New trait system Good or bad?
Not being able to rebuild my old build was never a problem for me. I knew from the beginning, that rebuilding old stuff could only be suboptimal compared to creating a new build from scratch in the new system. So I went for that.
A lot of old meta-ish builds were buffed with the spec change thanks to the third specialization now becoming available.
The biggest problem for the new system is opportunity-cost. Adept-, Master- and Grandmaster-Traits cost exactly the same (They require you to pick the traitline). Also all three minor traits cost exactly the same and might as well be called passive effects of picking that traitline. What’s even the point in separating them into three different minor traits at all, except making the arcing line longer?
The only reason to split the minor traits is for leveling.
First off, I feel like I should say, I love the new way you unlock traits, instead of having to either do tedious tasks, or buying them, but that’s pretty much the only “good” thing I can see with the new trait system. I spoke with some members of my guild about the current traits, and they said it felt more convenient this way, to make trait switching easier, which i agree, but it also takes out a large amount of customization. This patch really impacted a lot of guardians/mesmers (myself included) that dipped into each trait line to make a powerful non meta build. I think the current traitlines work fine, I simply ask that we eventually be able to dip into each line again, since simply having a few more points doesn’t help, if we can only use 3 lines.
(edited by Okamiba.7605)
Wow, just came back. This has to be the most confusing UI I have ever seen. What was so wrong with the old way Traits and Skills were done? Both me and my son are sitting there, looking at the screen in complete disbelief.
I know some of you may like it. But there has to be more people like me who just dont get it. And the circular wheel for picking an ability? What? Where does the wheel start? It just makes no sense.
- All attributes gained from traits in the earlier system were removed
- Base stats were buffed
- Instead of picking from 5 different trait lines and getting unwanted attribute points (like condition damage on your power build for example) and having your points spread out and sacrificing a lot for just to get 1 minor trait to your build you now only pick 3 lines (like 6/6/6), they also merged, reworked or made baseline some traits. Some of them need a bit of reworking still.
I assume the wheels you are talking about is the unlocking part of utilities and traits. Your goal in that wheel is just to unlock them so you can use them. If you have enough points just unlock them all immediately, if not, logically unlock the ones you will be using
edit: mods merging threads without a good reason can make some posts look really out of place.
(edited by Vikkela.7261)
The wheel runs like a clock, start at the “1” position and runs clockwise from there. While it took me a bit to get it I have no issue once I got use to it.
Late to the party my friend. Unfortunately what you ask will never happen again. The new specialization was made both to simplify balancing as well as to allow for the creation of future elite specializations. It’s not going away.
That’s a real shame, it 100% ruined my mesmer. Might as well just delete it now, since this game is “meta or gtfo” for the most part.
That’s a real shame, it 100% ruined my mesmer. Might as well just delete it now, since this game is “meta or gtfo” for the most part.
We must be playing a different game. Mesmers have a lot of interesting options and I feel zero pressure to play any specific build. Maybe it’s not the changes to the game that “100 ruines” your mesmer.
Making it impossible to use a trait combination that I fell in love with kind of ruins it for me personally, forcing me to change my playstyle on that character. But that doesn’t really matter, since its more than likely not going to get changed for the few people it impacted heavily.
(Also, I said it 100% ruined “my” mesmer, not mesmer in general. If people can still use the builds they want to with the new traits, more power to them.)
since this game is “meta or gtfo” for the most part.
Create your own groups or play with friends or join a guild.
That’s a real shame, it 100% ruined my mesmer. Might as well just delete it now, since this game is “meta or gtfo” for the most part.
We must be playing different games because mesmer arguably got the most buffs and quality of life changes out of any class with that patch.
Mesmer now has pretty much everything we ever wanted. I’m not sure what crazy spec you were running that you can’t simulate now.
Mesmer buffs and improvements were huge. Most important, and this continues with HoT, they relieveed the class of many near mandatory traits.
since this game is “meta or gtfo” for the most part.
Create your own groups or play with friends or join a guild.
the new trait system is bad . shame they wont fix it and make it so you can change your skills out and in . to what you want and need to use for what you are going for.
I don’t get this. You can change the traits and skill any time you want to adapt to any situation.
iam not supersized at all you do not get this concept at all . but putting it like that yes and you could even do it if you was out side of a town . and not have to wait to do it. with a skill build loading system . where you safe your skill sets and you can load them when and where ever you need them . and you do not have to be in town to load them . bet that blows your kitten marbles out of the water huh LOL :P
I can change my skills and traits at any point I want even during a dungeon run, in fact when I’m doing dungeons on my Thief I might change my build 5-7 times. I don’t have to wait and I don’t have to be in town. Maybe you are talking about another game?
no you just think you can but you can not do that at all in this game. as it is impossible the way the game is set up now . to use necro or monk skills if your a warrior or thief . it just does not happen . sounds more like your thinking way to hard . you just do not get it . that is plain and clear . go play gw1 and then maybe you just might get it . but i doubt it .
Are you expressing anger that GW2 doesn’t have the dual professions system from GW1? Because if that’s what you’re mad about, I would suggest you simply go back to playing GW1. GW2 is a different game, and while I would be happy to commiserate with you about some of the things lost along the way, you’re waxing nostalgic in the weirdest, angriest, meanest, most-incoherent way imaginable.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Mesmer buffs and improvements were huge. Most important, and this continues with HoT, they relieveed the class of many near mandatory traits.
since this game is “meta or gtfo” for the most part.
Create your own groups or play with friends or join a guild.
Again, people insist the class was “buffed” and by their standards, it was, but the simple fact is, the patch really did take out a lot of customization. Not everyone wants to use the same 3 builds on on each character. Dipping into each trait line a little was a good way to make a character that was uniquely “you.” People will argue that elite specs will add more customization, and in a way they are right, but its still forcing an admittedly smaller majority of people to either change their playstyle, or simply stop liking a character that they used to really enjoy.
(And the “near mandatory traits”, go along with the whole “meta or gtfo” thing <3.)