My concerns about GW2
Mini’s is an example of what they did. Sure could have been other things and we might still get other things in the future. But in the end they need to earn money and when you have a cash-shop you need to do that with ingame stuff (items and mechanics) so it does heavily influences the game.
“So if they make it a reward for a jumping puzzle they’d have to make it a really low drop rate and as much as I love jumping puzzles the last thing I want is having to run the same one 100s of times.” So then there would be a specific rewards from specific content you can earn by doing that content. I would love that. Also if a JP takes less time then armor, OMG then we could have got so many new cool JP’s in stead of all the cash-shop stuff. Really you only make it look better if they would go to expansions.
“Honestly, I’d rather have it in the gem shop instead!”
So you rather grind gold for it or get it by spending money (not playing). Well I would love to see it in a JP like you describe and as long as it’s not account-bound you can still grind gold for it so it does not make a lot of sense if you would not want it the way you described.. from a game-point at least. If you don’t want to play the game but want to buy the items then it would make sense.
“Busy how?” Well kill the bosses, complete the dungeons and then go hunt down those items you like (like those mini’s that would then hopefully be in the game ). Level those fun crafts and so on. Yeah should easily keep you busy in a fun way for a year.
“You said with no gem shop we’d have mini pets given out as rewards for in-game content but that didnt happen in gw1 ” I said they could do that as an example. There are many examples. However there are limitation to what they can do with such examples when using a cash-shop. They need to make money with in-game stuff eventually. That also means they need to make items people want, what means those items don’t make it into the game-world itself. Sure maybe we see more of those items now. Maybe we would have no mini’s without the cash-shop but again it’s only an example.
But I rather have 50% of such items but all ingame then having the number we have now but 80% in the cash-shop. And then there are other things like the gold-grind.
No, things aren’t always black and white. But when I give examples you use them as if I give them as a black or white. In fact I agree. If we would have had expansions I do think there would be mini’s but not as much as we have now. My guesstimate would be the current mini’s minus the second and the third set but with the then now upcoming expansion (1 expansion a year) we would see some new. Still not as many as we have now. However like I said. I rather have less but more fun then a lot that are not fun.
In other mmo’s collecting mini’s was one of the main things I did (together with fun crafting, searching for rare pets for my ranger ans collecting mounts). In GW2 I don’t really care about mini’s anymore because they are simply not fun to collect here. Some might be but if for the other 80% it’s just a boring grind then nevermind. So then it does not matter anymore if we have 250 or 500. In fact please had give me those 250 in a fun way in stead of destroying the fun but have 500 of them available (of what I won’t get most because I don’t care about them anymore).
(edited by Devata.6589)
hmm you are aware you can craft already a jackalop transformation potion as well as lot of other animals and mobs in gw2 cause it sounds like you think it was a suggestion rather then something thats already ingame so I thought of clarifying that. Could my joke actually turned into something useful?
I think you misunderstand what people mean when they claim they could do that but it would be hard.
Going with crafting not being very profitable in terms of income… there is a reason for that and thats because except for a few exception its really easy to craft what you want. Not just that but the materials that make up that item are more valuable to people then the item itself (as people use crafting for leveling). none of this came to be randomly. It was a design choice to make exotics easy to craft and it was a design choice to make crafting a viable way to level up. Because of these design decision it is hard for Arenanet to change it in such a way to make it profitable. The normal solutions other games came up with wouldnt work here because of the different philosophies.
They cannot have stuff take a huge effort to craft so much so only a few people take the effort o get there and those people will have exclusive items to sell because of their accessible to everyone design.
They cannot split professions into specializations and have you take only 1 with both specializations requiring stuff crafted by each because again accessibility.
Thats why people claim some solutions are hard for Arenanet to do not because Arenanet are new to development and dont know how to do stuff or something like that. I dont think anyone meant that its easy to do in the gemstore but hard to do ingame that would obviously be wrong if someone said that.
Yes I am aware that the Jackalope Tonic is currently in game. I am saying it is an awesome way to make crafting awesome. but…
In My opinion, there needs to be more than there currently is.
In my opinion, Most of the minis, a large bulk of them are gemstore purchases.
a lot of the tonics are also Gem store, and a Lot of the cool skins are gem store.
I feel that this game is not Buy2play, it’s free2play. The whole gem store centered monetization is similar to a Lot of free2play games.
In my opinion, as the game is at this Moment, if it did not have a tyrian skin, it would not have sold…it would have been free to download.
You misunderstood what i meant. I didnt mean creating a jumping puzzle takes less time then creating an armor, I said playing through a jumping puzzle takes what 3 – 5mins tops? while crafting an armor set will take a couple of weeks. Ergo if you put the outfit into crafting you suddenly create a couple of weeks of gameplay, if you put it in a jumping puzzle you created 5 minutes of gameplay. Now if it takes them a month to design and model the outfit for all races which content would you put it in? the one where it will provide 5mins gametime for 1 month of effort or 2 weeks of game time for 1 month of effort?
Yes I would rather pay money or play my choice of content for 2-3 months to buy the gems necessary for it then repeat the same jumping puzzle 100 times for it to drop. Sorry I really hate repeating the same stuff over and over and over again am Allergic to it.
Well that depends on how many variety they can shove in a single expansion. Though how many minis would you need so that hunting them down for 11 months – 1year 11 months would not feel grindy? LOTS!
have you considering taking a sandbox approach? I know its not ideal and I am not defending the game for not providing the proper content but if you love minis thats no reason to deny yourself the joy. Here’s my idea maybe you’ll like it. Pick up a mini off TP lets say it costs 2g then decide on what would be worthy content for that mini say the claw of jormag cause its the rare Icebrood Goliath you set your eyes on and it fits the theme. This one being a rare mini costs 5g so it will take some time to earn it. You do the event and when you earn 5g you buy it. I know its not as exciting as having it drop directly not saying it is but it give you a goal and well you can still be excited for those rare drops like say a corrupted core or two that will get you that much closer. or the tooth of frostfang that will destroy your entire mini game as you’d suddenly afford most of the minis but anyhow … its an option! Gw2 gives you freedom and well no reason not make use of that freedom by creating content where its lacking. Try it you might find you enjoy it.
Double the amount of content in the game.
You misunderstood what i meant. I didnt mean creating a jumping puzzle takes less time then creating an armor, I said playing through a jumping puzzle takes what 3 – 5mins tops? while crafting an armor set will take a couple of weeks. Ergo if you put the outfit into crafting you suddenly create a couple of weeks of gameplay, if you put it in a jumping puzzle you created 5 minutes of gameplay. Now if it takes them a month to design and model the outfit for all races which content would you put it in? the one where it will provide 5mins gametime for 1 month of effort or 2 weeks of game time for 1 month of effort?
Yes I would rather pay money or play my choice of content for 2-3 months to buy the gems necessary for it then repeat the same jumping puzzle 100 times for it to drop. Sorry I really hate repeating the same stuff over and over and over again am Allergic to it.
Well that depends on how many variety they can shove in a single expansion. Though how many minis would you need so that hunting them down for 11 months – 1year 11 months would not feel grindy? LOTS!
have you considering taking a sandbox approach? I know its not ideal and I am not defending the game for not providing the proper content but if you love minis thats no reason to deny yourself the joy. Here’s my idea maybe you’ll like it. Pick up a mini off TP lets say it costs 2g then decide on what would be worthy content for that mini say the claw of jormag cause its the rare Icebrood Goliath you set your eyes on and it fits the theme. This one being a rare mini costs 5g so it will take some time to earn it. You do the event and when you earn 5g you buy it. I know its not as exciting as having it drop directly not saying it is but it give you a goal and well you can still be excited for those rare drops like say a corrupted core or two that will get you that much closer. or the tooth of frostfang that will destroy your entire mini game as you’d suddenly afford most of the minis
but anyhow … its an option! Gw2 gives you freedom and well no reason not make use of that freedom by creating content where its lacking. Try it you might find you enjoy it.
Galen after reading up your posts, i find you agreeable, and fun to read. You are reasonable.
I can also see how … rewarding Myself with a Minipet, for doing x… event… with a Mini, would kind of give me the experience, for me it just doesn’t work.
I shouldn’t have to create content for myself.
The way people post ideas that the developers then run with, I get the feeling that this is less a final release quality game, and more a Paid beta.
Paid beta for 2 years with the developers still asking " what ya think? we would Love ( maybe we NEED ) your ideas."
It feels like a pretty amateurish effort. I really cannot believe that any of the people that worked kitten Guild Wars, had anything to do with GW2.
It Just does not feel in any way Lik they are connected, except for a tyrian skin.
See my sig.
You misunderstood what i meant. I didnt mean creating a jumping puzzle takes less time then creating an armor, I said playing through a jumping puzzle takes what 3 – 5mins tops? while crafting an armor set will take a couple of weeks. Ergo if you put the outfit into crafting you suddenly create a couple of weeks of gameplay, if you put it in a jumping puzzle you created 5 minutes of gameplay. Now if it takes them a month to design and model the outfit for all races which content would you put it in? the one where it will provide 5mins gametime for 1 month of effort or 2 weeks of game time for 1 month of effort?
Yes I would rather pay money or play my choice of content for 2-3 months to buy the gems necessary for it then repeat the same jumping puzzle 100 times for it to drop. Sorry I really hate repeating the same stuff over and over and over again am Allergic to it.
Well that depends on how many variety they can shove in a single expansion. Though how many minis would you need so that hunting them down for 11 months – 1year 11 months would not feel grindy? LOTS!
have you considering taking a sandbox approach? I know its not ideal and I am not defending the game for not providing the proper content but if you love minis thats no reason to deny yourself the joy. Here’s my idea maybe you’ll like it. Pick up a mini off TP lets say it costs 2g then decide on what would be worthy content for that mini say the claw of jormag cause its the rare Icebrood Goliath you set your eyes on and it fits the theme. This one being a rare mini costs 5g so it will take some time to earn it. You do the event and when you earn 5g you buy it. I know its not as exciting as having it drop directly not saying it is but it give you a goal and well you can still be excited for those rare drops like say a corrupted core or two that will get you that much closer. or the tooth of frostfang that will destroy your entire mini game as you’d suddenly afford most of the minis
but anyhow … its an option! Gw2 gives you freedom and well no reason not make use of that freedom by creating content where its lacking. Try it you might find you enjoy it.
I don’t really do any crafting in this game because it’s boring I have done all JP’s and multiple I did multiple times. If there would be a reward (like the armor is the reward in your crafting example) from that JP it would be yet another reason to do it multiple times.
You completely ignored the fact that as long at the JP’s unique reward would no be account-bound you would still be able to grind gold for it so if you don’t want to you do not have to do the JP multiple times. And if buying items with cash Is what you like that may be so but is irrelevant to the discussion because we are talking about the game, and buying an item with cash is no game-play. So with the JP drop you still have your grind gold option you seem to like so much and there is the JP option. The buy for cash option is then gone.
The sandbox won’t work. Like you say yourself “I know its not as exciting as having it drop directly”. It’s that rush every time of will it drop ad then the eventual rush when it drops that is so much fun. Grinding gold even if it is for the same reward and the with the same content just isn’t as fun. Not to mention that it reduces the game value of the item. And again if it would drop from specific content as long as it would not be account-bound you would still have that same freedom + more.
You misunderstood what i meant. I didnt mean creating a jumping puzzle takes less time then creating an armor, I said playing through a jumping puzzle takes what 3 – 5mins tops? while crafting an armor set will take a couple of weeks. Ergo if you put the outfit into crafting you suddenly create a couple of weeks of gameplay, if you put it in a jumping puzzle you created 5 minutes of gameplay. Now if it takes them a month to design and model the outfit for all races which content would you put it in? the one where it will provide 5mins gametime for 1 month of effort or 2 weeks of game time for 1 month of effort?
Yes I would rather pay money or play my choice of content for 2-3 months to buy the gems necessary for it then repeat the same jumping puzzle 100 times for it to drop. Sorry I really hate repeating the same stuff over and over and over again am Allergic to it.
Well that depends on how many variety they can shove in a single expansion. Though how many minis would you need so that hunting them down for 11 months – 1year 11 months would not feel grindy? LOTS!
have you considering taking a sandbox approach? I know its not ideal and I am not defending the game for not providing the proper content but if you love minis thats no reason to deny yourself the joy. Here’s my idea maybe you’ll like it. Pick up a mini off TP lets say it costs 2g then decide on what would be worthy content for that mini say the claw of jormag cause its the rare Icebrood Goliath you set your eyes on and it fits the theme. This one being a rare mini costs 5g so it will take some time to earn it. You do the event and when you earn 5g you buy it. I know its not as exciting as having it drop directly not saying it is but it give you a goal and well you can still be excited for those rare drops like say a corrupted core or two that will get you that much closer. or the tooth of frostfang that will destroy your entire mini game as you’d suddenly afford most of the minis
but anyhow … its an option! Gw2 gives you freedom and well no reason not make use of that freedom by creating content where its lacking. Try it you might find you enjoy it.
I don’t really do any crafting in this game because it’s boring I have done all JP’s and multiple I did multiple times. If there would be a reward (like the armor is the reward in your crafting example) from that JP it would be yet another reason to do it multiple times.
You completely ignored the fact that as long at the JP’s unique reward would no be account-bound you would still be able to grind gold for it so if you don’t want to you do not have to do the JP multiple times. And if buying items with cash Is what you like that may be so but is irrelevant to the discussion because we are talking about the game, and buying an item with cash is no game-play. So with the JP drop you still have your grind gold option you seem to like so much and there is the JP option. The buy for cash option is then gone.
The sandbox won’t work. Like you say yourself “I know its not as exciting as having it drop directly”. It’s that rush every time of will it drop ad then the eventual rush when it drops that is so much fun. Grinding gold even if it is for the same reward and the with the same content just isn’t as fun. Not to mention that it reduces the game value of the item. And again if it would drop from specific content as long as it would not be account-bound you would still have that same freedom + more.
The thing is… Anet seems to want to Put as Much as Possible On the tp… or the gem store, so players can just grind gold and acquire.
It does make the game more casual friendly.
Personally, I would Like content that is behind game content. Put some extra cool skins Inside dungeons or Boss mob drops, is a god start…but…
what this game really needs is a complete overhaul to mobs…
Improve their AI… Not swinging or attacking for long periods, followed by a giant swing that kills in 2 blows but is easilly dodged…. is a mechanic that only teaches you how to dodge. and dodge eliminates all incomingg damage.
Another idea is have any didged damage be Like " glancing" maybe you only take 1/2 damage. I Just think that the way the bosses and mobs are in this game.. there is very little reason to use any tactics other than " dodge" Unless you are doing a speed clear.
maybe I just want it more challenging,. so that if you do NOT use tactics you fail more.
No new content. 3 words.
Galen after reading up your posts, i find you agreeable, and fun to read. You are reasonable.
I can also see how … rewarding Myself with a Minipet, for doing x… event… with a Mini, would kind of give me the experience, for me it just doesn’t work.
I shouldn’t have to create content for myself.
The way people post ideas that the developers then run with, I get the feeling that this is less a final release quality game, and more a Paid beta.
Paid beta for 2 years with the developers still asking " what ya think? we would Love ( maybe we NEED ) your ideas."
It feels like a pretty amateurish effort. I really cannot believe that any of the people that worked kitten Guild Wars, had anything to do with GW2.
It Just does not feel in any way Lik they are connected, except for a tyrian skin.
See my sig.
Thanks, thats very nice of you to say
Yes I know what I suggested is extremely far from ideal so much so you probably need to use binoculars to even see it… actually make that a telescope. That being said you never know If Devata played sandbox games, real sandbox games it might be doable for him. As a player who played eve online for over 5 years I can assure you if you dont create your own content EvE will feel like an extremely boring repetitive game extremely fast.
As for your paid beta comment I disagree. The beauty and/or Curse of MMOs is they evolve continuously. That means MMOs change based on what its players desire. I played a bit that game you quote often at launch and barely recognize it with what you describe about it now for example. Its not just me either you’ll find plenty of people who’ll tell you the game is now a shell of its former self as well as a lot others who’ll tell the game is finally fun. Does that make it still a paid beta after all these years?
Is this really a bad thing?
Should developers create a vision and right or wrong stick to it?
I dont think it is. If they’re not open to suggestion then we may never get the difficult content we crave. If they’re not open to suggestions crafter would all be super frustrated with juggling resources from the bank into their inventory to craft stuff. We’d never have gotten the wardrobe and a lot of other nifty stuff.
I’m looking at it right now in game and the gold to gem exchange rate is about 13g for 100 gems. This sucks because it means if I wanted to buy something like a character slot expansion using gold traded for gems it would cost roughly 104g for 800 gems to buy one character slot. I am not going to waste the time to farm up that much gold just for one additional character slot. In my opinion it’s a lot more cost and time efficient to spend $10 on 800 gems.
I’m looking at it right now in game and the gold to gem exchange rate is about 13g for 100 gems. This sucks because it means if I wanted to buy something like a character slot expansion using gold traded for gems it would cost roughly 104g for 800 gems to buy one character slot. I am not going to waste the time to farm up that much gold just for one additional character slot. In my opinion it’s a lot more cost and time efficient to spend $10 on 800 gems.
It will always be more time efficient to spend $10 for the gems. That’s their whole selling point.
I would add that 104g in my opinion is reasonable for an entire character slot. I spent 111g on a scepter skin the other day, I would say a character slot is more valuable than that.
But quite honestly, once you’ve been playing the game for awhile, you get pretty good at making money. 104g, if actually going out of your way to earn it, can be done in a week’s time. The caveat of course is, will you be enjoying yourself while working towards it. It would require daily dungeon running, crafting, world boss running, EoTM farming, etc. I’d venture to guess 4hrs each day for 7 days (28hrs in-game time, you can spread it out over as many days as you want) is reasonable to make 104g if you are fairly new to making money. You would have to be able to basically make 3.7g/hr—which is doable with dungeon runs alone, but to break up the monotony you can do world bosses and sell/salvage your loot. Also don’t forget that laurels can be used for T6 mats which sell very well.
Personally I would spend the gems for the slot like you. I work hard for a living and if that means I can save ~28hrs by dropping down $10 for something as useful as a character slot, so be it. And it’s not like I can’t afford to exchange gold for gems, I just don’t want to.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’m looking at it right now in game and the gold to gem exchange rate is about 13g for 100 gems. This sucks because it means if I wanted to buy something like a character slot expansion using gold traded for gems it would cost roughly 104g for 800 gems to buy one character slot. I am not going to waste the time to farm up that much gold just for one additional character slot. In my opinion it’s a lot more cost and time efficient to spend $10 on 800 gems.
It will always be more time efficient to spend $10 for the gems. That’s their whole selling point.
Exactly. The entire ANet store concept is selling convenience and looks.
I’m looking at it right now in game and the gold to gem exchange rate is about 13g for 100 gems. This sucks because it means if I wanted to buy something like a character slot expansion using gold traded for gems it would cost roughly 104g for 800 gems to buy one character slot. I am not going to waste the time to farm up that much gold just for one additional character slot. In my opinion it’s a lot more cost and time efficient to spend $10 on 800 gems.
It will always be more time efficient to spend $10 for the gems. That’s their whole selling point.
Exactly. The entire ANet store concept is selling convenience and looks.
At least they are not being P2W like some other game in beta currently. You can totally ignore the CS in this game if you want to.
How is convenience and looks any better then selling something else? Especially in a game focused on cosmetics?
Even the P2W idea depends on your preferred game-play. Normally in a MMO getting that cool rare skin or mini I wanted is the winning for me. Never cared much for stats. So by that definition cosmetics in a cash-shop is still P2W.
The problem is that the cash-shop has takes such fun elements (going directly for that item) effectively out of the game and that is just as much a form of ‘end-game’ as other content. Running dungeons to get gold to then buy those items I can’t consider fun.
That shows how the cash-shop focus does negatively effects the game / game-play.
Then it does not matter if it’s ‘P2W’ what people seem to use when they talk about stats or P2Kill. It effects the game-play and thats always a problem.
How is convenience and looks any better then selling something else? Especially in a game focused on cosmetics?
Because I (and other players) can actually progress in the game without being REQUIRED to BUY something. Anet didn’t invent selling unnecessary junk to shallow, vain customers with more money than sense. Vilifying them for it is simply hypocritical (unless you are a hipster, occupy, type….that should be finding a job, not playing an MMO).
Obtaining that item is NOT mandatory or needed to actually play the game. The fun is being ruined by YOUR desire to look good in the game….re-read that a few times and let it sink in.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Even the P2W idea depends on your preferred game-play. Normally in a MMO getting that cool rare skin or mini I wanted is the winning for me. Never cared much for stats. So by that definition cosmetics in a cash-shop is still P2W.
Sorry, you don’t get to redefine what words mean based on your personal preferences. Find a new word or invent your own word instead of misusing one that is commonly agreed to mean purchasing power to be able to beat others who don’t.
Eh, once more I’ve seen games which were “nominally free” until you hit a certain level and then you had to VIP or cash shop . . . aggressively. There’s a far cry from this system here, where it’s not remotely required to play the game . . .
How is convenience and looks any better then selling something else? Especially in a game focused on cosmetics?
Even the P2W idea depends on your preferred game-play. Normally in a MMO getting that cool rare skin or mini I wanted is the winning for me. Never cared much for stats. So by that definition cosmetics in a cash-shop is still P2W.
The problem is that the cash-shop has takes such fun elements (going directly for that item) effectively out of the game and that is just as much a form of ‘end-game’ as other content. Running dungeons to get gold to then buy those items I can’t consider fun.
That shows how the cash-shop focus does negatively effects the game / game-play.
Then it does not matter if it’s ‘P2W’ what people seem to use when they talk about stats or P2Kill. It effects the game-play and thats always a problem.
The difference is I’m not locked out of content. No one will kick me from a dungeon or refuse me access to a fractal, or not let me PvP with them because I don’t have a specific buff only available in the cash shop.
I don’t have to purchase specific professions, and or races.
I don’t have to purchase zones that offer rewards I can’t get elsewhere.
I know your opinion on cash shops in general, based on your many many posts on them, but there’s a world of difference between this cash shop and a pay to win cash shop.
Oh look, this weapon is only available in black lion chests. Oh wait, it’s on the trading post too.
Not too many games have that option.
Oh look this armor is so cool, but I don’t want to spend real money on it. Well you can always run dungeons, save your gold, buy gems and get the outfit.
I know this is a hot button topic for you, but this game is not P2W in any way shape or form.
I agree with everything OP said.
Gw2 is a great game. you have so much to do! dungeons, wvw,arena,fractals,EOTM,crafting, path to legendaries, trying out diff. classes and much more!
So much to do, so little time. haha
Most times they are not. Rift had this issue with the Saboteur profession at the beginning and Trion listened to the whiney players and nerfed that profession into oblivion. It was unplayable and it was originally a glass cannon but people wanted a nerf rather than learn how to play against it.
The same thing has happened in GW2 to Engineer & Ranger. Those two classes are the least utilized professions in the game. They’re easy to learn, but it take a long time to master. People (who don’t even play these classes) complained about these classes, and Anet did nerf them into oblivion last spring. Some players believe that warriors should be OP in all games. They couldn’t stand it when Engies and Rangers could easily compete with them. Engie’s original nickname is “the commando class” while Rangers are known as “warriors with pets”. Anyways, the excess nerfing is what caused me to come onto the forums in the first place. My main is Engie, and my second is a Ranger.
FYI — I can tell that Anet doesn’t ever beta test while playing an Engineer. I chose to remain an Engie because I can identify bugs and problems as they arise.
The solution to this problem: In-Game tutorials would help players learn their class better. Maplestory has picture tutorials in their game that shows the different abilities and combo moves of a particular class. I think if GW2 utlizes a tutorial, it would help players out. Guilds should help & require all players (esp. the youngsters) to master their class just like on World of Warcraft.
(edited by kta.6502)
How is convenience and looks any better then selling something else? Especially in a game focused on cosmetics?
Because they are subjective.
Right now, in my opinion, the cash shop is filled with the ugliest cosmetic options in the game. One hundred percent of the best looking, again IMO, options are only acquired in game through game play.
How is convenience and looks any better then selling something else? Especially in a game focused on cosmetics?
Because they are subjective.
Right now, in my opinion, the cash shop is filled with the ugliest cosmetic options in the game. One hundred percent of the best looking, again IMO, options are only acquired in game through game play.
My personal sense of aesthetics agrees, save for a handful of Black Lion Ticket skins. I’m more content to toy around with combinations of gear skins I can get in the world and the rather broad spectrum of dyes I’ve worked on.
1) Completely wrong. 100%. Warrior = OP is a year old thinking that is been proven so wrong. Warrior and Guardian only have average damage compare to thief, elementalist, etc. Like every other profession except elementalist, there is no reason to bring more than 1 of each profession in a dungeon. Each provide something specific.
- Ele is the best DPS, stack might and fury or vulnerability
- Thief bring stealth, vulnerability, blind
- Ranger bring spotter, frost spirit and fury
- Warrior bring might, banner and EA
- Guardian bring blind, aegis, reflect and protection
- Mesmer bring utilities and reflect
- Engineer can bring utilities and vulnerability
- Necro bring nothing that someone else can bring better. Sorry necro*
PUGS like warrior and guardian simply because they are easier to survive with it. And also a lot of false idea. Like kick someone only because they are ranger. Its make no sense since a ranger can be better than most other profession if build right. But what do you want pugs and pugs.
2) Your right. No arguing that. I like the 2 weeks update, but having a expansion would be nice.
3) Anet don’t accept that. But there is a difference between not accepting that or spending a lot of money in law suit and other legal mean to stop everything. You do what you can with what you have. Banning ppl that use these services (when they can figure it out) is a better tools. At least that seem to be Anet view.
4) You are wrong. Warrior have about the same dmg than an engineer, but not as an elementalist or a thief. There is balance if you know how to build a profession and play it. Sure the average pug will have more dps on a warrior than anything else. But that’s because its easy to do that on a warrior and that’s why Warrior was view as the GOD PROFESSION when the game started and nobody knew what the kitten there were doing. Could the game have more balance? Ya of course. Support Gear, condition, Necro in PvE, more than 1 good build on ranger, etc But there is still a lot of diversity and balance between each profession.
5) True. Leveling, legendary gift, Ascended gear, some food and some dungeon recipe. That’s pretty much all crafting does and its a shame. For me crafting should bring something more. Thing like useful item that don’t necessary make you stronger, but QoL or fun stuff. Thing like a parachute, transformation potion, balloons, firework, etc. Things that are not necessary to have, but thing that are nice and that ppl would want and that come from nowhere else. Also, crafting should be more balanced compare to other way to get equipment like armor and weapons. You want 1 or 2 set of armor? Better use dungeon token or buy it from the TP. Want to gear all you toons? Then crafting should be the way to go. High initial investment, but crafting stuff itself should be less costly than buying it. So there is a reason to craft or to not craft depending on what you want.
My feelings can be summed up as :C