Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

Fixing the forum bug ^^

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i sneaked into the inquest base but it looked like someone had already destroyed most of their stuff….

sneakthief shoulder/glove/boots
predatory leggings (norn t2)
heart of koda shirt
subterfuge hood
ley line rifle

tarnished silver (1) & old nickel (2) for the rocky base
mint (3) for mossyish trim
pastel blue (4), blueberry (5), winter frost (6), and pastel sea (7) for magically energetic blues

hat: 1, 3, 4
shoulder: 1, 3
shirt: 2, 3, 5
glove: 1, 3
pants: 6, 2, 2
shoes: 2, 7


JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Hurray, I didn’t even have to change an outfit! This is my Scarlet Pimpernel sylvari in his adventure mode, with his identifying glow hidden. As you can see I have already nabbed the sword because I was waiting for it for him. He’s in dark purples because I had him in greys and blacks and he actually looked like a black and white image inserted into the game, plus his nom de guerre is “The Purple Wing.”

Gas Mask – Pitch, Black, Aqua Tint
Shoulders hidden
Aetherblade Light Vest – Midnight Violet, Tungsten, Night Shade
Apostle Wraps – Evening, Abyss, Tungsten
Ascalonian Performer Pants – Midnight Purple, Abyss, Chalk
Aurora Shoes – Midnight Purple, Evening


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiimi.2853


Head- Adventure Scarf
Gloves – Zodiac
Chest – Order Of Whispers
Legs – Forgot the name..those crafted ones : )
Boots – Zodiac

Colours : Midnight Ice / firmament (not sure about the engl. Name, the very white one), and some enlightment


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xan Thav.5369

Xan Thav.5369

This is my Ranger Ninja

Helmet: Priory’s Historical Mask
Shoulders: Noble Shoulders
Chest: Strider’s Tunic
Gloves: Assassin’s Gloves
Pants: Strider’s Leggings
Boots: Whisper’s Secret Boots

Dyes: Abyss and Iron


I kitten love kittens! :3

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordPhantom.1678


Here we go!

Head: Assassin’s Mask
Shoulders: Emblazoned Shoulders
Chest: Strider’s Tunic
Hands: Falconer’s gloves
Leg: Viper’s Leggings
Foot: Strider’s Boots

Dye Set: Abyss, Burgundy, Scarlet


Proud Elementalist – #ELEtism
Shidai no Railgun / Shynaine @ Elona Reach [DE]
Member of Novaris [NOVA], Tequatl Killer Squad[TKS] and Winner of the Miss [ArmD] Beauty Contest

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luksl.4036


Adventure’s Scarf
Priory’s Hstorical Pauldrons
Ascalonian Protector Breastplate
Priory’s Historical Gauntles
Body of Koda
Commander’s Footgear

Abyss, Enameled Emblaze & Enameled Crimson Dye


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

simple but ninja


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Yzf.5872

Tom Yzf.5872

Medium Human Female

Head: Sneakthief Mask
Shoulders: None
Chest: Strider’s Tunic
Gloves: Noble Gloves
Legs: Strider’s Leggings
Boots: Whisper’s Secret Boots

Dye: Abyss Dye, (Brass Dye optional), Midnight Ice Dye (Boots only)

Pic#1 is all Abyss Dye (Boots – Midnight Ice Dye) with the helm shown. Only the gloves have Abyss Dye with Brass Dye accent. The Whisper’s Secret Boots has a goldish/brass color accents that can’t be changed, so the accent on the gloves will help balance things out.

Pic#2-4 is includes the Brass Dye accent on all peices (Chest, Gloves, Legs, Boots) w/o helmet shown, since most who are fashion savvy tend to like looking at their hair.

Pic#5 the last pic is a hi-res pic of the ninja in action…. exactly.


(edited by Tom Yzf.5872)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielGames.5198


Not entirely my creation but I really like the look. Honestly the best way to look like a clan ninja without having to spend gems.

Model: Female Human Thief (my main)

Dyes: Midnight Ice (MI), Iron (I), Black Cherry (BC), Silt (S)

Duelist Mark – S MI
AC medium shoulders – MI BC I
AC medium chest – MI BC I
HotW medium gloves – MI MI
HotW medium pants – MI BC MI
HotW medium boots – MI MI

Honor of Humanity
Usoku’s Needle


Howell Qagan and Luksl, VERY NICE! I really like those looks!


Added a third screenshot to better display the hard to see markings on the chest piece. Also it’s apparently day time 20 minutes later in the Charr city.


(edited by DanielGames.5198)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asur.2510


I made this setup when the sword showed up in the wardrobe gallery. I think it’s about as stealthy as a Norn in heavy armor would want to get.

Helm: Magnus’s Left Eye Patch
Shoulders: Dolyak Shoulders (Norn Tier 1)
Chest: Dolyak Mail (Norn Tier 1)
Gloves: Militia Gauntlets
Leggings: Braham’s Legplates
Boots: Militia Boots

Dyes: Midnight Blue, Abyss, Sincerity


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rakhe.8406


Tried it with Heavy Armor

Head: Rampart
Shoulder: Commander
Chest: Rampart
Gloves: Nightmare
Pants: Rampart
Boots: Illustrious
Dye: Enameled Crimson and Abyss


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex.7052


My lovely thief doesn’t use a greatsword, but she sure knows how to sneak attack with her pistols.

Chest: Inquest Guise
Gloves: Duelist Gloves
Pants: Scout’s Leggings
Boots: Magitech Boots
Fractal bow
Citrine Antique Revolvers
Dyes: Midnight Teal, Abyss, Fog

Nothing too expensive but I definitely love her style


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luksl.4036


Falconer’s Mask
Whisper’s Secret Shoulderguards
Viper’s Jerkin
Force of Koda
Strider’s Leggings
Sneakthief Sandals

Midnight Ice, Charred, Cocoa & Flame Dye


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


Could you give an example of an “outfit”? I’m not sure what you mean on the restrictions.

Or words to that effect.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

Could you give an example of an “outfit”? I’m not sure what you mean on the restrictions.

The one piece skins you can apply for free that you can’t alter except for dyeing are what I am calling “outfits”. Like the assassin’s outfit or ancestral.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CyClotroniC.4957


He means complete outfits that don’t consist of armor parts, like these to be specific:

Necros need more love… seriously. –

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: obastable.5231


Here is my ninja I mean … mesmer ….

Please check the imgur gallery for some fun pictures! I have had a lot of fun creating and playing this toon, and was SUPER excited for this katana skin to come in!

Armor pieces

  • Head – Air Filtration Device
  • Shoulders – hidden
  • Chest – Profane Greatcoat
  • Hands – Conjurers Gloves
  • Legs – Profane Pants
  • Boots – Diviners Boots
  • Backpiece – Shadow of Grenth

Weapon shown – Belinda’s Greatsword

Dye – Abyss on everything except the detail on the gloves, dyed Lifesblood to match the red on the ear covers & on the Shadow of Grenth … and luckily it matches the red on the sword sheath too!


Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

(edited by obastable.5231)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanielGames.5198


Added a third screenshot to my post. I figured night shots would be more suiting but if you want me to retake the shots with more lighting I can do so.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pollution.8703


Cool contest! I really like this week’s theme. Here’s my Asuran ninja.

Head: Stalker Visage
Shoulders: Rogue Pauldrons
Chest: Sneakthief Coat
Hands: Inquest Bracers
Legs: Guild Watchmen Leggings
Boots: Noble Boots

Dyes are a mix of Dusk and Walnut. There are two normal pics and a silly action shot that made me laugh.


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


Profane chest and legs
Path of Koda (boots)/ Arms of Koda (hands)
Twisted watchwork shoulders
acolyte mask
spinal blade back
Dyes are: Midnight Ice, Abyss, & Ebony

Watchwork/Tech Mesmer-ninja


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


This is my newest thief, Vitryn. She’s a night-blooming flower. (I should note that ideally, I’d like her to have the adventurer’s spectacles, but I don’t have those yet, so the emblazoned is a nice placeholder.)

Emblazoned Helm (Midnight Fire, Bronze, Midnight Rust)
Magitech Jerkin (Pine, Cinnamon, Antique Bronze and Spite)
Emblazoned Pants (Tarnish)
Aetherblade Medium Boots (Black Cherry, Adobe Sunset, Avocado)
Sclerite Karka Shell


“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

(edited by Guhracie.3419)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


The one piece skins you can apply for free that you can’t alter except for dyeing are what I am calling “outfits”. Like the assassin’s outfit or ancestral.

He means complete outfits that don’t consist of armor parts, like these to be specific:

Ahh ok, thanks!

Or words to that effect.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Practical Ninja, Thief.

Scout’s Mask (1 scarlet, 2 pitch)
Assassin’s Shoulderpad (1 sand, 2 earthen, 3 walnut, 4 iron)
Scout’s Coat (1 mocha, 2 earthen, 3 pitch)
Outlaw Gloves (1 wrath, 2 walnut)
Rubicon Leggings (1 pitch, 2 walnut, 3 iron)
Leather Shoes (1 tea jeans, 2 pitch, 3 wrath)

Scarlet, Pitch, Sand, Earthen, Walnut, Iron, Mocha, Wrath and Tea Jeans


I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

(edited by FrostSpectre.4198)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cardovillian.2403


Here’s mine, doing what a ninja does…


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


Here’s mine, doing what a ninja does…

You forgot to include your dyes. :P

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cassius.4831


Here is mine, an asian-mushroom-themed warrior sylvari with a red-black snake suit.

- Armor (visible): all draconic (except boots, which are heritage) with a sclerite karka shell

- Weapon: Impaler as a underwater weapon (spear)

- Colours: midnight yew, strawberry and midnight rust


“Guild wars is for everybody, freedom is ascended, zerg is strength”
~ G. Orrwell, great shaman of the new flame legion, 1984 AE.

(edited by Cassius.4831)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zero.7345


Pikxa – Asura Thief
Head: Duelist’s Mask
Mantle: Whisper’s Secret Shoulderguards
Top: Auxiliary Powered Coat
Gloves: Dueslit’s Gloves
Legs: Auxiliary Powered Leggings
Shoes: Auxiliary Powered Boots
Back: Rox’s Quiver
Weapon(s): Inquest Daggers

Dyes : Midnight Fire, Graphite, and a mixture of Redemption/Honey


Leo Brutus

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liz.5921


OH HAI Lilith! I found you :P

This is a really nice thing you’re doing for the community.

Veliya Elyse of [ARES]
Human Elementalist <3
Dragonbrand U.S.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

OH HAI Lilith! I found you :P

This is a really nice thing you’re doing for the community.

Hai Liz!


And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


Wanted to see what I could do with light, so I came up with this.

Pieces are:
- Acolyte Mask
- Cabalist Shoulders
- Masquerade Rainments
- Winged Gloves
- Primitive Legwraps
- Aristocrat’s Shoes

- Godskull Edge (MH)
- Norn Pistol (OH)

Dye is Midnight Sky.


Or words to that effect.

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solarium.2056


well… my charr looks like a diferent ninja, looks like a “ninja” of “naruto” lol i want to be diferent

—Determination Headband
-Heritage Soulpads
-assassin’s coat
-Stalwart gloves
-vigil’s vieners leggings
-heritage bots

-spring tide
-Royal blue


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xubik.8463


My sylvari c:

Rawhide Mask
Evergreen Coat
Firstborn Shoulderguards
Nightmare Court
Evergreen Leggins
Firstborn Boots

Dyes: Black, Evening, Pride

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Min.7520


-Heritage Bandana
-Sneakthief Shoulderguards
-Strider’s Tunic
-Strider’s Armguards
-Strider’s Leggins
-Strider’s Boots

Dyes: Abyss, Midnight Blue


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


Ashe Stranglewood dares you to find him. He is a master of the shadows and stalks his foes through the jungles of Tyria. [photo1] He slips out of the forest floor and you get a brief glimpse of him. [photo2]. Ashe and his trusty More Drum Wolf are seen in a nearby village looking for a brief break from fighting. [photo3]. But Ashe has now gone off to hunt another bounty. Do not look for him, as you will not find him. Ashe will find you! [photo 4]

Armor & Dyes:
Nightshade helm – Midnight Yew, Emerald, Evergreen
Nightshade Shoulderguards – Midnight Yew, Pine, Evergreen
Nightshade coat – Midnight Yew, Pine, Evergreen
Evergreen Gloves – Midnight Yew, Pine, Evergreen
Nightmare Court Leggings – Midnight Yew, Pine, Evergreen
Evergreen Boots – Midnight Yew, Pine, Evergreen

Weapons: Godskull Axe, Bandit Shiv


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


For some reason I thought this was still the last one. Too much riot noise…

So, anyway, Hrolfgar the Hunter. The closest thing to a Norn ninja in looks maybe, and probably the closest thing to a ninja look in my whole roster. I’m not really sure but I thought I’d put him up anyway.

edit: Whew! I’m glad its still open. Posted while getting ready for work and didn’t read the rules.

Gloves, pants, and boots: Wolf
Shirt: Predatory
Shoulders and hood: Whisper

Colours: Spring Moss, Ebony, Rawhide, Celery, Shale, Fresh Green, Copperpot, Peanut Butter, and Burnished Steel.


Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

(edited by zenleto.6179)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942




Fuzzy Panda Hat
Whiseper’s Secret Shoulderguards
Buccaneer Coat
Flamewalker Armguards
Viper’s Leggings
Sneakthief Sandals

Dyes: Midnight Ice and Algae


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justin Synth.5604

Justin Synth.5604

This is my Charr thief.

Helmet: Seeker Mask
Shoulder: Whisper’s Secret Shoulders
Chest: Trapper Coat
Gauntlets: Mist Walker Gloves
Pants: Rawhide Pants
Boots: Mistwalker Boots

Dyes: Black, Pitch, Icing, and Midnight Sky


Just A Noob Thief [BLNT]

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teniz.5249


Since there are pretty good screeens I needed to take a few more

(The last screenshot is not for the contest, I just thought its weird, cause I got shrank and was the same size like my mini Largo and also my weapons glowed blue as you can see (blue incenerator and my fractal pistol was blue too lol)


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Presenting Anakysha, proud and loyal defender of the Mist Wars.

Mask: Rawhide Mask
Shouders: Whisper’s Secret Shoulderguards
Coat: Inquest Guise
Gloves: Sneakthief Gloves
Leggings: Seeker Pants
Boots: Leather Shoes
Backpiece: Chaos of Lyssa

Sword: Bolt
Dagger: Glimmerfang

Dye 1: Abyss
Dye 2: Celestial


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrAcKeDmUfFiN.9402


Guess I can take a crack at it with my recently reworked thief


1. Subterfuge Hood (hidden)
2. Mist Walker Shoulders
3. Assassin’s Coat
4. Lawless Gloves
5. Vigil’s Honor Leggings
6. Buccaneer Boots


1. Abyss
2. Midnight Blue
3. Regal
4. Deep Glacial Sky

Link to Imgur album

Slow Down

Grab the Wall

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sox.5842


I was torn between this and a light one, but I figured only post one.

Protector’s Helm
Whisperer’s Shoulders
Heavy Plate Chestguard
Avenger’s Gloves
Illustrious Leggings
Rampart Boots
Elegant Guild Back Banner (so proud)
Belinda’s Greatsword

Rawhide Dye


Witnessed the death of Lord British
Attended the funeral of Lord Blackthorn
Defeated the Slasher of Veils by Queen Zhah’s orders

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


The Red Mist


  • Anonymity Mask
  • Falconer’s Gloves
  • Sneakthief Coat
  • Stalker Pants
  • Sneakthief Sandals
  • no shoulders
  • Blattodea & Blattodea


  • Scarlet
  • Burgundy
  • Abyss
  • Latte


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lua.4163


Hello Lilith,

I used Assassin’s Mask, Shoulders and Gloves, Illustrious Guise, Sneakthief Leggings and Sandals. I used a variety of darker tones (Dust, Dusk, Pitch, Black, Abyss, Graphite, Enameled Crimson and Cherry), to preserve the dark ninja theme and at the same time avoid losing the details on the armor textures. I also used the Ceremonial Dagger Skin because of the matching hilt wrap. I hope you like my entry! Thank you for making a contest again, I had fun working on this look!




(edited by Lua.4163)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shinobaruwrxsti.8425


My thief (aptly named S H I N O B I ) would like to share 2 looks that might give off that “ninja” vibe:

1st pic: “Shadow of Ebonhawke” (Iron/Taupe dye)
Whispers hood
Marauder shoulders
Ascalon Sentry chest
Rawhide gloves
Rubicon leggings
Bucaneer boots

2nd pic: “Generic Ninja” (Black/Pitch/Midnight Ice/Taupe dye)
Sneakthief mask
Rawhide shoulders
Sneakthief chest
Rawhide gloves
Assassin’s leggings (baggy ninja pants)
Assassin’s boots

Pictures 3 & 4 are of my female Sylvari thief “R O O T”: (Chalkboard/Midnight Ice Dye). Armor is pretty much the same as the Shinobi’s ebonhawke set except for the head (sneakthief), leggings (Rogue), and boots (Stalwart).


(edited by shinobaruwrxsti.8425)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i really need to read entry rules before posting, i edited in what you asked for

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ekylok.2410


Zefside Ninjee..


Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Ninjas used to be mainly two things: Mercenaries and spies.

This is what ninjas wore the most while being spies:

- Priests and monks. This allowed them to get info while asking for alms. Zen priests wore weird hats like big baskets that covered the entire head. The perfect thing to wear if you want to conceal your identity.
- Traveler, farmer, peasant or merchant clothes. This is what they would wear most of the time while traveling.
- Street performers. This kind of thing got you free food when invited by local merchant and artisan guilds to entertain their live-in employees, and you can hear some rumors there too.
- Noble or Samurai attires. For when you need a few doors opened with respect and the like.
- Courtesan dresses (in case of kunoichi, who posed as prostitutes and got info in the bed)

Their weapons would match the disguise. A monk or priest would bring a staff. A peasant or farmer things like kamas, a samurai a sword, a courtesan a tanto or kodachi, etc.

While performing as mercenaries, they would wear mostly samurai gear, or simple armors that can be concealed in common clothes, like thin chain mails under traveling attire.

There was no “ninja outfit” or anything like that. That’s made up by some 17th century stories and popularized by 20th century media.

Since you’d never know a ninja is a ninja by looking at them. You can simply grab a set of clothes that look like anything, put them with wapons that match them, and there you are. You can say it’s a ninja – or not – and it’ll work.

I would show you by disguising my elementalist as a priest of Grenth, (it has a hood, so it’s good for hiding your face) but those shoulders are horribly expensive, or my mesmer as a priests of kormir (they have straps covering the face) but the chest is not available for players.

Oh. I know… wait a second. I’ll edit this with the disguise.

Some ridiculous clothes… some mismatching colors… and…

There you have it. Ding. A ninja, disguised as a minstrel. Gods know how many minstrels are working for the whispers.


No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


Ninjas used to be mainly two things: Mercenaries and spies.

This is what ninjas wore the most while being spies:

- Priests and monks. This allowed them to get info while asking for alms. Zen priests wore weird hats like big baskets that covered the entire head. The perfect thing to wear if you want to conceal your identity.
- Traveler, farmer, peasant or merchant clothes. This is what they would wear most of the time while traveling.
- Street performers. This kind of thing got you free food when invited by local merchant and artisan guilds to entertain their live-in employees, and you can hear some rumors there too.
- Noble or Samurai attires. For when you need a few doors opened with respect and the like.
- Courtesan dresses (in case of kunoichi, who posed as prostitutes and got info in the bed)

Their weapons would match the disguise. A monk or priest would bring a staff. A peasant or farmer things like kamas, a samurai a sword, a courtesan a tanto or kodachi, etc.

While performing as mercenaries, they would wear mostly samurai gear, or simple armors that can be concealed in common clothes, like thin chain mails under traveling attire.

There was no “ninja outfit” or anything like that. That’s made up by some 17th century stories and popularized by 20th century media.

Since you’d never know a ninja is a ninja by looking at them. You can simply grab a set of clothes that look like anything, put them with wapons that match them, and there you are. You can say it’s a ninja – or not – and it’ll work.

I assure you that this is an historical photograph of a ninja.

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: obastable.5231


There was no “ninja outfit” or anything like that. That’s made up by some 17th century stories and popularized by 20th century media.

oh .. i thought it had been made fairly popular well before the 20th century, unless my art history was all wrong and Hokusai didn’t paint this typical image of a “ninja” in the early 1800’s.

but i digress .. history is probably wrong, and i am sure you are right. afterall, wouldn’t want you feeling like you forum warriored a good natured thread for no real reason at all….

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”