My wish for the new legendaries

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

I have a wish for the new legendary weapons coming out with the expansion HoT:

1) I hope that its not sellable in the TP, the fact that the current Legendaries are sellable in the TP, makes it not so legendary to begin with, people who just started the game can just swipe their credit cards and get some gems, and get a nice looking piece of weapon but why does it have to be a legendary, the word itself contradicts how easy it can be acquired.

I get it that some people have busy lives and that they can’t play that much, and that legendaries being sellable in the TP proves to be a business move for Anet itself, but you can pretty much buy anything in the game from the TP or the gem store, legendary weapons should be the one thing that you can’t. It should be that one thing that you should work as you play the game at your own pace.

2)I hope that they retool the way legendaries are made, not trying to be an elitist or anything but its a legendary weapon to begin with, it should be harder to get (NOT hard because it costs alot of money, but hard because you have to do certain feats/accomplishments in the game before being able to craft it.)

I understand that with the expansion, precursors will be able to be acquired from using the mastery and finishing a collection, and this is a start to the right path. RNG should never have been what held people back from making a legendary weapon to begin with, but rather inexperience with the game.

3) Suggestions to this kind of legendary progression would be, removing the amount of gold the legendary costs from(those annoying t6 mats-gift of fortune like things), and add more types of accomplishment type requirements like map completion, where you actually accomplished a certain part of the game which didn’t cost you money at all but just as well is not as easy to acquire. I find this idea will wipe a lot of third party gold sellers, as the legendary will be account bound and has specific requirements that can not be mailed, transferred or bought from the TP.

Examples to this would be:
-getting an item requirement from reaching FOTM lvl 50, and once you do, you will be able to buy a certain item from the merchant, just like how Gift of Battle is acquired by reaching WvW rank 14(although it would be more legendary if acquiring that would require rank 1000 or higher).

In addition to the map completion requirement, i thought of the following:
-an item from the pvp merchant after reaching rank 80 in pvp.
-an item after reaching a certain amount of achievement points(ex. 10k AP…)
-an item that can be bought after getting rank 1000 in WvW as i previously stated
-an item that can be bought from a merchant that comes out after the new raid instances comes out, kinda like how people can make Obsidian Armors in GW1 after finishing the raid/instance.
-(added) Scavenger hunt type of requirement like the Mawdrey, and progression by collections like the Luminescent armor set.

These are just a few things that came into my mind when i found out about the new legendaries 2 weeks ago, It may sounds a little elitist depending on your perspective, but i strongly feel that it will make making the new legendaries more prestigious to the community’s eyes and rarer to find(unlike its predecessors, where everyone and there granddad has a legendary—-no pun intended). I feel that making requirements like this as a part of crafting a legendary will make a person more inclined to playing all parts of the game if they do so desire to get the weapon skin, which I am sure a lot of people will say that this is a GRIND, but what alot of people don’t get is that GW2 is so unGRINDY compared to other, if not all MMO’s out there.

Having 1 actual item that can only be acquired from progressing to certain parts of the game like the new mastery system does not make the whole game GRINDY. This does not at all make the owner stronger than others at anyway at all, as it is only a weapon skin that is going to be hard to get. But more than that it shows that i have accomplished/mastered various parts of the game and as such i feel it is my right as a player to be able to craft a weapon worthy to be called legendary, and only individuals like myself who have gone to different depths of the game can acquire it(account bound)… can wish.

TL’DR: I thought of ways to make a legendary item through actual accomplishments and not from spending tons of gold/gems. Tell me what you think/comments.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
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(edited by J envy.5270)

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronos.2560


I agree legendaries shouldn’t be sellable and should require actual effort to make. Though some of your requirements might be a little to much for different types of players. The problem is if you have things like lvl 50 fractals and rank 1000 wvw. Suddenly the people focus mainly on one aspect (pvp,pve or wvw) have a ridiculous climb to make. I like the idea of having very difficult feats but if its excluding players just because they don’t love pvp or wvw that seems a little harsh. Not to say you cant have some requirement but an extreme one is a bit much.

I’m personally hoping they have a lot of aspects similar to the luminescent armor and Mawdrey scavenger hunt but just a lot harder to do. With making the finished product account bound being a major selling point for me. At least that’s what i hope happens.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tevesh.1265


The whole philosophy of legendaries in gw2 is grind. A large contributor to this is the fact that there is no skill-intensive content that can’t be exploited to complete in the game.

In other games, you gain ‘legendary’ weapons by killing a challenging epic raid boss. There are no raids in gw2 and what we have instead for pve content is a sad joke. Pvp? Let’s not even get started on that one.

In fact, your proposals are not any better than the current system. I have to be rank 1000 wvw in order to acquire the weapon? But..what does this have to do with..anything? I can just sit flat on my kitten in EotM for a really long time (or in the actual wVw for an even longer time) and grind it. No skill or effort required.

At least things like the luminiscent armor required different content types and was mildly fun to complete, unlike the mind numbing grind of empty fractal-inspired pseudo wvw map that you are suggesting.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


One does wonder if the OP has a Legendary/Legendaries and if not are they hoping to make one some day.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

Sorry i ddn’t check the replies earlier, @Garambola – i actually have 5 legendaries, no precursor drops, no credit cards, i actually save up for them usually around 5-6 months in between of saving up gold, and i started since head-start; nonetheless, i feel that getting it wasn’t legendary enough since a lot of people can just easily acquire them through gems.

@Kronos – you don’t have to do certain things like rank 1000 wvw or FOTM 50, but what this does is push more people to play those particular game types, which they don’t have to do necessarily unless they really REALLY want that new legendary skin, which i’ll say many times in this post – NOT ANY STRONGER than other legendaries/ or ascended – its just a unique skin.

The whole idea behind a legendary weapon skin, is that it feels legendary to craft, @Tevesh – yes you can sit in EOTM and get rank 1000, but you can also enjoy WvW, especially for people who never tried or dislike WvW. The item is legendary because you are required to go to different feats in the game to acquire it.

Anet can simply release new weapon skins from the Black Lion or through the Gem Store with skins as good if not better than some of the current legendary weapon skins that we have, but the whole point of having a legendary skin is how hard it is to acquire, DO KNOW, that IT IS ONLY THE SKIN thats unique, the stats remain balanced with the rest of the other legendaries and ascended weapons alike. So when you finally see 1 player wielding this new legendary, you would be in awe, and congratulate the player him/herself for crafting a weapon worthy to be called legendary, since crafting one took alot of effort, NOT GOLD, thats what I am trying to point out.

It may sound extreme for some people, but this is just an example, and i do believe it is way better than the system we have right now. NEW legendary weapon skins should be EXCLUSIVE to players who have done a significant amount of accomplishments in the game, and not some random joe who just started playing 2 days ago.

In the end its just a weapon skin that does not make you better than others, it only is more unique and rarer to find, but not necessarily the prettiest/coolest looking of its weapon type either as gem store and black lion weapons come out regularly. Ask yourself, how badly do you want this particular weapon skin that isn’t any better than other skins, and DOES NOT make you any stronger than others? Yes it is unique, rare and hard to find, but it takes alot of work to craft it. Are you willing to go through a lot of hurdles only to get your hands on this new skin or would you rather just enjoy the content of the game that you love.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
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(edited by J envy.5270)

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

Had more time to reread the comments @Kronos, i do actually like the progression of crafting the Mawdrey, how it made you go to different places in the game, and also the luminiscent armor had a great piece by piece progression although for the most part it was in the silverwastes.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
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My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PulsarianDevil.8125


I agree with the OP. The legendaries feel like something you’d see in Aion or Everquest 1.

I’m looking forward to whatever changes they will make, however; the current amount of time needed for crafting a legendary is unfeasible for many.

(edited by PulsarianDevil.8125)

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightwin.6423


I believe that they should be more skill orientated to make but even with that they should still be sell-able on tp because it’s fun to see how much it’s worth threw in-game economy but as well if say you’ve mined all your gold threw techniques you’ve learned isn’t that for say also skill…. Here’s a little spoiler of the staff which was loosely confirmed

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

I believe that they should be more skill orientated to make but even with that they should still be sell-able on tp because it’s fun to see how much it’s worth threw in-game economy but as well if say you’ve mined all your gold threw techniques you’ve learned isn’t that for say also skill…. Here’s a little spoiler of the staff which was loosely confirmed

Lol that Raven staff is old news, hahaha i wonder if that will be used or of that idea was scratched off.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
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My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightwin.6423


I believe that they should be more skill orientated to make but even with that they should still be sell-able on tp because it’s fun to see how much it’s worth threw in-game economy but as well if say you’ve mined all your gold threw techniques you’ve learned isn’t that for say also skill…. Here’s a little spoiler of the staff which was loosely confirmed

Lol that Raven staff is old news, hahaha i wonder if that will be used or of that idea was scratched off.

Can’t remember where but a forums specialist confirmed this coming

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Miu.6827

Crimson Miu.6827

While I like some of your ideas it would probably be bad for Anet. I think the main reason people even bother to exchange gems to gold is to get legendaries and your idea would mean less people buying gems. The price of t6 materials and all the other stuff needed to make legendaries would probably plummet, less demand overall.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

While I like some of your ideas it would probably be bad for Anet. I think the main reason people even bother to exchange gems to gold is to get legendaries and your idea would mean less people buying gems. The price of t6 materials and all the other stuff needed to make legendaries would probably plummet, less demand overall.

Yes i did think about the business perspective about legendaries becoming account bound and how it will provide less profit for Anet, but i am sure that anet gets alot of other funds from the always ever increasing gem store items and black lion skins, they come out with new skins every 2 weeks, a legendary weapon on the other hand is the same skin that it has been since release 2 1/2 yrs ago so i’m sure most gem purchases for buying legendary weapons in the TP have been mostly exhausted, and as for t6 mats, it will still be used to craft old legendary weapons so it will stay the way it is but since its an older legendary requirement it would make sense that those prices will drop after 3 yrs.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
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My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I am not sure that farming ranks in EotM is any more legendary worthy than farming gold or using a credit card.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


What I expect is :
1) Legendaries must be removed from TP: They must be effort-based. Instant-legendary with 3rd party gold mustn’t be a thing. It would make them more rare, and for only effort-giving players.

2) Dark variants for “rainbow” legendaries : Yes, many people think it would be better if there was also a dark/evil/gothic themed staff, longbow, shortbow, focus etc… (Example: Twilight greatsword) I expect new legendaries to look like this.

3) All legendary weapon types must be combinable : With the introduction of new legendaries, every legendary weapon type must be combinable. For example we can combine “The Bifrost” with “the new legendary staff” to get a wonderful looking super-legendary staff. Just like getting eternity from twilight+sunrise.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

I am not sure that farming ranks in EotM is any more legendary worthy than farming gold or using a credit card.

your like the 3rd person who mentioned WvW ranks, it is not the only requirement that i gave as an example, nonetheless, it is not as easy as it sounds, you would still have to put ALOT of time into it, i don’t know which PRO commander train you follow but 1000 ranks is not something you get in a day or 2 or 3. As far as credit card goes, i can go to work for a day and that would be enough to buy me a new legendary. How legendary is that.

Some people are missing the point that this requirements make people do particular contents of the game before actually acquiring a legendary weapon, It will take you weeks/months/years to make but it is only a unique skin, it does not make you any stronger than others, but rather would just feel way more prestigious—-bragging rights, as not just about anyone can get there hands on it. Also, it is not something a random player can just have after buying the game 2 days prior.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
multi-class all game modes

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

What I expect is :
1) Legendaries must be removed from TP: They must be effort-based. Instant-legendary with 3rd party gold mustn’t be a thing. It would make them more rare, and for only effort-giving players.

2) Dark variants for “rainbow” legendaries : Yes, many people think it would be better if there was also a dark/evil/gothic themed staff, longbow, shortbow, focus etc… (Example: Twilight greatsword) I expect new legendaries to look like this.

3) All legendary weapon types must be combinable : With the introduction of new legendaries, every legendary weapon type must be combinable. For example we can combine “The Bifrost” with “the new legendary staff” to get a wonderful looking super-legendary staff. Just like getting eternity from twilight+sunrise.

1)i totally agree to this.
2) i totally agree to this. (i mean we already have a few rainbow type legendaries out there time to make legendaries actually LOOK LEGENDARY, Twilight – definitely legendary looking, The Minstrel – what a joke.)
3)I don’t know how that would work, but its an idea i haven’t heard yet, also that might have conflict with eternity since it already is a mix of 2 legendaries.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
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My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I am not sure that farming ranks in EotM is any more legendary worthy than farming gold or using a credit card.

your like the 3rd person who mentioned WvW ranks, it is not the only requirement that i gave as an example, nonetheless, it is not as easy as it sounds, you would still have to put ALOT of time into it, i don’t know which PRO commander train you follow but 1000 ranks is not something you get in a day or 2 or 3. As far as credit card goes, i can go to work for a day and that would be enough to buy me a new legendary. How legendary is that.

Some people are missing the point that this requirements make people do particular contents of the game before actually acquiring a legendary weapon, It will take you weeks/months/years to make but it is only a unique skin, it does not make you any stronger than others, but rather would just feel way more prestigious—-bragging rights, as not just about anyone can get there hands on it. Also, it is not something a random player can just have after buying the game 2 days prior.

My point stands. There is nothing particularly legendary about grinding ranks that are easily attained. There is no prestige in whatyou suggest because it is a primary just a measure of time spent.

(edited by Ashen.2907)

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

I am not sure that farming ranks in EotM is any more legendary worthy than farming gold or using a credit card.

your like the 3rd person who mentioned WvW ranks, it is not the only requirement that i gave as an example, nonetheless, it is not as easy as it sounds, you would still have to put ALOT of time into it, i don’t know which PRO commander train you follow but 1000 ranks is not something you get in a day or 2 or 3. As far as credit card goes, i can go to work for a day and that would be enough to buy me a new legendary. How legendary is that.

Some people are missing the point that this requirements make people do particular contents of the game before actually acquiring a legendary weapon, It will take you weeks/months/years to make but it is only a unique skin, it does not make you any stronger than others, but rather would just feel way more prestigious—-bragging rights, as not just about anyone can get there hands on it. Also, it is not something a random player can just have after buying the game 2 days prior.

My point stands. There is nothing particularly legendary about grinding ranks that are easily attained. There is no prestige in whatyou suggest because it is a primary just a measure of time spent.

In general, you cannot please everyone, try grinding lvl 80 pvp rank, and tell me if there is no skill to it, other than there is no point for me to explain anything any further.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
multi-class all game modes

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


What I expect is :
1) Legendaries must be removed from TP: They must be effort-based. Instant-legendary with 3rd party gold mustn’t be a thing. It would make them more rare, and for only effort-giving players.

2) Dark variants for “rainbow” legendaries : Yes, many people think it would be better if there was also a dark/evil/gothic themed staff, longbow, shortbow, focus etc… (Example: Twilight greatsword) I expect new legendaries to look like this.

3) All legendary weapon types must be combinable : With the introduction of new legendaries, every legendary weapon type must be combinable. For example we can combine “The Bifrost” with “the new legendary staff” to get a wonderful looking super-legendary staff. Just like getting eternity from twilight+sunrise.

1)i totally agree to this.
2) i totally agree to this. (i mean we already have a few rainbow type legendaries out there time to make legendaries actually LOOK LEGENDARY, Twilight – definitely legendary looking, The Minstrel – what a joke.)
3)I don’t know how that would work, but its an idea i haven’t heard yet, also that might have conflict with eternity since it already is a mix of 2 legendaries.

For the 3rd, I didn’t mean combination of different weapon types. For example: Two different legendary staves(both are the same weapon type:staff) should be combinable to get a 3rd legendary staff. Just like combining two legendary greatswords to get a 3rd legendary greatsword, eternity.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

actually what i meant was what eternity mixing with the new greatsword legendary, is a bit too much, greatswords would still be one mix higher than other weapons, unless it is disabled for greatsword only.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
multi-class all game modes

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


actually what i meant was what eternity mixing with the new greatsword legendary, is a bit too much, greatswords would still be one mix higher than other weapons, unless it is disabled for greatsword only.

In my opinion, Eternity is already a combined, last tier legendary. It shouldn’t be able to be combined again. Only non-combined, tier 1 legendaries(two of the same type) should be combinable to get a better looking, higher tier version. Combined ones must be the last form(the best skin for that weapon type), and shouldn’t have possibility(recipes) to be combined again.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GiraffeRampage.6420


I completely agree with everything you said.

My wish for the new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I would love to see some more individually designable legendary weapons.

You can buy “shoelaces” for 10k wvw tokens.
Rainbow shoelaces give some sort of bifrost effect, pitch black shoelaces give the twillight effect, disco shoelaces, flower shoelaces etc. etc. for all the different effects.
By completing a pvp path you get a token to add another part to your weapon, something like making it “flower-power-style”, another one gives a dark shadow to the weapon.
For Map completion you can select the glow on your character and so on.

So everyone can create their own personalized legendary to fit their wishes best. Of course these weapons have to be account bound, since selling a combination like this in trading post would be difficult.
But that way the weapons would be truly legendary again and not some sort of expensive skin. And people would have to work hard for them and think what might fit their wishes best.

Optional: Components can be replaced any time. If you don’t like your rainbow footsteps, you can change them later by buying the required component.

By making them fully customizable there would not have to be a discussion about what is more legendary – Gothic or rainbow. Some prefer dark, some prefer light, some prefer rainbow. Why not let the players choose for themselves.
Imho twilight is ugly, sunrise even worse. But bifrost is beautiful. Just like my “pony-bow”. But that’s my opinion. I don’t want everyone to have to shoot rainbow unicorns just because I like it And I hope no one forces me to wear gothic dark weapons on all my beautifully skinned and colored characters, since gothic would not fit my armors at all.