Mounts [merged]
+33% is still the slowest maximum speed in any MMO aside from GW1, and that’s the maximum speed of most classes aside from a few very short bursts of speed for Engineer and Ele.
Quit acting like swiftness is enough to make up for the fact that Silverwastes has 1 waypoint.
Why are you so obsessed about the supposed lack of speed. You need to run 45, maybe 90 seconds to a fortress? It doesn’t matter… If everybody could do all bosses at the same time, because of waypoints, it wouldn’t be challenging anymore now would it?
If you need too run to often I’d suggest you’d invest in a build which allows for some more survivability… I have been there on my dagger dagger thief, and been there on my pvt warrior one tends to stay alive very well…
And it’s about defending fortresses, till you get the breach, then killing your boss underneath your fortress. Not running around just to kill as much bosses as possible…
If you need 4 bosses switch 4 times after they spawned, same for the legendaries. Why do people just want to play 10 minutes and be finished already?….
As long as you stay alive the maps the drops and the achievemnts tend to be very easy 2, maybe 3 hours tops.
33% is to make sure other parts of the game stay balanced, the developers want the game to be transparant in all fields of play. Which tends to be true for everything except confusion…
If a thing actually needs additional speed they’ll find a way, (aspect crystals in drytop or platforms near tequatl).
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
By offering speed buffs, even buffs as small as 25%, could effect balance in parts of the game, such as WvW. If a player had a +33% speed buff mount, there’d be no need to use traits or utility skills that give speed buffs, rendering those traits/skills mostly useless.
If that is the result, then it would be a result I would be happy to live with. It’s not as if ANet hasn’t had useless traits in the past. My firm belief, however, is that speed-boosting traits will continue to be useful in all elements of the game, because they will function during combat and allow you to better avoid damage, move in and out of combat range, escape from determined enemies, etc., while mounts will not.
Will they be less useful? Sure, they will not be as essential to open world roamers as they are today, but I think that overall that’s to the better, because it means that while combat balance would not be impacted in the slightest, it would balance the “tedium” factor between the classes and specs, and when faced with the idea of roaming around on the map, you don’t have to go “oh, I don’t want to do that on my Mesmer, he moves like molasses,” he would be just as fast as your tricked-out Engi.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
If you need too run to often I’d suggest you’d invest in a build which allows for some more survivability… I have been there on my dagger dagger thief, and been there on my pvt warrior one tends to stay alive very well…
I do have a full set of level 80s, but please understand that not everyone does, and the overall gameplay experience cannot be balanced on the idea of swapping out to the exact ideal class/loadout for a given type of content. Every content needs to be balanced for fun play using ANY class, which means that yes, Silverwastes needs to be balanced for a Staff/SP Mesmer with Runes of Perplexity rather than speed. This is hard to do when you’re trying to balance out of combat travel speeds via the same balance mechanisms as in-combat skills offer, but if everyone has access to the same mounts, then this becomes effortless to balance.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
If we will ever get mounts i dont know.
This is what i do know:
1. Devs and players should fight to maintain a healthy game. Healthy equals players, and players equals game longevity.
2. Healthy equals balance. Balance in both PvE and PvP aspects of a game, and finding a way to provide as much content as possible to all kind of players.
3. All kind of players equals to pvp players, pve, dungeon raiders, questers, crafters, lore lovers, mini gamers, etc etc.
4. Building a successful game, always rolls around the same base pillar: finding a way to deliver all of this inside a functioning virtual fantasy world.
- If players want mounts, give them mounts.
- Mounts may upset WvWvW balance? No mounts in PvP then. Give them so people can enjoy collecting them and showing them off in the living world map.
- Mounts upset current movement mechanics? Give mounts the base normal speed then.
- Mounts upset current waypoint design? Easy….
…. mounts wants to be happy also!! Mounts should be allowed to use waypoints also!!
Imagine the face on Jormag when he sees people port in riding a fierce Quaggan Storm Charger??!!
kitten nice.
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams
+33% is still the slowest maximum speed in any MMO aside from GW1, and that’s the maximum speed of most classes aside from a few very short bursts of speed for Engineer and Ele.
Quit acting like swiftness is enough to make up for the fact that Silverwastes has 1 waypoint.
Why are you so obsessed about the supposed lack of speed. You need to run 45, maybe 90 seconds to a fortress? It doesn’t matter… If everybody could do all bosses at the same time, because of waypoints, it wouldn’t be challenging anymore now would it?
If you need too run to often I’d suggest you’d invest in a build which allows for some more survivability… I have been there on my dagger dagger thief, and been there on my pvt warrior one tends to stay alive very well…
And it’s about defending fortresses, till you get the breach, then killing your boss underneath your fortress. Not running around just to kill as much bosses as possible…
If you need 4 bosses switch 4 times after they spawned, same for the legendaries. Why do people just want to play 10 minutes and be finished already?….As long as you stay alive the maps the drops and the achievemnts tend to be very easy 2, maybe 3 hours tops.
33% is to make sure other parts of the game stay balanced, the developers want the game to be transparant in all fields of play. Which tends to be true for everything except confusion…
If a thing actually needs additional speed they’ll find a way, (aspect crystals in drytop or platforms near tequatl).
another example, the Ulgoth event in Harathi Hinterlands. Unless you show up an hour early, the “closest” waypoint is halfway across the zone. It’s really annoying running through all that trash with ranged attacks putting you in combat so that you run even slower.
or Orr, where many waypoints are constantly contested
Waypoints are supposed to be the rational reason why we do not have mounts. If that’s the case, then waypoint travel coverage needs to be adequate. If anet tries to take away adequate waypoint travel, then they should give us mounts or permanent (can only be initiated out of combat) speed boosts comparable to mount speed (about +66%, so double the effectiveness of swiftness would work). Spending more than about 15-20 seconds running through trash is about where I feel that I’m wasting time and not enjoying what I’m doing. I don’t play this game to wade through garbage solo.
Wading through garbage solo isn’t fun or engaging it’s not exploring since I’ve already been through the zone top to bottom multiple times by now, it’s mostly just going through the motions, annoying and boring.
another example, the Ulgoth event in Harathi Hinterlands. Unless you show up an hour early, the “closest” waypoint is halfway across the zone. It’s really annoying running through all that trash with ranged attacks putting you in combat so that you run even slower.
So wait, after the talk about making mounts super fast, now you want to stay mounted even in combat? So not dismounted when you are hit by an attack?
If you haven’t realized it by now, ANet ONLY balances the game around sPvP. Every stat or rune or whatever was balanced with only its PvP viability in mind, that’s why there are so many things like granting small duration Swiftness for dodging, killing, critting, and other situations that aren’t usually useful for improving long distance travel.
I notice you’re trying to hammer out a lot of responses, so it’s understandable if you’re missing details because you’re skimming too fast, but I already mentioned I was aware the balance was for PvP and WvW, and because WvW and PvE share builds it extends to PvE as well.
Speed skills were designed to make some characters more hit-and-run than others, allowing them to get in and out of combat quicker, not to let players cross Kessex Hills slightly faster, so as long as mounts cannot be used in combat, their intended function would not be altered in PvP or PvE.[…]
You just introduced a bit of confusion there, did you mean speed traits and signets or speed skills? Skills (whirling blade, flashing blade, etc.) are indeed about mobility in fights, but if you meant traits/signets then – to my knowledge – that premise is wrong.
I say this because about a year ago I read a dev post stating the speed balance was to control how fast a guardian could get to a fight, because their innate boon abilities brought more to the fight than other classes; the intended function was, in fact, to control how fast they could get from spawn to a keep/tower/capture point/etc., not how fast they could move around once there.
Now I wish I could link this post to you, but I can’t find it right now – it’s been buried under a year’s worth of people asking the same question over and over, none of which have since been answered by said dev. I’ll understand if you don’t want to take my word for it, but do understand this is the basis of why I believe speed boosted mounts will conflict with the intended function of speed signets/traits/runes and thus contradict class design.
Do try to read the arguments, there are valid arguments against mounts that are not wholly rooted in personal opinion, no matter how much people try to dismiss them as such.
There really aren’t.
There really are. That you don’t agree with them doesn’t make them invalid or opinionated faff, no more than people not agreeing with you doesn’t make your arguments invalid or opinionated faff.
+33% is still the slowest maximum speed in any MMO aside from GW1, and that’s the maximum speed of most classes aside from a few very short bursts of speed for Engineer and Ele.
Quit acting like swiftness is enough to make up for the fact that Silverwastes has 1 waypoint.
Why are you so obsessed about the supposed lack of speed. You need to run 45, maybe 90 seconds to a fortress? It doesn’t matter… If everybody could do all bosses at the same time, because of waypoints, it wouldn’t be challenging anymore now would it?
If you need too run to often I’d suggest you’d invest in a build which allows for some more survivability… I have been there on my dagger dagger thief, and been there on my pvt warrior one tends to stay alive very well…
And it’s about defending fortresses, till you get the breach, then killing your boss underneath your fortress. Not running around just to kill as much bosses as possible…
If you need 4 bosses switch 4 times after they spawned, same for the legendaries. Why do people just want to play 10 minutes and be finished already?….As long as you stay alive the maps the drops and the achievemnts tend to be very easy 2, maybe 3 hours tops.
33% is to make sure other parts of the game stay balanced, the developers want the game to be transparant in all fields of play. Which tends to be true for everything except confusion…
If a thing actually needs additional speed they’ll find a way, (aspect crystals in drytop or platforms near tequatl).
another example, the Ulgoth event in Harathi Hinterlands. Unless you show up an hour early, the “closest” waypoint is halfway across the zone. It’s really annoying running through all that trash with ranged attacks putting you in combat so that you run even slower.
or Orr, where many waypoints are constantly contested
Waypoints are supposed to be the rational reason why we do not have mounts. If that’s the case, then waypoint travel coverage needs to be adequate. If anet tries to take away adequate waypoint travel, then they should give us mounts or permanent (can only be initiated out of combat) speed boosts comparable to mount speed (about +66%, so double the effectiveness of swiftness would work). Spending more than about 15-20 seconds running through trash is about where I feel that I’m wasting time and not enjoying what I’m doing. I don’t play this game to wade through garbage solo.
Wading through garbage solo isn’t fun or engaging it’s not exploring since I’ve already been through the zone top to bottom multiple times by now, it’s mostly just going through the motions, annoying and boring.
In orr closed waypoints show where you need to go if you want to do temple events, I missed them quite a few times, but if you follow the map chat often the pre events are linked way before time. and the actual “UP” of the boss shows only the end of a series of events, If you only seek those out you seem to focus a lot on leeching…
When Ulgoth starts the closes waypoint gets unlocked as well, that’s after the area was secured, leaving at least the dogs and the earth elemental hands before the actual Ulgoth, those events take several minutes, enough to run a big portion of the Hirathi map if neccesary….
And no, there is still no reson for more WP’s in the Silverwastes, unless you want to farm bosses. Understand it’s good some things take time, playing games is a passtime, something to fill your free time, if it takes no time and needs to be finished it seems more like a chore or work to me…. And grinds& farms take time… it’s because most people try to do the things for fun at leisure and therefore games cater for leisure. It is not you are paying for your time in gw2…
I could imagine if you pay a monthly fee you’d actually benefit from mounts due to more game experience because you can travel further before your game time runs out, but in gw2 this isn’t relevant.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
You will always find people that dont want to evolve. You ask for mount they answer with (this is not wow gtfo blablabla).This is why a lot of people leave gw2 and why the game feel some empty. Anet should copy wow instead of not. Mount,dueling etc etc is content that should be in the game since day 1.Wow is so popular because of the fact they have everything you can ask in a mmo.
They have a lot of pvp content,pve content and all the little feature like mount etc.
But i still prefer the gameplay of gw2 thats why i stay but the day anet open their eyes and begin to implant better feature the game will finally feel like a real mmoCopying wow is about the worst thing Anet could ever do. Copying GW1 is more like it.
Oh you mean like when they suddenly made dungeons the focus on Nov 2012 because Nexon had influence on the game and the shareholders basically took over development? Yeah that was terrible. smh (ie It already happened thus the reason why people are complaining and pretty much asking for them to go the rest of the way)
another example, the Ulgoth event in Harathi Hinterlands. Unless you show up an hour early, the “closest” waypoint is halfway across the zone. It’s really annoying running through all that trash with ranged attacks putting you in combat so that you run even slower.
So wait, after the talk about making mounts super fast, now you want to stay mounted even in combat? So not dismounted when you are hit by an attack?
Mounts tend to be able to take a few hits before going down in many MMO’s. There may be some attacks like stuns or pulls that dismount a rider instantly, but you can usually take a few hits and ride past, if you’re not just plowing through the middle of a bunch of mobs. TESO’s mounts can sprint but it depletes stamina, taking hits also depletes stamina, if you get hit with 0 stamina you get dismounted and stunned.
+33% is still the slowest maximum speed in any MMO aside from GW1, and that’s the maximum speed of most classes aside from a few very short bursts of speed for Engineer and Ele.
Quit acting like swiftness is enough to make up for the fact that Silverwastes has 1 waypoint.
Why are you so obsessed about the supposed lack of speed. You need to run 45, maybe 90 seconds to a fortress? It doesn’t matter… If everybody could do all bosses at the same time, because of waypoints, it wouldn’t be challenging anymore now would it?
If you need too run to often I’d suggest you’d invest in a build which allows for some more survivability… I have been there on my dagger dagger thief, and been there on my pvt warrior one tends to stay alive very well…
And it’s about defending fortresses, till you get the breach, then killing your boss underneath your fortress. Not running around just to kill as much bosses as possible…
If you need 4 bosses switch 4 times after they spawned, same for the legendaries. Why do people just want to play 10 minutes and be finished already?….As long as you stay alive the maps the drops and the achievemnts tend to be very easy 2, maybe 3 hours tops.
33% is to make sure other parts of the game stay balanced, the developers want the game to be transparant in all fields of play. Which tends to be true for everything except confusion…
If a thing actually needs additional speed they’ll find a way, (aspect crystals in drytop or platforms near tequatl).
another example, the Ulgoth event in Harathi Hinterlands. Unless you show up an hour early, the “closest” waypoint is halfway across the zone. It’s really annoying running through all that trash with ranged attacks putting you in combat so that you run even slower.
or Orr, where many waypoints are constantly contested
Waypoints are supposed to be the rational reason why we do not have mounts. If that’s the case, then waypoint travel coverage needs to be adequate. If anet tries to take away adequate waypoint travel, then they should give us mounts or permanent (can only be initiated out of combat) speed boosts comparable to mount speed (about +66%, so double the effectiveness of swiftness would work). Spending more than about 15-20 seconds running through trash is about where I feel that I’m wasting time and not enjoying what I’m doing. I don’t play this game to wade through garbage solo.
Wading through garbage solo isn’t fun or engaging it’s not exploring since I’ve already been through the zone top to bottom multiple times by now, it’s mostly just going through the motions, annoying and boring.
In orr closed waypoints show where you need to go if you want to do temple events, I missed them quite a few times, but if you follow the map chat often the pre events are linked way before time. and the actual “UP” of the boss shows only the end of a series of events, If you only seek those out you seem to focus a lot on leeching…
When Ulgoth starts the closes waypoint gets unlocked as well, that’s after the area was secured, leaving at least the dogs and the earth elemental hands before the actual Ulgoth, those events take several minutes, enough to run a big portion of the Hirathi map if neccesary….
And no, there is still no reson for more WP’s in the Silverwastes, unless you want to farm bosses. Understand it’s good some things take time, playing games is a passtime, something to fill your free time, if it takes no time and needs to be finished it seems more like a chore or work to me…. And grinds& farms take time… it’s because most people try to do the things for fun at leisure and therefore games cater for leisure. It is not you are paying for your time in gw2…
I could imagine if you pay a monthly fee you’d actually benefit from mounts due to more game experience because you can travel further before your game time runs out, but in gw2 this isn’t relevant.
There’s nothing fun or leisurely about running through trash at what feels like a crawl compared to using mounts.
I notice you’re trying to hammer out a lot of responses, so it’s understandable if you’re missing details because you’re skimming too fast, but I already mentioned I was aware the balance was for PvP and WvW, and because WvW and PvE share builds it extends to PvE as well.
And I addressed that as well, it’s not an issue.
You just introduced a bit of confusion there, did you mean speed traits and signets or speed skills? Skills (whirling blade, flashing blade, etc.) are indeed about mobility in fights, but if you meant traits/signets then – to my knowledge – that premise is wrong.
Speed everything. Everything that makes you faster int his game (aside from city guides, I suppose) are designed and balanced around pure combat scenarios. Any aide they give you in crossing zones a bit faster is purely a fringe benefit. So long as they remain useful in combat encounters, they remain perfectly balanced, but if they add mounts and you no longer prefer to use those options, then you’re free to swap them out.
I say this because about a year ago I read a dev post stating the speed balance was to control how fast a guardian could get to a fight, because their innate boon abilities brought more to the fight than other classes; the intended function was, in fact, to control how fast they could get from spawn to a keep/tower/capture point/etc., not how fast they could move around once there.
But Guardians are one of the fastest classes out there. That wouldn’t make any sense. Surely they were talking about Mesmers. In any case, Mounts would not apply to PvP, and If they applied to WvW (they wouldn’t have to, but I’d prefer it), it would still be no different than a Mesmer following a zerg where they are all applying so many Swiftnesses that everyone is moving at the speed of Swift. Also keep in mind that if this was a year ago, they’ve already overhauled a ton of stuff, including signets and runes, since then.
There really are. That you don’t agree with them doesn’t make them invalid or opinionated faff, no more than people not agreeing with you doesn’t make your arguments invalid or opinionated faff.
Well, if there are arguments against mounts that aren’t “opinionated faff” then people should start posting them in this thread, because I’ve yet to see one. That doesn’t mean people aren’t entitled to their opinion, or to express it, but a firmly believed opinion is still just an opinion.
In orr closed waypoints show where you need to go if you want to do temple events, I missed them quite a few times, but if you follow the map chat often the pre events are linked way before time. and the actual “UP” of the boss shows only the end of a series of events, If you only seek those out you seem to focus a lot on leeching…
When Ulgoth starts the closes waypoint gets unlocked as well, that’s after the area was secured, leaving at least the dogs and the earth elemental hands before the actual Ulgoth, those events take several minutes, enough to run a big portion of the Hirathi map if neccesary….
This is true, but the point being made was that in many cases, there are not convenient WPs to the area you want to go, and running to that location from the nearest uncontested WP might be several minutes on foot. Mounts could help with that.
I could imagine if you pay a monthly fee you’d actually benefit from mounts due to more game experience because you can travel further before your game time runs out, but in gw2 this isn’t relevant.
Monthly fee or not, my time is still precious to me and wasted time is still wasted time I could be doing something else.
Mounts tend to be able to take a few hits before going down in many MMO’s. There may be some attacks like stuns or pulls that dismount a rider instantly, but you can usually take a few hits and ride past, if you’re not just plowing through the middle of a bunch of mobs. TESO’s mounts can sprint but it depletes stamina, taking hits also depletes stamina, if you get hit with 0 stamina you get dismounted and stunned.
Yeah, I honestly don’t mind if a single hit can dismount you, so long as you can still use Dodge normally to avoid attacks, and can reactivate the mount instantly after getting out of combat. Even on foot I tend to do a decent job of avoiding getting into combat when I don’t want to.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Flying mounts yes. Land mounts are impractical. You’ll all hate but I think mounts should be a cash shop pay with irl money thing. It worked great for Mabinogi.
Simply put – there’s no real reason to have them except that some people want them.
An excellent argument in support of adding them, thank you.
Only, if lot of people would want them. Which is not the case.
Would you be in favor of them changing Waypoints to require a Grandmaster trait to use them too?
Well, there is an adept trait for all classes that reduces falling damage – a mostly non-combat utility.
This isn’t about the “simple” (which it wouldn’t be even if there was nothing in its way) matter of adding mounts to the game, it’s demanding the developer rethink core class designs. That’s as likely to happen as ANet implementing the Holy Trinity.
It doesn’t change core class designs in any way.
That’s your opinion. Devs seemed to disagree, when the idea of making +25% perma speed bonuses for those few classes that don’t have them was floated around. Their answer was that not having access to such utility was on of the design decisions for those classes, and that adding it would require redoing those classes completely. Mounts with speed buffs would have a much greater impact that +25% speed signet that takes away one utiliy slot. And to counter an argument you will likely try to make – people generally do not take +25% speed signets for combat utility, but for out of combat one.
Again, not all classes have a mobility spec, and even with a mobility spec you’re making sacrifices.
Yes, it’s the idea. You are not supposed to have your cake and eat it.
It’s fair to make build sacrifices to be better at one aspect of combat than another, for example sacrificing DPS to be more survivable, but you shouldn’t have to sacrifice combat advantage in exchange for travel convenience. That isn’t a choice that people should have to make.
Google GW1 running builds.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Why are people so against it?
1. Development time best spent elsewhere: Go find the threads that ask “what 5 things do you want added to the game” and mounts come in pretty low on the list.
Point granted, there are far more important things to implement or improve.
2. Clipping: I cant even get decent armor for my Charr or Norn, do you really think there wouldn’t be clipping with mounts (unless you are human).
Well. I don’t care much about clipping, really. It’s fairly common in MMOs. However: that’s an issue which hasn’t directly to do with the mount as you already mentioned that a lot of armor already clips.
3. Performance issues: My minis already get culled on full maps, would your mounts be subject to this or would I have to put up with lower performance for YOUR mount.
Same answer: a developer’s issue. If they solve the ridiculous low amount of players per map, this shouldn’t be any issue. Just as a comparison: WoW has whole continents as a single instanced map, no zones with a couple of thousand players, minis, mounts etc. —> no lags – yea graphics are less spectacular and polygon count is low as well – that helps I know.
4. Speed boost: A lot of mount people insist that mounts have a speed boost and don’t care if it makes the game unbalanced or force people who hate mounts to use them just to stay competitive.
For real? Are there players who hated mounts in Skyrim and didn’t use a horse because of hate? Or did players Zelda OOT without Epona be cause they hate ‘mounts’) That’s just ridiculous…
Also the argument of “take profession(class)specific speed boosts” don’t count: there are professions which can’t maintain it and/or are much more complicated to do so. Also, it uses up a skill and/or trait slot(s). I constantly have to remove another useful utility skill on my ranger, be cause I need that kitten speed boost signet.
I will also leave you with a reason that is strictly my opinion. Mounts are ugly and I don’t want to have to see them. Period. It would be completely immersion breaking to me to be wandering around and have a Norn riding a moa go strolling by. Just no.
Yeah, all mounts in any game are ugly and that’s why you don’t want it… just think about it.
I speak it out again: moste people argue very emotional and irrational about this topic and they won’t like to speak it out but the real fact is they fear the “Wowization” of Guild Wars. It’s that simple.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Anet already has your money. They are more than happy for you to go play another game now if you want mounts.
Only, if lot of people would want them. Which is not the case.
You have no basis for this claim. The amount of people who want mounts in GW2 is somewhere between like fifty and a million, you have no basis for claiming it’s any specific number within that range. You believe the number is likely relatively small, and that might be true, I believe it’s likely fairly large, at least as large as various other systems they’ve implemented. ANet has to use polling and other data to determine what that number is.
Well, there is an adept trait for all classes that reduces falling damage – a mostly non-combat utility.
Not so, Everyone one of those is designed as either an offensive or defensive trait as well, offering stealth, crippling, damage, etc. when you bounce. They are designed specifically to allow you to drop on enemy’s heads without taking damage, or to make reckless leaps when running away from enemies and further elude them. That they also come in very handy for things like Jumping Puzzles, which likely weren’t even a feature when those skills were added, is a fringe benefit.
Yes, players more often activate those traits for doing terrain challenges more safely, but if that was their intended use then the offensive options are almost entirely useless.
Devs seemed to disagree, when the idea of making +25% perma speed bonuses for those few classes that don’t have them was floated around. Their answer was that not having access to such utility was on of the design decisions for those classes, and that adding it would require redoing those classes completely.
But again, perma utilities are PERMA, meaning in combat, meaning balance consideration. Mounts would be outside of combat, and outside of PvP, so not a balance consideration.
And to counter an argument you will likely try to make – people generally do not take +25% speed signets for combat utility, but for out of combat one.
What they “generally” do or do not do is entirely beside the point, there are plenty of abilities in the game that players “generally” do not use at all, but they all had an “intended” point, and that’s what matters.
Yes, it’s the idea. You are not supposed to have your cake and eat it.
Actually, you have to have your cake to eat it, what you can’t do is eat your cake and have it, but that’s beside the point. The point is, what’s the problem with free cake? I mean, not everything has to be a class balance issue. I mean what if only one class could use the wardrobe system? Or only one class could use dyes? Or out of all the classes, two of them could not harvest resource nodes, or three of them could not area-loot? There are plenty of basic game functions that are given freely and equally to all classes, there’s no reason why out of combat movement speed should not be one of these things, beyond your personal preference that they not be.
In-combat mobility serves a purpose, it makes some classes more effective than others in specific situations. Out of combat mobility does not, it just makes them more convenient or more annoying, and there’s no reason why this should be the case if they can prevent it.
Google GW1 running builds.
I’d rather not, as “look to GW1” examples tend to be irrelevant to GW2, seeing as how they are apparently very different games in numerous ways.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Point granted, there are far more important things to implement or improve.
This is true, but we don’t know whether they are working or even want to work on these things, so there’s a decent chance that it’s more important than anything they’re actually working on at the moment (for example mounts are more important than the Spring Trait changes or the fall NPE, and those likely took a lot of dev time to put in). It also uses very specific dev resources, modeling, animation, some coding, etc., and perhaps the teams likely to work on mounts have some time to do so. Only ANet can say for sure.
Anet already has your money. They are more than happy for you to go play another game now if you want mounts.
That’s not really how it works, if it did they would stop updating the game. What they want is players who are engaged enough with the game that when they add a new armor skin, or harvesting tool, or finisher to the Gem Store, we’re interested in buying it and willing to give them money. They are less interested in that $50 box than in the several times that they expect players to spend afterwards (on average). I mean I’ve spent probably close to $200 post-launch by this point, and I think I’ve been reasonably thrifty, it just adds up. And besides, there are still people who haven’t bought the box yet, for whom the idea of having a mount might nudge them towards doing so.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
No. Just no.
Speed everything. Everything that makes you faster int his game (aside from city guides, I suppose) are designed and balanced around pure combat scenarios. Any aide they give you in crossing zones a bit faster is purely a fringe benefit. So long as they remain useful in combat encounters, they remain perfectly balanced, but if they add mounts and you no longer prefer to use those options, then you’re free to swap them out.
Well, as I’ve already stated before, I believe that premise to be wrong, so I’ll just remain unconvinced.
But Guardians are one of the fastest classes out there. That wouldn’t make any sense. Surely they were talking about Mesmers. In any case, Mounts would not apply to PvP, and If they applied to WvW (they wouldn’t have to, but I’d prefer it), it would still be no different than a Mesmer following a zerg where they are all applying so many Swiftnesses that everyone is moving at the speed of Swift. Also keep in mind that if this was a year ago, they’ve already overhauled a ton of stuff, including signets and runes, since then.
No, it was about guardians (I was looking specifically for information about guardian travel speed at the time, since I was on my first character and getting frustrated at how slow the class was) and it makes perfect sense provided you look at it from the perspective of the speed balance being about travel speed and not combat speed. I’m not saying you have to agree with it, just realize the reason it doesn’t make sense to you isn’t any fault in the logic presented, but an incompatibility with your belief on how things are balanced.
It’s like how that comment that guardians are one of the fastest classes doesn’t make any sense to me, but I can understand how you would believe that if I look at it from your perspective on the whole speed balance issue.
Well, if there are arguments against mounts that aren’t “opinionated faff” then people should start posting them in this thread, because I’ve yet to see one. That doesn’t mean people aren’t entitled to their opinion, or to express it, but a firmly believed opinion is still just an opinion.
I didn’t mean to imply that valid arguments are completely devoid of opinion, my apologies for leading you to taking it so literally; when I said “opinionated faff”, I meant things like “I don’t like mounts, this isn’t WoW, go play something else” (the pro-mount counterpart would be “I like mounts, this game is going to die without it, stop being so backwards”).
I trust you don’t think all the arguments that have been made are like that.
Oh. Man. I can just see it if mounts were in the game: “Ooo…I want that pink, fluffy spider mount, he looks so cuuutte!” Gah. Please. Spare me that.
It’d probably be something godsawful like a quaggan riding a skateboard while the player rides on its shoulders. Then again, I could see having a truck full of junk with skritt riding on it, a la, Beverly Hillbillies. :P
Ok. The Skritt thing would be awesome…I must admit
One skritt playing a banjo-like instrument made out of junk. Ok. THAT I would be okay with
Still want a skritt named Patsy running in front of me clacking 2 coconut shells together….
Game doesn’t need them and neither does it need another resource hogging graphical collectable (see mini).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Still want a skritt named Patsy running in front of me clacking 2 coconut shells together….
Only if there’s a 50% chance that when you receive an in game mail your Skritt is hit by an arrow and says “Message for you Sir”.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Anet already has your money. They are more than happy for you to go play another game now if you want mounts.
Since when has any company ever said NO to MORE money? I think you need to redo business 101. :P
Still want a skritt named Patsy running in front of me clacking 2 coconut shells together….
Only if there’s a 50% chance that when you receive an in game mail your Skritt is hit by an arrow and says “Message for you Sir”.
I think I have a spare 700 gems for that.
Lawdy! XD
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I am really surprised that people consider the speed boosts in this game as a replacement for mounts……GW2 has the slowest running speed among most mmos I have seen. The only reason this works here is thanks to the way they have split maps into separate instances and all the numerous way points. Of course u are welcome to continue funding the Asuran world domination plans by paying for waypoints but too many way points is bad for immersion
While it may not be possible to implement mounts/flight in the same way as other games, over future expansions (which seem to be nowhere insight) maybe Anet can do something about this…..
Well regarding speedboosts I have 7 characters with full map. to get it you also need the hearts…. When you been there done that you unocked everything…. you notice it’s just right. and you can get everywhere fast enough..
It’s people asking for a lot of things and mounts.
“I want a extremely fast way to travel, all time is just wasted”
“I want to skip everything”
“I want to use the mount for attacks as well”
“I want the mount even if others can’t have it, and who cares about them anyways?”
“I want to pay for it..”
Shouldnt we just make a special map for you? And area as big as the central plaza in LA, with portals to all dungeons-bosses and portals to all bosses and just delete the rest of the world map?
Just so you can ignore spawns, do not have to show interest in events, no longer have to travel the map?…
You’ll get no vendors of course and no drops, because it doesn’t matter as there is noone who can look at you…., no inventory as you do not need anything stored, no armor and no bank, no guilds……
No, let’s simplify it even more, just make a drop down menu to the end chests…whih of course contain nothing, just a sign space reserved for player name finished nothing, achieved nothing using nothing in nothing…. on your
Mounted Minimalistic Oversimplified Role Playing Game
Sounds nice and minimalistic… Guild wars 2 minimalistic edition only 2000 gems in the
TP… with your free mount. -only usable in the minimalistic version-
Problem solved, no mounts.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Now… Where did I put this thing…
Oh! There it is!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with adding mounts in the game. It offers another way for Anet to make money (Make mounts gem store only) and doesn’t break immersion. From my game experiences, mounts have only made Role Playing even more interesting. Please just give in to our demands >:)
Please just give in to our demands >:)
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
…doesn’t break immersion.
Hahahahaha. I don’t….. Hahahaha
If you want mounts my only suggestion is to equip the broom, tunneler or the carpet and then use a waypoint. Doing that is pretty much the same as any other mount in another game. Broom, tunneler and carpet= something u sit on and waypoint= fast travel.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with adding mounts in the game. It offers another way for Anet to make money (Make mounts gem store only) and doesn’t break immersion. From my game experiences, mounts have only made Role Playing even more interesting. Please just give in to our demands >:)
Yes there is something wrong, lag, clutter. Not to mention design that does NOT include mounts. Wish people would stop trying to turn this into another game.
So many hipsters here, I thought hipsters died.
So many hipsters here, I thought hipsters died.
They did, but they didn’t want to publicize it, because then it would be cool.
GW2, the hipster of MMOs, ignoring mounts before it was cool. =P
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Well, as I’ve already stated before, I believe that premise to be wrong, so I’ll just remain unconvinced.
Fair enough. Everyone has their own personal opinions and I have no illusions about changing yours any more than you could have of changing mine, I just want to make sure we’re working with the same set of facts.
It’s like how that comment that guardians are one of the fastest classes doesn’t make any sense to me, but I can understand how you would believe that if I look at it from your perspective on the whole speed balance issue.
Well, it comes from my Guardian being my second most-played character(my first being Thief) and that out of eight level 80s, mostly built for decent speed at the expense of other options, he IS one of the fastest. He has GS lunge which is up more often than a lot of other lunges and has longer reach, he has Save Yourselves and Retreat to give him 75% Swiftness uptime in two doses so he can use it more conveniently, and that’s without any boon duration increases.
He’s got nothing on my Engi and could get beat on a sprint by several of my other characters, but he’s better off than my Mesmer or Necro, And better than many of the other classes in middle distances in that he has to do less fiddling around between weapon swapping and that sort of thing. And that’s not even factoring in options to use Staff, which can theoretically add another 26% Swiftness uptime on the run, or infinite if you are starting and stopping regularly and can time out when you use it. .
Guardians really don’t have it that bad, and anyone who thinks they do really need to roll a Mesmer.
I trust you don’t think all the arguments that have been made are like that.
There have been some that use more words and less WoW references, but not any that are more logical in basis. They basically all boil down to “I’d rather not have or have to see mounts because reasons, so I don’t want you to have them either.”
No, let’s simplify it even more, just make a drop down menu to the end chests…whih of course contain nothing, just a sign space reserved for player name finished nothing, achieved nothing using nothing in nothing…. on your
Mounted Minimalistic Oversimplified Role Playing Game
Sounds nice and minimalistic… Guild wars 2 minimalistic edition only 2000 gems in the
TP… with your free mount. -only usable in the minimalistic version-
Or, we could assume that the other players in this discussion have just as much right to their opinions as you do, take them at their word that they want mounts and have good personal reasons for doing so, and consider who we can implement them in a way that works for the most players as possible (though certainly no solution can please everyone, including the status quo). Making strawman arguments is not constructive.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I never played a game with mounts, so I don’t really know why there is such strong openions against them (I have read the complaints, which I believe the devs would be more than capable of handling)
Something cooler than the broom would be nice. I personally find Mini’s very boring to collect. I would much rather collect something for my wardrobe like Mounts. Obviously no speed buffs, and they can’t be massive. Also they already have a system in place to remove mini’s when there are too many people, easily can do the same thing with mounts. However I think the devs could create something good here.
Maybe use rewards from dungeons, or WvW badges, or get really cool mounts from fractals.
Or, we could assume that the other players in this discussion have just as much right to their opinions as you do, take them at their word that they want mounts and have good personal reasons for doing so, and consider who we can implement them in a way that works for the most players as possible (though certainly no solution can please everyone, including the status quo). Making strawman arguments is not constructive.
It’s a stickman. not a strawman. a strawman has way more depth… More depth then the better part of this tread.
You also didn’t try anything to kep the excerpt in context, now did you?
No gem mounts, with combat abilities, +100% movement and immunity to mobs!!
No gem mounts with combat abilities,
No gem mounts with +100% movement
No gem mounts with immunity to mobs!!
No mounts with combat abilities,
No mounts with +100% movement
No mounts with immunity to mobs!!
I’m not saying anything about mounts, or gem mounts.
I have the broom and the carpet. They are nice!
And their implementation was good, let’s not go towards all other stuff…
Thank you.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
I got lost halfway through that post and have no idea what it was trying to say.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
So I have to say something about it and it’s not trash talking to waste your time. I have seen that all this mounts topics are closed by GM because people are opening the idea and say nothing about it. I’m an person who wants mounts in the game and I have a reasons why I want them.
1) You can collect them
2) They will look epic and with gw2 engine in game it would be awesome experience to have and to ride them around the Tyria
3) You go and explore faster with your epic mount and it will be more enjoyable then running and porting around
4) For longer trips get birds that carry you around or even better, the ships that you see in the game. for example in the new map, in arah dungeon story mode (this is the answer for people who will say that’s boring to ride all day long)
5) gw2 is beautiful game and we go across it just porting on those waypoints, yeah so much epicness in that. You have loading screen with picture and that’s it
6) You can made diffrerent mounts speed for lower or bigger levels (60%) for lower and (100%) for higher levels
7) Mount can be shown as an effort you put in the game, something like legendarys. If you’re a hardcore player you will probably have some epic mount, much color, much epicness, much speed, much girls and so on
This were a few ideas I have in my mind at this moment. Probably I could come with something more but this is just for beginning. For all of you who agree or disagree on this I respect your opinion but if you don’t have nothing normal to say on this topic please don’t say anything ! No need for countless comments that don’t have solid opinion on this subject.
Sure! Let’s have flying kittening mounts so every aspect of dungeons, map completion, jumping puzzles, explorer related achievements, mini dungeons, and WvW can be completely broken!
Actually, that’s a kittening terrible idea.
Sure! Let’s have flying kittening mounts so every aspect of dungeons, map completion, jumping puzzles, explorer related achievements, mini dungeons, and WvW can be completely broken!
Actually, that’s a kittening terrible idea.
I want to preface this statement by saying that I am not advocating for flying mounts, I am merely presenting this as a thought experiment, can they work. Do not flip out.
I actually considered the idea of flying mounts for GW2 back when I was dabbling in Wildstar and they were considering the idea, and it wouldn’t necessarily be that bad. The important thing is that they would not work in most dungeons (if any), and would be disabled anywhere near Jumping Puzzles, so you couldn’t use them to cheat those.
There are a few different ways to implement that, you could basically just have an invisible wall around any jump puzzles that shut your mount off while inside it, and then have a secondary invisible wall a slight distance outside of that which would slow you down and trigger a warning that moving forward would cause you to fall, similar to the warnings that if you swim too far out to sea you’ll be turned back. Bounding off space like this seems well within their power, as they already have fields that apply boons and conditions, such as the Silverwastes’ “green smog” fields.
As for “cheapening exploration,” there are a few solutions to this. The most basic one would be to restrict them to level 80s, which would assume you’ve already explored most of the map, but of course players that rush to 80 without exploring would then have an easier time of it. The second solution would be to force players to “unlock” flight corridors. I imagined this a bit like how in Assassin’s Creed games, you need to visit high-points to unlock the map for that neighborhood.
Basically, each map would be divided into regions, either using the existing regional boundaries or grouping several of them together. If you enter a map for the first time, then you would not be able to use a flying mount at all, or perhaps could use it, but only a few feet off the ground (such that it is functionally a land mount). Only by clearing every WP, SP, PoI, Heart, and Vista that is within the boundary of that region would you be able to fly within it. This would make it functionally worthless for map completion purposes, but that once you’ve done the work of unlocking the map you would have a lot more freedom of travel.
Of course, with those game mechanics hurdles out of the way, there would still likely be some art asset hurdles, with some portions of each map requiring redesign to look right from the air. As map breakout videos have shown most maps have upper areas that are half finished and lack proper clipping, which is fine when they’re used as currently intended, but they would have to clean that stuff up if you were legally allowed to fly up there. Of course not all areas of the ma would need to be accessible by air, any mountains they wanted to be impassable could remain impassable using invisible walls as mentioned above.
So as to whether they can do it, without significantly disrupting the rest of the game? I think they totally could. As to whether they should do it, that’s far more debatable.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
CharrTanks, CharrCopters, and Airships for me please.
So I have to say something about it and it’s not trash talking to waste your time. I have seen that all this mounts topics are closed by GM because people are opening the idea and say nothing about it. I’m an person who wants mounts in the game and I have a reasons why I want them.
1) You can collect them
2) They will look epic and with gw2 engine in game it would be awesome experience to have and to ride them around the Tyria
3) You go and explore faster with your epic mount and it will be more enjoyable then running and porting around
4) For longer trips get birds that carry you around or even better, the ships that you see in the game. for example in the new map, in arah dungeon story mode (this is the answer for people who will say that’s boring to ride all day long)
5) gw2 is beautiful game and we go across it just porting on those waypoints, yeah so much epicness in that. You have loading screen with picture and that’s it
6) You can made diffrerent mounts speed for lower or bigger levels (60%) for lower and (100%) for higher levels
7) Mount can be shown as an effort you put in the game, something like legendarys. If you’re a hardcore player you will probably have some epic mount, much color, much epicness, much speed, much girls and so on
This were a few ideas I have in my mind at this moment. Probably I could come with something more but this is just for beginning. For all of you who agree or disagree on this I respect your opinion but if you don’t have nothing normal to say on this topic please don’t say anything ! No need for countless comments that don’t have solid opinion on this subject.
Sure! Let’s have flying kittening mounts so every aspect of dungeons, map completion, jumping puzzles, explorer related achievements, mini dungeons, and WvW can be completely broken!
Actually, that’s a kittening terrible idea.
Am sure that Anet is more than capable of incorporating Mounts while at the same time ensuring that none of the above items are adversely affected by placing various restrictions. Mounts already exist in the form of the broom and carpet…..well we just need something that fits into the scene in the game……The carpet and broom are so out of place……
Speaking of WvW….you have given me an idea!!….Airships!! With Asura paratroopers jumping into the enemy keep!!Glorious!!
Well, it comes from my Guardian being my second most-played character(my first being Thief) and that out of eight level 80s, mostly built for decent speed at the expense of other options, he IS one of the fastest. He has GS lunge which is up more often than a lot of other lunges and has longer reach, he has Save Yourselves and Retreat to give him 75% Swiftness uptime in two doses so he can use it more conveniently, and that’s without any boon duration increases. […]
Yes, which is the perspective I’m talking about.
Guardians really don’t have it that bad, and anyone who thinks they do really need to roll a Mesmer.
Now from my perspective Mesmers have much better access to travel speed than Guadians, because my Mesmer can easily maintain 100% swiftness with the Superior Runes of the Centaur (13s swiftness and not a terrible rune set if you’re a power build) by charging Mantra of Recovery and casting Power Return every ten seconds (punctually interrupted by a Temporal Curtain); it’s a little tedious having to spam heal every ten seconds, but in exchange I hardly sacrifice anything else in my build (and even then the cooldown on the skill is so short I can easily swap to Ether Feast before getting into a fight).
There have been some that use more words and less WoW references, but not any that are more logical in basis. They basically all boil down to “I’d rather not have or have to see mounts because reasons, so I don’t want you to have them either.”
Well, time for me to check out of this discussion if that’s the case.
Now from my perspective Mesmers have much better access to travel speed than Guadians, because my Mesmer can easily maintain 100% swiftness with the Superior Runes of the Centaur (13s swiftness and not a terrible rune set if you’re a power build) by charging Mantra of Recovery and casting Power Return every ten seconds (punctually interrupted by a Temporal Curtain); it’s a little tedious having to spam heal every ten seconds, but in exchange I hardly sacrifice anything else in my build (and even then the cooldown on the skill is so short I can easily swap to Ether Feast before getting into a fight).
Well, that there is what Mesmer players are complaining about. In order to have a “permanent” speed boost, we are forced to rely on specific runes (which necessitates having a spare armor set) and/or specific weapon/utility combos. This is something no other profession has to deal with; they all either have access to a single utility skill or trait that grants an innate +25% speed boost, or they have plenty of access to Swiftness granting skills (Guardians fall into this category, especially with the recent buff to “Retreat!”).
I’d love to see mounts added to the game even if they were only the 25% speed boost we can already attain. It adds a lot to the rp aspect of the game.
Well, that there is what Mesmer players are complaining about. In order to have a “permanent” speed boost, we are forced to rely on specific runes (which necessitates having a spare armor set) and/or specific weapon/utility combos. This is something no other profession has to deal with; they all either have access to a single utility skill or trait that grants an innate +25% speed boost, or they have plenty of access to Swiftness granting skills (Guardians fall into this category, especially with the recent buff to “Retreat!”).
And the argument I’ve been making is that’s by design and mounts would run contrary to that design, which makes mounts with speed boost unlikely to happen.
I’m not saying I think that’s a good or bad design, I’m just pointing out it’s an obstacle to the goal of mounts.
It’s not even the only obstacle, people have brought up concerns about performance issues, developer time and resources, and map designs. Denying that these problems exist, demanding changes to core designs (we see how well that works for the Holy Trinity), and/or lauding the supposed benefits of the feature without proposing any solutions does absolutely nothing to achieve that goal.
(edited by Pandaman.4758)
I’d love to see mounts added to the game even if they were only the 25% speed boost we can already attain. It adds a lot to the rp aspect of the game.
Just imagine how cool it could have been if net actually ran with the mourdrem tendril plot and had like 50% of all waypoints destroyed in the game. Mounts would suddenly be something more people would be willing to discuss. I’ve never been a pro mount person myself, I’m rather indifferent to it. However, with the state of the game being what it is, destroying 50% of the waypoints and adding mounts would of added awesome new experiences to the game.
Ah, to think of what could have been had anet actually did something with the Living Story that actually changed the world and not just a zone.
Now from my perspective Mesmers have much better access to travel speed than Guadians, because my Mesmer can easily maintain 100% swiftness with the Superior Runes of the Centaur (13s swiftness and not a terrible rune set if you’re a power build) by charging Mantra of Recovery and casting Power Return every ten seconds (punctually interrupted by a Temporal Curtain); it’s a little tedious having to spam heal every ten seconds, but in exchange I hardly sacrifice anything else in my build (and even then the cooldown on the skill is so short I can easily swap to Ether Feast before getting into a fight).
You’re still sacrificing at least three rune slots just to get decent Swiftness, AND spamming your heals continuously rather than using them carefully, just to get 100% Swiftness. A Guardian could do that too if he felt like it, and gets a solid lunge move.
Well, time for me to check out of this discussion if that’s the case.
Yeah, that’s kind of my point, it’s basically just people saying “I want mounts and there’s no practical reason not to include them,” and then other people saying “but I don’t want you to have what you want because I don’t want them myself.”
And the argument I’ve been making is that’s by design and mounts would run contrary to that design, which makes mounts with speed boost unlikely to happen.
And my point is that the “design” it purely focused around sPvP and to a much lesser degree WvW, PvE being an afterthought, and that the goal of any option to give yourself Swiftness is to allow you to reach a moving opponent easier, escape a moving opponent easier, reach a PvP capture point faster, or more actively dodge ground effects, and any benefit it may provide in crossing a map are purely a side effect and not even considered in balance calculations.
So long as mounts are not available in sPvP, they are incapable of impacting balance in any way that ANet has ever cared about.
It’s not even the only obstacle, people have brought up concerns about performance issues, developer time and resources, and map designs.
Yes, but they aren’t valid concerns, they are just red herrings.
Will there be performance issues? Maybe, but not likely. They recently expanded mini-pet use and that hasn’t caused any issues, and mounts would be less resource intensive than minipets (since they would not be unique AI entities, they would be slaved to the player model, so all they would add in complexity is model rendering,). I would expect them to use culling mechanisms just like with player models, so that when things are running smoothly they would be shown in all their glory, when there is way too much going on then fairly generic versions would be used, and maybe at its most extreme the mounts would vanish and you’d just see players running around really fast. They have done this sort of thing in the past, there’s no reason they could not do it again.
Developer time and resources are a concern for EVERY potential feature, and everyone understands that, but it’s not for you to judge how developer resources are allocated. When it comes to that discussion, your ONLY role is to say “I do not want mounts.” And then I say “I do want mounts,” and we’ve both said all we can add to that discussion. Then the devs take all that in, and they are the ones who figure out how much effort it would take and whether it would be worth it. You cannot “win” the “it would take developer resources” discussion on this forum.
As for map design, Mounts would not influence map design. Done. There are portions of maps where mounts should not be available because they would give an unfair advantage (such as JPs), but they can easily resolve this using invisible boundaries around these areas that disable the mounts, and this is not a heavy lift for the developers to achieve. The maps themselves would otherwise be left alone, and players on foot would never notice any difference.
However, with the state of the game being what it is, destroying 50% of the waypoints and adding mounts would of added awesome new experiences to the game.
No. I’m pro-mounts, but VERY anti-this.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”