No Dervish? Make a GS Scythe Anet :D
Guess no one else likes the idea of a Greatsword Scythe? hehe
that could actually work and would make more sense then the scythe staff since both a scythe and greatsword are meant for melee
that could actually work and would make more sense then the scythe staff since both a scythe and greatsword are meant for melee
Yup, I’m glad someone noticed how great it would be
The problem is that there are Scythe skins for Staff. Making a Scythe skin for GS would make stuff very confusing in PvP or WvW, especially for classes that can use both (Mesmers and Guardians right now, with Necromancers being able to do it with expansion).
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
The problem is that there are Scythe skins for Staff. Making a Scythe skin for GS would make stuff very confusing in PvP or WvW, especially for classes that can use both (Mesmers and Guardians right now, with Necromancers being able to do it with expansion).
The fact that it would be confusing for the opposition could make things more exciting, since you don’t know what to expect.
Which is silly.
You should be able to know what the enemy will be able throw at you before you get hit by a massively hitting AoE or Condition bomb.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Which is silly.
You should be able to know what the enemy will be able throw at you before you get hit by a massively hitting AoE or Condition bomb.
What do you mean? It shows you what class the enemy is when you click on them up besides their health ._.
(edited by Souto.2716)
Yes, it shows the class. But if you can have two completely different weapons using basically the same kind of skin, it will be rather hard (not to say impossible) to know what skills will be thrown at you before you see the first skill go off.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I still have hopes we’ll get staves usable for melee (druid, maybe?) just like the revenant uses the hammer as a ranged weapon.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I still have hopes we’ll get staves usable for melee (druid, maybe?) just like the revenant uses the hammer as a ranged weapon.
Yes, the Druid can use staves
Just what we need. Another skin for GS that will not match the attack animations for GS skills. Got enough of those already, thanks.
Scythes make for horrible weapons. Most other farming implements are far more effective.
Rake, hoe, pitchfork, shovel, spade. All are more combat capable.
The only thing that fears a scythe is wheat.
Yes, it shows the class. But if you can have two completely different weapons using basically the same kind of skin, it will be rather hard (not to say impossible) to know what skills will be thrown at you before you see the first skill go off.
You mean like a greatsword that shoots laser beams and summons phantasms in one character’s hands but is a heavy hitting melee attack in another’s ?
Just what we need. Another skin for GS that will not match the attack animations for GS skills. Got enough of those already, thanks.
You’re right, we do have a lot of those but not one of them is a scythe. The weapon could be a scythe that blade is transparent or only comes out when a skill is used. The scythe can also be dual bladed. Two blades on one end of the weapon, that way the GS animations would still make sense.
I’d imagine massive clipping problems happening, or it just looking silly.
Imagine the clipping of the bottom of the shaft through one’s body during say, a HB.
The destroyer scythe is an option for the hammer(?) IIRC.
Would be nice. But what I want is a greatsword/hammer weapon with a skin of a greataxe. They did it in GW1, a sword with the skin of an axe… or it’s vice versa??
FaTe nooblet
(edited by Cypix Kull.5492)
People still want the melee scythe a Dervish has for GW1. So why not, make a Great Sword that has a scythe skin Anet?
That way you won’t have to reinvent the wheel hehe.
Revenant is the new Dervish replacement. They even use Melee staffs. Staffs in GW2 is the Scythe weapon. Note the skins in the game for staffs…
You mean like a greatsword that shoots laser beams and summons phantasms in one character’s hands but is a heavy hitting melee attack in another’s ?
But you know that a Greatsword in the hands of a Mesmer would do that, while a Greatsword in the hands of a warrior would not.
With the OPs suggestion however you would have no idea if the weapon he/she/it held would shoot “laser” beams and summon phantasms or if it would create a chaos field.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
A warrior feels like a Dervish when played with Axe/Axe + Greatsword (weapon swap with` key).
The skills [Cyclone Axe] [Whirlwind Attack] [Hundred Blades] [Arcing Slice] and [Whirling Axe] have a scythe-like animation.
Use “cloth” heavy armor — Arah, Draconic, Twilight Arbor, or Honor of the Waves.
Then you have the human elites with grenth and melandru avatars, and the hounds of balthazar.
It should come out pretty dervish-y, I think! Aaaannnd now I feel like making this character. grumble grumble got to buy a new character slot
People still want the melee scythe a Dervish has for GW1. So why not, make a Great Sword that has a scythe skin Anet?
That way you won’t have to reinvent the wheel hehe.
Revenant is the new Dervish replacement. They even use Melee staffs. Staffs in GW2 is the Scythe weapon. Note the skins in the game for staffs…
Didn’t know they used staves, if so cool
A warrior feels like a Dervish when played with Axe/Axe + Greatsword (weapon swap with` key).
The skills [Cyclone Axe] [Whirlwind Attack] [Hundred Blades] [Arcing Slice] and [Whirling Axe] have a scythe-like animation.Use “cloth” heavy armor — Arah, Draconic, Twilight Arbor, or Honor of the Waves.
Then you have the human elites with grenth and melandru avatars, and the hounds of balthazar.
It should come out pretty dervish-y, I think! Aaaannnd now I feel like making this character. grumble grumble got to buy a new character slot
Good idea, I’m deciding between making a Warrior or Revenant for a Dervish like profession. We still don’t know what the Warrior specialization is yet.
You mean like a greatsword that shoots laser beams and summons phantasms in one character’s hands but is a heavy hitting melee attack in another’s ?
But you know that a Greatsword in the hands of a Mesmer would do that, while a Greatsword in the hands of a warrior would not.
With the OPs suggestion however you would have no idea if the weapon he/she/it held would shoot “laser” beams and summon phantasms or if it would create a chaos field.
If they are standing upright, you know it’s a staff. If they are hunched over, then it’s a greatsword. Also, if the actual skin isn’t repeated between both, it still shouldn’t matter that much. Make the “greatsword” version have a bigger blade or something.
Staff wielding Revenant using the new Dervish outfit with Scythe skin will do the trick..
Staff wielding Revenant using the new Dervish outfit with Scythe skin will do the trick..
Oh the Arcane outfit, I guess it does kinda look like a Dervish but the hood is really long XD. Executioner outfit looks closer to a dervish to me. Still, that’s a great idea.
I want Dhuum’s Soul Reaper scythe for a staff skin soooooo badly.
that could actually work and would make more sense then the scythe staff since both a scythe and greatsword are meant for melee
I’m hoping the Revenant’s staff use will make a scythe skin cough more relevant.
Just what we need. Another skin for GS that will not match the attack animations for GS skills. Got enough of those already, thanks.
You’re right, we do have a lot of those but not one of them is a scythe
. The weapon could be a scythe that blade is transparent or only comes out when a skill is used. The scythe can also be dual bladed. Two blades on one end of the weapon, that way the GS animations would still make sense.
It’s pretty obvious you’ve never used a scythe. Sorry, a scythe using the GS animations would look terrible.
I asked for the exact same thing in the gemstore suggestion thread and was told that it would be too confusing… by the same person that said it on this thread. Go figure. Anyways, my defense is that while stowed, the end of a greatsword faces downward, which is the opposite of the staff, and while being wielded, the greatsword is held completely different. Not to mention that the skin for a greatsword scythe would not have to look at all like the current scythe skins.
Restart WvW:
when a necromancer goes into death shroud the staff kinda looks like a scythe
Scythes make for horrible weapons. Most other farming implements are far more effective.
Rake, hoe, pitchfork, shovel, spade. All are more combat capable.
The only thing that fears a scythe is wheat.
I’ll give you pitchfork and maybe shovel, but not the other three, for a traditional farmer’s scythe. However, minor modifications can give you the Chinese dagger-axe, which is somewhat like the GW1 scythe, or a war scythe, which was a reasonably good weapon as well.
Anyways, I still think that they should have put in two-handed axes and made the scythe a skin for that. It just doesn’t work in place of a two handed sword, if only because of the way those are gripped.
Yes, it shows the class. But if you can have two completely different weapons using basically the same kind of skin, it will be rather hard (not to say impossible) to know what skills will be thrown at you before you see the first skill go off.
You mean like a greatsword that shoots laser beams and summons phantasms in one character’s hands but is a heavy hitting melee attack in another’s ?
No, he means a greatsword that shoots laser beams in one character’s hands and in the same character also drops Chaos Storms. Mesmer and Necro(post-HoT) would be confusing to fight against if they could have two similar skins for two completely different weapons.
That wouldn’t really be good since you wouldn’t be able to tell immediately what kind of build you’re fighting against; it’s kinda like the Asura problem there was in PVP: you can’t really tell what they have until they use it.
that could actually work and would make more sense then the scythe staff since both a scythe and greatsword are meant for melee
I’m hoping the Revenant’s staff use will make a scythe skin cough more relevant.
lol nice pun
Just what we need. Another skin for GS that will not match the attack animations for GS skills. Got enough of those already, thanks.
You’re right, we do have a lot of those but not one of them is a scythe
. The weapon could be a scythe that blade is transparent or only comes out when a skill is used. The scythe can also be dual bladed. Two blades on one end of the weapon, that way the GS animations would still make sense.
It’s pretty obvious you’ve never used a scythe. Sorry, a scythe using the GS animations would look terrible.
Have you used one? o>O
They could always make a war scythe greatsword instead of a scythe used for farming, that way people who see a problem with a scythe in both gs and staff won’t get confused by two scythes
and maybe (just maybe) something like the short scythe/sickle in darksiders for daggers, or axes
They could always make a war scythe greatsword instead of a scythe used for farming, that way people who see a problem with a scythe in both gs and staff won’t get confused by two scythes
and maybe (just maybe) something like the short scythe/sickle in darksiders for daggers, or axes
With that first option, you would still be gripping it with both hands on the first foot or so of the haft. It would look ridiculous.
They could always make a war scythe greatsword instead of a scythe used for farming, that way people who see a problem with a scythe in both gs and staff won’t get confused by two scythes
and maybe (just maybe) something like the short scythe/sickle in darksiders for daggers, or axes
With that first option, you would still be gripping it with both hands on the first foot or so of the haft. It would look ridiculous.
And if they don’t make them hold it by the end of the haft something like the spinning ability on guardians greatsword would basically impale the staff through you
It’s awkward and ridiculous either way