New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

Oh? Ever hear of Destiny’s Edge, the most storied adventuring GUILD in Tyria? — 5 members.

That was ANet’s creation by the way. They introduced the concept of viable 5-man guilds, not players.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dennie.9237


So, guild updates for our 3 real life friends guild is useless.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


I know people hate farming, I understand this. I also understand its alot of influence. It is also just a goal your guild must work together to achieve. You dont have to purchase 50k influence everytime you want to do 1-mission. Its a hurdle you get over then enjoy the rewards.

If every one donated 1-5 gold over 1-2 weeks guess what, you probably will get enough to gain access to the content. Its not instant sorry to all who want it this way.

I get that it’s not 50k every time to do an event, I like that it’s an ‘unlock once for a lot, play frequently for a little’ kind of system.

Here’s the flip side: If you’re in a large guild, you gain influence through normal game play. If you’re in a small guild, paying for influence feels like the most viable way of getting access to the content: Pay to be small!

Currently, my guild is looking at resource pooling, organizing time to run events together, and do what we can. And it’s going to take work. We get that. That’s fine.

I feel that 50k for a T1 guild event is the wrong number for T1 content that is best suited for smaller guilds.

A lot of the smaller guilds here would be happy with easy access to the T1 content. We know that the notion of killing 7 bosses on 7 maps in 15 minutes is beyond our reach. We’re okay with that. We don’t want to be able to do everything a large guild can.

But the small bounties and other T1 events…. those are perfect for our small guilds…. and yet the resources it will take to unlock them feel staggering.

Make sense?

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control

Just to add my 2 cents… Hope it’s worth something lol.

You don’t need a guild of 500 man to even get AOW5 or the influence needed for it. Lol, my guild of 8 man (usually 5 active max since we do activities in groups of 5), have no issues with this whatsoever… We even have 8000+ influence just sitting there right now and I have no idea how we got it since we’ve been busy with real life lately. Maybe all those random dailies and weekend gaming counted for something…

The point is, if you got an active, closely-knit guild of 5 man, you should have no issue with this at all. Sure, it’ll take a month but what’s the rush? The point is to enjoy the game and right now we’re not feeling gated.

If guild bounties were too easy to get, then won’t you have a rinse and repeat cycle of “Play content quickly, finish, stop”? (Not that the guild bounties are hard to get in the first place…)

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

Oh? Ever hear of Destiny’s Edge, the most storied adventuring GUILD in Tyria? — 5 members.

That was ANet’s creation by the way. They introduced the concept of viable 5-man guilds, not players.

Thank you for reiterating my point, they are going back on all the promises they made when they first launched the game all the ppl that were trying to escape selfish play styles in other mmo’s will just leave gw2 completely with this patch

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control

Just to add my 2 cents… Hope it’s worth something lol.

You don’t need a guild of 500 man to even get AOW5 or the influence needed for it. Lol, my guild of 8 man (usually 5 active max since we do activities in groups of 5), have no issues with this whatsoever… We even have 8000+ influence just sitting there right now and I have no idea how we got it since we’ve been busy with real life lately. Maybe all those random dailies and weekend gaming counted for something…

The point is, if you got an active, closely-knit guild of 5 man, you should have no issue with this at all. Sure, it’ll take a month but what’s the rush? The point is to enjoy the game and right now we’re not feeling gated.

If guild bounties were too easy to get, then won’t you have a rinse and repeat cycle of “Play content quickly, finish, stop”? (Not that the guild bounties are hard to get in the first place…)

you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

his is a quote from this site, posted on anet’s fb page:
Even with the best gear available and downscaled to level 60, the Flame Legion in this particular Guild Challenge are incredibly tough to kill so it is absolutely key to work together and coordinate tactics before you start.

It should be noted that this event has never been successfully completed, even by internal testers and developers and although we lasted for a long period of time (4 minutes remaining) we still failed multiple times, even with ArenaNet on hand to help.

(edited by Lisanna.9048)

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control

Just to add my 2 cents… Hope it’s worth something lol.

You don’t need a guild of 500 man to even get AOW5 or the influence needed for it. Lol, my guild of 8 man (usually 5 active max since we do activities in groups of 5), have no issues with this whatsoever… We even have 8000+ influence just sitting there right now and I have no idea how we got it since we’ve been busy with real life lately. Maybe all those random dailies and weekend gaming counted for something…

The point is, if you got an active, closely-knit guild of 5 man, you should have no issue with this at all. Sure, it’ll take a month but what’s the rush? The point is to enjoy the game and right now we’re not feeling gated.

If guild bounties were too easy to get, then won’t you have a rinse and repeat cycle of “Play content quickly, finish, stop”? (Not that the guild bounties are hard to get in the first place…)

you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

I was under the assumption that they happen in the open world and anyone can hop in, no?

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

If I didn’t misread, I read somewhere that random people can join you in your guild events. As far as I know, almost everyone in this game will jump into an event infront of them :P.

Groups are still of 5 people, no where enough for you to organize a guild. It’s not like you can organize a raid of 25 guild members. Everyone would just be split into groups of 5 due to the current system. So when you’re doing your guild events, I’m sure people are just going to walk into it and help you…

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawngreeter.1890


I am in a small guild. We have something like 20 members, 7 of which are kinda active. When I say kinda active I mean we go to work, some of us have little children to take care of and so forth. We have trouble getting organized enough for our weekly Saturday Evening Dungeons. It’s often that we find ourselves with just four of us, lacking one for a full party. And we don’t like PUGs too much because we don’t know all the dungeon permutations and fast run routes that everyone else looking for a PUG seems to assume is the order of the day. We don’t really suck at the game (I actually think we’re quite decent) but we like to take our time, do it without taking shortcuts, smell the flowers and enjoy the ride. Except for the Manor dungeon. Because that one makes me curse frequently and loudly, and then I stop playing the game for a couple of days. I got a bit sidetracked there, sorry.

Point is, the morale in our guild is low. We don’t want to join a huge guild because we like our small, tight-knit group of IRL friends. But the game seems to be fond of telling us it is not intended for the likes of us. We were eagerly looking forward to try out guild missions as they seemed to be something that’d help us rekindle the interest in the game and lift the morale. Cue me staring at guild upgrades in disbelief.

I guess I was hoping GW2 will be all like, hey, you guys are cool too, I’ll start inviting you to my pool parties from now on. What actually happened was GW2 apparently telling me something impolite about my mother. Way to kill my guild dead.

I don’t do that whole attempted developer blackmail where I threaten to stop playing until my demands are met. I mean this plainly and matter-of-factly. I don’t see any of us playing this game a lot anymore. I’m interested to see where the living story goes. I wish there was more to interest me because I want to continue playing. I actually hope I’ll get over this train wreck. But honestly, this is just too much. As if ascended gear wasn’t a horrible offender already.

Get your affairs in order, GW2. I hope I can at least find something good when we revisit in a year or two.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


How big is a guild mission? No one but Anet knows the answer to that. I think they are large raids.

Small guild in other games never had access to large raids. But they will be able to join in a large guild’s mission if they see one. Not sure about the puzzle.

This game has a two guild system. One guild for your friends. The other one for a large guild. You could also still invite your friends to your party. While you are representing the other guild in the guild mission.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hagenfels.8730


English Forums, German Forums, French Forums.
all have as the top topic the same: The ridiculous Guild Influence demands of the Guild missions.

Arena Net, i guess its time to make youre homework, ASAP

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control

Just to add my 2 cents… Hope it’s worth something lol.

You don’t need a guild of 500 man to even get AOW5 or the influence needed for it. Lol, my guild of 8 man (usually 5 active max since we do activities in groups of 5), have no issues with this whatsoever… We even have 8000+ influence just sitting there right now and I have no idea how we got it since we’ve been busy with real life lately. Maybe all those random dailies and weekend gaming counted for something…

The point is, if you got an active, closely-knit guild of 5 man, you should have no issue with this at all. Sure, it’ll take a month but what’s the rush? The point is to enjoy the game and right now we’re not feeling gated.

If guild bounties were too easy to get, then won’t you have a rinse and repeat cycle of “Play content quickly, finish, stop”? (Not that the guild bounties are hard to get in the first place…)

And most guilds, if they had a choice, would be sinking that influence into Art of War last (if at all), because the other tracks are far more useful to them. If it weren’t for guild missions, I bet that track would continue to be the least invested in by a huge margin. Now ask yourself why that is, then realize what a colossal waste of energy it is to unlock Tier 5 of the track for many.

It’s a small minority for whom PvP is an overriding priority. They are the ones who are getting rewarded for unlocking that track. Everyone else who would find the influence better spent elsewhere, is getting shafted because all their other plans have to go on hold, so they can diligently work at flushing the next 50000 influence they get, down the toilet.

Stupid design is stupid design and this is STUPID design.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sokina.8041


RIP my small guild of friends who won’t ever see the content.

Any 400+ member guilds recruiting so we can hang around and not communicate even a little bit? And actually be able to access the content that should be available to everyone?

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


How big is a guild mission? No one but Anet knows the answer to that. I think they are large raids.

Small guild in other games never had access to large raids. But they will be able to join in a large guild’s mission if they see one. Not sure about the puzzle.

This game has a two guild system. One guild for your friends. The other one for a large guild. You could also still invite your friends to your party. While you are representing the other guild in the guild mission.

Only one problem with the notion of being in 2 guilds…. if I’m repping Guild 1, I don’t know what’s going on in Guild 2…. so if I’m repping my ‘mega guild for guild missions’ I miss out on time with my friends…. and if I’m idling with my friends when the mega guild kicks off the guild mission…. I miss it.

Not a viable solution.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mutiny.4180


Something else to consider: How will guild halls be obtained? Following this trend, I have to guess that those, too, will only be reasonably available for member capped guilds.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kane Fire Blade.7482

Kane Fire Blade.7482

people say they could fix this but the damage has already been done! Loads of small guilds have already been broken! It’s to late they have already split are community into a cut throat guild vs guild game if your not in a huge guild you lose out its as simple as that!

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mmaroevic.8029


If ANet had created this thread let’s say…. 1 or 2 months ago and not 4 days before the patch, they could have figured out that 30k and 50k point barriers just to unlock it is a horribly stupid idea, especially for small to medium sized guilds. But hey, that would’ve been communication. Not their forte.

So, we should welcome our new era of “Zerg Wars – Bugs and Patches”

No, we should NOT DO THE CONTENT.

Ignore it. Because what happens when people spend all their time working on “content” that nobody touches? If ANet has any sense, they get canned, or at least shifted off of content development.

If you don’t like it, don’t do it. If enough of us don’t do it, it becomes a problem for ANet, not for us.

This, i’m not joining big guilds with bunch of kids begging for money or help, that’s why i made guild with friends, all people who feel the same should follow. This patch didnt happen.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

If I didn’t misread, I read somewhere that random people can join you in your guild events. As far as I know, almost everyone in this game will jump into an event infront of them :P.

Groups are still of 5 people, no where enough for you to organize a guild. It’s not like you can organize a raid of 25 guild members. Everyone would just be split into groups of 5 due to the current system. So when you’re doing your guild events, I’m sure people are just going to walk into it and help you…

What I read was that anyone can jump into a guild activated mission as if it were just another dynamic event. Their reward would be that same as for completing a DE, a few silver, some XP and some karma. They would NOT receive any of the currency that could be used with the new guild vendors, nor any other benefit that the sponsoring guild would qualify for.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I’m almost certain that regardless of who has valid points to bring to the table or not, when an update causes your community to rip and tear at each other’s throats like this……’s a bad update.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

Oh? Ever hear of Destiny’s Edge, the most storied adventuring GUILD in Tyria? — 5 members.

That was ANet’s creation by the way. They introduced the concept of viable 5-man guilds, not players.

technically 8 if you counted snaff, that wolf and mr. sparkles.

I’m almost certain that regardless of who has valid points to bring to the table or not, when an update causes your community to rip and tear at each other’s throats like this……’s a bad update.

So that would put most updates in the history of gaming in the bad category right?

(edited by BobbyT.7192)

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


RIP my small guild of friends who won’t ever see the content.

Any 400+ member guilds recruiting so we can hang around and not communicate even a little bit? And actually be able to access the content that should be available to everyone?

Lots of recruiting going on. The Guild forum is starting to fill up with merger offers and requests.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


Conclusion: They just wanted to live up to the name “Guild Wars”.

Now every small guild vs. every big guild.

The winner has allready been announced.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nurse.1085


The influence requirements are ridiculous. Stop trying to turn what should be a fun time for the guild into a grind and poorly placed time sync.

I thought it’d be okay if I can participate with other people’s Guild Missions, it might have been fun with a little bit of reward (I wasn’t expecting the full reward as if I was in a Guild, but I expected a little something for my efforts). BUT NOW THEY SAY THERE ARE NO REWARDS FOR BYSTANDERS!? Even after saying they were!?!??!?!!!!




If you participated in the event to take the bounty down, you will immediately receive your personal reward for guild bounties for that week and your guild will receive completion credit for that target.

This makes it sound like any player participating will get 50 silver, the rare drops and a personal guild commendation, but only the guild that kicked the event off will receive a guild merit, correct?

No, you have have to be in the guild with a mission active. Sorry for the confusion, I wrote the whole thing from the perspective of someone who is trying to run a mission.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

Oh? Ever hear of Destiny’s Edge, the most storied adventuring GUILD in Tyria? — 5 members.

That was ANet’s creation by the way. They introduced the concept of viable 5-man guilds, not players.

technically 8 if you counted snaff, that wolf and mr. sparkles.

I’m almost certain that regardless of who has valid points to bring to the table or not, when an update causes your community to rip and tear at each other’s throats like this……’s a bad update.

So that would put most updates in the history of gaming in the bad category right?

When I start getting the influence bonus for soloing with my pet, I’ll agree to Garm and Sparkles. Until then, I’ll give you six.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


I find it amazing that people can be given so much amazing free content and complain about it. People are making it seem like 30k influence is impossible to get.
First of all, you can pool together money and buy the influence to buy any of the missions you want.
Second of all, the fact that you cry that you have to choose which ones you get and expect to get them all immediately is pathetic.
Lastly, these missions finally reward large guilds for all the hard work they have put into organization over the past 6 months. New guilds will have to take time to get the influence for missions and that is totally appropriate.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pencapchew.5432


Im going to play devils advocate here for a min.

Let’s say Arena Net removes the Art of War prereq and the first guild mission is open to all.
A small guild with less then 10 people probably could not finish it. There would then be backlash.

Lets say this sub 10 player guild did beat the first tier? Then they try to go for the next tier and they could not beat it because they do not have enough players. They would need 15 to beat it. Back lash again because they would be stuck at tier one until they recruited more and they would say its unfair. Nothing wrong with that complaint btw.

What I am getting at here is Arena Net is kitten if they do and kitten if they don’t.
Guild missions are for 10-25 players. The Art of War prereq is steep for most small/medium guilds but I also feel that this would motivate recruiting and keep the guilds active. The rewards are worth it. If you are in a 5 man guild or less this would leave you out for now. It sucks but it is what it is. There still is a lot of content to play, plus you can participate in guild missions. You will not the guild perks but at least you get descent personal rewards for it.

From what I have read you do not need to be in a 500 man mega guild, all you need is about 10-30 players and you can do most of this stuff. You cant unlock all tiers but at least you get the opportunity at the rewards once a week. Sure, the art of war is the big issue right now but you shouldn’t let that stop you from working together to get it done.

Maybe Anet will change the prereq, if so will that make this issue better for most?

here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control

Ok, well here goes my answer.

You do not need to be in a 500 person guild to do this stuff. 50-100 would be about right for this. Considering how many may be on at time ( 10-25 would be my guess for a guild this size maybe less ) Yes the prereq is a big one and yes influence will take time to get but it can be done. I know it seems lame that Anet put the Art of War in as the prereq considering it is a PVP activity. That much I do agree they should change to a PVE item to unlock.

Anyway, if you do unlock Art of War and you do gain the influence needed to kick off the bounty you would need help in completing it if you had less then 10 people running this. That is for tier 1. I still think people would be turned off by this as well because they couldn’t finish it with out recruiting or relying on outside help.
I do find this to be advantages to small guilds to add more members from players who help. Also you could team up with a smaller guild, help them with theirs then in return they could help you with yours. It will help build community in the long run.

Now if you have a really small guild sub 10 players then like i said before it sucks but this content is not geared to you ( Personal rewards for helping are good but the guild perks would not apply here).

In the end the content is not off limits. You can help, but the guild perks are off limits if you do not have the people/AOW/and influence.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

Oh? Ever hear of Destiny’s Edge, the most storied adventuring GUILD in Tyria? — 5 members.

That was ANet’s creation by the way. They introduced the concept of viable 5-man guilds, not players.

technically 8 if you counted snaff, that wolf and mr. sparkles.

I’m almost certain that regardless of who has valid points to bring to the table or not, when an update causes your community to rip and tear at each other’s throats like this……’s a bad update.

So that would put most updates in the history of gaming in the bad category right?


New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


The influence requirements are ridiculous. Stop trying to turn what should be a fun time for the guild into a grind and poorly placed time sync.

I thought it’d be okay if I can participate with other people’s Guild Missions, it might have been fun with a little bit of reward (I wasn’t expecting the full reward as if I was in a Guild, but I expected a little something for my efforts). BUT NOW THEY SAY THERE ARE NO REWARDS FOR BYSTANDERS!? Even after saying they were!?!??!?!!!!




If you participated in the event to take the bounty down, you will immediately receive your personal reward for guild bounties for that week and your guild will receive completion credit for that target.

This makes it sound like any player participating will get 50 silver, the rare drops and a personal guild commendation, but only the guild that kicked the event off will receive a guild merit, correct?

No, you have have to be in the guild with a mission active. Sorry for the confusion, I wrote the whole thing from the perspective of someone who is trying to run a mission.

You’ll be rewarded — silver, XP and karma.

Don’t spend it all in one place.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: witless.7409


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

Didn’t really think that one through eh? how are 10 people supposed to gain the influence needed for this? hm?

Actually it’s simple really and I’m surprised this isn’t clear to folks.

They made a game for players to enjoy and to make money. 10 man or smaller guild will do one of 3 things

1. Nothing or quit. (not many will do this but I’m sure they will lose some.)
2. put in the effort for the influence, thus staying in game longer creating a better chance of you opening your wallets in the shop.
3. Opening your wallets to buy gems to convert to gold to convert to influence which gains you access.

Simple business if you ask me.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Gotta say, this is really disappointing.

I’m the co-founder of a social, casual guild with about 40 members, most of whom are fairly active players. We formed because there were a handful of us that would sit in LA from time to time and just chat. Our original intention with the conception of the guild was simply to be able to use guild chat to talk with each other while we were off doing our own thing so that we wouldn’t have to sit around doing nothing in LA, but eventually the guild just kind of started to grow into a full-fledged guild. We’re still mainly just a group of social players, but we’ve somewhat unintentionally become an actual guild as opposed to just a text box for conversation.

When we heard about the introduction of guild missions, we were pretty excited that we could do something involving more than individual parties of 5. We’re in the range of size that’s not quite small, but certainly not a big guild; and we enjoy playing the game with each other just as much as with our own guilds. But then we found out what the requirements are just to UNLOCK these missions.

Because we don’t take our guild TOO seriously, we don’t really have the rate of influence gain required to be able to unlock these within a reasonable amount of time. Worse yet, when the guilds of Crystal Desert left, our guild split up due to some of us having other guild allegiances. Obviously that’s not a problem when it comes to just playing with each other now that we have guesting, but the way that the influence system is split between servers makes it all the more difficult to work toward this goal.

Yes, we COULD just join a large guild, but by being forced into such an option in order to access the content we’re being forced to play the game in ways that may not appeal to us. It’d be like forcing sPvP players to level their characters up to 80 in PvE before even being able to play a single match of sPvP: It just doesn’t make sense to funnel people into playing content they’re not interested in just to get to the stuff that they ARE interested in.

I get that I can probably just tag along with a large guild that does these missions, and knowing some people that are in some large guilds I probably will. But it’s the principle of the matter that bothers me: By doing this Anet is making larger guilds more beneficial than smaller guilds, which is essentially equivalent to them turning their backs on a good portion of their game’s player base.

(Sorry for the wall of text, so I guess I’ll just leave a TL;DR – This isn’t a problem that’s going to break the game, but it IS something that is a problem for smaller guilds that should be changed.)

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

Oh? Ever hear of Destiny’s Edge, the most storied adventuring GUILD in Tyria? — 5 members.

That was ANet’s creation by the way. They introduced the concept of viable 5-man guilds, not players.

technically 8 if you counted snaff, that wolf and mr. sparkles.

I’m almost certain that regardless of who has valid points to bring to the table or not, when an update causes your community to rip and tear at each other’s throats like this……’s a bad update.

So that would put most updates in the history of gaming in the bad category right?



New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


A 10-person guild that was around since the start would easily have enough influence to afford any missions they want. You will not get all missions unlocked immediately for free.

Case Closed

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

If I didn’t misread, I read somewhere that random people can join you in your guild events. As far as I know, almost everyone in this game will jump into an event infront of them :P.

Groups are still of 5 people, no where enough for you to organize a guild. It’s not like you can organize a raid of 25 guild members. Everyone would just be split into groups of 5 due to the current system. So when you’re doing your guild events, I’m sure people are just going to walk into it and help you…

What I read was that anyone can jump into a guild activated mission as if it were just another dynamic event. Their reward would be that same as for completing a DE, a few silver, some XP and some karma. They would NOT receive any of the currency that could be used with the new guild vendors, nor any other benefit that the sponsoring guild would qualify for.

Exactly, so ppl will probably not help u at all if they aren’t getting the same rewards.
I know i wouldn’t, why should i do the same amount of work if not more than the ppl who activated the mission to gain less rewards others?

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drkn.3429


The initial entry into guild missions should be lower – guild bounties, if they were to be the first missions to be done, should require AoW 4, the unlock should be cheaper and shorter, but only t1 would be available on AoW 4, then t2 on AoW 5, and t3 on AoW 6.

The problem atm is that even big and established guilds need to wait 3,5 day before they can experience the new content, already having thrown a lot of influence into it, and medium and small guilds will need months to get the required influence but also the prerequisite upgrades. I realise it’s a long-term plan for guild development and not something that ANY guild should get researched and readily available in a week, but still, the initial entry prerequisites are way too steep, even for big groups.

…which is why we can’t really say if 10 people are enough for a t1 bounty, Anthony


New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


The influence requirements are ridiculous. Stop trying to turn what should be a fun time for the guild into a grind and poorly placed time sync.

I thought it’d be okay if I can participate with other people’s Guild Missions, it might have been fun with a little bit of reward (I wasn’t expecting the full reward as if I was in a Guild, but I expected a little something for my efforts). BUT NOW THEY SAY THERE ARE NO REWARDS FOR BYSTANDERS!? Even after saying they were!?!??!?!!!!




If you participated in the event to take the bounty down, you will immediately receive your personal reward for guild bounties for that week and your guild will receive completion credit for that target.

This makes it sound like any player participating will get 50 silver, the rare drops and a personal guild commendation, but only the guild that kicked the event off will receive a guild merit, correct?

No, you have have to be in the guild with a mission active. Sorry for the confusion, I wrote the whole thing from the perspective of someone who is trying to run a mission.

You’ll be rewarded — silver, XP and karma.

Don’t spend it all in one place.

What about the possibility of the ascended items?

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

Guild Content – Read more about Guild Content updates in the recent blog post.
New guild upgrades are available.
The guild mission system has been implemented and includes the ability to earn merits.
Added new Guild Bounty, Guild Trek, Guild Rush, Guild Challenge, and Guild Puzzle mission types.
Added new personal rewards for participating in guild missions. These rewards can be purchased with commendations.
Banner art on existing guild upgrades has been updated.

Even a solo player can take part in these missions. They just don’t receive merits and commendations.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


A 10-person guild that was around since the start would easily have enough influence to afford any missions they want. You will not get all missions unlocked immediately for free.

Case Closed

Said guild would not have that influence banked if they had been using it on guild bonuses like + Magic Find / + Karma and other boosts that benefitted the members of the guild.

Playing since pre-release, and we do not have piles of influence because we make sure our guild members have access to guild boosts every weekend … not 100% up time, but we try to help people get the most out of their weekend play.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

Guild Content – Read more about Guild Content updates in the recent blog post.
New guild upgrades are available.
The guild mission system has been implemented and includes the ability to earn merits.
Added new Guild Bounty, Guild Trek, Guild Rush, Guild Challenge, and Guild Puzzle mission types.
Added new personal rewards for participating in guild missions. These rewards can be purchased with commendations.
Banner art on existing guild upgrades has been updated.

Even a solo player can take part in these missions. They just don’t receive merits and commendations.

You first need to able to unlock the missions. aka +30.000 influence

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DungeonLlama.4379


Simple fact is that guilds shouldn’t have to recruit to enjoy in game guild content. If it’s meant for guilds it should be meant for any sized guild to unlock. Perhaps it takes more than that guild to complete, but who cares. Folks can as allies and friends for help. The need for larger groups to DO the content should mean that it takes a large group to UNLOCK the content. This flies really in the face of all that Anet said in the past about not catering to mega-guilds and allowing content to be enjoyed by all. This also adds an element of grind as folks will need to grind out influence type things to try and unlock what they need and try and get to unlocking art of war and then unlocking the first guild mission.

Some guilds, as stated will never see this content shared among their close friends or allies and will rather have to join guild missions guilds on the side, merge, or turn their guild into something they don’t want. I’m really scratching my head at Arenanet’s decision here. Everyone was excited about guild missions, now it’s just content that many may just never see so it might as well not even be there. Too many guilds and any new guild need to unlock other things before they even think of Art of War unless they are a PvP guild. Shoot the last few guilds I’ve been in I’ve seen maybe 5-10k influence and in most around 500-1500. To groups like this, this influence requirement is like staring into the abyss. Just don’t get it and no explanation has made any sense concerning it yet.

If the reason the cost is so steep is to keep large guilds from simply farming the content over and over and filling up their coffers, I can get that, but they need to come up with a better way not to alienate other groups. GW2 is all about scaling so why not scale the influence requirement based on guild size? I mean that is simply to unlock the content, not do it. To do it they’ll need what any other guild would need, the right number of people and the right type of tactics to beat the content.

Shrugs I was looking forward to guild missions and my current guild might even be large enough to get the influence, I’m not sure as I just joined and don’t know their activity level yet, but just don’t get this decision.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I find it amazing that people can be given so much amazing free content and complain about it. People are making it seem like 30k influence is impossible to get.
First of all, you can pool together money and buy the influence to buy any of the missions you want.
Second of all, the fact that you cry that you have to choose which ones you get and expect to get them all immediately is pathetic.
Lastly, these missions finally reward large guilds for all the hard work they have put into organization over the past 6 months. New guilds will have to take time to get the influence for missions and that is totally appropriate.

First, buying your way to Tier 5 AoW is still flushing your influence down the toilet for many guilds because PvP is at the bottom of the priority list. All that effort for rewards you won’t use. Yippee.

Second, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

Last(ly), scaling is major component of the PvE content in the game. Scaling should have been applied to guild missions as well so that smaller guilds would have smaller rewards from completing smaller threat missions. And in case that isn’t clear enough, that means bigger guilds would get bigger rewards for accomplishing tougher missions. Sinking in yet? Try this now — the gating should have been scaled as well so that smaller guilds could unlock the lower difficulty missions in relatively the same time frame as larger guilds unlock the higher difficulty ones.

You know, you don’t need a Ph.D. to work out an equitable solution for the entire game community, just a modicum of common sense. Unfortunately, that seems to be in short supply with ArenaNet at present.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


you are missing the point… even if u manage to gather all the influence how on earth will you finish the missions scaled for groups of 10+?

If I didn’t misread, I read somewhere that random people can join you in your guild events. As far as I know, almost everyone in this game will jump into an event infront of them :P.

Groups are still of 5 people, no where enough for you to organize a guild. It’s not like you can organize a raid of 25 guild members. Everyone would just be split into groups of 5 due to the current system. So when you’re doing your guild events, I’m sure people are just going to walk into it and help you…

What I read was that anyone can jump into a guild activated mission as if it were just another dynamic event. Their reward would be that same as for completing a DE, a few silver, some XP and some karma. They would NOT receive any of the currency that could be used with the new guild vendors, nor any other benefit that the sponsoring guild would qualify for.

Exactly, so ppl will probably not help u at all if they aren’t getting the same rewards.
I know i wouldn’t, why should i do the same amount of work if not more than the ppl who activated the mission to gain less rewards others?

Just do enough to qualify for the daily events achievement. They are just events like any other. Don’t go out of your way for them.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

Guild Content – Read more about Guild Content updates in the recent blog post.
New guild upgrades are available.
The guild mission system has been implemented and includes the ability to earn merits.
Added new Guild Bounty, Guild Trek, Guild Rush, Guild Challenge, and Guild Puzzle mission types.
Added new personal rewards for participating in guild missions. These rewards can be purchased with commendations.
Banner art on existing guild upgrades has been updated.

Even a solo player can take part in these missions. They just don’t receive merits and commendations.

You first need to able to unlock the missions. aka +30.000 influence

you don’t have to unlock anything. You just need to be in the area of some other guilds mission.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


Did we all forget that we can be part of multiple guilds at a time? Rep one guild for loot per week then switch back to farm for your small guild until you unlock the content.

This isn’t rocket science, use the tools the game provides.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rootnode.9546


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

Guild Content – Read more about Guild Content updates in the recent blog post.
New guild upgrades are available.
The guild mission system has been implemented and includes the ability to earn merits.
Added new Guild Bounty, Guild Trek, Guild Rush, Guild Challenge, and Guild Puzzle mission types.
Added new personal rewards for participating in guild missions. These rewards can be purchased with commendations.
Banner art on existing guild upgrades has been updated.

Even a solo player can take part in these missions. They just don’t receive merits and commendations.

You first need to able to unlock the missions. aka +30.000 influence

you don’t have to unlock anything. You just need to be in the area of some other guilds mission.

And we can’t stress it enough: You can help them, but don’t think you’ll get anything from it.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rootnode.9546


I’ve been loyal to A-net, but if this is the case and no changes are incoming for this matter than I’ll make up my mind rather quick.

This will get wiped under the carpet, will not be changed or reverted and we’ll never hear any kind of statement from them. Like they did with all the other things they screwed up.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


There are players that will jump to the bigger guilds and not switch back…and that it going to hurt the small and medium guilds.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

Guild Content – Read more about Guild Content updates in the recent blog post.
New guild upgrades are available.
The guild mission system has been implemented and includes the ability to earn merits.
Added new Guild Bounty, Guild Trek, Guild Rush, Guild Challenge, and Guild Puzzle mission types.
Added new personal rewards for participating in guild missions. These rewards can be purchased with commendations.
Banner art on existing guild upgrades has been updated.

Even a solo player can take part in these missions. They just don’t receive merits and commendations.

You first need to able to unlock the missions. aka +30.000 influence

you don’t have to unlock anything. You just need to be in the area of some other guilds mission.

And we can’t stress it enough: You can help them, but don’t think you’ll get anything from it.

You get loot and influence for you to unlock guild missions for your self. These mission are like raids. Raids have never been for small guilds in other games.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stobie.2134


It’s not ‘anti-social’ to be in an mmo to socialize with people you know. I didn’t come to an mmo to make 200 ‘friends.’ I came here with friends & family to play a game. I have no interest in ever joining a large guild again. We tried that in other mmos, & it’s not happening again. This isn’t WoW. I don’t understand the strange drive to shove it in that direction.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


“But what if my guild is super small?” you may say? Not to worry—all these missions take place in the persistent world, which gives you the ability to rally people from the surrounding countryside and maybe make some new friends in the process!

Guild Content – Read more about Guild Content updates in the recent blog post.
New guild upgrades are available.
The guild mission system has been implemented and includes the ability to earn merits.
Added new Guild Bounty, Guild Trek, Guild Rush, Guild Challenge, and Guild Puzzle mission types.
Added new personal rewards for participating in guild missions. These rewards can be purchased with commendations.
Banner art on existing guild upgrades has been updated.

Even a solo player can take part in these missions. They just don’t receive merits and commendations.

You first need to able to unlock the missions. aka +30.000 influence

you don’t have to unlock anything. You just need to be in the area of some other guilds mission.

Seriously I’m not going to lower myself anymore down to your level, you should do some reading before posting. If you have your own guild and you would like to get your own guild going you do need to unlock these things. Why do you think everyone in this thread is complaining ?

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Did we all forget that we can be part of multiple guilds at a time? Rep one guild for loot per week then switch back to farm for your small guild until you unlock the content.

This isn’t rocket science, use the tools the game provides.

The game also provides tools for determining who in a guild is not representing. Oh, and there’s this other tool for kicking players from guilds. When used in conjunction, it means leechers beware.

What do you think the odds are that large guilds are going to be paying particular attention to their guild rosters over the next few weeks and implementing a policy of no moonlighting in other guilds? Pretty high, I’d say.

Best o’ luck.