NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post
If people are being overwhelmed by the mechanics, you try to inform them better, not screw over parts of the game that were just fine and then top it with a compass and a dodging tutorial.
(Seriously, they think we don’t know how to use dodge?)
Well, at times it feels like some ppl doesn’t know, given how many players die several times in events with huge AoE effects clearly warning them to dodge. But well, it can be due several reasons too.. what we could say…
(Seriously, they think we don’t know how to use dodge?)
Well, at times it feels like some ppl doesn’t know, given how many players die several times in events with huge AoE effects clearly warning them to dodge. But well, it can be due several reasons too.. what we could say…
I don’t honestly remember if previous to the NPE there was a functioning way of informing players that dodging was possible. If there wasn’t, then the current dodge tutorial is the only thing that came out as good.
The game was interactive and very friendly to learn. Before the NPE the learning curve was similar to WoW. Now it can be compared to EVE: The Second Genesis.
Attachment bellow to illustrate.
Edit: wrong use of quote system.
I don’t honestly remember if previous to the NPE there was a functioning way of informing players that dodging was possible. If there wasn’t, then the current dodge tutorial is the only thing that came out as good.
Yes, from what I recall there wasn’t any mechanism to inform players about dodge, we had only the tooltip over that endurance bar and the keybind options (this last doesn’t teach about it actually). At least the dodging tutorial was one of the very few good aspects of the new system.
Re: Post I made—
Suggestion to improve immersion in NPE:
Instead of the current pop-up window which knocks out immersion—
have a quaggan materialize next to the player with a gift box in hand in a magical light.
Quaggan introduces himself as a peaceful race from the sea that has been attacked often by Kraits, and is happy to see player advancing in skills. He indicates the gift box is from the quaggans for friends.
The Quaggan hopes to one day see the player again in the ocean.
At the same time, an in-game mail appears. Player can click on it and see the gift content. For e.g., a potion, or quaggan-tradtiional food, that will grant skill points, traits, in addition to weapons, armor, etc.
This way when the player finally sees quaggans at their homes, it will bring an arc to a completion. At that time the player may hand in old weapons, armors to any quaggan NPC.
The quaggan will reply: “Thank you for bringing this back. Perhaps we can help a bit more”. The reward for tuning in this armor/weapon can be an exp booster.
I can already think of one QA item that needs to be addressed: (likely more)
When will this quaggan show up? What if the player is in the middle of a combat? Will the quaggan end up talking while the player is busy fighting? Imho, there are multiple ways to handle it that will not break player immersion.
Our current “reward box” pops up frequently mid combat. In the middle of a heated battle with 3 evils, I get a “reward box” that blocks my view of the battle. Another immersion breaking problem.
I really liked the vanilla GW2 where the interface of a reward chest—a beautiful chest at that—floats at the right side of the screen, waiting if the player is busy, enticing the players eye. Whenever that chest comes up on the side, it gave me a feeling I in a beautiful world where riches abound. It made me smile.
That was ANet’s product, based on ANet’s vision.
These days, I do feel a lot of that vision is being dismantled. Care has not be taken with many changes in the game. Including mega-server, when people are having to taxi, when in the middle of wandering around we get a pop up telling us an option to move to another instance.
I’m frustrated at all the things that are making GW2 looking to be a lesser-grade product. The pop-up reward box, and pop-up server change option, are only 2 things that come to mind atm. There are more.
I sincerely hope the QA department will take a stronger inspection on all new changes, to ensure none of it intrudes on immersion.
Immersion is the #1 factor in giving players fun. We play to escape to another world.
Take care, and may the gods of Tyria bless you, ANet original devs. You have a wonderful vision. I’m sincerely impressed with GW2 (ANet vision.) It hurts me to watch it being eroded.
Please think QA, think immersion.
Our current “reward box” pops up frequently mid combat. In the middle of a heated battle with 3 evils, I get a “reward box” that blocks my view of the battle. Another immersion breaking problem.
I really liked the vanilla GW2 where the interface of a reward chest—a beautiful chest at that—floats at the right side of the screen, waiting if the player is busy, enticing the players eye. Whenever that chest comes up on the side, it gave me a feeling I in a beautiful world where riches abound. It made me smile.
Yeah I can’t recall as it is with leveling rewards but it’s annoying with a few events and Living Story. It would be nice if all them would popup as that non-intruding chest allowing us to pick it up whenever we aren’t busy or what not.
Including mega-server, when people are having to taxi, when in the middle of wandering around we get a pop up telling us an option to move to another instance.
Not to mention that the closing map message can’t be dragged around and it blocks part of the chat panel depending on your screen. I have been needing to resize chat panel several times because that popup stay over chat tabs, not allowing me to switch tabs.
The intention of the New Players Experience is good but as others have mentioned the implementation of it is lacking. I have recently created multiple characters to check experience the NPE and there are some good and some bad things about it.
Good Things - Bundling of the personal story so each arc can be started and finished at a specific level. The dodge tutorial to get the chest in beginning areas was entertaining as well.
Bad Things - Level gating of all underwater, downed and regular skills. The removal of content throughout the beginning areas and the removal of the “Greatest Fear” story arc. No sense of progression until the later levels in terms of character abilities.
New Player Experience
When I leveled my most recent characters under the NPE I did not find the experience to be enjoyable and I found myself wanting to constantly use Tomes of Knowledge and Experience Scrolls to speed up the process so I could have access to all my skills. Having access to a large amount of skills can be daunting for some people but being locked out of the vast majority of your abilities is boring and only unlocking them after many hours of playing is monotonous.
Greatest Fear story arc. Honestly, the removal of this particular story arc is something I do not mind. The stories were enjoyable as they provided more content and implemented various characters that showed up throughout the arc before culminating in a final battle/episode type thing.
The problem I had with the removal is mostly because without it you progress directly from creating the Pact to the Battle of Fort Trinity. It is jarring because you go from the Pact in its infant stages, discussing the usage of an old ruined fort to be used for the Pact and giving it the name of Fort Trinity, to a finished Fort Trinity. Then another jarring jump to “Against the Corruption” which made me wonder what I missed because the “Greatest Fear” plotline is what provided valuable information, progressed time and eased the story through the major events.
Traits – Starting at level 6 and every 6 levels after you get 1 trait point until level 72. Then 1 trait point at level 76 and level 80. At level 40 you unlock Master level traits/trait area and at level 80 you unlock the Grandmaster traits/trait area.
Equipment – At level 10 and every 10 levels after the player can choose 1 piece of Masterwork armor with stats of the player’s choosing. This piece of equipment will level with the character with its stats being updated every 10 levels. At level 70 and level 80 the player instead chooses 1 Exotic Weapon with the stats of their choosing.
Beginning Personal Story Area – For example, the Sylvari “Dream”, the Norn “Great Hunt”, the Charr “Ghost Battle”, the Human “Centaur Raid” and the Asura “Inquest Attack”. Expand this area slightly by having a calm before the storm type scenario where the storm is the events your character is plopped into after the beginning cutscene.
Basically, place 1 Vista, 1 Point of Interest, 1 Skill Point Challenge and the Dodging tutorial thing in that area. Create a few dialogue options with various npc’s in that instance to give it a Guild Wars 1 Pre-Searing feel to it. Use prompts and NPC’s so that a player can discover the PoI, complete the Skill Point Challenge, the Dodging tutorial and when the player completes the Vista events will progress to the existing events.
Such as a Human player seeing the Centaurs coming, Sylvari players seeing the first boss from a distance with Nightmare hounds approaching and the Asura seeing the Golems attacking when they use the Vista. With the Charr simply have them in the bar or training area with their warband, talking with them and so on and when they progress to the Vista have them see the ghosts start attacking and the Norn area only needs a skill point challenge, PoI, the dodging tutorial and a Vista as it is already a calm type of scenario.
Personal Story – Everyone: Use the Living Story Season progression method and allow a player to replay the Personal Story events that they have already completed. Additionally, include the Story part of the dungeons to be included as a side-quest/part of the Personal Story at the appropriate levels without requiring a party of other players to complete it.
Essentially, this means improving the npc’s in the Story-map of the dungeons only. Explorable dungeon maps will remain untouched. Finally, do the same thing with the Victory or Death dungeon and final battle. This is mainly to allow players to experience the entire story at their own pace while still having the opportunity to invite others into the story if they wish. Explorable dungeons, Fractals, World-events and everything else would still require other players of course.
I like almost everything you posted here. Good organized constructive criticism.
The one thing I disagree is with the story’s current gating system that you listed as a good thing. I’d prefer it how it was, unlocked at all times, with the recommended level on red, should you be below it. Also, the exotic reward seems a bit too much, since you get to pick a Pact rare weapon. But i could live with that.
Someone argued that people would not give up on this system because of the (flashy and pointless) loot rewards you get on some levels. Might I point out that mobs within the story instances used to drop loot? Right. They did. Might as well leave those fake rewards behind and put it how it was.
You know. When it was good?
At first I didn’t get what you meant with the Improvements part, it seemed as you were talking about improvements brought by the new system but then I saw you were suggesting improvements, hehe. And again yes, the initiative behind it was good but the way as it was implemented was bad.
I liked your idea for Beginning Personal Story Area, it’s something like a few has already suggested like a “tutorial instance”. I feel it would be a lot better to give the player the chance to learn the mechanics freely within a instance than being pushed to learn it through 15 or even 80 levels. Rushing doesn’t help with learning and not everyone are equal, each one has their own pace.
About your suggestion about a re-playable Personal Story, when Story Journal came out it already had been announced that’s a planned feature but without an ETA for now.
The flux matrix in the RC Golom still needs to be recharged .
I had leveled several characters to 80 before the infamous September Feature Pack, some even after the horrible trait system changes, and it was pretty nice and enjoyable, though a bit more tedious with the changes.
Now… months after the September Feature Pack, I tried leveling a character to level 20 and it feels like passing a kidney stone and getting a root canal at the same time when I compare it to how it was before.
So boring, such a grind with very limited option. Especially the first few levels. Like the game is really trying to reel me in with amazing abilities like… auto-attacking.
Has Anet said anything about fixing this horrible mistake of a patch, or will they continue steering Guild Wars 2 from being the game that brought something truly new to the table, or will it become just like another Korean trash MMO or WoW clone with all the level-gating and grinding?
Or at least make the skill and feature unlocks account-wide since even a person with low IQ could probably figure it out by the time they make a second character?
Especially veterans that have dozens of characters and do not need the game to treat them like it is their first time playing. Granted, they can use a level 20 scroll, but why waste a scroll on a character just so you can find out if you will like their basic skills?
That’s how GW2 ends; not with a bang, but a whimper.
Arenanet will never just remove these things.
Removing them or returning them to what they were before the feature patch means admitting a mistake. I have only seen a single MMO publisher that ever did this.
They will take several months and come up with a new solution they can sell as something new rather than going back to something old because thats better for PR.
I would personally prefer to make NPE account based so new players that are confused by having 5 skills can get there slowly while vets only have to bother with this once.
But this is too simple of a solution and therefore wont happen.
Oh well. The game had potential. It was fun while it lasted.
Yet another example of devs ruining the game by fixing things that aren’t broken by changing them entirely instead of just tweaking.
That’s how GW2 ends; not with a bang, but a whimper.
Levels 1-20 has always been the worst in GW2. Its horrible. Hell I would even extend that to level 30, then it start to become fun.
Well, except the endgame at 60-80 is now as horrible as 1-20 because nothing makes sense anymore. Anet has shuffled around story missions so much there is no continuity.
Amazing how different people have different experiences.
The experience the OP is having now, I had from the very start of the game.
I share your disappointment regarding the NPE. The leveling experience has changed for the worse (in my opinion).
I suggest you do what I did.
Get over it.
The “infamous september patch” made the first 15 levels now take maybe 1-2 hours
while before they took around 10 hours .. that is of course so much more grind.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Arenanet will never just remove these things.
Removing them or returning them to what they were before the feature patch means admitting a mistake. I have only seen a single MMO publisher that ever did this.
And yet they have already confirmed that they will remove the current trait acquisition system with HoT.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I’ve leveled several characters now in the new NPE. I don’t like the new trait system and I don’t like the way that the story has been broken after level 70, but the rest of the NPE I don’t mind. And I like the leveling rewards.
I find it quite fast and painless to get to level 15 now, it’s much faster than it was before. While I agree that the OP is entitled to his opinion, it is my belief that he’s making a mountain out of a molehill…which is, of course, only my opinion.
I’ve leveled several characters now in the new NPE. I don’t like the new trait system and I don’t like the way that the story has been broken after level 70, but the rest of the NPE I don’t mind. And I like the leveling rewards. I find it quite fast and painless to get to level 15 now, it’s much faster than it was before.
Summary for the purpose of reflection:
I don’t like (trait system)
I don’t like (broken story)
I don’t mind (the rest)
I like (the rewards)
I find it quite fast and painless (going to level 15/80)
Would you consider this a positive reaction to this NPE?
While I agree that the OP is entitled to his opinion, it is my belief that he’s making a mountain out of a molehill…which is, of course, only my opinion.
Just as a thought: Tripping over molehills regularly might end up feeling like climbing a mountain.
I’ve leveled several characters now in the new NPE. I don’t like the new trait system and I don’t like the way that the story has been broken after level 70, but the rest of the NPE I don’t mind. And I like the leveling rewards. I find it quite fast and painless to get to level 15 now, it’s much faster than it was before.
Summary for the purpose of reflection:
I don’t like (trait system)
I don’t like (broken story)
I don’t mind (the rest)
I like (the rewards)
I find it quite fast and painless (going to level 15/80)Would you consider this a positive reaction to this NPE?
While I agree that the OP is entitled to his opinion, it is my belief that he’s making a mountain out of a molehill…which is, of course, only my opinion.
Just as a thought: Tripping over molehills regularly might end up feeling like climbing a mountain.
I’m going to play a typical character for at least 100 hours, probably more over time. I’m going to level to 20 for about two hours, maybe three. Of course, lots of people have tomes to level and 20th level scrolls.
The introduction was made to introduce people to the game, not to make it so experienced players have it easier.
Considering that the experience the OP is talking about is pretty much gone by level 20, and that you continue to get rewards for the next 60 levels after that, yes, I’d consider it a positive review. I also prefer the personal story being given in increments the way it is now and I prefer the personal story rewards too.
Over all, the transition to the NPE has affected me game more positively than negatively, even though there are things I like less about it. Hope that’s clearer for you.
Try being an actual new player. You won’t even see Vistas, won’t get to Spvp till level 24, unlock activities at 40, etc
It’s so funny that it’s sad.
I’ve leveled several characters now in the new NPE. I don’t like the new trait system and I don’t like the way that the story has been broken after level 70, but the rest of the NPE I don’t mind. And I like the leveling rewards. I find it quite fast and painless to get to level 15 now, it’s much faster than it was before.
Summary for the purpose of reflection:
I don’t like (trait system)
I don’t like (broken story)
I don’t mind (the rest)
I like (the rewards)
I find it quite fast and painless (going to level 15/80)Would you consider this a positive reaction to this NPE?
While I agree that the OP is entitled to his opinion, it is my belief that he’s making a mountain out of a molehill…which is, of course, only my opinion.
Just as a thought: Tripping over molehills regularly might end up feeling like climbing a mountain.
Hmm…since the Trait system has nothing to do with the NPE, and the other comments stack up as 1 negative, 1 neither pro nor con, and 2 pro, I would say, yes, that is a positive reaction to the NPE. =)
Over all, the transition to the NPE has affected me game more positively than negatively, even though there are things I like less about it. Hope that’s clearer for you.
Well that is what I was thinking, knowing you as far as I do.
I put it up for reflection as it didn’t sound very positive at all and I was sure you were more positive about it than you actually described.
Try being an actual new player. You won’t even see Vistas, won’t get to Spvp till level 24, unlock activities at 40, etc
It’s so funny that it’s sad.
A new player wants to SPvP before they learn how to play the game? I’m not even sure why that’s an issue. You will be able to interact with vistas, you just won’t see them on the map…the first time you go through. On your second character you will see them. Same with skill points.
So for the first two to three hours someone plays this game the first time they learn the world. I’m not even sure why you think there’s a downside to that.
I’ve leveled several characters now in the new NPE. I don’t like the new trait system and I don’t like the way that the story has been broken after level 70, but the rest of the NPE I don’t mind. And I like the leveling rewards. I find it quite fast and painless to get to level 15 now, it’s much faster than it was before.
Summary for the purpose of reflection:
I don’t like (trait system)
I don’t like (broken story)
I don’t mind (the rest)
I like (the rewards)
I find it quite fast and painless (going to level 15/80)Would you consider this a positive reaction to this NPE?
While I agree that the OP is entitled to his opinion, it is my belief that he’s making a mountain out of a molehill…which is, of course, only my opinion.
Just as a thought: Tripping over molehills regularly might end up feeling like climbing a mountain.
Hmm…since the Trait system has nothing to do with the NPE, and the other comments stack up as 1 negative, 1 neither pro nor con, and 2 pro, I would say, yes, that is a positive reaction to the NPE. =)
I was just quoting him. I am not even sure what NPE stands for. For me it meant all the changes the OP referred to. So forgive me my mistake and instead of NPE just know I meant all of those things together.
Try being an actual new player. You won’t even see Vistas, won’t get to Spvp till level 24, unlock activities at 40, etc
It’s so funny that it’s sad.
Actually, a new account can do Vistas (and see them when close) right away, enter the PvP Lobby at any time (portals in LA), and many other things (WvW) that are ‘hidden’, if they feel the desire to do so, and ask or research the method (map chat/forum/Wiki).
Though, it is true that if they are unaware of these features, they will not ask or research them…of course, they would not be seeking them out, either (since they are unaware they are there). Lol.
You get 8 tomes and around 140 writs each 28 days if you do the 3 dailies. That comes to about 15 levels a month. Get a month’s supply and use them for fast leveling.
You get 8 tomes and around 140 writs each 28 days if you do the 3 dailies. That comes to about 15 levels a month. Get a month’s supply and use them for fast leveling.
That’s assuming you don’t PvP. You get levels much faster if you PvP.
One point that alot of people are just ignoring is that a HUGE junk of GW2 players left the game becasue they couldn’t figure it out. It was too different and they just felt lost while leveling up.
The new system is an improvement to many, who now can have a new-player friendly experience that will introduce different parts of the game at different times. I don’t think the NPE is a bad change at all. It is different, though not bad. And in my personal opinion, it is an improvement for new players.
On the other hand, I do agree that the NPE messed up the story which is something that I want to see fixed soon. When it comes to Traits, Anet already said that the current system will be changed.
You get 8 tomes and around 140 writs each 28 days if you do the 3 dailies. That comes to about 15 levels a month. Get a month’s supply and use them for fast leveling.
That’s assuming you don’t PvP. You get levels much faster if you PvP.
Yeah I didn’t count any PvP daily tomes, just the tomes for the daily log in and the writs earned by doing 3 dailies.
A new player wants to SPvP before they learn how to play the game? I’m not even sure why that’s an issue. You will be able to interact with vistas, you just won’t see them on the map…the first time you go through. On your second character you will see them. Same with skill points.
So for the first two to three hours someone plays this game the first time they learn the world. I’m not even sure why you think there’s a downside to that.
now imagine that all you want to do is PvP, I had to grind my friend’s accounts for hours so that they could join us. Now remember new players are not kittened. You take them to Spvp, you tell them where to make a build and where to pick out their gear and then take them to the training dummies. Then you join them into your party and you all have a lot of fun. Half an hour later you get them screaming “I get everything now!” because really with all skills and traits unlocked it’s the easiest way to learn classes. We also took old accounts that were barely played to Spvp on level 2s. And it was just fine. Remember it’s a human being playing the game, not a 3 year old child.
You won’t see anything besides waypoints and hearts. Which is not enough to level you up. Meaning that you’re either babysitting new people showing them invisible vistas and points of interest or the new player is locked to grinding events for hours to be able to do the next heart.
Activities, waldrobe, dyes, are all a big part of cosmetic casual play. Yet all of it is locked till you’re over level 20 and then over level 40. Now why can’t low levels join in on activities? It’s something fun to do.
Fractals are locked till level 79. Which would make sense except level 20s can clear them. Once again new players are locked into one way and one way only to level up, while us veterans really did have the freedom to play however the hell we want.
Actually, a new account can do Vistas (and see them when close) right away, enter the PvP Lobby at any time (portals in LA), and many other things (WvW) that are ‘hidden’, if they feel the desire to do so, and ask or research the method (map chat/forum/Wiki).
Though, it is true that if they are unaware of these features, they will not ask or research them…of course, they would not be seeking them out, either (since they are unaware they are there). Lol.
not exactly true as it literally blocked my friend off by telling me “you are too low level to enter this”. You can’t even drag them to physical locations of things.
A new player wants to SPvP before they learn how to play the game? I’m not even sure why that’s an issue. You will be able to interact with vistas, you just won’t see them on the map…the first time you go through. On your second character you will see them. Same with skill points.
So for the first two to three hours someone plays this game the first time they learn the world. I’m not even sure why you think there’s a downside to that.
now imagine that all you want to do is PvP, I had to grind my friend’s accounts for hours so that they could join us. Now remember new players are not kittened. You take them to Spvp, you tell them where to make a build and where to pick out their gear and then take them to the training dummies. Then you join them into your party and you all have a lot of fun. Half an hour later you get them screaming “I get everything now!” because really with all skills and traits unlocked it’s the easiest way to learn classes. We also took old accounts that were barely played to Spvp on level 2s. And it was just fine. Remember it’s a human being playing the game, not a 3 year old child.
You won’t see anything besides waypoints and hearts. Which is not enough to level you up. Meaning that you’re either babysitting new people showing them invisible vistas and points of interest or the new player is locked to grinding events for hours to be able to do the next heart.
Activities, waldrobe, dyes, are all a big part of cosmetic casual play. Yet all of it is locked till you’re over level 20 and then over level 40. Now why can’t low levels join in on activities? It’s something fun to do.
Fractals are locked till level 79. Which would make sense except level 20s can clear them. Once again new players are locked into one way and one way only to level up, while us veterans really did have the freedom to play however the hell we want.
Waypoints and hearts are certainly enough to level you up. At lower levels each heart ends up giving you almost half a level and if you get events mixed in there it’s much faster. Ignoring events, which spawn pretty frequently in starting areas is wrong, since that’s probably the fastest way to level.
Anyone who has a friend that plays can be directed to go into the starter city, walk through an asuran gate and enter PvP through the gate in Lion’s Arch. So a 2nd level character can PvP. You don’t have to baby sit them or level them, you just have to tell them how to walk into the city and get through a gate.
Presumably your friends are worth those five minutes.
A new player wants to SPvP before they learn how to play the game? I’m not even sure why that’s an issue. You will be able to interact with vistas, you just won’t see them on the map…the first time you go through. On your second character you will see them. Same with skill points.
So for the first two to three hours someone plays this game the first time they learn the world. I’m not even sure why you think there’s a downside to that.
now imagine that all you want to do is PvP, I had to grind my friend’s accounts for hours so that they could join us. Now remember new players are not kittened. You take them to Spvp, you tell them where to make a build and where to pick out their gear and then take them to the training dummies. Then you join them into your party and you all have a lot of fun. Half an hour later you get them screaming “I get everything now!” because really with all skills and traits unlocked it’s the easiest way to learn classes. We also took old accounts that were barely played to Spvp on level 2s. And it was just fine. Remember it’s a human being playing the game, not a 3 year old child.
You won’t see anything besides waypoints and hearts. Which is not enough to level you up. Meaning that you’re either babysitting new people showing them invisible vistas and points of interest or the new player is locked to grinding events for hours to be able to do the next heart.
Activities, waldrobe, dyes, are all a big part of cosmetic casual play. Yet all of it is locked till you’re over level 20 and then over level 40. Now why can’t low levels join in on activities? It’s something fun to do.
Fractals are locked till level 79. Which would make sense except level 20s can clear them. Once again new players are locked into one way and one way only to level up, while us veterans really did have the freedom to play however the hell we want.
Actually, a new account can do Vistas (and see them when close) right away, enter the PvP Lobby at any time (portals in LA), and many other things (WvW) that are ‘hidden’, if they feel the desire to do so, and ask or research the method (map chat/forum/Wiki).
Though, it is true that if they are unaware of these features, they will not ask or research them…of course, they would not be seeking them out, either (since they are unaware they are there). Lol.
not exactly true as it literally blocked my friend off by telling me “you are too low level to enter this”. You can’t even drag them to physical locations of things.
I have a new account and at level 2 I walked through the gate into Lion’s Arch and then walked into PvP. No idea why you think it can’t be done.
I thought my new account was locked out of PvP then I found out about the PvP portal in LA next to the WvW portals. Going through it unlocks PvP for all chars on the account. They can enter PvP using the crossed swords icons after that as soon as they get out of the starter instance.
I have a new account as well. First thing I did at Level 2 was enter the PvP training grounds, and then the Lobby, as well as visit my Home World’s WvW map.
@Mirta….Perhaps, you have an account with some kind of ‘bug’. /shrug
Reading further in your posts, your accounts or your friend’s accounts must definitely be ‘bugged’, as dyes, wardrobe…everything in the Hero Panel save Mail Carriers, is unlocked at Level 6.
You might consider contacting CS.
Good luck.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
Waypoints and hearts are certainly enough to level you up. At lower levels each heart ends up giving you almost half a level and if you get events mixed in there it’s much faster. Ignoring events, which spawn pretty frequently in starting areas is wrong, since that’s probably the fastest way to level.
Anyone who has a friend that plays can be directed to go into the starter city, walk through an asuran gate and enter PvP through the gate in Lion’s Arch. So a 2nd level character can PvP. You don’t have to baby sit them or level them, you just have to tell them how to walk into the city and get through a gate.
Presumably your friends are worth those five minutes.
you talking Spvp or WvW? Because Spvp literally tells you “you’re too low level to enter”.
And no, doing all the hearts, even higher level ones you will be stuck at least 2 levels bellow by mid zone. It’s normal to under level a zone with even doing EVERYTHING (and that’s what I experienced my first time around, doing 100% zone completion will still leaves you 2-3 levels bellow the next zone). The really bad things happen when you finish your starting zone and try to tackle the next map. You’re literally underleveled for the next quest after each quest. So you either do two starting zones or your grind events. It’s not as bad if you can do vistas and poi’s though, but you need an old account to show you where they are.
Now… months after the September Feature Pack, I tried leveling a character to level 20 and it feels like passing a kidney stone and getting a root canal at the same time when I compare it to how it was before.
Oh, please. You at least get some decent meds when you’re passing a stone or getting a root canal. You can’t really compare the two.
Waypoints and hearts are certainly enough to level you up. At lower levels each heart ends up giving you almost half a level and if you get events mixed in there it’s much faster. Ignoring events, which spawn pretty frequently in starting areas is wrong, since that’s probably the fastest way to level.
Anyone who has a friend that plays can be directed to go into the starter city, walk through an asuran gate and enter PvP through the gate in Lion’s Arch. So a 2nd level character can PvP. You don’t have to baby sit them or level them, you just have to tell them how to walk into the city and get through a gate.
Presumably your friends are worth those five minutes.
you talking Spvp or WvW? Because Spvp literally tells you “you’re too low level to enter”.
And no, doing all the hearts, even higher level ones you will be stuck at least 2 levels bellow by mid zone. It’s normal to under level a zone with even doing EVERYTHING (and that’s what I experienced my first time around, doing 100% zone completion will still leaves you 2-3 levels bellow the next zone). The really bad things happen when you finish your starting zone and try to tackle the next map. You’re literally underleveled for the next quest after each quest. So you either do two starting zones or your grind events. It’s not as bad if you can do vistas and poi’s though, but you need an old account to show you where they are.
I entered SPvP at level 2. I didn’t try WvW on my low level character. The different is SPvP starts you off with all your basic traits unlocked, WvW doesn’t, so I didn’t try it.
I entered SPvP at level 2. I didn’t try WvW on my low level character. The different is SPvP starts you off with all your basic traits unlocked, WvW doesn’t, so I didn’t try it.
yeah, that’s the point. The portal to Spvp simply didn’t take him >_>
I entered SPvP at level 2. I didn’t try WvW on my low level character. The different is SPvP starts you off with all your basic traits unlocked, WvW doesn’t, so I didn’t try it.
yeah, that’s the point. The portal to Spvp simply didn’t take him >_>
So why would it take me on a new account, brand new first character, and not him? It doesn’t make sense. And I’m not the only one in this thread who’s said they did it.
I don’t know about sPvP, but I’ve leveled 9 chars to 80 and my experience is that I’m overleveled by the time I start then finish a level appropriate map. Even the starter maps on a new char.
A couple of times I have been tempted to make another character. I put a level 20 tome on them… then spend whatever Tomes of Knowledge I have collected on them… maybe even do some PvE play…
Then I remember the trait acquisition system, feel almost literally sick, and delete.
A couple of times I have been tempted to make another character. I put a level 20 tome on them… then spend whatever Tomes of Knowledge I have collected on them… maybe even do some PvE play…
Then I remember the trait acquisition system, feel almost literally sick, and delete.
You know I missed all of this because I didn’t play for a while but I am getting curious to the point of playing a new character to see what all the fuss is about.
Just lvl up through eotm.Its way better atm.
I have to say my impression of the NPE actually got worse after I snagged a new account during the 75% off sale. Something about seeing all those account-wide locked content in addition to the whole “first 30 levels of every character is a tutorial” thing just made the game feel much more more restrictive and less enjoyable.
Maybe it’s just because I already knew what I was missing, but I honestly don’t think I would have stayed (much less made 8 characters) in GW2 if the NPE was my very first experience – and was my experience every time I deleted and remade a character (which I did a lot when I started).
(edited by Pandaman.4758)
Arenanet will never just remove these things.
Removing them or returning them to what they were before the feature patch means admitting a mistake.
I wish they would learn that it is a mistake to not admit their mistakes.
Politicians and celebrities have discovered that owning up to their mistakes can actually improve their careers. It makes them more human in our eyes. More like the rest of us.
I’m still waiting for them to decide that there is no reason why they can’t turn all my Tonics back into Town Clothes exactly like before. They can keep Outfits. But why do all my old Town Clothes need to be sitting in my Bank gathering dust in Tonic form? Almost NONE of them transitioned into Outfits, so what’s the deal? Why can’t I have my old non-combat clothing back? Not only would we forgive ANet, but I’m sure they would be praised by many. And I personally would start using the Gem Store again.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
I bought a 2nd account during the big discount.
I made a new character and experienced the NPE from 0 and she is now lv26, i am still having fun. Not to mentioned that i have 10 lv80 and 2 early levels character on my 1st account.
Trait system is both good and bad to me, i like i can acquire the skill by doing PvE stuff, especially upon map completion. My 8th character was made right after the trait system overhaul, had a lot of fun. Now almost all trait acquisition is killing this or that really make me sick, since then all the new alt only buy traits, totally defeated the original idea to make the maps more crowded.
That’s why EOTM experience pinata train is always running. Choo choo. Nobody wants to level the usual way anymore.
A couple of times I have been tempted to make another character. I put a level 20 tome on them… then spend whatever Tomes of Knowledge I have collected on them… maybe even do some PvE play…
Then I remember the trait acquisition system, feel almost literally sick, and delete.
I have some tomes in the bank but I just don’t have the desire to actually make a new character under the “new” trait system. When the “new-new” system comes along, I am still not convinced it is going to be pleasing to me. The whole NPE thing might turn me off too; I have my doubts about the NPE. I just do not know.
But the trait system I just have no desire to deal with at all.
I am really hoping this “new-new” system is something I like , but starting with the trait system changes of that April patch, very little they have done has pleased me. As much as I loved the game, I just keep hoping they finally begin doing things I like again.
I mess about on my lvl 80s now, made before the patch. But with the direction things have taken, I play less and have poor expectations concerning future “improvements”, which puts me off more involvement in the game.
The announcement that the trait system will change has brought me back out of curiosity, but I am not truly optimistic. The change could be just as bad to me.