New hairstyles? New faces? When??
We had new styles on May 17thThe same patch they also added a new preview npc for styles in LA
We had new styles on May 17thThe same patch they also added a new preview npc for styles in LA
Those were new hair colors. I’m actually talking about new styles as well as new faces. >.>
That_Shaman data-mined new hairstyles for all the races a while ago, we just don’t know when they’ll be dropped in the game.
We had new styles on May 17thThe same patch they also added a new preview npc for styles in LA
Those were new hair colors. I’m actually talking about new styles as well as new faces. >.>
My bad, as you were
No- he did find more hairs- however there were some missing and he said he didn’t want to render all of them. Check his twitter
That Shaman posted this image for asura and got me so excited that I have a stash of gems saved up for whenever that may come out :P
I think all the new character content is behind a makeover kit or something. Can’t just make a new char to access.
Kinda sad. We need new faces. Especially the asura ones. Tired of creepy goth doll type faces on the females. Whenever I see an asura they almost always have the same face which is one you can choose from the original set.
I really want a male Charr face similar to Gaheron’s, or some other panther-like face.