My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


Alright let me start by saying, Im not very happy about certain things in this game. But i dont want to ramble on for hours with a 10,000 word post. So Ill try my best not to :p

1. Unique Items: Guild Wars 1 Had so many unique things to covet as a player and show off and feel a little better then the next guys. For example Promotional Items like Kanaxi or Island Guardian Miniatures. A player that could get these items felt so empowered and a sense of joy because they knew they were one of the few to obtain such items.

2. Rare Weapons: In Guild Wars 1, There were 2 kinds of rare weapons. Weapons with really cool skins EXAMPLE: Bone Dragon Staff (from Shards of Orr). The other weapons being Low Requirement Weapons. EXAMPLE: Q8 Swords, Q8 Staves

2.5 These Weapons above were very hard to obtain i personally did 1,000’s o f runs and never got a Bone Dragon Staff. I had to actually buy one from a seller. Q8 Weapons gave a good benefit. Meaning u didnt need to put so many attribute points into that area to achieve the max damage out of the weapon at hand. These weapons such as Q7 and Q8 and some Q6 required weapons were no longer available after later expansions and patch’s. Thus giving those weapons a very good shine and gave players a great feeling for holding a item that no one else could get.

2.6 I know some people will mention Legendary weapons. But these are only one tiny little rare aspect.

This is what i feel is a portion of whats lacking in Guild Wars 2. I want to see items that no one else can get. A item that drops from a event that will only drop at that event that time. Never again. And with a great looking skin to boot. So you can run around with someone no one has seen before.

3. Dynamic Events? How is a event dynamic if you have to wait 10 minutes for it to start again. A event starts someone posts in map chat come quick events up. next thing u know 200 people hitting the same thing u are. They cant map directly to the battle but they can make 100 feet next to it. and within 30 seconds they are in the battle. This mechanic needs looked at alot.

4. Skills, or lack there of. In Guild Wars 1, the skill combos were endless with every class having so many skills that the next guy wouldn’t even be using. Also due to allowing Second Class Profession changes, This opened a word of skills giving one playing the ability to pick from over 100+ different skills to get the job done.

4.5 Im very disappointed to see my Toons with under 40 skills, So no matter what i can sit next to another necro for example and he has 50% of my same skills bar due to the lack of variations of skills.

4.6 Skill Recharge… Like omg really? i have skills with 240 second recharge…. like for example i have a skill on my necro that dazes the foe for 2 second and has a 45 second recharge? How is this even usefull. I have found many skills to be unused to to recharge times so basically im only picking between 20 skills because of this. This is terrible IMO

5. Speed Clear’s Guild Wars 1 was riddled with speed clears. But ANet hated the Speed Clears.. For what reason i dont know. The frown upon people using 100’s of hours to create tactics and formulas for completing areas in record time. These things were not achieved over night.

5.5 Guild Wars 1 did everything in there power to try to stop speed clearing, releasing nerf after nerf to stop this and they couldn’t. So im guild wars 2. Instead of giving the ability to Speed Clear. they tried to abolikitten at all costs. Players happiness, Players Time. Longer does not mean better Guild Wars 2….. Why do we have to spend 3 hours in a dungeon for you guys to be happy? We have lives, family, jobs. And you want me to spend 30 minutes to form a team. 3 Hours to do a dungeon, for what? what do you get from this? Matter of fact you make people take breaks and stop playing for periods of time. People dont want to sit down and do one task for forever. We are advancing creatures and like to do new things often. Im not saying make dungeon 20-30 minutes but, Dont start doing like u did in guild wars 1. Throwing new foes around every corner to make it harder. Work on the reward system instead of the length u want us in there.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


6. Why do i not feel special in Guild Wars 2… I look like everyone else. I use the same skills as everyone else. My weapons look like everyone else. For someone who played Guild Wars 1. This is a major slap in the face. For starters you give heavy armor some of the best looking skins and dont even think about the light armor people. In Guild Wars 1. it wasnt about the stats of something. You had 100’s of staves with the exact same stats, But it was about the look. Look in these games is everything.

7. Transmutation. This is a great concept to get what you want to look like but with stipulations. Why cant i transmutate my Light armor with a heavy armor piece. cause honestly ive only found 2 Helms that are even worthy of wearing as a light armor player. Like i said above looks are everything in this game and we only get random basic sets of armors based upon level, Then if we like something lesser we have to transmutate it. Why bother even putting stats on items. You should just make level 80 basic gear. Then release skins to skin the armor. sorta like the guild armor or HoM items.

8. Soul Bound. IMO no weapon or armor should be soul bound. You worked hard for that item you should be able to wear it a while, then sell it when u got your new digs. Why would you want to lock something on a toon to make it worthless. So for example im level 70. i gear up and get everything sorted. Now im level 80 and have no use for that gear. I paid lets say 1 gold for all my level 70 stuff. Now i don’t need it i have to merch it for 5 silver. Instead of giving it to my friend or selling it to him for a discounted price. If you don’t want us to help others then remove the mail system also.

9. Mail. You guys could end all gold sellers instantly. Disable the mail system. I know this will cause a 50/50 response from the general community. But if you guys have gone so in depth to make Soul Bound and Account Bound, Then why have mail. I get at least 2 Mails a day advertising Gold for $$. If you disable mail Gold Sellers would have no way to get the product to you. There for being the first MMO without the ability of Gold Sellers to cause interference. that would be astronomical for gaming. Also i know people will be like but i want to send my friend this item i got. Cause honestly the only items you really help your friends with is a few coin and some lower level gear while they are leveling. cause expensive gear doesn’t trade often for free. And if they really want the gear. List it for a price on the TP and your friend can buy it there.

10. Mini Games. Jumping puzzles to me are not mini games. they are mini frustrations. With joke gifts at the end. Where is my Dragon Arena? Where is my Beetle Racing, Areas that gives everyone set skill bars to go at each other with no other benefit but skill level.

11. Interface Alterations, In Guild Wars 1 you could move everything on the screen to the desired position, But guild wars 2 only lets you move 2 things, Map and Chat…

12. Blind Updates or Stealth Updates.
We as players have the right to know what exactly is being changed. We are paying customers and have privileges for doing so. In Guild Wars 1 they told you everything that was changed even down the exactly cool down time or energy usage increase.

Sorry to ramble on but i have alot more topics and issues i could voice but i must get to work. These are all things based on my personal opinion.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dieallknow.1387


This game is NOT GUILDWARS 1 nor was it meant to be!

Are things Wrong with this game hell ya! But the only thing it has in common with guildwars 1 is lore.

[IIII] Playing from Prison
“Lets take the green keep I need the Vista”
“Quit Laughing I need the Vista”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Pretty sure that no one, in any media release, ever claimed that GW2 was going to be like GW1. In fact, I believe the message was that it would entirely different. I can imagine the OPs surprise when that actually turned out to be the case.


My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


1: This isn’t GW1.

2: To address all your concerns- Game is still brand new. Give it time.

3: Not very constructive. Just a lot of complaining with very little solution.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


Im pretty sure you didnt even read my post. seeing as u posted less then 2 minutes of me posting it. So please refrain from posting if your not speaking on behalf of the post contents

You nitpicked and raged about the most useless things, even if he read it there’d be nothing to comment on.

If you want GW1, play GW1. GW2 does not obsolete the first game, in much the same way that Everquest 2 did not obsolete Everquest.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


1) See Digital Deluxe Edition, Dragon t-shirt/hat, probably more to come soon.

2) I haven’t really looked into it but I assume the legendaries fill this catergory for now. Later there will probably be more. Green weapons weren’t added to GW1 until Sorrows Furnace came out, just before Factions.

3) The word dynamic refers to the fact that the scale up or down as people join or leave. A lot of people seem to have assumed it meant they could happen anywhere at any time but I’m not sure where that idea came from.

4) Have you looked at the traits at all? A lot of what used to be seperate skills in GW1 are now applied automatically through the trait system. Not to mention weapon swapping and extra skills from the profession specific mechanics. Also considering most people lacked the desire or creativitiy to really look into the GW1 skill system the chances are the guy next to you would be using the exact same build as you, having read it on the same website.

4.5) If you had 40 skills equipped you weren’t playing GW1.

4.6) It’s called Tactics. Instead of spamming something like a daze or expecting to keep it up all the time you save it for when it will have the greatest impact. I also suspect the high cool-down times are to balance out the lack of energy. You don’t have to save energy by avoiding some skills or wait for it to build back up, instead you have to wait for the cooldown.

5) I think you’ve answered your own question. Anet didn’t like speed clears and wanted to do everything they could to stop them.

Personally I’ll be happy to see them gone. I don’t mind if people want to try it for their own interest but when it’s impossible to find anyone to do UW or FoW any other way, or even understand why you’d want to actually do all the quests instead of just one little bit I’d say they’re doing more harm than good.

6) If you’re playing a game to feel special I think you’d probably be better off with single player games where all the NPCs can fawn over you as the supreme hero of the world instead of one of many. Real people, no matter what you might want to think, are not going to be impressed. They might be jealous but that’s about as far as it goes.

8) This bothers you but the GW1 system where you couldn’t sell any piece of armor to another player, ever, doesn’t? If anything this game is a huge step towards what you want.

9) Personally I think the benefits outweight the costs. Especially since Anet have said people selling gold through the mail system are easier for them to track than doing it through chat and random in-world trades.

10) All those things were either festival only games (which we will almost certainly get at the appropriate times) or added relatively late in the game’s lifespan. Definately not in the first month.

11) This one I do agree with. It would be nice to be able to shift things around more.

12) A lot of that work was done by wiki editors rather than the developers. It will probably come in time as people get to grips with the game and keeping on top of updates.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

(edited by Danikat.8537)

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


1: This isn’t GW1.

2: To address all your concerns- Game is still brand new. Give it time.

3: Not very constructive. Just a lot of complaining with very little solution.

So let me give u an example. let me make a movie called superman 1 and put superman in it. then make superman 2 then not put superman in it.. does this make it ok?

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


I loved GW1, it kept me busy for almost 2k hours over the years I played it.
I’ve lost interest in GW2 already and barely hit the 300 hour mark =(
I wish the game was more like GW1 instead of trying to be a generic MMO like all the rest but that is an empty dream =(

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Not even relevant.

Gw2 is based off of GW1 lore. Just not the same features.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Just for you because you asked that this game be more like GW1, we will let you have:

1. The return of the death penalty. It still caps out at -60% for you. You can run to any of the major cities to have it removed.

2. You only get 8 skills on your bar now.

3. No in game mail for you. No Trading Post either. It wasn’t in GW1, so you can’t have them in GW2.

4. Also no rings, necklaces or trinkets of any kind. You can make everyone jealous though by wearing a cape. It has no stats. It’s just for looks.

5. Oh and your level cap will be stuck at level 20. Sadly it means you won’t get to unlock your elite at level 30 but since you only have 8 slots this shouldn’t be a problem for you.

6. You can no longer jump or swim. Again, not in GW1.

7. No crafting professions for you. You don’t get to have the deposit all collectables option on your bag. And your bags max out at one 5 slot belt pouch and two 10 slot bags. You can still get the equipment pack though.

8 No mystic forge. Sorry.

There’s probably other things I’ve forgotten. But I think by now you get my point.

(edited by Rpgtabbycat.5869)

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


Just for you because you asked that this game be more like GW1, we will let you have:

1. The return of the death penalty. It still caps out at 60% for you. You can run to any of the major cities to have it removed.

2. You only get 8 skills on your bar now.

3. No in game mail for you. No Trading Post either. It wasn’t in GW1, so you can’t have them in GW2.

4. Also no rings, necklaces or trinkets of any kind. You can make everyone jealous though by wearing a cape. It has no stats. It’s just for looks.

5. Oh and your level cap will be stuck at level 20. Sadly it means you won’t get to unlock your elite at level 30 but since you only have 8 slots this shouldn’t be a problem for you.

6. You can no longer jump or swim. Again, not in GW1.

There’s probably other things I’ve forgotten. But I think by now you get my point.

The trick to make a second version of a named game is to mix new aspects with old.
and in guild wars 1 it wasnt about the level. it was about how you sorted your gear and weapon mods and attributes. here i can throw max armor on and get level 80 and go anywhere i want in the game. and oh yeah if u die in a dungeon u can just map back to a waypoint. sooooo challenging.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


Just for you because you asked that this game be more like GW1, we will let you have:

1. The return of the death penalty. It still caps out at -60% for you. You can run to any of the major cities to have it removed.

2. You only get 8 skills on your bar now.

3. No in game mail for you. No Trading Post either. It wasn’t in GW1, so you can’t have them in GW2.

4. Also no rings, necklaces or trinkets of any kind. You can make everyone jealous though by wearing a cape. It has no stats. It’s just for looks.

5. Oh and your level cap will be stuck at level 20. Sadly it means you won’t get to unlock your elite at level 30 but since you only have 8 slots this shouldn’t be a problem for you.

6. You can no longer jump or swim. Again, not in GW1.

7. No crafting professions for you. You don’t get to have the deposit all collectables option on your bag. And your bags max out at one 5 slot belt pouch and two 10 slot bags. You can still get the equipment pack though.

8 No mystic forge. Sorry.

There’s probably other things I’ve forgotten. But I think by now you get my point.

and yet the first game just felt better than GW2, even comparing each at launch….
Hard to put my finger on it but Gw1 had something special and a magical feeling to it. GW2 doesn’t have any of that

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


If Guild Wars 2 were anything like Guild Wars 1, we wouldn’t be here to talk about it. ;D

No, for real. I realize GW1 had it’s fans, but it was by no means something to replicate. Showing us how GW2 was not like GW1 was a massive part of the process in getting the population interested in the first place.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

What he said about items is true

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadenSwallow.1468


There already is a mini game in the norn home city (reachable through an asuran gate from their home city to lion’s arch, then through another asuran gate to the norn home city) in the form of something like the snowball fights IIRC. Although it involves retrieving barrels of ale as opposed to presents. We must be trying to get our youths fixed into an alcohol problem from an early age

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


What he said about items is true

Which is rendered 100% moot because the game is still an infant.

Hmm. game that’s been out for years has tons of items, compared to a game out for a little over a month. Wonder why that is?

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aza.2105


Seems like Dro should be playing GW1 instead of 2.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rook.4625


In all fairness, that’s not the original title that he started, it has been modded, somewhat discrediting his thread.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

I don’t think some of his points are without merit just because he’s comparing his gameplay experience from GW1 and GW2.

1. One suggestion that even came up during beta was the ability to customize the UI and move things around as we like. It definitely came up as an issue. Sure we can play the game just fine with the current UI. Is it terrible .. of course not… would it be nice to have more options… I can’t see why not.

2. Skills… I have seen this come up from others as well. So it’s not an isolated complaint. In GW1 there were indeed 100’s of skills for each profession. Many of them I never used or only in very unique circumstances. So I agree that we don’t need 100’s of skills in GW2.

However, let’s be honest here. Who wouldn’t like to see just a few more utility skills or maybe even some interchangable skill options for each weapon set? Are there a lot of choices with weapon swapping and diff utility skills… sure. Can we create many builds … absolutely. Does that mean it wouldn’t be nice to see a few more skills added … I don’t see why not.

The game is still brand new; so I’m sure we’ll see plenty of things added to the game in time.

(edited by Rosen Myst.7641)

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


When talking about the number of skills bear in mind that each campain added 100’s of skills. You’d really need to compare GW2 to just Prophecies because we don’t know what will be added later.

And also bear in mind that things which needed a whole seperate skill in GW1 are now done through traits or profession specific mechanics. For example the rangers pet attacks are assigned to the pet themselves, which in GW1 only had a basic attack. So effectively we get 3 “free” pet skills (not counting the 4th because that is the basic attack) without using a single skill slot.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


Thankfully this game isn’t GW1. I’m having more fun with GW2 than I ever did with GW1 (in terms of gameplay, the storyline and art in GW1 were all very well done).

The OP lost some credibility with me with things like Point #3 when they talk about waiting around ten minutes for a DE to spawn.

Why on Earth would you sit around one spot and wait for 10 minutes for the same DE? When I need to get my dallies I don’t sit in one spot, I run around the zone. Often I’ll encounter a DE I’ve never seen before.

One has to realize GW2 is it’s own game. You have to throw away old expectations and do a little bit of getting into the heads of the designers. I found it made a big difference if I just thought about how is the game meant to be played. If I played Portal and expected there to be lots of shooting and fights, I’d be disappointed. I’ve found that trying to play GW2 the way I think it was designed to played is proving to be very fun.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’ve been sitting around for about an hour now waiting for the Shadow Behemoth.

But that’s because I decided I’d do it as a finale to completing Queensdale and I’m stubborn. Also I’m not really sitting around, I’m reading the forum with the game in the background.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rise.9702


Go play GW1 then. o_o

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AndrewWaltfeld.4621


This Company is a kitten joke, honestly i quit this stupid game. They changed my topic name. They gave me an infraction. then i made a post saying they gave me an infraction so they gave me an infraction for saying i got an infraction? HUH

that’s pretty common forum rule by the way regardless of company, organization or group. Making posts about infractions or rulings the mods have made is grounds for another infraction. It’s considered bad form and if you had issues with their ruling, you should have taken it into private.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UndeadRufus.6832



The trick to make a second version of a named game is to mix new aspects with old.

Er … according to whom? That said, ArenaNet pretty much did. They took the lore of the first game and made something new with it. If I want to play GW1, I’ll play GW1. I don’t need a clone with better graphics.

and in guild wars 1 it wasnt about the level. it was about how you sorted your gear and weapon mods and attributes. here i can throw max armor on and get level 80 and go anywhere i want in the game. and oh yeah if u die in a dungeon u can just map back to a waypoint. sooooo challenging.

You have to level in Guild Wars. It’s just a slower affair (at least in Prophecies and Nightfall) that caps at 20. Attempt to travel from Old Ascalon to Lion’s Arch at level 1, and you’re unlikely to get very far without a runner, regardless of what you equip.

Death penalty in Guild Wars isn’t a challenge. It’s a pointless annoyance that caused me to leave a significant portion of the game’s post-campaign content unfinished. Its demise is more than welcome.

“Fickle, wild, irrational apes aren’t qualified to boss each other around….”

(edited by UndeadRufus.6832)

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarka.9583


Im with you Dro, all the way!!I played GW1 for 7 years!!!!! Yup 7 almost marriage breaking years!!!!
Im lvl 29 and bored stiff with GW2. Looks like my marriage will survive this one

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: souldonkey.9534


Im with you Dro, all the way!!I played GW1 for 7 years!!!!! Yup 7 almost marriage breaking years!!!!
Im lvl 29 and bored stiff with GW2. Looks like my marriage will survive this one

So….go back to GW1? This just in, the servers are still on!!

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyfur.1082


Guild Wars 2 is not Guild Wars 1

and boy am I glad.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


Guild Wars 2 is not Guild Wars 1

and boy am I glad.

the admins edited the name of my topic. that was not the intention of this thread.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rise.9702


What was the original topic name?

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


i was trying to explain aspects i missed from guild wars 1 and things im unhappy about in guild wars 2. FanBoys here are taking it out of context and flaming.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


and in guild wars 1 it wasnt about the level. it was about how you sorted your gear and weapon mods and attributes. here i can throw max armor on and get level 80 and go anywhere i want in the game. and oh yeah if u die in a dungeon u can just map back to a waypoint. sooooo challenging.

You have to level Guild Wars. It’s just a slower affair (at least in Prophecies and Nightfall) that caps at 20. Attempt to travel from Old Ascalon to Lion’s Arch at level 1, and you’re unlikely to get very far without a runner, regardless of what you equip.

Minor point but it’s impossible to get out of pre at less than level 2. I’ve tried several times. (Although if I remember correctly you can get Obsidian armor at level 7.)

But in general you’re right. As anyone who got to Beacon’s Perch and thought “Hey, I wonder where this other exist goes?” can tell you.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PunchlinePro.9185


That is funny; I read this topic earlier. Now it has a new topic and word changes in the post. Sucks to be you Dro. LOL

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UndeadRufus.6832


Minor point but it’s impossible to get out of pre at less than level 2. I’ve tried several times. (Although if I remember correctly you can get Obsidian armor at level 7.)

But in general you’re right. As anyone who got to Beacon’s Perch and thought “Hey, I wonder where this other exist goes?” can tell you.

Point stands, but you’re right. I have a lvl 20 character still in pre-Searing, but I haven’t actually moved a toon out of it in a long while.

My first clueless trip into Lornar’s with a vastly under-leveled, under-equipped character resulted in my permanent hatred toward ice imps.

“Fickle, wild, irrational apes aren’t qualified to boss each other around….”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mini Mac Daddy.6503

Mini Mac Daddy.6503

1st , why is this post not on top?

2nd, WHERE IS THE END GAME CONTENT? im lvl 80, got my dungeon gear before you nerfed it, haha. anyways, im 99% on world map, just missing 1 sp from wvw. really? why should i goto wvw to map something…. back to end game, there is none. im done with the game once i get my last bugged sp. and no im not wasting my time on legendary items, pointless. all the skins are not as legendary as you think. its buncha crap. do they have different looking skills and cool things on it? nope.

i’ll post more things later.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steely Phil.3952

Steely Phil.3952

2. I agree on this actually. Working out ways to solo farm bosses with Green skins I wanted was one of my primary occupations in GW1.

4. Agreed, I liked having tons of skills to choose from. I also liked having to roam the world to capture new elites. But we all new about this coming in. More ‘actiony’, skills determined by your equipped weapon, no secondary class. This was all laid out from the start, and they are much too far in to change it now.

8. All armor in GW1 was soul bound. Using a weapon without soul binding it meant giving up 15% of your damage. So, nothing new here. Soul binding is a necessary sink to slow the rate at which items devalue.

10. Dragon Arena and Beetle Racing (never liked either very much myself) were not introduced until after the Cantha expension. Costume Battles were not introduced until after Elona (I think, not as sure on that one).

“Yo dawg, we heard you liked grind.” -ANet

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zolpidem.2851


i was trying to explain aspects i missed from guild wars 1 and things im unhappy about in guild wars 2. FanBoys here are taking it out of context and flaming.

The more I play this game the more I agree with you Dro. For 5 years of development and all the hoopla the limited weapon/skill and no multi-class thing was just dev lazy and there were other things that i do miss from GW1. Never had to pay to warp and fix armor in GW1 but apparently since this new version is about having fun I guess it’s fun to do those things……

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Calling people FanBoys doesnt help your arguement.

As the OP states in his first post, the opinions in this threat are purely that. Opinions. The fact that people dont agree with you doesnt make there opinion invalid in the same way that your opinion isnt invalid.

1. There are alot of people who wouldnt play GW2 if it was like GW1. I tried to get several freinds into GW1 and they hated it. They however love GW2 and play it possibly too much.

2. When creating a system Arenanet had to take into account balance factors. Balance is extremely important in games. GW1 had still has balance issues with some classes. In addition, even with a vast variety of skills, the number of decent builds out there was actually very small. Most skill combinations were rubbish.

The system Arenanet has built in GW2 allows for alot of customisation and tweeking as well as expansion without requiring a massive amount of resources to try and keep balanced as it grows.

3. Soulbinding only works on green or higher gear. It did in GW1 as well so that hasnt changed. Infact all armor in GW1 was soulbound.

4. Dynamic Events are things you come across and get caught up in. They arent really something your supposed to wait around for. There is a rather limited selection of Events that happen currently in game so alot of them repeat frequently but Arenanet said some time ago that they will be adding alot more to the zones already in game to mix things up more.

5. The DR system is very contraversial. You may be right that it is the wrong call. It is supposed to only punish people for repeating the very same content over and over agian very very quickly. The idea I think is to encourage people to explore more of game.

Some of the things they have done to stop speed clearing however have just been to close up exploits in the games system that allowed them to skip content. Thats perfectly fine.

6. You complain that the game isnt like GW1 and then complain that you cant make light armor look like heavy armor? In GW1 you couldnt even transmute anything. There are also quite a wide selection of skins out there to find and with transmutation stones even some of the lower level sets (that look quite good) are viable endgame skins. Finding the different armor skins takes some searching but they are out there and not only in dungeons. There is also quite the variety of weapon skins. Ive got several weapons in my bank Ive kept just for their skins.

7. Minigames: One in game and more set to be added. Look around and youll find the set up for a few. There is a bar brawl and a shooting range in Divinity’s Reach, the Bane in the Black Citidel is set up to be a PvE Arena game and we have an inactive portal and an actual area set out in game for a Polymock arena.

Arenanet said all of these things are things they are looking to add.

8. There were Gold Sellers in GW1 spamming their adds in the Eye of the North.

9. The skills and their cooldown set up mean timing and careful use of skills are important. This opens up more dynamic and skill based combat in my opinion. It should be noted that Theives dont have this mechanic as much, using an energy based system instead.

These are, of course, my opinions. Not all people will agree with it. However Arenanet will never satisfy everyone. Their best bet is to try and stay as true to their vision of the game they want to build.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peter.8047


This game is NOT GUILDWARS 1 nor was it meant to be!

Are things Wrong with this game hell ya! But the only thing it has in common with guildwars 1 is lore.

That’s the biggest problem IMO. As GW1 is a much better game then GW2 currently.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Look at that opinion rolling on in! Here’s one of mine. Guild Wars 1 was rather terrible.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FenceJumper.9106


Why are we comparing in terms of balance, items and skins to a game that was established from 2006 to 2012 with 3 campaigns, an expansion, and countless patches and updates to a game that is released a month ago?

fail -_-

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


Because this isn’t the first rodeo. This was supposed to be a Fully Submerged MMO.


Mike O’Brien: “We founded ArenaNet to innovate, so Guild Wars 2 is our opportunity to question everything, to make a game that defies existing conventions. If you love MMOs, you’ll want to check out Guild Wars 2, and if you hate MMOs, you’ll really want to check out Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and puts it into a persistent world that’s got more active combat, a fully-branching, personalized storyline, a new event system to get people playing together, and still no monthly fees.”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Every time I read that O’Brien quote I cry myself to sleep…

If GW1 wasn’t dead, I would play that instead. Unfortunately, when the flock moves so do I.. I just wish they actually kept the GW in World of Guildwarscraft, I mean GW2.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


You guys are totally right about GW2 not being GW1:

It’s a typical MMO in the GW1 universe.


I played GW1 because it was different from other games not because it was so similar to other games.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541



This game is NOT GUILDWARS 1 nor was it meant to be!
Are things Wrong with this game hell ya! But the only thing it has in common with guildwars 1 is lore.



Pretty sure that no one, in any media release, ever claimed that GW2 was going to be like GW1. In fact, I believe the message was that it would entirely different. I can imagine the OPs surprise when that actually turned out to be the case.


I’m pretty sure someone mentioned it. shall i post the quote again?

Mike O’Brien: “We founded ArenaNet to innovate, so Guild Wars 2 is our opportunity to question everything, to make a game that defies existing conventions. If you love MMOs, you’ll want to check out Guild Wars 2, and if you hate MMOs, you’ll really want to check out Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and puts it into a persistent world that’s got more active combat, a fully-branching, personalized storyline, a new event system to get people playing together, and still no monthly fees.”

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rise.9702


Why are we comparing in terms of balance, items and skins to a game that was established from 2006 to 2012 with 3 campaigns, an expansion, and countless patches and updates to a game that is released a month ago?

fail -_-

I still don’t understand it either really.

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


Why are we comparing in terms of balance, items and skins to a game that was established from 2006 to 2012 with 3 campaigns, an expansion, and countless patches and updates to a game that is released a month ago?
fail -_-
just for the record. due to secondary professions in guild wars 1. it gave u another bracket of skills to add to ur bar. so you could browse from 80 skills on what u wanted to use. and it only increased with time cause they learned people wanted more options and versatility. This was already learned. why are we re learning it….

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: walle.6437


Dro I completely agree with you.

My Entire guild hates GW2. It really is a slap in the face to the original fans of the game. After the first beta, I knew this game was just catering to all the mmo players who like the typical boring game.

There is nothing unique or special about this game. All the “dynamic events” and hearts are just specialized kill and gather quests.

We even went back to gw1 nut its a ghost town now

The only thing that keeps us around is the fact when gw1 launched in April it was a completely different game almost in October.

My Guild Wars 2 Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dro.8541


yeah i miss gw1 i would be on it in a heartbeat if others still played it.