(edited by jinxy.8457)
New Meteorlogicus [merged]
Preview of the new effects http://youtu.be/FsjhbHQEzDQ?t=14m
I would’ve preferred rain clouds. Downscaled, mini Healing Rains even.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”
Agree with you. The footfall effect looks lame and I want the blue trail back…
Agreed. I was working towards this as my legendary until I watched that live feed yesterday. I like the idea of lightning clouds at night time, but the foot fall looked so horrid. How does that get past quality control?
I was working towards this as my legendary until I watched that live feed yesterday.
Hehh I’m the opposite. Wasn’t working on towards it till I saw the footage, and now I will start.
I was working towards this as my legendary until I watched that live feed yesterday.
Hehh I’m the opposite. Wasn’t working on towards it till I saw the footage, and now I will start.
The community has been asking for improvements to legendary effects. This is inherently a tough position because any improvement means change and change means some people will like it less while others will like it more.
Critical Impact [Crit]
I hate the new Meteorlogicus effects. The footfall looks bad, they just look like random lightning sparks coming out of the ground and the theme doesn’t really match the model of the scepter. I would love it if it had puffy cloud footfalls instead.
I prefer the current look even if it doesn’t have footfalls… i like the blue/purple trail on the end of the scepter when you run and its now gone :(
Please anet, consider changing the footfalls or changing the effects back!
You are so right, I would rather prefer no change at all than this. Those footsteps are so unpolished, it looks like they didn’t make it with the same love as the other footsteps for other weapons. The cloud idea would be at least something different and would match the concept of the weapon.
The trail of the Meteorlogicus was something unique, very pretty and gave it an special detail to the weapon, what is the point of removing it in the first place? The trail represents the wind, showing that the little sky of the Meteorlogicus isnt static but something dynamic.
I love purple but, why purple on Meteorlogicus? I do never see purple at night… If they would like to make day and night effect, they should add a bright sun to light the weapon during the day and a full moon and stars during the night.
I am not a big fan of footsteps but I would rather clouds like you suggested than those on the video. They just look extremely cheap, I honestly don’t see that as an improvement. They are just making the weapon ugly.
(edited by Lua.4163)
Well Meteorlogicus needed a change to deserve the ‘legendary’ title so a change had to be done.
I only need 300 dungeon tokens to craft my Meteorlogicus, and after seeing it previewed, I don’t know if I will. The footfall effects look like they were made in MS paint. They are very distracting and do not fit with the item’s theme. Clouds would have been a much better choice.
Are you kidding, the new Meteorlogicus looks amazing. The footfalls are kinda ‘meh’ but the new fx, day/night cycle, the sunlight effect, is so cool. It makes me, someone who hasn’t even considered going after a Legendary, want to for the first time!
I hate the new Meteorlogicus effects. The footfall looks bad, they just look like random lightning sparks coming out of the ground and the theme doesn’t really match the model of the scepter. I would love it if it had puffy cloud footfalls instead.
I prefer the current look even if it doesn’t have footfalls… i like the blue/purple trail on the end of the scepter when you run and its now gone
Please anet, consider changing the footfalls or changing the effects back!
That’s exactly what I always assumed it would be. Color me disappointed.
i never liked that legendary. but i like the changes to it.maybe it should change weather more often though. sunlight ,rain, lightning,clouds,fog….
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Its also lost its glow when stowed and it just looks really strange without it
I like these changes.
Thunder footfalls are a good idea to show something “meteorological”.
Cloud footfalls is something that the howler already does.
I own meteorologicus and the howler and wouldn’t want both to do the same thing.
About the trail representing the wind,i’ve personnaly never seen blue or purple wind and am finally happy to get rid of it.
Just my personnal taste.
updated first post of survey results
the new effects of meteor = PERFECTION lol best footsteps ever and best shiny aura
The blue trail does look quite nice, I don’t get why they’re removing it…Again this was something people who made the meteo wanted.. and suddenly taken away.
“The blue trail” if hardly noticeable
what if it could get puffy cloud footsteps in day and angry lightning footsteps at night
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I’ve expressed my opinion in older threads but after seeing the stream I can sum up again:
-I don’t like purple being added
-I don’t like trail removal and aura not active while stowed
-I don’t like the footsteps AT ALL. They look cheap and awful and they don’t match the weapon. It just looks off.
-I like the stars effect, it really adds up.
So that’s a 3 negative and 1 positive from me.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
I dont have the scepter but i think the new footfalls looks awesome
I’ve expressed my opinion in older threads but after seeing the stream I can sum up again:
-I don’t like the footsteps AT ALL. They look cheap and awful and they don’t match the weapon. It just looks off.
-I like the stars effect, it really adds up.
“Meteorlogicus” = scepter meteorological Thunder is perfect ^^
sorry for my bad english
Update is tomorrow… hopefully they have made some changes :s
Update is tomorrow… hopefully they have made some changes :s
I’ve expressed my opinion in older threads but after seeing the stream I can sum up again:
-I don’t like purple being added
-I don’t like trail removal and aura not active while stowed
-I don’t like the footsteps AT ALL. They look cheap and awful and they don’t match the weapon. It just looks off.-I like the stars effect, it really adds up.
So that’s a 3 negative and 1 positive from me.
I think that’s the biggest rub. The weapon was supposed to be soft and serene, and this violent (and cheap looking) lightning strikes just look out of place (and poorly done).
I’ve expressed my opinion in older threads but after seeing the stream I can sum up again:
-I don’t like purple being added
-I don’t like trail removal and aura not active while stowed
-I don’t like the footsteps AT ALL. They look cheap and awful and they don’t match the weapon. It just looks off.-I like the stars effect, it really adds up.
So that’s a 3 negative and 1 positive from me.
I think that’s the biggest rub. The weapon was supposed to be soft and serene, and this violent (and cheap looking) lightning strikes just look out of place (and poorly done).
That makes sense. It just doesn’t fit the aesthetic at all. It’s not a LIGHTNING weapon.
Apart from the footfall, I like the changes. I have never seen the scepter as a ‘legendary to get’ until now.
My suggestion for the footfall would be to keep the lighting effects at night, and replace it with clouds or healing rain type effects in the day. Then it would match the new day/night cycle of the weapon and justify the lighting effects.
It seems like everyone who already has one is kitten ed off. Where as those who didnt like it before approve of the changes.
Apart from the footfall, I like the changes. I have never seen the scepter as a ‘legendary to get’ until now.
Apart from the footfall and the trail removal, I’m alright with it. Gonna have to wait and see the night effect though.
My suggestion for the footfall would be to keep the lighting effects at night, and replace it with clouds or healing rain type effects in the day. Then it would match the new day/night cycle of the weapon and justify the lighting effects.
That’s a reasonable suggestion.
They are adding enew flashy (Non)eye candy stuff wich IMO is horrible.
Updated survey results in first post
My 2 cc’s as an owner of the current Meteorlogicus:
1) stars and clouds are cool
2) everything else, is, well, a disaster. +1 to the footsteps looking cheap and not fitting that weapon, on top of the fact the lack of any footsteps was one of the reasons why I made it in the first place. Some people like them, some don’t, it’s unfair to change this in case of an item that is so expensive to make. Unfair to those who made it specifically because they like it as it is. +1 to an absolute hatred of any purpl’ish effect on that weapon. I love the current glow, I love the trail it currently leaves when you swing it, it is delicate and very fitting.
Never was I so afraid before an update as I am today.
Not a happy camper with these changes.
1. I want the glow back when it’s stowed. Seriously, why did you remove this?
2. I want the trail back when I run and swing the weapon. Again, seriously, why did you remove this?
3. The footsteps don’t at all match the scepter during the day. I’ve not seen the night cycle yet but it just seems out of place during the day.
The added sparkly stars when it’s drawn was nice, thank you. But,
give me my stowed glow and trail back!!!!
I worked my butt off to get this (didn’t farm CoF, took me many months) and I’m not happy at having things made worse on it.
edit: It also takes a while for the footsteps to render when I get into highly populated areas. Are other legendaries like this too?
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
It’s purple at night(( and it’s funny cause the main glow on top is purple but the planet on the bottom of the scepter still glows blue…kitten or forgotten?
I definitely support those who say this shouldn’t have been changed. It’s unfair that what is the entire reason someone even got the thing in the first place (cosmetics) is fundamentally changed without recourse.
Also, it’s an interesting twist because people may have paid real money toward acquiring this.
What right did ArenaNet have to make changes to something someone paid for?
It’s purple at night
(( and it’s funny cause the main glow on top is purple but the planet on the bottom of the scepter still glows blue…kitten or forgotten?
Mine never changed at night. Guess it takes a map change for that to happen?
edit: New Meteorlogicus is kittening EPIC
Tell that to all the people who dedicated themselves to craft it and now don’t like it.
I will have to wait until I get home from work to see the changes for myself. From what I have read here, I’m not sure how I will feel.
Things I know I will like is that when it is stowed, the glow stops. I think it will make it more dramatic when in use.
I saw the vid with the footsteps and I will have to agree that I am not that impressed with them.
I’m actually OK, with the blue and purple because it doesn’t affect my armor color as it is white with black accents.
I do understand why many people are not overly happy here if the look they wanted is now gone. Even saying that, IMO the night/day change I think is very, very cool.
Now you know how The Dreamer owners felt when one minute it had a cool rainbow to a gigantic clip art unicorn.
Its horrible the lack of glow when stowed is just bad. The foosteps are simply idiotic, not only they look bad – worst footsteps out of all available out there – but they don’t fit this weapon at all. Its not Bolt ffs!!
I am not even going to comment on the purple glow at night (but yes, it looks as ugly as I have feared). It was said more than enough times here, you simply don’t do such a thing.
Not spending a cent in the gem store until this weapon is fixed.
kitten even the blue glow is changed now and looks just way worse. Seriously, f** this, I’m off for the night.
Footsteps don’t look as bad as they were on the stream since they added clouds so I guess I had worse expectations and it didn’t bother me as much when I saw it but the purple…..WHY :,(
Give me the trail back and I’m happy.
Or give me back my time…
It’s odd how you can’t see the blue trail on your own Meteorlogicus but on everyone else’s you can. Personally, I don’t mind the night version but during the day, it looks atrocious. Stowing it removes all animation and glow and it just looks extremely dull. Really disappointed. :/
Meteorlogicus now has ANNOYING footsteps that I are visually distracting and disorienting.
The purple night time effect looks like crap.
I feel like I should be able to sue you. I put so much work into this kitten thing and now I honestly don’t want to use it. If it wasn’t “Ascended” now I would begin using a different skin.
First step:
Remove the awful footsteps.
Second step:
Return the old trail
Third step:
Remove purple night-time effect.
Third step:
Make it look right when sheathed like it used to.
I really hate you for this, honestly. This sucks.
(edited by Hamartia.3421)
Meteorlogicus now has ANNOYING footsteps that I are visually distracting and disorienting.
The purple night time effect looks like crap.
I feel like I should be able to sue you. I put so much work into this kitten thing and now I honestly don’t want to use it. If it wasn’t “Ascended” now I would begin using a different skin.
First step:
Remove the awful footsteps.
Second step:
Return the old trail
Third step:
Remove purple night-time effect.
Third step:
Make it look right when sheathed like it used to.
I really hate you for this, honestly. This sucks.
That’s EXACTLY how I feel. Thank you!
The weapon is EXTREMELY bugged. They spent 5 minutes working on it, I mean… Destroying it. If you log in and out during the night you can even have the trail back. Not to mention that you can see the white clouds bellow the dark clouds during the night, they just added a kittenty dark effect on the white ones. Its just so cheap and horrible… so disappointing!
(edited by Lua.4163)
Okay I feel for you now, that you need to make two threads about this. Sorry the weapon isn’t to your liking anymore but I need to tell you to stop. Anet isn’t going to reverse this. There are a lot of ppl who do like it. (including me). Maybe it’s time to try and get over this.
Footsteps are garbage. I don’t want an ugly scattering of crap in my screen.
Lack of trail sucks.
When sheathed sucks.
Purple sucks.
Thanks Anet.
My feelings exactly.
Let me add one more point: return the old light blue glow. The only good thing about the changes is the stars / clouds effects, everything else just ruined one of the best looking lengadaries in this game. I honestly feel like uninstalling this game right now.