(edited by Revolutionen.5693)
Nerf SW, buff rewards for challenging content
I think they’ve said something like that the sw chestfarm is bit too good and that they are keeping an eye on it.
(edited by anabasis.7346)
So in other words, better get while the gettin’s good?
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Agreed, but I don’t think just straight up needing SW chest farm is a good idea. I think other content needs to have its rewards brought up to par, like the nebbish terrace centaur assault, that’s one of the most challenging pieces of content I’ve gone up against, but it hardly gives you anything for the reward. Then you go to Orr or silver wastes, and get heeps upon heeps of rewards for just following the Zerg and doing events which can be completed with 3-4 competent players.
But then you also have to take into account what is good rewards and what isn’t, I mean you get already from a lot of world boss events, which translate into gold or Ectos and high tier crafting materials. Do you give more exotic level items? But then that would undervalue exotics on the TP. Slippery slope, slippery slope.
When they nerf/buff rewards they always do it the wrong way. For example when the SW chest farm started some exotics became much easier to get and their price dropped because so many bandit chests were opened every day. And what did they do? Nerf the bandit bag loot of course instead of nerfing the number of bandit bags you can get.
When the Queensdale train was going on they found out that the champion bags dropped good loot too often. So what did they do? Nerf the champion bags of course as if that was the problem.
And with all those annoying nerfs they make it so players who kill only a few champions because they are in events/story/dungeons get the wrong end of the RNG while those who follow trains for hours and hours basically have zero problems.
I’d be happy if they increased rewards in some areas and nerfed rewards in other areas, but whatever they do, they need to focus on the problematic parts of an activity and not what is universal. For example Champion bandit bags exist outside of SW too (CM bosses) but they also got hit badly because of the SW nerfs. Nerf the problem, not randomly tweak some numbers.
I agree with the OP totally but you cant force your own ideas on the multitude some people possibly like SW as it is nerfing it isn’t the answer rewards for challenging content need to be appropriate to the effort put in
Nerf easy content? Great lest’s start by reducing AC reward to 50s per path then.
Nerf easy content? Great lest’s start by reducing AC reward to 50s per path then.
B-b-but, the speedrunners? They’ll get so much less money.
Which will contribute less to inflation.
Which is a good thing.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Buff EOTM coz i like EOTM. 50silver from losing PVP game and 60 silver from winning. Coz i WANT.
leave SW the way it is for all these casual players that are skill capped at running circles playing dress up and spamming auto attack…
However, they should definitely buff things like high lvl fracs to be on par or at least closer to SW farming…
SW is a distraction to keep the masses busy until HoT’s release.
Also decent rewards and a F2P model really don’t go together as any unuqie and varied item will no doubt be a cash shop item. If we do get something there will be multiple versions of it like carapace and lum armor. It will also be more time dependent than challenging to keep people on.
Toxic Tower was the closest thing we ever had to a raid in this game and maybe it’s just me but I don’t think items should be tied to 5 man teams. They should have something with a difficulty high enough to require traits and skill of multiple classes in order to get a speed clear while still doable in the same old random group but challenging enough to were people have to rely on each other more than a simple rally.
yes, nerf it, so you can moan about how you can’t make money for gems
Yeah that 4-6g per SW run is such a huge reward. Please nerf it so we can all sit at the TP 12 hours a day, flipping like the cool kids.
In order to chest farm you need keys, to get keys you need to do events. So it evens out.
I prefer to do events up to Vinewraith then go into the Labrinthe.
Labrinthe can be very profitable, even if you are alone while doing it.
Reminds me of the Christmas update, I nearly left game to download it. Changed my mind. We failed the underground champions and Vinewraith so I went into Labrinthe with a single key from previous. Got to the nightmare chest and…
Zap dropped out….
I then had to log out of game and do the update while hoping that the precursor didn’t just vanish. It’s now Bolt, and carried by my warrior.
In order to chest farm you need keys, to get keys you need to do events. So it evens out.
I prefer to do events up to Vinewraith then go into the Labrinthe.
Labrinthe can be very profitable, even if you are alone while doing it.
Reminds me of the Christmas update, I nearly left game to download it. Changed my mind. We failed the underground champions and Vinewraith so I went into Labrinthe with a single key from previous. Got to the nightmare chest and…
Zap dropped out….
I then had to log out of game and do the update while hoping that the precursor didn’t just vanish. It’s now Bolt, and carried by my warrior.
Getting keys is the easiest part, the shovels require finishing events, but since 1 player can open the chest for 50 people it’s not working very well. Making the chests personal and increasing the drop rates of shovels would easily solve the problem.
I think it depends on your way to see what “Reward” you are looking for. Obvisouly, SW get more gold per hour, but fractals have the highest rate of ascended drops into the game.
I am near to complete all my 9 characters with full ascended armor+weapons just with fractal ascended box’s. I usually get at least 1 box every 6 runs or so (Playing fractals 40 and 50), and while playing fractals, I usually make around of 8g per run (Final reward + exotic drops + Random loots). So yeah, I personally still find more rewarding playing fractals than SW, but I don’t mind a littl eimprovment on rewards either
(edited by MauricioCezar.2673)
In order to chest farm you need keys, to get keys you need to do events. So it evens out.
I prefer to do events up to Vinewraith then go into the Labrinthe.
Labrinthe can be very profitable, even if you are alone while doing it.
Reminds me of the Christmas update, I nearly left game to download it. Changed my mind. We failed the underground champions and Vinewraith so I went into Labrinthe with a single key from previous. Got to the nightmare chest and…
Zap dropped out….
I then had to log out of game and do the update while hoping that the precursor didn’t just vanish. It’s now Bolt, and carried by my warrior.
Getting keys is the easiest part, the shovels require finishing events, but since 1 player can open the chest for 50 people it’s not working very well. Making the chests personal and increasing the drop rates of shovels would easily solve the problem.
er no, i like the 1 shovel for many people thingy because it encourages interaction in a social game.
Actually they don’t need to watch the chest farm, they would have known that a lot of farming would be done in this zone, people want mats for legendarys or to sell mats for gold to buy something they want, this zone is 100% ANETS own doing, they removed loot from other areas of the game, they nerfed events in other areas of the game, loot from dungeon/fractals is poor ( its been posted time and time again )
With all that combined ANET Forced people to run around a zone like mindless robots in order to get loot, and the truly sad thing is, they will nerf it so badly that no one will go to this zone again, WHEN in fact they should boost the drops across other zones to make people want to move out across the game.
They never should have removed the locked chest idea from ( EotN or Hardmode from GW1 ) make users buy lockpicks from vendors and run around looking for random locked chests in game, that reward T6 and other various items ( depending on the zone )
In order to chest farm you need keys, to get keys you need to do events. So it evens out.
I prefer to do events up to Vinewraith then go into the Labrinthe.
Labrinthe can be very profitable, even if you are alone while doing it.
Reminds me of the Christmas update, I nearly left game to download it. Changed my mind. We failed the underground champions and Vinewraith so I went into Labrinthe with a single key from previous. Got to the nightmare chest and…
Zap dropped out….
I then had to log out of game and do the update while hoping that the precursor didn’t just vanish. It’s now Bolt, and carried by my warrior.
Getting keys is the easiest part, the shovels require finishing events, but since 1 player can open the chest for 50 people it’s not working very well. Making the chests personal and increasing the drop rates of shovels would easily solve the problem.
er no, i like the 1 shovel for many people thingy because it encourages interaction in a social game.
The kind of interraction you get by that is “who has a shovel?” and the least lazy one will dig for all the others to loot. If that’s your idea of social interraction… Make it so it works only in a party, more social power, people will form parties (they already do) it will just reduce the amount of loot acquired per shovel.
They already nerfed the loot from those chests, nerfed the chances to get the exotic weapons from the bandit bags by a LOT. Instead of nerfing the problem (amount of bags you get) they nerfed the bags themselves. If/when they nerf SW chest farm again they WILL nerf the bags, which is like nerfing people who are just moving around SW and dig the occasional chest way more than the 24/7 farmers. Is this what people want?
Same thing happened with the champion bags in the Queensdale train before it was removed. They nerfed the bag loot instead of nerfing how many you get, hurting players playing and not farming the game more. For how long are they going to nerf the loot of players of the game while leaving the problem (farmers) unharmed?
I hope they don’t nerf it anytime soon. Other than crafting, this is the best way I’m making gold towards legendary!
You are mixing up the difference between gold reward and materials rewards.
Gold rewards that are produced from thin air need to be closely monitored and controled because they contribute directly in inflation. This includes things like dungeon rewards, selling things to vendors (junk items), and a few other things.
Item rewards get their value from other players. A silk scrap or a T5 mat adds only 2-3c to the inflation since that is all it is worth to the vendor. Any other money you make from that item is from selling it to another player which takes money OUT of the economy, keeping gold valuable.
The chest train contributes to the item side of thing, not the gold side, so it can’t ever be used to add money into the game. The fact that this course of action is profitable is only due to the fact that players would rather buy items at high prices then participate in the activity. The “value” of the chest train is proportional to the number of people who run it vs the number of people who need the things it drops.
If they nerfed the train you may find yourself paying 4s for a silk scrap and 1g for T6 mats.
You are mixing up the difference between gold reward and materials rewards.
The chest train contributes to the item side of thing, not the gold side, so it can’t ever be used to add money into the game. The fact that this course of action is profitable is only due to the fact that players would rather buy items at high prices then participate in the activity. The “value” of the chest train is proportional to the number of people who run it vs the number of people who need the things it drops.
If they nerfed the train you may find yourself paying 4s for a silk scrap and 1g for T6 mats.
I see this problem. But I only wish for the material awards to be added to dungeons instead of SW, because doing dungeons and fractals is a lot more fun. A good way to do this would be to be to nerf SW and instead let people buy raw materials bags with the dungeon tokens and fractal relics.
You are mixing up the difference between gold reward and materials rewards.
The chest train contributes to the item side of thing, not the gold side, so it can’t ever be used to add money into the game. The fact that this course of action is profitable is only due to the fact that players would rather buy items at high prices then participate in the activity. The “value” of the chest train is proportional to the number of people who run it vs the number of people who need the things it drops.
If they nerfed the train you may find yourself paying 4s for a silk scrap and 1g for T6 mats.
I see this problem. But I only wish for the material awards to be added to dungeons instead of SW, because doing dungeons and fractals is a lot more fun. A good way to do this would be to be to nerf SW and instead let people buy raw materials bags with the dungeon tokens and fractal relics.
So, force people to your way and nothing else? What if the player doesn’t like dungeons or fractals? Too bad for them eh?
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
You are mixing up the difference between gold reward and materials rewards.
The chest train contributes to the item side of thing, not the gold side, so it can’t ever be used to add money into the game. The fact that this course of action is profitable is only due to the fact that players would rather buy items at high prices then participate in the activity. The “value” of the chest train is proportional to the number of people who run it vs the number of people who need the things it drops.
If they nerfed the train you may find yourself paying 4s for a silk scrap and 1g for T6 mats.
I see this problem. But I only wish for the material awards to be added to dungeons instead of SW, because doing dungeons and fractals is a lot more fun. A good way to do this would be to be to nerf SW and instead let people buy raw materials bags with the dungeon tokens and fractal relics.
So, force people to your way and nothing else? What if the player doesn’t like dungeons or fractals? Too bad for them eh?
I just can’t see how running from chest to chest mindlessly is any fun to anyone. I forgot to say that I only want the chest trains to be nerfed not the events in the SW, which could still be rewarding, and perhaps you could buy material bags with the SW crests as well, just not to the same extent.
Leave the Silverwastes alone. It’s finally a place where “farmers” can go without disrupting other map activities. Queensdale had to be nerfed because you’d have your head bitten off for killing a champ you happened across. Same with Orr, people were being harassed for trying to do events. Also that farm in Frostgorge, where people were told to go to another map to complete their story mission. It’s bad for new players to run into this behavior. We now have a level 80 map where more seasoned players can farm their precious shinies. If SW is nerfed, they’ll just find another place and we will see all the old arguments of farmers vs players trying to finish events.
I just can’t see how running from chest to chest mindlessly is any fun to anyone. I forgot to say that I only want the chest trains to be nerfed not the events in the SW, which could still be rewarding, and perhaps you could buy material bags with the SW crests as well, just not to the same extent.
People here post again and again that dungeon running is by far the best way
to make money .. some claim to make 20-30g per hour with that.
So if people prefer running SW for maybe 10-12g per hour then maybe its simply
that dungeons are not more fun for them. For example there is no gearcheck and
nobody kicks rangers and necros out of SW.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
What should happen – People who enjoy farming for days on end should still get rewarded without nerf because guess what? It’s hard work!
What else should happen – The event rewards should be buffed to equal the amount of effort it takes to complete them.
This way we can all play the way we want. Don’t force people to do events all day. Some people like to just farm. Some people just like events.
And isn’t that going to be part of HoT? You get item rewards for doing events on that map? Finally gunna get me some giant eyes !
(edited by CandyHearts.6025)
I just can’t see how running from chest to chest mindlessly is any fun to anyone. I forgot to say that I only want the chest trains to be nerfed not the events in the SW, which could still be rewarding, and perhaps you could buy material bags with the SW crests as well, just not to the same extent.
People here post again and again that dungeon running is by far the best way
to make money .. some claim to make 20-30g per hour with that.So if people prefer running SW for maybe 10-12g per hour then maybe its simply
that dungeons are not more fun for them. For example there is no gearcheck and
nobody kicks rangers and necros out of SW.
lol who claims to make 20-30g an hour on dungs?
You only get 1-2g per dung path (depending on the dung) and thats ONCE A DAY ONLY…
Unless you are soloing dung paths and selling them on LFG, you aren’t making that much money from dungs or fractals.
Nothing comes CLOSE to the gold per hour and ease of play that SW is… thats a fact. Theres a reason why that map is ALWAYS filled… its the best way to buy whatever you want from TP….
I just can’t see how running from chest to chest mindlessly is any fun to anyone. I forgot to say that I only want the chest trains to be nerfed not the events in the SW, which could still be rewarding, and perhaps you could buy material bags with the SW crests as well, just not to the same extent.
People here post again and again that dungeon running is by far the best way
to make money .. some claim to make 20-30g per hour with that.So if people prefer running SW for maybe 10-12g per hour then maybe its simply
that dungeons are not more fun for them. For example there is no gearcheck and
nobody kicks rangers and necros out of SW.lol who claims to make 20-30g an hour on dungs?
You only get 1-2g per dung path (depending on the dung) and thats ONCE A DAY ONLY…Nothing comes CLOSE to the gold per hour and ease of play that SW is… thats a fact. Theres a reason why that map is ALWAYS filled… its the best way to buy whatever you want from TP….
The same people maybe that brag about numbers in SW that are so far from
reality that other people think it has to be nerfed.
And nope .. its not a fact . Its mostly bragging with inflated numbers. I would
say you make maybe 10-12 g per hour in SW since you also have to take the
time you need to unpack and salvage all your stuff and make events to get
crests for keys and shovels and so on.
And thats a number i can also earn doing dungeons or harvesting platin and wood.
Read maybe also this :
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
(edited by Beldin.5498)
I just can’t see how running from chest to chest mindlessly is any fun to anyone. I forgot to say that I only want the chest trains to be nerfed not the events in the SW, which could still be rewarding, and perhaps you could buy material bags with the SW crests as well, just not to the same extent.
People here post again and again that dungeon running is by far the best way
to make money .. some claim to make 20-30g per hour with that.So if people prefer running SW for maybe 10-12g per hour then maybe its simply
that dungeons are not more fun for them. For example there is no gearcheck and
nobody kicks rangers and necros out of SW.lol who claims to make 20-30g an hour on dungs?
You only get 1-2g per dung path (depending on the dung) and thats ONCE A DAY ONLY…Nothing comes CLOSE to the gold per hour and ease of play that SW is… thats a fact. Theres a reason why that map is ALWAYS filled… its the best way to buy whatever you want from TP….
The same people maybe that brag about numbers in SW that are so far from
reality that other people think it has to be nerfed.And nope .. its not a fact . Its mostly bragging with inflated numbers. I would
say you make maybe 10-12 g per hour in SW since you also have to take the
time you need to unpack and salvage all your stuff and make events to get
crests for keys and shovels and so on.
And thats a number i can also earn doing dungeons or harvesting platin and wood.Read maybe also this :
what you mean its not a fact… its pretty much 8-10g+ an hour even if you casually play in SW….
there is NOTHING in this game that amounts to that gold per hour… again, dungs are only ONCE in a 24 hour period…same with farming rich ore nodes… after their dailies, where do you think all the ppl go? SILVERWASTES… WHY? because its head and shoulders above ANY other content in this game for making gold (unless you wanna flip items on the TP but you can parlay that with SW farming lol)
its a fact that SW is the MOST populated map on a daily basis.
(edited by SkiTz.4590)