Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
More wings? I thought we were past this lunacy.
It looks kittening awesome!!
What’s that mask?
It’s a human female face that is available from creation. The face has runny makeup like it was crying.
I’m throwing money at the screen but nothing’s happening…
I will probbably not buy it because it will be hideous how many people will have those wings not to mention asuras run around with those things on their back looking like imps. And clipping problems and imagine jumping a jp with those, you can hardly see anything.
((shrug)) maybe they’ll make them 800 gems and every time you see one you can think “Awesome. There’s another 10 bucks available to pay the people who work to make a game I really enjoy that much better. I love Buy-2-play.”
Meanwhile at the office:
- So, 2000 gems?
- No-no-no! Have you seen the hype? 5000, definitely 5000!
The already knew they had a runaway hit – that’s why the black one is coming out before the white (and it is “Black”, not “Abyss”). Because white will sell even better, but releasing the black one alone and first will get sales from people who want the white ones more but will take what they can get while they wait.
I agree I’d also like to see cherry-red and a more natural brown-to-white-tips options for colors.
muttering under her breath Filthy casuals….
But no seriously…. as cliche and overused and whatever as it is… if you want a game that’s more ‘hardcore’ or challenging then well… play another game that’s more hardcore or challenging.
As someone who, even though she has a ton of time to play, doesn’t like putting that much effort into an mmo I’m glad there’s one that gives me all the cool items and cool equipment and a sense of having a really awesome character without the hassle of dedicating my life to mastering the game as I would my job. I’m happy that GW2 allows me to either grind out the gold, materials, what have you for the really awesome stuff; or open my wallet and get it all the same if I don’t want to bother with it.
There’s nothing wrong with them being concerned with casuals and making decisions based around a casual market. The whole argument kinda feels like, to me, someone playing Portal and complaining that there aren’t enough bad guys to shoot.
Of course that being said I also don’t see anything wrong with them adding in more difficult content for those who want it, and rewards to fit. I just don’t feel it should be the main market.
Let me rephrase, i don’t mind that the game being attractive to casuals, as someone who doesnt have a legendary yet after playing for 2 years and still doesnt have spare gold farmed to craft it yet. I’m also still just at over 5k AP so i get the whole casual thing. What i don’t like is the entire game seemingly built around casuals especially when it comes to the reward system.
These days i have zero interest in pve, doing hearts is so boring and I really don’t get anything from it. I’m still at 74% map completion. I miss games like runescape where there is a real fear of death on quests (probably because you lose quite a bit when you die), you walk through a spooky mansion and you feel like you are going to get a heart attack. I think a really decent penalty for death (maybe not inventory) would be good for the game because combat is skill based.
Take runes of magic, even though you don’t lose stuff when you die, soloing quests was actually pretty dangerous when i played it and forget about soloing dungeons.
Now i dont even represent a guild and have no interest in going back to one. I don’t need commendations, logging in gives you laurels now and pvp gives me gold so i just keep playing then get accessories when i need them, which isn’t very often now.
I log in, its straight to pvp i can get everything through that. I get a lot of stuff that just sits in my inventory, my ascended rings i dont need, mats just sit in bank, excess just take up space in my bags. Its gotten to the point where winning or losing makes no difference.
If Anet wants to appeal to both casuals and harcore players i can think of many ways of doing this.
Your problem is that you want hardcore play out of a casual game. And this won’t happen. This game was designed entirely to be different. And if you’re not ok with that, that’s fine, it just means theres a better game out there suited for what you want.
^ this right here.
Look I get it. It’s frustrating when a game that has concepts or ideas you really like also has concepts and ideas that just aren’t fun and engaging for you. It’s frustrating when a game you really want to love just doesn’t measure up to what would keep you playing for any period of time. We’ve all been there and bought the t-shirt.
But you can’t bite into an apple and complain that it doesn’t taste like an orange.
You know what though? If you have ideas to make the game more challenging that WOULDN’T interfere with the casual nature of game play (aka no death runs back to my body or monetary/exp/item penalties outside of having to WP, no open world PVP areas, no random dolyaks dropping from the sky and squishing me etc etc) then by all means suggest them! Rally for them, you have my blessing and if they’re good I hope ANet listens.
But don’t come onto the forums and expect to be taken seriously when you want to change what the appeal of GW2 is to begin with. Instead do yourself a huge favor and find a game that you’ll actually enjoy and will inspire you to play. You’ll be much happier if every update isn’t an uphill battle.
Your problem is that you want hardcore play out of a casual game. And this won’t happen. This game was designed entirely to be different. And if you’re not ok with that, that’s fine, it just means theres a better game out there suited for what you want.
^ this right here.
Look I get it. It’s frustrating when a game that has concepts or ideas you really like also has concepts and ideas that just aren’t fun and engaging for you. It’s frustrating when a game you really want to love just doesn’t measure up to what would keep you playing for any period of time. We’ve all been there and bought the t-shirt.
But you can’t bite into an apple and complain that it doesn’t taste like an orange.
You know what though? If you have ideas to make the game more challenging that WOULDN’T interfere with the casual nature of game play (aka no death runs back to my body or monetary/exp/item penalties outside of having to WP, no open world PVP areas, no random dolyaks dropping from the sky and squishing me etc etc) then by all means suggest them! Rally for them, you have my blessing and if they’re good I hope ANet listens.
But don’t come onto the forums and expect to be taken seriously when you want to change what the appeal of GW2 is to begin with. Instead do yourself a huge favor and find a game that you’ll actually enjoy and will inspire you to play. You’ll be much happier if every update isn’t an uphill battle.
So you are both saying it is ok for a game in this day and age to have almost zero sense of reward, thats very interesting, please elaborate. After that i’d like to know what makes you the most interested in logging into gw2 aside pvp. If you have just started playing then disregard the question.
Looking at a reward system from extreme such as hardcore and casual is how Anet created a game dull in rewards in the first place. which is a really bad place to be for an mmorpg. Take crafting ascended armour for instance, this is considered hardcore in gw2. If i went out and did it, what would i gain? the skins as a set arent the greatest so i would have to reskin some parts at least, 5% increase in stats which is pointless for the effort needed. When i’m done i would look like im wearing exotics, and i would be as effective as exotics, so what is the point of crafting ascended. This is a prime example of how the reward system issue is not about anet appealing to casuals but anets failure to create a good reward system.
If the armor unlocked a unique skill that is no more OP than normal skills and changes depending on which class equips it, you KNOW you are using ascended and everyone else will. That in itself gives a much better sense of reward for the time and scores of gold spent. Ascended weapons could shorten CD on weapon skills in PVE and WVW by say 20%, the way those two modes are, exotics wont be that disadvantaged
When it comes to death penalty, there is a balancing act and once again looking at it from extremes like hardcore and casual like the way you are is why we have the toddler penalty we have. Sure nothing extreme like losing gear or money but there are in-betweens
Killing a world boss and getting blues and maybe gear you will salvage or toss in forge to get pretty much nothing is not a reward, even for casuals like myself. How about killing teq has a chance of dropping part of its wing you can use with other mats you get from dungeons and what not to craft cool stuff like a glider with some extra endurance when the gliding stuff comes out, or are we calling crafting and going into dungeons hardcore now?
I could keep going but this post is already long enough, if you don’t get it by now, you probably never will.
I get a huge sense of reward. There’s community, there’s a beautiful world, there’s RP plots, and every now and then the game makes me drop my jaw, as in Omadd’s Machine and Glint’s Lair in recent memory. There’s an active sense of engagement in game play thanks to the combat system (if you spam 1 you’re doing it wrong, though I expect someone to retort that’s all that’s needed). Every now and then I unlock a new skin or learn to make a new thing. I can hunt down achievements — still saving up Vexxa’s Lab for when I want to finish up all the JP’s other than in WvW — I can enjoy a good map chat, I can do a cycle of Silverwastes to see a zone progressing and to feel that I’m part of a team.
Loot? Meh. My inventory is far too full to want to have to shoehorn in more stuff.
Which I suppose is your point, the loot is copious but not special unless you get a super rare drop. It’s just where one’s priorities lie. Mine lie in having fun, not in getting leet gear.
It looks kittening awesome!!
What’s that mask?
It’s not a mask. That’s one of the faces you can choose when creating a char.
Your problem is that you want hardcore play out of a casual game. And this won’t happen. This game was designed entirely to be different. And if you’re not ok with that, that’s fine, it just means theres a better game out there suited for what you want.
^ this right here.
Look I get it. It’s frustrating when a game that has concepts or ideas you really like also has concepts and ideas that just aren’t fun and engaging for you. It’s frustrating when a game you really want to love just doesn’t measure up to what would keep you playing for any period of time. We’ve all been there and bought the t-shirt.
But you can’t bite into an apple and complain that it doesn’t taste like an orange.
You know what though? If you have ideas to make the game more challenging that WOULDN’T interfere with the casual nature of game play (aka no death runs back to my body or monetary/exp/item penalties outside of having to WP, no open world PVP areas, no random dolyaks dropping from the sky and squishing me etc etc) then by all means suggest them! Rally for them, you have my blessing and if they’re good I hope ANet listens.
But don’t come onto the forums and expect to be taken seriously when you want to change what the appeal of GW2 is to begin with. Instead do yourself a huge favor and find a game that you’ll actually enjoy and will inspire you to play. You’ll be much happier if every update isn’t an uphill battle.
So you are both saying it is ok for a game in this day and age to have almost zero sense of reward, thats very interesting, please elaborate. After that i’d like to know what makes you the most interested in logging into gw2 aside pvp. If you have just started playing then disregard the question.
Looking at a reward system from extreme such as hardcore and casual is how Anet created a game dull in rewards in the first place. which is a really bad place to be for an mmorpg. Take crafting ascended armour for instance, this is considered hardcore in gw2. If i went out and did it, what would i gain? the skins as a set arent the greatest so i would have to reskin some parts at least, 5% increase in stats which is pointless for the effort needed. When i’m done i would look like im wearing exotics, and i would be as effective as exotics, so what is the point of crafting ascended. This is a prime example of how the reward system issue is not about anet appealing to casuals but anets failure to create a good reward system.
If the armor unlocked a unique skill that is no more OP than normal skills and changes depending on which class equips it, you KNOW you are using ascended and everyone else will. That in itself gives a much better sense of reward for the time and scores of gold spent. Ascended weapons could shorten CD on weapon skills in PVE and WVW by say 20%, the way those two modes are, exotics wont be that disadvantaged
When it comes to death penalty, there is a balancing act and once again looking at it from extremes like hardcore and casual like the way you are is why we have the toddler penalty we have. Sure nothing extreme like losing gear or money but there are in-betweens
Killing a world boss and getting blues and maybe gear you will salvage or toss in forge to get pretty much nothing is not a reward, even for casuals like myself. How about killing teq has a chance of dropping part of its wing you can use with other mats you get from dungeons and what not to craft cool stuff like a glider with some extra endurance when the gliding stuff comes out, or are we calling crafting and going into dungeons hardcore now?
I could keep going but this post is already long enough, if you don’t get it by now, you probably never will.
This is an entirely subjective post based on your viewpoint. This is neither factual against every player in the gw2 base, or as a whole.
I find the game rewarding in the sense i can go to any event, any boss with friends and just enjoy myself. The loots cool, sure there’s stuff i salvage but that’s mats to work on legendarily and stuff.
There’s other ways i find the game rewarding, but they differ from what you find rewarding.
What’s fun for you, may not be fun for me.
Because its fun and reward and anything subjective is left to the interpretation of the individual experiencing it, at its core.
Just remember, just because you view something kitten, doesn’t make it so.
This is still you not liking the game.
Go find a game that fits your needs. It would behoove you
FYI, just so we are clear here, i have played hardcore mmos, done hardcore raiding, and probably put more time into these games than you have. You’re not coming out and saying this as an as someone who’s the only one who wants hardcore material.
I just realize that this isn’t the game for it, and i have other games that fit that need.
It looks kittening awesome!!
What’s that mask?
It’s not a mask. That’s one of the faces you can choose when creating a char.
Sounds like the punchline to a joke.
So you are both saying it is ok for a game in this day and age to have almost zero sense of reward, thats very interesting, please elaborate.
It’s no about having no sense of reward, but about rewards being aimed at different target group than one you belong to.
After that i’d like to know what makes you the most interested in logging into gw2 aside pvp.
Social aspect, ability to come back from work, launch the game and just kick back and play without needing to put too much effort in it. Dress up game is fun too.
Take crafting ascended armour for instance, this is considered hardcore in gw2. If i went out and did it, what would i gain? the skins as a set arent the greatest so i would have to reskin some parts at least, 5% increase in stats which is pointless for the effort needed. When i’m done i would look like im wearing exotics, and i would be as effective as exotics, so what is the point of crafting ascended. This is a prime example of how the reward system issue is not about anet appealing to casuals but anets failure to create a good reward system.
Actually, the fact that ascended gain is something you consider minimal (mind you, for some people it is not so small as you think), is a bow towards casuals. It would have been better if that tier didn’t exist in the first place, of course.
Killing a world boss and getting blues and maybe gear you will salvage or toss in forge to get pretty much nothing is not a reward, even for casuals like myself.
Yes, the drop rewards could be improved a bit.
How about killing teq has a chance of dropping part of its wing you can use with other mats you get from dungeons and what not to craft cool stuff like a glider with some extra endurance when the gliding stuff comes out, or are we calling crafting and going into dungeons hardcore now?
More RNG? No, thank you.
I could keep going but this post is already long enough, if you don’t get it by now, you probably never will.
That goes the other way as well. It may be that you simply have so different expectations, that you are unable to see the allure of this game for casual players.
I look forward to seeing everyone and their mother running around with these on in LA
FINALLY AFTER 2 LONG YEARS WINGS ARE HERE, OH MY GOD… i hope the wings are dye-able?
I think the word ‘Black’ in the item name should dispel any false prospects of that.
thats bad..
please anet, make it dyeable…. doesn’t make sense to have black wings only…
That will never happen.
One, I don’t think any backpacks are dyeable.
Two, this way they can sell us various other colored wings separately.ah yea… money grubbing inc
In fairness, no back piece is dyable, they’re not gonna change the ui for just the one item ><
Well they could change the UI for all backpacks XD
It’s going to be a very popular item.
It’s going to be the thing that almost every other player is going to be wearing for a long time, until they realize they’re not as different for it as anyone else.
That in itself isn’t a very sound reason to hate it though. But hate is rarely sound. On it’s own merit, it’s a nifty backpiece that might work well on some people.
It’s just going to be really hard to set yourself apart from the vast majority of the playerbase who all have the same idea.
And many people are just going to look plain ridiculous.
But hey, it’s their money and it’s their game. There’s no accounting for taste. Have at it, Sephrioth #9987561.
This is your time.
As somebody in a guild named [CROW], I would not mind seeing black wings on everyone running and jumping around.
It would be an improvement from that annoying tron backpack. I am tired of hearing that thing comment every time the person jumps/swifts/falls/kills/anything ever/etc.
As somebody in a guild named [CROW], I would not mind seeing black wings on everyone running and jumping around.
It would be an improvement from that annoying tron backpack. I am tired of hearing that thing comment every time the person jumps/swifts/falls/kills/anything ever/etc.
I haven’t thought of this angle, but now that you pointed it out i agree, that changing all those to raven wings would be an improvement.
That’s great and all, but can we PLEASE have them in WHITE?
DR party with everyone wearing black wings.
Who’s in? I’ll be there <3
DR party with everyone wearing black wings.
Who’s in? I’ll be there <3
I know I’m getting the wings, but I’m not sure yet on which characters can wear them and look good doing so. But when I decide, I may join the party.
It’s going to be a very popular item.
It’s going to be the thing that almost every other player is going to be wearing for a long time, until they realize they’re not as different for it as anyone else.
Thankfully my sense of self-worth isn’t based on being visually unique. My builds are usually all the weirdne- uh, distinctiveness I require .
And really: I’ve very rarely seen people with character’s that look anything like mine either in facial structure or wardrobe. Possibly since I pay some attention to details beyond what backpack they’re wearing .
It’s going to be a very popular item.
It’s going to be the thing that almost every other player is going to be wearing for a long time, until they realize they’re not as different for it as anyone else.
Thankfully my sense of self-worth isn’t based on being visually unique. My builds are usually all the weirdne- uh, distinctiveness I require
And really: I’ve very rarely seen people with character’s that look anything like mine either in facial structure or wardrobe. Possibly since I pay some attention to details beyond what backpack they’re wearing
That in itself isn’t a very sound reason to hate it though. But hate is rarely sound. On it’s own merit, it’s a nifty backpiece that might work well on some people.
It’s just going to be really hard to set yourself apart from the vast majority of the playerbase who all have the same idea.
And many people are just going to look plain ridiculous.
But hey, it’s their money and it’s their game. There’s no accounting for taste. Have at it, Sephrioth #9987561.
This is your time.
I will most likely put the wings on my future Revenant, being as I’ve previewed them on all my other characters and races and they didn’t really make any sense.
Will probably change out a few armor pieces as new skins come out with HoT too, but for now, below is what I’ve got so far. Will most likely keep the arah legs in the outfit – everything else is up in the air though.
I will most likely put the wings on my future Revenant, being as I’ve previewed them on all my other characters and races and they didn’t really make any sense.
Will probably change out a few armor pieces as new skins come out with HoT too, but for now, below is what I’ve got so far. Will most likely keep the arah legs in the outfit – everything else is up in the air though.
I really like the result. Good job, you’ll be looking great
This looks amazing on my Necro! Totally makes up for lack of Tengu!
They’re not my cup of tea visually, but more importantly, they don’t suit the aesthetics of this game at all, IMO. To each their own.
They’re not my cup of tea visually, but more importantly, they don’t suit the aesthetics of this game at all, IMO. To each their own.
When people say that, are they just unaware that sizable percentage of Norns worship “Raven” and can turn into black-feathered anthropomorphic bird-men?
So getting these!! I hope we get more color choices in the future.. but for now I have a few chars that could use them: Thief, Necro and probably a future revenant.
I like the necro best with them, thief is cool too, but it feels like they will get in the way of doing thiefy things, ya know.
Anyway the Revenant probably gonna change too, but I like the idea of it.
Of course I wish we could dye back pieces but not happenings anytime soon I suppose (and weapons..).
whats taken so long to add this?
whats taken so long to add this?
It’ll probably be in Tuesday’s patch.
More wings? I thought we were past this lunacy.
I cant even find the right words. I just…. nevermind…
To easy to get this if its just a gem item literally everyone will use it and kinda ruin it…
To easy to get this if its just a gem item literally everyone will use it and kinda ruin it…
Yeah, I estimate roughly 80% of every player in the game will buy these. Which is great for A-Net but dear lord… it’s going to be annoying seeing it on everyone all the time.
whats taken so long to add this?
It’ll probably be in Tuesday’s patch.
Yeah. Not sure exactly when but it’ll be soon. Along with a few other gemshop items coming this way…
I hope “hide backpacks” option will come soon. Those wings are not belong to this game. Looks plain kittened.
Not all backpacks, just these wings. Inb4 someone offended by it for no reason.
I want the wings nowwwwwww. Now now now now now now now now now now.
Wings are way better than how it was back when every other person had a tentacle backpack during Southsun. Those things are just gross.
its gonna be overused by everyone like the shattered wings and then no body will use it anymore because it’s overused.
The wings must be mine XD
Then they will surely be yours.
Along with that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
….and that person there. * points *
……….Goodness. * makes waving gesture * All of those people over there too.
…………………and they’re flocking this way.
Oh, boy, yet another back item Engineers will only see 10% of the time if they’re using the Kits they’re balanced around.
Well, at least that isn’t new.
I’m planning to buy but I think I’ll save it for when I use the Rainment of the Lich outfit. I’m thinking I’ll craft a backpiece and put the wings on that then whenever I feel like wearing that outfit, I’ll put on that backpiece.
They’re not my cup of tea visually, but more importantly, they don’t suit the aesthetics of this game at all, IMO. To each their own.
When people say that, are they just unaware that sizable percentage of Norns worship “Raven” and can turn into black-feathered anthropomorphic bird-men?
Aesthetics. Not lore.
The feathers are too big and the wings extend too much.
But, my necro would love to have these, together with Anise’s chest, and belinda’s gs (for when she finally gets to use gs).
As for people complaining about items being used by everybody, it’s what happens when some items are distinctively cool: everybody wants them. You don’t see hordes of warriors with the legendary mace not because it’s original. It’s because it sucks.
The only way to avoid having everybody use the same thing, is to have so many good looking things that people just go with their tastes and, even so, newly added items are always going to be overused (like belinda’s gs at launch, and now you barely see it).
by the way, isn’t there any web that allows you to preview items in 3d? wow had something like that…
(edited by Aenesthesia.1697)
its gonna be overused by everyone like the shattered wings and then no body will use it anymore because it’s overused.
I can see people dropping these wings sooner just because of how static they look. They don’t have to flail around like the other wings do (even in death), but if they just sit there during movement heavy animations (like running, dodging, leaping, teleporting, etc). I can see them getting old quick.
I would put it on my revenant if it did move.
I;m liking the look of it alot…But seeing as many people will buy them….I’m starting to doubt if i’m actully gonna wear them at all.I don’t wanna be that 1000th guy with black wings on his back.
Why do so many in this thread care about how other people look? Aside from the obvious five wings blocking the view of the boss in dungeons argument everything else is about how OTHERS will look with the wings.
Why do you care if there are 1000 people running around with this? Also, it appears that you actually want the wings – for your own chars – as long as others cannot get them. Special snowflakes…
Why do so many in this thread care about how other people look? Aside from the obvious five wings blocking the view of the boss in dungeons argument everything else is about how OTHERS will look with the wings.
Why do you care if there are 1000 people running around with this? Also, it appears that you actually want the wings – for your own chars – as long as others cannot get them. Special snowflakes…
Why do you care how others think about this then ? Obviously i don’t wanna look the same as everyone else…was there really a need to explain this ….. ? With a game where you can make so many adjustment to how you can look and how you can differ yourself from others,it’d be strange for people to make all look a likes.And seeing 1000 people with the same items will be breaking immersion for me.Indeed,im a special snowflake
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