ANet may give it to you.
New outfit trend!!!
ANet may give it to you.
People refuse to buy outfits because they will look exactly like other players. Hmmmmmmm. So you either care so much about what other peoples idea of a good looking/themed character is that you don’t want to look the same OR you care about your own look and its needs to be original?
That dwayna back piece, that t3 norn/human, that legendary…. i could go on. Someone will always have the same look as you no matter how unique you think you are at designing.
Having an item in common is not the same as having the same outfit. I have never seen anyone in the same outfit ANY of my characters wear. I have seen MANY people wearing the same individual items that all of my characters wear.
The uniqueness comes from how those individual items are put together.
My appearances are different because I’ve put them together differently from everyone else. This is impossible with Outfits, though, because there is only one way to put those together. That is a major problem for me, as well as it is for many others.
It has never made any sense to me why ANet did this. The outfits used to be in pieces, they should have been left in pieces. So what if there is clipping issues? Let us customize ourselves how we please. If the clipping looks bad we won’t use it, but that shouldn’t stop us from having the option.
The arguments against and for outfits have been going on for so long, I basically have a summary now,
Outfit Pros (User Perspective):
• Convenience: Easy to swap around
• Doesn’t clip (?)
• Doesn’t require transmutation stones to change looks
Outfit Pros (ANet Perspective):
• Easier to produce as clipping via mixing with other armor pieces are minimized.
• More profit for time spent (700 gems) – as opposed to spending more time to make it fit with other armors of the game for an additional 100 gems.
Outfit Cons (User Perspective):
• Lack of customization / everyone looks generic
Outfit Cons (ANet Perspective):
• Drop in the sale of transmutation stones from the gem store
If you look at the pros/cons from ANet’s perspective it’s clear as daylight why they are going with the outfit route. From a business perspective, it’s more money for time spent.
My personal opinionated response is the same as always …for a game that boasts in horizontal progression, i.e. Skin Wars 2. The lack of customization is in direct contradiction to what they are going for.
(edited by Avster.1935)
Why are so many calling for armor to be released in the gem store? Why not ask for armor to be released in game and outfits in the gem store?
I do know one thing though, if they put armor in the gem store there are going to be threads complaining about that.
I have to wonder how many people grousing about “outfit-centric GW2” bothered to pay for gems to get the current armor bundles, the Lawless pieces, or have a set of in-game Carapace/Luminescent armor.
I have my eye on a few armor bundles, but I haven’t made characters I’m considering for them yet. The outfits are handy and free to swap. I’ll worry about mix-and-match at 80.
I’m curious if ANet has a metric for gems purchased with cash and what items those players bought. I doubt they’d tell us if they did, of course. :P
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Outfit Cons (ANet Perspective):
• N/A
Less transmutation charges sales
Outfit Cons (ANet Perspective):
• N/ALess transmutation charges sales
Good catch, updated it
Never bought an Outfit, and I never will. I don’t care how nice they look, I don’t want to look just like everyone else.
I agree with this. I thought half of the reason gw2 toons are so customisable were to make them look individual. I and a few of my guildies are disappointed that we can’t mix and match outfit pieces anymore, or dye the different pieces separately.
@OP sarcasm won’t get you far with Anet.
I want to mix and match also so I haven’t purchased outfits and probably won’t ever.
I want to mix and match also so I haven’t purchased outfits and probably won’t ever.
Much more reasonably stated than many in the Outfit War.
Personally, I do hope they make a new set or two. Might be too much to ask for a new look every quarter, but to have one set available via gameplay, like Carapace/Luminescent , and one set for the store would be a fair step toward happier players.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I dunno, guys, I feel like a bunch of people asked for armor to be made available in-game instead of in the gemstore, and that’s what they’ve done over the last year. If you think about it, they’ve released approximately the same number of armor sets they previously did in the gemstore in a given year, but they’re in the game itself now. In my personal opinion, that’s an improvement. They can take their time designing cool armor to be earned in the game, and churn out detailed outfit skins as often as they like, and it’s pretty much a win/win, for me.
I do think outfits should be more modular in the ability to hide certain aspects of them, but that may be something they’re working on right now.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I do think outfits should be more modular in the ability to hide certain aspects of them, but that may be something they’re working on right now.
This x100. There are outfits that I would spend money on if I could just hide the shoulders. I can hide the helm on outfits – why stop there? I want to hide those horrible shoulders on most of the outfits, and also gloves depending on the outfit. The crystal nomad with those redonkulous levitating crystals?! Hideous to me. I should be able to hide them. Add the function, make more money – not sure what downside there is.
I also want more armor sets, so I’m not a die-hard outfit fan, but they are great IMHO for leveling so I don’t have a clown suit of mixed gear on my random alts.
I do think outfits should be more modular in the ability to hide certain aspects of them, but that may be something they’re working on right now.
This x100. There are outfits that I would spend money on if I could just hide the shoulders. I can hide the helm on outfits – why stop there? I want to hide those horrible shoulders on most of the outfits, and also gloves depending on the outfit. The crystal nomad with those redonkulous levitating crystals?! Hideous to me. I should be able to hide them. Add the function, make more money – not sure what downside there is.
I also want more armor sets, so I’m not a die-hard outfit fan, but they are great IMHO for leveling so I don’t have a clown suit of mixed gear on my random alts.
Oh yes! Would love to be able to hide the shoulders! I keep debating whether or not to pick up the Imperial Outfit, but the shoulders (fan…thing?) keep scaring me away.