More Chest RNG Weapons

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Back in the days of GW1 if you worked towards the end goal of a major event, you were rewarded for time and effort invested. Once the event was over you were SOL (As even annual rewards were usually different than the previous years).

Now it’s not even that. Now you can spend hours a day on an event, grinding endlessly for a “rare drop” or you can spend 100s of dollars for a CHANCE at a “rare drop” to show you worked in the event.

It’s funny too how they add newer chests for the items too. That way the people farming BLC Keys can’t use their keys they WORK FOR (by doing personal story) and be rewarded with the new items.

Stay classy, ArenaNet.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Back in the days of GW1 if you worked towards the end goal of a major event, you were rewarded for time and effort invested. Once the event was over you were SOL (As even annual rewards were usually different than the previous years).

Now it’s not even that. Now you can spend hours a day on an event, grinding endlessly for a “rare drop” or you can spend 100s of dollars for a CHANCE at a “rare drop” to show you worked in the event.

It’s funny too how they add newer chests for the items too. That way the people farming BLC Keys can’t use their keys they WORK FOR (by doing personal story) and be rewarded with the new items.

Stay classy, ArenaNet.

Well said, this is a great thread full of many opinions, maybe we can get them to respond or lay off the RNG some

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dinominator.9862


Well said, this is a great thread full of many opinions, maybe we can get them to respond or lay off the RNG some

I think the only way they’ll lay off of the RNG is if they notice enough players laying off of the RNG. As long as it remains profitable (more so then just selling the items), I think it might stick around.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Well said, this is a great thread full of many opinions, maybe we can get them to respond or lay off the RNG some

I think the only way they’ll lay off of the RNG is if they notice enough players laying off of the RNG. As long as it remains profitable (more so then just selling the items), I think it might stick around.

It will stick around. I’ve seen more than a few people on the forums (which is a vocal minority of the players) that say they dump anywhere from 100 – 4000 dollars in any given event on event items.

I fear this is going to stick around since people either like the RNG element and gladly gamble, or the ones who scream on the forums after spending 100s of dollars without getting anything are making the problem worse.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Getting tired of these posts.

Anet is a business. They’re in this business to make money and profit. Clearly this business model is WAY more profitable than just selling the skins directly on the store. Considering they don’t charge a monthly fee, they need to make money somehow.

You say that as if they wouldn’t make money offering these skins in a direct buy fashion. Guild Wars cash shop was, supposedly, highly profitable without resorting to these kinds of tactics. There, you paid a fixed amount for exactly what you wanted to purchase, and you could do so regardless of when you picked the game up.

You never said to yourself, “well, I really wanted that weapon skin, but I never got lucky enough to get it from the scores of chests I purchased.” And you never said to yourself, “that’s a cool looking armor skin, I wish I’d been playing during the short span of time they offered it.”

No, you bought exactly what you wanted. And ArenaNet got your money. It was a win/win relationship. This? Not so much. “It’s a business,” I hear you say. Well, Mr./Mrs. Businessman, is good will worth nothing to businesses these days?

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Getting tired of these posts.

Anet is a business. They’re in this business to make money and profit. Clearly this business model is WAY more profitable than just selling the skins directly on the store. Considering they don’t charge a monthly fee, they need to make money somehow.

The skins in no way affect how you play at all. They give no advantage. If you have that many issues with envy problems because you are unwilling to take the chance, maybe you should see a psychologist. Plus how you can get these crates from mobs in Southshore, which the karka are a popular farming spot ANYWAY thanks to shells and powerful bloods.

All I’m reading right now is putting an image in my head of a baby in a highchair, screaming and slamming their little fists on the tray. Get over it.

You say that as if Anet isn’t making a crap load of money off the game. They funded GW2 by nothing more than GW1 box sales and micro-transaction sales from GW1. They didn’t have RNG gamble boxes to milk wallets in that game.

The company needs to make money obviously – but maybe if they wanted to stop throwing money down the drain they shouldn’t keep investing valuable time, effort, and money into making temporary content every few weeks.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


Lol at all the people complaining yet again about RNG. Seriously? You don’t go to a casino and start crying at the manager because his games are making him too much money and taking too much of yours. They’re a business therefore their major aim is to make money, and as was mentioned this is by far the best way. If you were in their position you would do this too.

You don’t need these skins, because they are just skins, they don’t make you any better or any worse. The point of them is to look different and look “exclusive” and not make everyone look the same. If any old person could just go in the store and buy them then everyone would look the same, and oh wait… I could have sworn I have seen posts on here complaining that “everyone looks the same”.

There is no pleasing any of the people on here that complain about every tiny detail in this game just because it doesn’t play exactly how you want it to. I know it’s been said countless times but the game is cheap to buy and no subscription fees. If you want these items, take the chance. If you want them but don’t want to pay, farm them. If you want them, but don’t want to put any effort or money in at all, but still choose to complain to everyone and go off crying, play a different game that better caters your needs. There are plenty out there that have what you’re looking for.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Lol at all the people complaining yet again about RNG. Seriously? You don’t go to a casino and start crying at the manager because his games are making him too much money and taking too much of yours. They’re a business therefore their major aim is to make money, and as was mentioned this is by far the best way. If you were in their position you would do this too.

You don’t need these skins, because they are just skins, they don’t make you any better or any worse. The point of them is to look different and look “exclusive” and not make everyone look the same. If any old person could just go in the store and buy them then everyone would look the same, and oh wait… I could have sworn I have seen posts on here complaining that “everyone looks the same”.

There is no pleasing any of the people on here that complain about every tiny detail in this game just because it doesn’t play exactly how you want it to. I know it’s been said countless times but the game is cheap to buy and no subscription fees. If you want these items, take the chance. If you want them but don’t want to pay, farm them. If you want them, but don’t want to put any effort or money in at all, but still choose to complain to everyone and go off crying, play a different game that better caters your needs. There are plenty out there that have what you’re looking for.

Is Guild Wars 2 a casino?

Better question: why does Guild Wars 2 need this system when Guild Wars did not?

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Best part of all the complaints is that you can still get these items without spending a dime, via drops from mobs or exchanging your gold.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Is Guild Wars 2 a casino?

Better question: why does Guild Wars 2 need this system when Guild Wars did not?

This. But apparently because we didn’t read the fine print on Casino Tycoon 2 – oh I mean Guild Wars 2 – we’re apparently complaining whiners whose sole purpose is to hate on RNG cash shop items.

Well I guess that’s what happens when you get the gal who designed the micro transaction system for games like Maplestory.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bearzu Smash.5962

Bearzu Smash.5962


In my world consumers are allowed to voice their discontent with a product or service regardless of whether it cost $0.60, $60, or $60,000. These aren’t the Bioware/EA forums.

Bearzu Smash! - A Blog of a Bear of Very Little Brain
Thorn - A full-length GW2 novel in progress very nearly complete NOW FINISHED! Long gone.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Best part of all the complaints is that you can still get these items without spending a dime, via drops from mobs or exchanging your gold.

Best part of all the defenses is that no one will tell us why the RNG tactic is a necessary part of GW2’s profits when it wasn’t for GW’s.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Best part of all the complaints is that you can still get these items without spending a dime, via drops from mobs or exchanging your gold.

Yeah bro so funny. That’s the best part of all the complaints. Keep a tally of how many boxes you get from “rare drops” during the event. I’d love to follow up with you later and get a number.

My guess is a whopping 0 will be the tally count at the end. That is, if their BLC Key “rare drop” is any indication of their new boxes to “rarely drop” from mobs in Southsun.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


Firstly I don’t buy anything, only things I’ve “bought” are trading gold for gems. Second there is no problem, only what you make of one yourself. Third, Guild wars 1 was respectively a completely different game, why does everyone expect GW2 to be a complete remake of the first? Where would be the originality in that and how do you expect them to make as much money as they have creating a whole new game, using exactly the same model as a game that already exists? Last I checked, GW1 is still running and you can still go play it if you so wish.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


1200 gems? Thats 15 dollars >.> Is it just me or are the prices going up?

Everything about GW2 is turning into a cash grab…I am rapidly approaching the “uninstall” point.

Everything? really? Or do you mean random “skins” that do absolutely nothing game-wise? A chance to get one can be purchased with cash, gold or looted from mobs… I see no difference then any other MMO I have played other than they offer more ways to get them and they are not needed in the least.

You people crack me up IT’S A SKIN! lol

OHNOES RandomPlayer01 has a different looking sword and I wants it! /quit /forumwhine /threatenuninstall

Remember before release how everyone was all happy that GW2 would have stuff that would be sold as novelty, and nothing would be pay to win?

Well look now, there are people complaining for the sake of complaining because they can’t get their novelty stuff for free or for cheap.

No, people are complaining about RNG on that novelty stuff. Can’t deny RNG is ridiculous in this game all around not just the gem store.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Firstly I don’t buy anything, only things I’ve “bought” are trading gold for gems. Second there is no problem, only what you make of one yourself. Third, Guild wars 1 was respectively a completely different game, why does everyone expect GW2 to be a complete remake of the first? Where would be the originality in that and how do you expect them to make as much money as they have creating a whole new game, using exactly the same model as a game that already exists? Last I checked, GW1 is still running and you can still go play it if you so wish.

Wow so you must have a lot of gold then. To even get enough gems to purchase 10 of the new boxes (you’d only buy 10 because of the discounted price) you’d be spending around 50g give or take. Wish I had that kinda cash to throw away on RNG boxes….

…On second thought…

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


1200 gems? Thats 15 dollars >.> Is it just me or are the prices going up?

Everything about GW2 is turning into a cash grab…I am rapidly approaching the “uninstall” point.

Everything? really? Or do you mean random “skins” that do absolutely nothing game-wise? A chance to get one can be purchased with cash, gold or looted from mobs… I see no difference then any other MMO I have played other than they offer more ways to get them and they are not needed in the least.

You people crack me up IT’S A SKIN! lol

OHNOES RandomPlayer01 has a different looking sword and I wants it! /quit /forumwhine /threatenuninstall

It becomes a problem when nothing is added to the game except for cash shop RNG boxes. There have been no new skins added to the game with the exception of Fractal related items that were not somehow related to RNG AND the gem store.

So yes, when all new skins are added to the game and require you to spend gems to have a chance to getting one, it’s a problem. You know, in a game that basically revolves around skins as a form of progression since there’s no “versicle progression”.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


SAB weapon? jetpack? They added something.

anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


SAB weapon? jetpack? They added something.

anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

Missing the point. It’s not that they’re adding things to the cash shop. Myself included, TONS of people love to support games they enjoy playing and have no problem investing real cash into game items. The problem is that it’s all behind the gimmick of the lottery. Which is bullkitten.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shezu Tsukai.8291

Shezu Tsukai.8291

Yea Vol I see where you think you are going. But content completely gated by gambling is far different from your knee-jerk anti religion rant.

I am simply offering a different perspective on having so much material only available by gambling in a game that doesn’t have an Internet gambling license.

Verum et Vitae

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


Firstly I don’t buy anything, only things I’ve “bought” are trading gold for gems. Second there is no problem, only what you make of one yourself. Third, Guild wars 1 was respectively a completely different game, why does everyone expect GW2 to be a complete remake of the first? Where would be the originality in that and how do you expect them to make as much money as they have creating a whole new game, using exactly the same model as a game that already exists? Last I checked, GW1 is still running and you can still go play it if you so wish.

Wow so you must have a lot of gold then. To even get enough gems to purchase 10 of the new boxes (you’d only buy 10 because of the discounted price) you’d be spending around 50g give or take. Wish I had that kinda cash to throw away on RNG boxes….

…On second thought…

50g isn’t that much, personally though I’m not too fussed about skins because that’s all they are. They’re great novelty items but they are definitely not needed and I’m happy with the way my character looks. If I have 1 thing to complain about it’s that the skins aren’t available forever, but to be honest, they can do what they like. It definitely seems to be working for them, so who can blame them.

You can slate their way of doing things because that’s the nature of any MMO, but really it wont change anything, never has. Common sense would dictate that it’s pointless crying over something such as this, but obviously people don’t learn. It amazes me that every single mmo community has people like this, but then just shows how spoilt people have become when it comes to gaming.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dinominator.9862


They don’t need an internet gambling license because it’s not really gambling.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Firstly I don’t buy anything, only things I’ve “bought” are trading gold for gems. Second there is no problem, only what you make of one yourself. Third, Guild wars 1 was respectively a completely different game, why does everyone expect GW2 to be a complete remake of the first? Where would be the originality in that and how do you expect them to make as much money as they have creating a whole new game, using exactly the same model as a game that already exists? Last I checked, GW1 is still running and you can still go play it if you so wish.

Wow so you must have a lot of gold then. To even get enough gems to purchase 10 of the new boxes (you’d only buy 10 because of the discounted price) you’d be spending around 50g give or take. Wish I had that kinda cash to throw away on RNG boxes….

…On second thought…

50g isn’t that much, personally though I’m not too fussed about skins because that’s all they are. They’re great novelty items but they are definitely not needed and I’m happy with the way my character looks. If I have 1 thing to complain about it’s that the skins aren’t available forever, but to be honest, they can do what they like. It definitely seems to be working for them, so who can blame them.

You can slate their way of doing things because that’s the nature of any MMO, but really it wont change anything, never has. Common sense would dictate that it’s pointless crying over something such as this, but obviously people don’t learn. It amazes me that every single mmo community has people like this, but then just shows how spoilt people have become when it comes to gaming.

You claim to be the all-knowing prophet of gaming with a master’s degree in MMO community knowledge, yet you condemn people for speaking their mind about obvious, unnecessary cash grabs in lieu of actual content.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


SAB weapon? jetpack? They added something.

anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

Missing the point. It’s not that they’re adding things to the cash shop. Myself included, TONS of people love to support games they enjoy playing and have no problem investing real cash into game items. The problem is that it’s all behind the gimmick of the lottery. Which is bullkitten.

You should be there defending me during beta when I told people how the cashshop will turn out to be.

Everyone bash me and now people act surprise the cashshop function the way it is now.

Those type of gambling box is in most f2p cashshop. With the exception of the hybrid games which can be played both as a sub or f2p. That’s what goign on in most cashshop.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


They don’t need an internet gambling license because it’s not really gambling.

Yeah.. it is. If you’re paying real money for RNG at a chance to win the ‘jackpot’ what else could it be?

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


SAB weapon? jetpack? They added something.

anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

Missing the point. It’s not that they’re adding things to the cash shop. Myself included, TONS of people love to support games they enjoy playing and have no problem investing real cash into game items. The problem is that it’s all behind the gimmick of the lottery. Which is bullkitten.

You should be there defending me during beta when I told people how the cashshop will turn out to be.

Everyone bash me and now people act surprise the cashshop function the way it is now.

Well I’m right there with you. I defended this game up and down all day to nay-sayers because I was confident that the people who did GW1 could do no wrong. Apparently I was greatly mistaken.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

You pay money for gems, not for the chest. In addition, it’s not legally gambling because you still earn rewards.

That said, god knows it’s gambling. This is like OJ Simpson all over again..

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

Last time I’m going to bring this up, then I’ll leave you guys to acknowledge or ignore it to your heart’s content.

In Guild Wars, players lined up to purchase items from the cash shop. Because the items weren’t hidden behind RNGs chest, the players got exactly the items they wanted. And ArenaNet got the money they needed. It was a win/win. It was both customer friendly and profitable at once. This method may be profitable, but only a fool would argue it’s customer friendly.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

Last time I’m going to bring this up, then I’ll leave you guys to acknowledge or ignore it to your heart’s content.

In Guild Wars, players lined up to purchase items from the cash shop. Because the items weren’t hidden behind RNGs chest, the players got exactly the items they wanted. And ArenaNet got the money they needed. It was a win/win. It was both customer friendly and profitable at once. This method may be profitable, but only a fool would argue it’s customer friendly.

I’ve been saying the same thing to people since they started with this RNG bullkitten. In GW1 I was happy to drop money on the latest addition to the cash shop. Why? Because I knew what I was buying, and additions happened every few months – not weeks.

I will not pay another cent to Anet until this stops, which is unfortunate because I really love Guild Wars and loved ArenaNet in Guild Wars 1 times.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

Last time I’m going to bring this up, then I’ll leave you guys to acknowledge or ignore it to your heart’s content.

In Guild Wars, players lined up to purchase items from the cash shop. Because the items weren’t hidden behind RNGs chest, the players got exactly the items they wanted. And ArenaNet got the money they needed. It was a win/win. It was both customer friendly and profitable at once. This method may be profitable, but only a fool would argue it’s customer friendly.

Maybe just Maybe, Anet think their make “more money” from the RNG chest.

The reality is Anet dont’ want to sell the item for 10$, they want to sell it for 100$. And maybe make a few buck from those people who tried and fail too.

I’m not saying what I said is correct, but you can’t honestly tell me your method make more money, because you are not a market researcher.

But I’m sure Anet have made enough testing and A/B split test to see which method is the better method.

And the reality is Anet is doing both. They actually do sell item skin directly in cashshop from time to time too. They just want to milk those with impulsive behavoir and spend hundred of real US dollar for a piece of skin too.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


You pay money for gems, not for the chest. In addition, it’s not legally gambling because you still earn rewards.

That said, god knows it’s gambling. This is like OJ Simpson all over again..

Oh, right… them loopholes.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


anet have no other way to generate income beside box sales and cashshop, and most people who wanted the game already bought it.

Last time I’m going to bring this up, then I’ll leave you guys to acknowledge or ignore it to your heart’s content.

In Guild Wars, players lined up to purchase items from the cash shop. Because the items weren’t hidden behind RNGs chest, the players got exactly the items they wanted. And ArenaNet got the money they needed. It was a win/win. It was both customer friendly and profitable at once. This method may be profitable, but only a fool would argue it’s customer friendly.

I’ve been saying the same thing to people since they started with this RNG bullkitten. In GW1 I was happy to drop money on the latest addition to the cash shop. Why? Because I knew what I was buying, and additions happened every few months – not weeks.

I will not pay another cent to Anet until this stops, which is unfortunate because I really love Guild Wars and loved ArenaNet in Guild Wars 1 times.

Nothing in the GW1 cash shop was RNG either. I bought every single costume because they looked awesome and you could combat in them.

I haven’t spent a dime on GW2 cash shop either, nor will I. Not even for costumes.. because sitting in town being the only way I can show them off is pointless to me, and RNG is an ugly beast.

My bro put some gems on my account for my birthday and I got the halloween costume set, I was so disappointed that it’s just for the lame version of costume brawl. 800 gems totally wasted, but hey I can be OP as hell with the best brawl set in the game and just annoy people. Yea… fun.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dinominator.9862


What we aren’t hearing is the other side; the players who don’t participate on the forums and enjoy the RNG. It’s possible that enough people actually enjoy “gambling” in GW2.

It shouldn’t be overlooked as a possibility.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


The RNG chests/lock boxes are in every free to play mmo under the sun now, better get used to it. Do I like it? Hell no. I refuse to buy them even though I’ll never get the cool looking items. If there is one thing I really despise about this game it is the RNG.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


The RNG chests/lock boxes are in every free to play mmo under the sun now, better get used to it. Do I like it? Hell no. I refuse to buy them even though I’ll never get the cool looking items. If there is one thing I really despise about this game it is the RNG.

Yes they’re in every free game. But the difference is those other games likely have new content added to them in addition to the RNG boxes. All we get from month to month in terms of new weapon or armor skins is from the RNG cash boxes. That’s a problem.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dinominator.9862


The RNG chests/lock boxes are in every free to play mmo under the sun now, better get used to it. Do I like it? Hell no. I refuse to buy them even though I’ll never get the cool looking items. If there is one thing I really despise about this game it is the RNG.

Yes they’re in every free game. But the difference is those other games likely have new content added to them in addition to the RNG boxes. All we get from month to month in terms of new weapon or armor skins is from the RNG cash boxes. That’s a problem.

I thought they announced plans for an expansion pack? That’s really where I’d expect new armor/weapons.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


The RNG chests/lock boxes are in every free to play mmo under the sun now, better get used to it. Do I like it? Hell no. I refuse to buy them even though I’ll never get the cool looking items. If there is one thing I really despise about this game it is the RNG.

Yes they’re in every free game. But the difference is those other games likely have new content added to them in addition to the RNG boxes. All we get from month to month in terms of new weapon or armor skins is from the RNG cash boxes. That’s a problem.

That’s neither fair nor true. I loathe the items-in-RNG-chests business model as much as anyone and I feel Kristen Cox bringing the Maplestory cash shop model to Guild Wars 2 is the worst thing, by far, that’s happened to this game. But I don’t think you’re being fair. There have been items added to the game obtainable without having to gamble with RNG chests.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The RNG chests/lock boxes are in every free to play mmo under the sun now, better get used to it. Do I like it? Hell no. I refuse to buy them even though I’ll never get the cool looking items. If there is one thing I really despise about this game it is the RNG.

Yes they’re in every free game. But the difference is those other games likely have new content added to them in addition to the RNG boxes. All we get from month to month in terms of new weapon or armor skins is from the RNG cash boxes. That’s a problem.

I thought they announced plans for an expansion pack? That’s really where I’d expect new armor/weapons.

They also said there’s no expansion this year. That being said there is a mace/shield/bow/arrow skin being sold directly without RNG. Anet is doing both. And I think that is clever so they can make money from both crowd.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dinominator.9862


They also said there’s no expansion this year.

I wouldn’t expect one this year. WoW launched in 2004 but they didn’t release B.C. until 2007. WotLK came in 2010.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


They also said there’s no expansion this year.

I wouldn’t expect one this year. WoW launched in 2004 but they didn’t release B.C. until 2007. WotLK came in 2010.

Please stop talking about how games are 10 years ago.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dinominator.9862


They also said there’s no expansion this year.

I wouldn’t expect one this year. WoW launched in 2004 but they didn’t release B.C. until 2007. WotLK came in 2010.

Please stop talking about how games are 10 years ago.

It’s just speculation. I don’t know how ANet will really do it. I just hope it isn’t too fast.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenbo Meiholikh.2038

Tenbo Meiholikh.2038

My biggest curse about all this is the driving up of gem prices. If I want to spend in game gold for gems now, I get like 30 (if I’m lucky) for a gold. That’s 10g for a bloody black lion salvage kit!

What with the crappy nerf on ectos from rare drops, and I know they say they haven’t been nerfed but my ecto rate from master salvage kits has friggin’ dwindled massively and so has my “50%” chance from BL kits, it makes salvaging anything rare a complete waste of time unless you cough up for the BL kit, which at the price it is now, is a complete waste of time (since 10 gold can buy me 45-50 ectos, I would have to average almost 2 ecto per salvage to match it with a BL kit).

I would love to pick up some of these skins but they aren’t worth real cash (and don’t even get me started on anything RNG related). The gem store is turning into the biggest scam out there and will ultimately be what kills GW2. I love this game but this has slowly been turning into a hugely burning point for me.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m going to go to Southsun and see if I can get any of the crates to drop on the island. They drop in game, apparently. Not sure how often, but it’s worth looking at. I won’t be buying any of the new chests, because I don’t agree with how this content is being offered.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrmoeman.8049


I don’t see how anyone can say this is worse than the fused weapon tickets, the fused weapons tickets were atrocious, the fact that you needed keys to open the chests which anyone not low level is extremely likely to ever loot, the fact that the keys and the chests could come from any mobs. that was bad.
This however is definitely a step in the right direction, people are always moaning that there aren’t mob/boss specific drops, well this is a lot closer than there has been, karka themed weapons from southsun cove and southsun cove alone. the RNG on the chests are a hell of a lot better than the RNG for the tickets, i’ve been playing since the update in southsun, and many people have not only looted the chests but got the skins from them as well.
And don’t moan about people being able to pay for new fancy looks, its a hell of a lot better than them being able to pay to be straight up stronger than you, remember you’re playing this game for free. And even those who still buy the chests still face the same RNG that those farming for chests would.
So i applaud anet for a step in the right direction and hope they continue the good work, this update has been the best since SAB in my personal opinion, and i’ve been loving every minute of it.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silver Halliwell.4735

Silver Halliwell.4735

Just look at the parent company and you will see why there is so much RNG, crap drop rates and over priced item store. NCkitten has poisoned a once great company.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ExZee.8109


Completely legal gambling (with real money!). I wonder how many hardcore PvEers start shaking their hands when they’re not playing.

Gambling is bad kids. Don’t do it.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


1200 gems? Thats 15 dollars >.> Is it just me or are the prices going up?

Everything about GW2 is turning into a cash grab…I am rapidly approaching the “uninstall” point.

Everything? really? Or do you mean random “skins” that do absolutely nothing game-wise? A chance to get one can be purchased with cash, gold or looted from mobs… I see no difference then any other MMO I have played other than they offer more ways to get them and they are not needed in the least.

You people crack me up IT’S A SKIN! lol

OHNOES RandomPlayer01 has a different looking sword and I wants it! /quit /forumwhine /threatenuninstall

Actually people like you crack me up, the rapidly coming to uninstal is right, we have been here for 9 months and very little has been added freely, nothing lately has been added that’s worth a kitten its all either temporary or pay to get anything…

You laugh but the games populations are feeling the strain of all this RNG and cash shop, with nothing being actively added more players like that guy will leave, and less are buying the game these days, do the math smart guy..

Getting tired of these posts.

Anet is a business. They’re in this business to make money and profit. Clearly this business model is WAY more profitable than just selling the skins directly on the store. Considering they don’t charge a monthly fee, they need to make money somehow.

The skins in no way affect how you play at all. They give no advantage. If you have that many issues with envy problems because you are unwilling to take the chance, maybe you should see a psychologist. Plus how you can get these crates from mobs in Southshore, which the karka are a popular farming spot ANYWAY thanks to shells and powerful bloods.

All I’m reading right now is putting an image in my head of a baby in a highchair, screaming and slamming their little fists on the tray. Get over it.

All I’m seeing by people dropping hundreds of dollars for nothing is dunce caps and jealousy rage, (I didn’t get one, so they should stay on RNG so others don’t!) so I guess it works out for everyone!

It’s really a moot point, check the skins out on Dulffy, they are god awful horrendous to me personally, so now that I have seen them I really don’t care anyway.

Good luck to those throwing money away, may you get lucky!

I really don’t care if they are RNG or direct buy. They don’t affect me.

Then why are you even here if you don’t care about the post or the issues therein?

Because complaining about something that doesn’t affect you and is completely in your control is ludicrous. Also you posted here as well and claimed you didn’t care yourself.

I care, i don’t care about these weapons, i care about where this game is heading, just because you cannot see the bigger picture, doesn’t mean we all cannot..

We get very little content and the cash shop money grabs keep coming, how long do you think players will tolerate that? i give it a year maybe 6 months and we’ll see some bad news if this junk continues to roll out…

I’m not against Cash shop per say but when there is nothing else added for free its a problem..

(edited by Dante.1508)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illysharia.7286


This is what happens when you let Nexon influence your company.

I thought GW2 promised not to be “like those other games”. Wasn’t that part of the big lure? Wasn’t that why so many people nibbled on the bait? I did :/

I see the heavy dependence on RNG to be a drain on the community. There have been enough lengthy threads across the forums to back that up. For myself? Yeah, its a game changer.

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rusha.4725


It would be worst. Like getting a totally random skin. Imagine you are a warrior and getting a staff skin in your 150th chest:P

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


And lest you think this an anti-cash shop rant, I’d be more than happy to pay $10 for an outfit or a cool weapon skin I couldn’t otherwise get. But to gamble for it? No way.

(Well, ok, maybe not “more than happy to”, but certainly willing to.)

This, I’m exactly the same.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro