roleplayer Server
200 people on standard server 1, 2, and 3.
50 people on standard server 4.
25 people on standard servers 5-19
People on 1,2, and 3 have a fine old time. People on 4-19 have a terrible time. But wait, now there’s megaservers! Now everyone is on server 1-10, and each of those have 100 people on it! There’s people to play with, overcrowding is reduced, huzzah!
But wait, half the people on the RP server were guesting to the RP server to RP part time. They don’t want to pay thirty dollars to go to that server full time, and don’t have any interest in leaving their WvW brackets.
Well, because only 25 of those roleplayers are from the same server, they always get prioritized into the same one of the megaservers. The other 25, the ones who were guesting, now cannot hope to get into the same server as the first half but one in ten times, by dint of there being 10 possible servers and no player control over what server you wind up on.
Well, the 25 who happen to be from the RP server originally are suddenly having less fun! Many of their friends, people who weren’t around all the time but who certainly made the world seem more alive, are suddenly gone. It doesn’t matter that their overall amount of people to play with went up; they don’t mind these new people going and doing events and filling the zones, but the new people don’t really want to or care about roleplaying. To each their own, but the community of the roleplayers has been slashed dramatically, for no real reason, given that there is a simple solution to the problem. Which would be a tagging system.
Nobody here cares at all if you don’t want to roleplay. They aren’t going to get elitist at you. The problem is that a significant portion of the RP community is transient, and with this change will suddenly vanish because they cannot any longer actually FIND the other roleplayers.
If you see the RPers and want to join in, even though you don’t normally care? I am sure if you can manage to use complete sentences and don’t act like a ponce they will be very accomodating. Nobody is trying to exclude you; they are trying to avoid the exclusion of a large part of the current RP community.
Nobody is attacking role players. (serious snip for post length reasons)
And to be honest, it does sound extremely elitist to want to play only with role players, especially given how TC is full. (more snip because I can’t not wall of text sorry)
I mean, if this were the only change in this patch impacting RPers, this could be considered overreacting, but there’s already been one drastic change without warning of items that mostly RPers bought with real money (and some deceptive practices to continue selling them even though ANet knows they’re going to change or be nearly removed soon, and they’re not being refunded), with a single response to complaints that didn’t demonstrate any basic comprehension of how people actually use Town Clothes, and then no further response and no indication of a willingness to fix the issue. So given that as a backdrop, it makes a lot more sense that people are reacting like this— because if they’re going to be monitoring the patch and adjusting how it works but have demonstrated a complete lack of understanding regarding RP, we have no reason to assume they’ll listen or even understand what causes are producing what effects for RPers. I don’t think they hate RPers— I really think they just don’t know how RP works within their game.
And it’s not that we only want to play with other RPers— in fact, that’s the whole idea of an RP tag: you turn it on when you want to RP, and turn it off when you want to do other things. It’s that we want to be able to find other RPers; and since the game can measure and balance all the other activities we do but can’t measure RP (unless ANet’s got a dangerously intelligent AI trapped in their system, in which case it probably wants to bring on the robot apocalypse by now after reading every single ERP performed in Tyria), the current system doesn’t seem like it will help people who want to RP to find other people who want to RP— unless they’re already in a guild with them, but isn’t it better to be able to meet new people?
It also really hurts people who aren’t from a roleplay server but want to RP, because it used to be you could guest to TC and know that you could walk into Divinity’s Reach and find other RPers and meet people. Now, with the game not being able to know to sort you with other RPers, and no more guaranteed location that you know how to get to where you can find RPers, you’re left entirely in the lurch if you don’t have the funds to transfer to an RP world or if it’s full (because apparently the world you’re from will be the primary influence on where you end up, if what I’ve inferred is accurate). So the fact that TC is full makes this worse.
And it’s not a matter of “elitism” at all— I don’t care about the skill level of the people I’m with in Sparkfly Fen when Teq comes up; heck, I’m not the best player myself. I care that they actually want to fight Teq, and there aren’t just a few stragglers and maybe a party or two trying to do a boss that requires the participation of a large chunk of the map because everybody else doesn’t want to do the fight. I don’t know about other mega-guilds, but I do know TTS doesn’t give a Skritt’s tail about skill level, anyway— the only thing you have to do to get in is apply, and after they’re done sorting through gazillions of applications because they’re open to everyone and they finally get to yours, welcome to the guild, time to learn some fights and get some loot. It’s about getting a group of people who are all there for the purpose of fighting Teq together, so the fight doesn’t end up undermanned— it’s not skill level but sheer lack of having people there that kills the chance of winning. This is why TTS sometimes forces its own overflows unless it can find a very underpopulated server— because if there are already people on the map, you can’t just order them to drop whatever they’re doing and leave or else join the fight; it’s unfair to expect them to join you if they don’t want to, not “elitist” to make sure you don’t have to bother them and that as many people who want to do the fight with you can do it. Likewise, it’s unfair to expect everyone you end up on a server with to want to RP with you. I’d love to RP with other folks, but I don’t expect everyone else in the game to want to RP with me. So if I do want to RP or watch RP, then I don’t want to be with people who don’t want to RP or watch RP, because then I’d just be getting in their way, not helping them with what they do want to do; it’s unfair to them, and it’s not helping me. It’s not an “elitism” thing to want to keep yourself and others from being inconvenienced.
I think it would be helpful to keep this response from an ArenaNet dev in mind.
A few more important points to be made here:
- If your world usually has a comfortable population on a given map, you’re unlikely to see much of a difference here until the map actually starts getting full. We’re not going to toss a bunch of people from another world into a comfortably occupied server and make it uncomfortable.
- But some worlds do fill up all on their own pretty regularly. The improvement from this perspective is that if you try to join a very full map, the system will find another instance which also contains people from your world rather than the old overflows which were much more of a mixed bag.
(snip because I mean the post is just up there)
Yeah, that definitely makes it look like people who aren’t able to transfer to a roleplay server are going to have real problems finding RP. Now they won’t be able to guest to Piken and go to Piken Main to find other RPers, because there won’t be a Piken Main; and the game can’t put RPers from different worlds together if there isn’t a way for it to recognize that a person is RPing.
Not for pre-alpha testing, sorry. I’m still hammering out the core systems, making it truly feel like Guild Wars from the ground up instead of just being GW themed. That requires a hands-on, in-person approach for the time being.
Ah, okay, that’s legit. Do let me know when you get a version you can use via live chat, though. My boyfriend-pretty-much-fiance-would-already-be-husband-but-school-and-money-and-such-you-know-how-it-goes and I have been working on our own tabletop system and, if nothing else, he’s one heck of a number-cruncher. (I’m more of a fluff… fluffer?)
Nobody is attacking role players. Threatening to stop playing because ANet is betraying your “RP rights”, is basically the old “if you don’t do things my way, I’ll take the ball home so nobody plays.” Voice your concerns-just be reasonable and open minded about it. I have never seen an official post regarding this “RP hate” ANet “has”-it’s more of an ill perception of reality.
And to be honest, it does sound extremely elitist to want to play only with role players, especially given how TC is full. It does come off as a sort of “we don’t want to mingle with the unwashed masses”. Why should we judge every non-RPer as “unworthy”, and how dare you think I hate/do not roleplay just because I am not on TC? (Same concept with the big battles-how dare “leets” think that I am not good enough for their Tequatl run just because I am not part of their organized group, but am in the same map with them?)
This is not intended to offend, but more as food for thought-how these complaints come across to me.
The correct version of your analogy is that Arenanet is taking the ball home, and the RP’ers are left wondering what to do next. As mentioned, a lot of RP’ers are actually based in servers other than Tarnished Coast or Piken Square. Our guilds (and their hard-earned holdings) are established on different servers, and they guest over to one of the RP servers for that purpose.
That’s not elitist; that’s a choice I used to make able to make for how I wanted to play. The new rulebook is locking me out. I won’t be able to find those players anymore. Tell me—honestly—is that me being elitist? I’m going to miss that group of players. I’m not saying “my way, or the highway.” That’s Arenanet with the glib “guild up” comment. You have it exactly backwards.
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
I disagree in the sense that it’s not a guaranteed “problem”, there are role players everywhere, not just TC or PS (clearly a minority, of course), and that I doubt that the official ANet stance is that they don’t care about role players. The needs of the game do come first, but that doesn’t mean this change was intended to violate anyone’s approach to the game (RP or otherwise.)
No one said that the change is inteded to violate people’s approach to the game. The change is to save money on Anet’s part (and to do so without having to say the words “server merge”). RPers getting hurt by the change — which will undoubtably happen — is just a side effect.
But RPers are not a big enough population for Anet to care about. Anet is all about making money. They can probably sacrifice some profit to cater to some of their minority populations (getting some goodwill in return), but that’s not how Anet operates.
RPerss think they are getting hurt. No one is going to be hurt. Role players shall always role-play.
And of course it is a business. But saying that they don’t care about role players due to this change, and only about money, is quite a bit of a stretch.
Oh they will be hurt. Right now they roughly have their own playpen in which to roleplay, without too much trolling. But when you dump them together with the general population, the trolls will inevitably cause a lot of grief.
I wonder if Anet’s planning to sell private map instances for gems. That’s a likely next step.
Nobody is attacking role players. Threatening to stop playing because ANet is betraying your “RP rights”, is basically the old “if you don’t do things my way, I’ll take the ball home so nobody plays.” Voice your concerns-just be reasonable and open minded about it. I have never seen an official post regarding this “RP hate” ANet “has”-it’s more of an ill perception of reality.
And to be honest, it does sound extremely elitist to want to play only with role players, especially given how TC is full. It does come off as a sort of “we don’t want to mingle with the unwashed masses”. Why should we judge every non-RPer as “unworthy”, and how dare you think I hate/do not roleplay just because I am not on TC? (Same concept with the big battles-how dare “leets” think that I am not good enough for their Tequatl run just because I am not part of their organized group, but am in the same map with them?)
This is not intended to offend, but more as food for thought-how these complaints come across to me.
The correct version of your analogy is that Arenanet is taking the ball home, and the RP’ers are left wondering what to do next. As mentioned, a lot of RP’ers are actually based in servers other than Tarnished Coast or Piken Square. Our guilds (and their hard-earned holdings) are established on different servers, and they guest over to one of the RP servers for that purpose.
That’s not elitist; that’s a choice I used to make able to make for how I wanted to play. The new rulebook is locking me out. I won’t be able to find those players anymore. Tell me—honestly—is that me being elitist? I’m going to miss that group of players. I’m not saying “my way, or the highway.” That’s Arenanet with the glib “guild up” comment. You have it exactly backwards.
I consider myself a role player at heart, and don’t feel slighted by ANet in the least. I have been playing on a non-RP server since headstart. What gives? Why should I be mad at “ANet’s betrayal?” Because there is none.
Even the addition of ascended gear was much more of a mistake. This is rather good for the game you proclaim to like, if you really do. That I think was a misstep, though I understand their reasoning for it (even though it didn’t apply to me.)
Lots of complaints left and right, from hardcore “leets” to RPers about a system they haven’t even seen fully implemented, and won’t be until “later in the year”, according to their recent statements. That is what is offensive and illogical to me-the constant moaning about the known unknown, from all parties involved.
(For all the others that say that world will be “too populated”, just go back to those days in which the game was new. Relive those days, rather than just pretending the game is “better” when there are 3 people on a map. I LOVE doing stuff solo, being an introvert in real life, but it’s just not reasonable for me to think that this change is “bad” for the game at large-changes that have yet to take place and can still be fine-tuned.)
Nobody is attacking role players. Threatening to stop playing because ANet is betraying your “RP rights”, is basically the old “if you don’t do things my way, I’ll take the ball home so nobody plays.” Voice your concerns-just be reasonable and open minded about it. I have never seen an official post regarding this “RP hate” ANet “has”-it’s more of an ill perception of reality.
And to be honest, it does sound extremely elitist to want to play only with role players, especially given how TC is full. It does come off as a sort of “we don’t want to mingle with the unwashed masses”. Why should we judge every non-RPer as “unworthy”, and how dare you think I hate/do not roleplay just because I am not on TC? (Same concept with the big battles-how dare “leets” think that I am not good enough for their Tequatl run just because I am not part of their organized group, but am in the same map with them?)
This is not intended to offend, but more as food for thought-how these complaints come across to me.
The correct version of your analogy is that Arenanet is taking the ball home, and the RP’ers are left wondering what to do next. As mentioned, a lot of RP’ers are actually based in servers other than Tarnished Coast or Piken Square. Our guilds (and their hard-earned holdings) are established on different servers, and they guest over to one of the RP servers for that purpose.
That’s not elitist; that’s a choice I used to make able to make for how I wanted to play. The new rulebook is locking me out. I won’t be able to find those players anymore. Tell me—honestly—is that me being elitist? I’m going to miss that group of players. I’m not saying “my way, or the highway.” That’s Arenanet with the glib “guild up” comment. You have it exactly backwards.
I consider myself a role player at heart, and don’t feel slighted by ANet in the least. I have been playing on a non-RP server since headstart. What gives? Why should I be mad at “ANet’s betrayal?” Because there is none.
Even the addition of ascended gear was much more of a mistake. This is rather good for the game you proclaim to like, if you really do. That I think was a misstep, though I understand their reasoning for it (even though it didn’t apply to me.)
Lots of complaints left and right, from hardcore “leets” to RPers about a system they haven’t even seen fully implemented, and won’t be until “later in the year”, according to their recent statements. That is what is offensive and illogical to me-the constant moaning about the known unknown, from all parties involved.
(For all the others that say that world will be “too populated”, just go back to those days in which the game was new. Relive those days, rather than just pretending the game is “better” when there are 3 people on a map. I LOVE doing stuff solo, being an introvert in real life, but it’s just not reasonable for me to think that this change is “bad” for the game at large-changes that have yet to take place and can still be fine-tuned.)
I am not speaking of betrayal. I am talking about a new set of rules which makes previous associations in the community void. The mega server was purportedly designed to “enhance community.” What we have here is clear instance where that is not the case. I’m not being irrational in saying the current implementation, as it has been explained to us, will hurt this group’s ability to find each other. I didn’t say it is a betrayal. I’m saying what are we supposed to do now? I get that the mega server is happening. But what are we supposed to do?
I don’t know why you’re throwing around the word “leet” and questioning how much people like the game just because they have concerns. The complaints about a system that hasn’t been implemented? As it pertains to RP, the implications are exceedingly clear.
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
Lots of complaints left and right, from hardcore “leets” to RPers about a system they haven’t even seen fully implemented, and won’t be until “later in the year”, according to their recent statements. That is what is offensive and illogical to me-the constant moaning about the known unknown, from all parties involved.
(For all the others that say that world will be “too populated”, just go back to those days in which the game was new. Relive those days, rather than just pretending the game is “better” when there are 3 people on a map. I LOVE doing stuff solo, being an introvert in real life, but it’s just not reasonable for me to think that this change is “bad” for the game at large-changes that have yet to take place and can still be fine-tuned.)
Nobody anywhere said it was going to be bad for the game at large. What we have been saying, over and over, is that it’s bad for roleplayers as it has thus far been described.
There needs to be a tag system because no automated system will be able to tell the difference between when someone is spending their time roleplaying and when they are just farting around in DR or any other place. The system has been described fairly in depth; it uses player metrics. Roleplaying metrics are inherently immeasurable using computer models; the computer can’t tell the difference between someone talking in character alot and someone using /say to spam a guild advertisement.
We don’t need to see the details to know that this is going to impact Roleplayers pretty heavily.
Lots of complaints left and right, from hardcore “leets” to RPers about a system they haven’t even seen fully implemented, and won’t be until “later in the year”, according to their recent statements. That is what is offensive and illogical to me-the constant moaning about the known unknown, from all parties involved.
(For all the others that say that world will be “too populated”, just go back to those days in which the game was new. Relive those days, rather than just pretending the game is “better” when there are 3 people on a map. I LOVE doing stuff solo, being an introvert in real life, but it’s just not reasonable for me to think that this change is “bad” for the game at large-changes that have yet to take place and can still be fine-tuned.)
Nobody anywhere said it was going to be bad for the game at large. What we have been saying, over and over, is that it’s bad for roleplayers as it has thus far been described.
There needs to be a tag system because no automated system will be able to tell the difference between when someone is spending their time roleplaying and when they are just farting around in DR or any other place. The system has been described fairly in depth; it uses player metrics. Roleplaying metrics are inherently immeasurable using computer models; the computer can’t tell the difference between someone talking in character alot and someone using /say to spam a guild advertisement.
We don’t need to see the details to know that this is going to impact Roleplayers pretty heavily.
A RP tag system is just begging me to grief roleplayers. All I need to do is use a immersion breaking character and immersion breaking actions.
If that doesn’t grief players, then why do we need a roleplay tag?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
I consider myself a role player at heart, and don’t feel slighted by ANet in the least. I have been playing on a non-RP server since headstart. What gives? Why should I be mad at “ANet’s betrayal?” Because there is none.
I really don’t understand this “it does not affect me, so it is okay” thing that a lot of people have been doing. I’m not affected by Perplexity runes being added to PvP— heck, I would benefit because I play a Thief who interrupts the heck out of things and has lots of Condition Damage— but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go into the thread about that and say “Stop complaining, everyone! I’M not unhappy!” Because I recognize that it’s bad for people who aren’t me.
I mean, given that what the devs have said indicates that your home world will be mainly what you’re sorted by, I’m not really affected by this either (heck, you’re more affected than I am)— but I still recognize it as a bad idea because people who can’t afford to switch to an RP server or who couldn’t get into TC before it filled up are affected due to no longer having a “main” to guest to if they wanted to guest. And I am capable of empathy.
Lots of complaints left and right, from hardcore “leets” to RPers about a system they haven’t even seen fully implemented, and won’t be until “later in the year”, according to their recent statements. That is what is offensive and illogical to me-the constant moaning about the known unknown, from all parties involved.
We know plenty of things already.
1) No more Main, so therefore, no more guesting to get to different Mains. People who are not on the RP worlds and who guested frequently are adversely affected.
2) No more Main, so therefore, no more queues to get into main. People who didn’t zone in at just the right time to get into the server that filled up with people from their own world have to keep hopping in and out of zones if they want to get in after another person leaves, and are thus adversely affected.
3) The game has no way of measuring when a person is RPing, because people stand around and talk for many reasons that are not RP, and they also stand around and talk for reasons that are RP, and yet the things the computer can “see”— reduced physical movement, talking in /say, using emotes, being in the vicinity of other people with similar behavior patterns (and that’s assuming a good deal of sophistication regarding what ANet’s system can measure, record, and compare!)— all of those factors cannot tell a computer whether or not someone is roleplaying. They could very well be dancing and chatting with their guild waiting for a Teq fight to start, or standing with their party waiting for a fifth party member to get out of the bathroom so they can start a dungeon. I suppose you could objectively measure how long people spend wearing Town Clothes OH WAIT NEVER MIND. So, we know that the game cannot identify RP and therefore cannot match people according to RP-related behavior. Therefore, RPers are adversely affected, or at the very least derive no benefit from the system.
4) Use of the term “leets,” in quotation marks no less, is considered by many people to be highly obnoxious, and the likeliness of their engaging you in polite discussion is adversely affected. :P
Besides, if you’re baking me a cake, wouldn’t you like me to tell you I don’t like chocolate BEFORE you bake it, rather than looking at you AFTER you’ve baked a chocolate cake and saying “I don’t like that, why didn’t you read my mind!”? This way they’ve got some time to make last-minute adjustments and avoid provoking more ire than necessary. (…I do actually very much like chocolate, though.)
Sorry for the double post, I didn’t think a response to this one would quite fit in the last post:
A RP tag system is just begging me to grief roleplayers. All I need to do is use a immersion breaking character and immersion breaking actions.
If that doesn’t grief players, then why do we need a roleplay tag?
The tag would be a tag for the game to see, not for other players to see. And if you’re so dedicated to trolling RPers that you want to convince the game that you are one so you constantly get placed with them… That’s some serious dedication right there. No matter how immersion-breaking, I would only be able to marvel at such dedication.
Hell, the system would probably not affect e much either personally. I am in a roleplay guild, on Tarnished Coast. What it would affect the most is probably random rp, which I of course also enjoy, and hamper the community as a whole, more than any single individual.
We can of course just bunker up in our own rp bubbles and survive, but the community is formed by hundreds of guilds filled with people with different interests, AND single unguilded individuals.
It has a potential to make a community wide events near impossible, and to put random encounters with other roleplayers under the axe.
The system has also the potential to make our game richer and improve the community, but it seems like roleplayers aren’t worth “facilitating of friendly play”. Hence the larum we’re raising.
I was really hoping to come back and at least see another dev post at least acknowledging that our posts were read. :/ This is disheartening. I know we have Anet employees who have roleplayed on TC! I’ve (quite literally) run into them before. Someone over there knows, without a doubt, that we exist. That sort of makes the thought of us getting the shaft here even more bitter.
Maybe they did quit their job already? ^^
I’d like to see some more encouraging words other than “Guild up!” too.
Some changes the new patch will bring (accountbound ascended stuff etc) gives us a lot more time besides farming mats, time we could spend on RP, IF we could. Otherwise it’d become very boring…
So, you’re saying that people who guest to RP servers now will be forced to transfer to RP servers? Isn’t that kinda… money grubbing?
Or just join a RP guild and get invited to the world :I or by just being in the same guild you are more likely to end up with them without needing an invite
I doubt the devs are going to say anything, there’s not much that can be said to satisfy people without live testing it first. There is a few anet members on Tarnished Coast indeed (I saw one today) but they can’t really put their personal feelings before benefiting the game.
Regardless I am beginning to feel this won’t be as bad as everyone thinks it is. I am a little nervous of losing people in the community but I haven’t seen any word that they aren’t going to give people ways to guest on other servers with mega servers enabled.
At this stage I recommend patience rather than whining in distress about something that hasn’t even happened yet.
I doubt the devs are going to say anything, there’s not much that can be said to satisfy people without live testing it first. There is a few anet members on Tarnished Coast indeed (I saw one today) but they can’t really put their personal feelings before benefiting the game.
Regardless I am beginning to feel this won’t be as bad as everyone thinks it is. I am a little nervous of losing people in the community but I haven’t seen any word that they aren’t going to give people ways to guest on other servers with mega servers enabled.
At this stage I recommend patience rather than whining in distress about something that hasn’t even happened yet.
I’m hoping to be corrected, but I don’t think we can guest on other servers because there will no longer be other servers. Your “home server” is just a variable used to place you in some mega server map.
That’s why there’s a big ruckus here. A lot of us have guilds on different servers for whatever reason. Without some kind of RP tag, we’re not going to be able to find you guys on Tarnished Coast or Piken Square.
As it has been described to us, the mega server is splitting us up.
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
Yeah, that definitely makes it look like people who aren’t able to transfer to a roleplay server are going to have real problems finding RP. Now they won’t be able to guest to Piken and go to Piken Main to find other RPers, because there won’t be a Piken Main; and the game can’t put RPers from different worlds together if there isn’t a way for it to recognize that a person is RPing.
Did any of you actually read the blog? There’s zero mention of guesting, let alone guesting being removed. I’ll reiterate that: they are not saying guesting is being removed. Did you think they were going to do that? That would be one of the biggest idiotic mistakes made. To re-use the analogy I used in god knows what thread recently, home server vs guest server is synonymous with where you live vs where you vacation at.
Let’s say you live in New York (blackgate), but want to take a trip (guest) to Utah (TC) for a larping convention (a day of RPing). Once you’re there and you get on a bus (waypoint) to head downtown (Divinity’s Reach), you arent going to suddenly find yourself in downtown Manhattan (BG’s DR). You’ll simply arrive at downtown SomecityinUtahIcantthinkof (TC’s DR).
For all intents and purposes, the server you guest to is going to be viewed as your HOME server for as long as you reside on that server in the game session. Why do you think it currently puts you into the guest server’s main map from an overflow as opposed to your home server’s main (forgetting to guest aside)?
Yeah, that definitely makes it look like people who aren’t able to transfer to a roleplay server are going to have real problems finding RP. Now they won’t be able to guest to Piken and go to Piken Main to find other RPers, because there won’t be a Piken Main; and the game can’t put RPers from different worlds together if there isn’t a way for it to recognize that a person is RPing.
Did any of you actually read the blog? There’s zero mention of guesting, let alone guesting being removed. I’ll reiterate that: they are not saying guesting is being removed. Did you think they were going to do that? That would be one of the biggest idiotic mistakes made. To re-use the analogy I used in god knows what thread recently, home server vs guest server is synonymous with where you live vs where you vacation at.
Let’s say you live in New York (blackgate), but want to take a trip (guest) to Utah (TC) for a larping convention (a day of RPing). Once you’re there and you get on a bus (waypoint) to head downtown (Divinity’s Reach), you arent going to suddenly find yourself in downtown Manhattan (BG’s DR). You’ll simply arrive at downtown SomecityinUtahIcantthinkof (TC’s DR).
For all intents and purposes, the server you guest to is going to be viewed as your HOME server for as long as you reside on that server in the game session. Why do you think it currently puts you into the guest server’s main map from an overflow as opposed to your home server’s main (forgetting to guest aside)?
Aidan, one of us is mistaken and I’m not sure it’s me. I hope like hell I’m mistaken, but here goes…
From my understanding the mega server does away with actual server shards. There’s no such thing as an SoS version of a map and a TC version of a map. Those are gone. What remains is your “server identity” which is used to try and group you with other people that have the same ID. There is no set map anymore.
From the blog: “With the megaserver system, players won’t be separated into different copies of the same map based on the world they selected on character creation. Instead, you will simply arrive in a map and be assigned to the version of that map that makes the most sense for you as selected by the megaserver system we’ve developed."
No map…no guesting.
I would further add that with these threads being closely monitored by the devs, the lack of someone saying “whoa, Nellie—guesting is still available, so let’s nip that in the bud” provides implicit support for the fact that there will no longer be guesting. Really, that would be an easy anxiety to address and would pacify this thread instantly.
And I completely agree with you; it would be “one of the biggest idiotic mistakes made.”
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
(edited by ExAstris.8527)
I saw it as:
So there’s three servers. (Server a), (server b)(server c). and (server d)
(Server A) (Area A) Is full and needs to go into overflow but (Server b) (Area A) Has very few people in it. Instead of creating a new random overflow (area b), the spill over from (Server A) will go into (Server b)(area A). (Server C) is also in overflow and will go into the also nearly empty (server d). However John Doe is on (Server C) but often guests onto (Server A) and has friends and guild mates in that area. So instead of overflowing into (Server d) John Doe overflows into (Server b) to be better matched with the people he knows.
(edited by Nexxius.6017)
I saw it as:
So there’s three servers. (Server a), (server b)(server C). and (server E)
(Server A) (Area A) Is full and needs to go into overflow but (Server(Area A) Has very few people in it. Instead of creating a new random overflow, the spill over from (Server A) will go into this area. (Server C) is also in overflow and will go into the also nearly empty (server D). However John Doe is on (Server C) but often guests onto (Server A) and has friends and guild mates in that area. So instead of overflowing into (Server E) John Doe overflows into (Server
to be better matched with the people he knows.
The blog specifically says there won’t be different copies of a given map based on home worlds. You will arrive in a map that is chosen for you by the mega server. That map will try to group you with people from your old server. But it is not your old server’s map. Key difference.
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
No server…no guesting.
Corrected for what you’re actually trying to mean, not what you’re saying, even if it’s not correct. If there was no bearing at all assigned to your choice of server, all of your implications would be accurate. However, by the fact that they do place weighted values on server, the logical conclusion, combined with the fact that there is no statement regarding the status of guesting (no statement does not equate “we’re removing it” either), if I were to guest to TC for the purpose of joining RPers, there’s higher odds of that happening than if I simply logged into the game with my home server. Outside of WvW, which I’ve never tested to figure out if it’s accurate as it’s no bearing on this particular topic, your guested server takes the place of your home server from the moment you tell the game you’re guesting to it and log in to the moment you hit log out, character select, or exit to desktop.
To quote a section of the blog that elaborates more on what you yourself quoted:
The megaserver system is a weighted load balancer for players. It aggregates data about you, like your party, guild, language, home world, and the map copy where people you like to play with can be found. Using this data, it ranks all possible versions of a given map by attributing a score to each. You’re placed in the map with the highest score, which is the one with which you have the most affinity.
Aside from a strongly pessimistic view (which seems rather prevalent in this thread), there is no reason to assume guesting will not stay in. In fact, that’s a rather apt title for what you’d be doing in reality: guesting on the maps that are primarily filled with users from your guested server. This is what I mean by “TC’s DR” etc. Easier way to say the pain in the kitten mouthful “the map copy where a large amount of TC home players are at.”
(kitten forums and idiotic multi-tabbed BS)
No server…no guesting.
Corrected for what you’re actually trying to mean, not what you’re saying, even if it’s not correct. If there was no bearing at all assigned to your choice of server, all of your implications would be accurate. However, by the fact that they do place weighted values on server, the logical conclusion, combined with the fact that there is no statement regarding the status of guesting (no statement does not equate “we’re removing it” either), if I were to guest to TC for the purpose of joining RPers, there’s higher odds of that happening than if I simply logged into the game with my home server. Outside of WvW, which I’ve never tested to figure out if it’s accurate as it’s no bearing on this particular topic, your guested server takes the place of your home server from the moment you tell the game you’re guesting to it and log in to the moment you hit log out, character select, or exit to desktop.
To quote a section of the blog that elaborates more on what you yourself quoted:
The megaserver system is a weighted load balancer for players. It aggregates data about you, like your party, guild, language, home world, and the map copy where people you like to play with can be found. Using this data, it ranks all possible versions of a given map by attributing a score to each. You’re placed in the map with the highest score, which is the one with which you have the most affinity.
Aside from a strongly pessimistic view (which seems rather prevalent in this thread), there is no reason to assume guesting will not stay in. In fact, that’s a rather apt title for what you’d be doing in reality: guesting on the maps that are primarily filled with users from your guested server. This is what I mean by “TC’s DR” etc. Easier way to say the pain in the kitten mouthful “the map copy where a large amount of TC home players are at.”
(kitten forums and idiotic multi-tabbed BS)
That makes sense. I really hope that’s the case. Hopefully Colin has the rundown on concerns and can allay some of these fears in Ready Up tomorrow.
Thanks for civil response.
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)
Sorry for the double post, I didn’t think a response to this one would quite fit in the last post:
A RP tag system is just begging me to grief roleplayers. All I need to do is use a immersion breaking character and immersion breaking actions.
If that doesn’t grief players, then why do we need a roleplay tag?
The tag would be a tag for the game to see, not for other players to see. And if you’re so dedicated to trolling RPers that you want to convince the game that you are one so you constantly get placed with them… That’s some serious dedication right there. No matter how immersion-breaking, I would only be able to marvel at such dedication.
So, how will the other RPer know which other players are RPers?
Are they suppose to ask? If so, why bother with this system at all.
Is it suppose to be natural? Then it is easy to grief.
Either this will be easy to find other RPers and easy to grief or there is no need for such a system.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Sometimes it just takes a bit of bouncing a discussion to realize it might actually not be as bad as it looks. Granted, I concede that such assumptions might have a valid point if Anet’s given ample history of doing such things. Unlisted stealth nerfs are definitely one of them.
That being said, most arguments raised by people are at best worst-case doomsayer scenarios influenced by the way this change looks bad on paper (which a lot of really good changes often do).
So, how will the other RPer know which other players are RPers?
How do you find out now?
While my approximation is not entirely accurate. If you’re selecting a server, are in a guild of that server and have friends from that server and the area is made up from people of that server (give or take the odd stray). Technically it’s that server’s area and my estimate would likely prove true still. People seem to believe this is going to be all randomly jumbled with selections and choices having no bearing on what’s going on. While I believe this system is not entirely thought out and that Anet could have considered the mega server a lot more before making decisions I doubt RPers will be tossed from realm to realm while looking for one another.
It’s not like the unofficial RP servers are RP only at the moment. I don’t see this impacting RP one bit.
It will affect the people who guest over to RP realms if they’re stuck back on their own realm based on their guild or friends.
So, how will the other RPer know which other players are RPers?
How do you find out now?
Then what would be the point of a RP tag system anymore?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
It will affect the people who guest over to RP realms if they’re stuck back on their own realm based on their guild or friends.
RPers can always join the same guild, that way they can identify which one is a roleplayer and which one is not, they can be put on the same map instance and so on. If the system looks at ALL your guilds, and not only the one you are currently representing then it’s even easier. Form a RP guild, or join an existing one, there are some around, that way you will always appear on map instances that have roleplayers in them.
I don’t see an issue here. The system doesn’t look only at your home server, but at your guild too, and other options too, like on which home server your friends play.
RP Griefers can be reduced with this system as well, if they never join RP guild and never join parties with RPers, even if they are on the same Home, they wont’ appear together with others, if you think of it that way, that new system protects RPers from griefers even better.
You would see the issue if you would be a roleplayer. It was explained on this thread many times over. I’m starting to feel like I’m beating a dead quaggan here…
I am going to say this now. RPers don’t just RP.
Some of us:
PVP, WVW, PVE and many of us are in both RP guilds and other guilds.
Also: Not all RPers fit into one guild. There is a much larger player base than that. Even if we were in a max sized guild of roleplayers we’d still be all separated based on that premise. RP is based on random encounters 90% of the time. It’s like a pug where you have no que and no way to identify people also wishing to RP.
Trust me. Griefers are the least of our troubles.
Most of us don’t care about griefers at all actually, we have the “block” function, and if someone wants to amuse himself thinking (wishing) he spoils fun for others, then god speed.
EDIT – OK not gonna say most, I don’t have data to back it up. But you know what I meant.
Also waypoints make stalking as a griefer kinda hard.
It will affect the people who guest over to RP realms if they’re stuck back on their own realm based on their guild or friends.
ONLY if they’re removing guesting. And unless you belong to the pessimistic party like quite a few others in this thread do, there is NOTHING in ANY of the blogs that give any indication, good or bad, to the status of being able to guest. Constantly proclaiming worst-case doomsday scenarios dont help anyone, least of all yourselves.
And runewhateveritwas, based on the premise in the above paragraph (that guesting IS NOT BEING REMOVED), there is less than absolutely no point in an RP tagging system. Go read some of my earlier posts in this thread and you’ll see much simpler, and with a bit more emotionally-detached thinking, beneficial solutions than such a tagging system. Especially when people are bringing up that such a system makes it immediately easier to grief RPers. I loathe the prospect of using real-world analogies to get across why a tagging system would be a bad idea. Hopefully a bit of thinking will allow you to understand why.
Was bored enough to find the link: Second paragraph is the one you’ll want to read and consider.
(edited by Aidan Savage.2078)
I’m glad Anet is trying to make improvements, but I’m personally not thrilled about the megaserver at all. The lack of a megaserver is what drove me to try this game over the one with the scrolls to begin with.
I’m a newer player that was really enjoying the random open-world RP. I can’t transfer to TC, so I’ve been guesting there whenever I played, but I’m not sure how that will work out after this change.
I really hope Anet at least considers adding a self-tagging system.
I never suggested a tagging system, to be honest I would just appreciate cities not to be included in this ‘mega realm thing’. Also I am not of the pessimist party (thanks for that). However I would like my opinions on pessimist outcomes to be heard before those outcomes may come to pass..(Then I can dance around yelling how I told you so.) I am aware there is no suggestion guesting is being removed, however guesting could become inconsequential and not be including in the algorithm of where you are dumped.
Unless stated otherwise, there’s no reason to assume that the server you guest to, as it currently does for everything you’d guest for right now, would take the place of your home server in the algorithm for as long as you’re slotted into that server (until log out/character select/QTD).
And keep in mind Anet staff have not had a chance to even address a large majority of these concerns. Oh sure there’s tidbits here and there, but I wouldnt really expect an in-depth coverage until next week at the earliest.
They’ve had 3 blog posts to be honest and havn’t really commented on any of the panic that people are having. While I am sure they are formulating something to explain what’s going on for stressed people. I think at this stage a vote of reassurance would be nice for those who are afraid to lose their community.
OR at least a notion that we are even being considered as a demographic…